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Monday, August 31, 2009
Farrah & Lil Hood video photoshoot
Here is a video photoshoot of Farrah & Lil Hood at the beach
Real Chance Of Love 2 : Episode 5 Recap

Here is tonight Epsiode 5 recap of Real chance Of Love 2. This weeks challenge was their siganture challenge which was the Stallionaire Wrestling Match the teams were:
Hot Wings
Blonde Baller
Spanish Fly
Therewere given roles as well, how Wings aka The Cheerleader was 100% sure that she was finally going to win her date with Chance, she did grand slam on PS but unfortunetly she lost once again. Pocahontas,Mamacita,Flirty & Sassy won. Sassy & Mamacita went their date first. Real got to know Sassy a little bit better, but Mamacita had a horrible date with Chance. Chance was a bit tipsy & treated her badly. Meanwhile at the mansion, Hot Wings was fed up with losing the challenges that she was about to quite & leave. But she didn't, she didn't want Chance to her as a quitter, so she stayed. Pocthontas & Flirty went on their date with Chance & Real to the Chelsea Lately Show! After the dates Real & Chance had one on one times with Lady & Junk, Junk once again was talking about Blonde Baller to Chance on her one on one time with him, leaving him a bad expression on Junk. At the elimination Lady ends getting eliminated , Mamacita accepted Real's chain instead of Chance & because of that Junk got eliminated.
VH1 wants Rock Of Love 4 recently interviewed Bret Michaels about his new tell-all book which will be released in 2010, Bret spilled the beans of a possible 4th season of Rock Of Love.
read below
Bret Michaels' life is anything but boring.
The rocker still tours with his band Poison, he's re-invented his career by plunging into the world of reality TV -- and he has a new tell-all book set for 2010.
Oh yeah, he also made headlines recently for getting clocked at the Tony Awards by a piece of runaway scenery.
Michaels just rolls with the punches -- and he's laughing all the way to the bank.
"I am just naturally driven," Michaels told the Colorado Daily. "My biggest blessing has been being able to play music in a very jaded business.
"I just built my career brick by brick. I kept all the publishing, and, in the end, it didn't suck and it paid off. I wanted a long career, but it has been a roller coaster ride."
Michaels is touring this summer with his hitmaking band Poison. The glam rockers debuted in the big-haired, MTV days of the '80s and cranked out hits such as "Talk Dirty to Me" and "Every Rose Has Its Thorn."
Poison sold more than 25 million records and the band still draws fans to its arena shows. This summer, the group's touring with Def Leppard and Cheap Trick. The show hits Fiddler's Green Amphitheatre in Greenwood Village on Monday.
"We've been trying to do this tour for awhile," Michaels said. "We finally found a summer where we could all do it and it's been great. Def Leppard's a seriously good band, and it's been awesome being on the road with them and Cheap Trick."
Poison's classic tunes also are gaining new life in the Tony-nominated musical "Rock of Ages."
The show became a Broadway success, so the band was asked to perform its hit "Nothing But a Good Time" on the 2009 Tony Awards.
That's when all hell broke loose,
Michaels had just finished his number when he was knocked out by a piece of descending scenery. The musician suffered a broken nose and it was the YouTube moment seen around the world.
"During the Tonys, I got knocked out by a wall that was coming down," Michaels said "It just hit my thick skull. The next thing I knew, these flying monkeys from 'Wicked' were picking me up me and Liza Minnelli was giving me advice!"
When he's not dodging scenery, Michaels has a solid solo music career. His 2008 CD, Rock My World, featured tunes from his hit reality show "Rock of Love."
The "Rock of Love" franchise has become must-see TV on VH1, and it's the highest rated reality program in the music channel's history.
"VH1 had approached me about doing a show," Michaels said. "The show was going to be a little bit scripted and novelty-ish, so I said I'd love to be on. I wanted the show to be about the way I would date -- I'm 40 years old, but mentally I feel like I'm 20.
"We were going to start with six episodes, but once they filmed the first night, they wanted more. We had this amazingly ridiculous time on the show and the girls were crazy enough to keep coming back.
"There was a lot of footage we couldn't show on VH1."
Rock of Love" became a popular TV entity, so it morphed into "Rock of Love 2" and "Rock of Love Bus."
The reality shows flashed a spotlight on Michaels, his music and his dating habits -- and now VH1 wants more.
"'Rock of Love' became one of VH1's most popular shows -- even in the conservative states," Michaels said. "There was this big cultural trickle-down and we had fans of all ages. The show worked because I had a 20-year career, I'm self-depreciating -- and it was a ridiculously crazy dating show.
"Now they want me to come back for a fourth 'Rock of Love.' I feel that it should be something that changes up, but I still want that fun element. What you see is what you get with me."
Michaels will tell all about "Rock of Love" in his upcoming biography "Roses & Thorns."
Three publishing houses went into a bidding war over the bio, but Michaels settled on Simon & Schuster. The book will be published in 2010.
"This book is very candid and people will get the raw truth about my life," Michaels said. "I also have some great pictures -- like my prom picture with me in my parachute pants. That's worth the price of the book."
What happened to Taya? lol This trend will NEVER die lol
Doll (Real Chance Of Love 2) on Kacey Chrysler Radio

Listen to Doll from real Chnace of love 2 on Kacey Chryler Radio on Blogtalkradio
Kacey Chrysler radio
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Tool Academy 2: Episode 1 Recap
Season 2 of Tool Academy lived up to the trailer, with worse boyfriends, nudity, and of course, loads of cockiness! Here are the guys along with their titles:
Charm S*** Talkin' Tool
Dan "Special" Tool
Drake "Dre P." B-Boy Wannabe Tool
Frank Guy Liner Tool
John L. Giant Tool
Jon S. Old Tool
Josh Spray Tan Tool
Justin "J Daddy" Strong Island Tool
Mike A. Manscaped Tool
Stew Hillbilly Tool
Terry "T Shaw" Dancin' Tool
Tyler Tat-Tool
....and those nicknames couldn't be any more precise!
Like the previous season, they all though that they were competing for the title of "Mr. Awesome." ...but little did they know that their girlfriends thought that they were all the total opposite of awesome! Jordan Murphy had to tell these guys that they are all just tools, and have been enrolled into Tool Academy! And then soon, all the dbags were face to face with their girlfriends and in front of Trina Dolenz. Here is what some of the guys said in their revealed interview:
Dre P mentioned how his gf Leah's body may not be as thick or as tight as it could be.
Dan: “Her name is Shannon. I f*** her when my d*** is about to explode.”
John L considers himself to be the "Alpha Male"
Stew was cheating on a chick named Amanda, while Amanda is the name of the person who brought him to Tool Academy!
Terry: “I’ve been dating her for three years off and on. And I like the off part.”''
Tyler: “I’m f***in’ 22 f***in’ years old, man. And I’ve been with her for four years bro, y’know? That’s f***in’ insane!"
Charm: “Probably in the last month, I done f***ed about like at least like seven or eight girls.”
Josh cheated at a Christmas party, when his girl Jamie was out of town!
Justin: “Kathleen, she’s cute and she looked like an easy f***.”
Mike A's delusions of charisma; his hair.
Frank's gf, Christina, caught his in bed with another girl, in their home!
Jon S is 31 and still hangs out at his old fraternity house; he thinks it’s appropriate to sleep with 19-year-old.
....little to say, this is going to be a good season!
The challenge of the first episode had to do with dedication. The dedication challenge found the couples in boats with a series of plugs in the bottom. Every few minutes they were asked to remove a plug. Whichever team stayed floating the longest won. Sounds fairly simple right? Well, if you are a raging Tool, then wrong!
Unless you are Justin, because him and his gf Kathleen won the challenge! But, of course every challenge leads to elimination sooner of later, and John L., Josh, and Stew were the three at risk! In the end, Josh got eliminated, because of his lack of communication with Jaime. But, Josh didn't leave so easily! Security had to escort him out, and when he struggled, Jordan Murphy had to yell at him, calling him a Tool and demanding him to leave! Jaime and Josh both left together, after making her look like a fool!
Like I said before, this is going to be a good season, I can feel it! lol
Date Trader speculated cast.... so far
Speculated doesn't mean official, it's just evidence/rumors. On my recent updates, Cali tweeted on her twitter page that she,Prancer ,Big Rig & 20 Pack are on the set filming a new VH1 show & on my other update before that, on Chardonnay's schedule on her myspace page it said VH1 taping.
The video was uploaded by me
Subscribe to my youtube channel.
JT's Movie Review: The Final Destination

I saw this movie last night! I'm I the only one who couldn't keep a straight face at some of their deaths? Especially the redneck dude & how he died. The 3D was cool. But there were some stuff that kinda tick me off every time I see these movies. When the woman died at the hair salon, how could they not notice the ceiling fan was about to come off? I mean seriously it was making noises! & the girl's showlace getting stuck at the exculater at the mall, why didn't she take her dams shoe off? lol She was like "OMG my shoe is stuck OMG! OMG! lol"
I also think the movie should have started out at them movie theater not at the race track that's just my opinion.
But other than that, I really like the movie, I love the Final Destination franchise I'm definitely buying the DVD when it comes out to complete my collection.
My Rating: 7.8/10
Saturday, August 29, 2009
VH1 President Tom Calderone plans to make some changes

VH1 president Tom Calderone has admitted that he is not pleased with the tone of many of the network's shows.
The channel recently cancelled Megan Wants a Millionaire and I Love Money 3, after contestant Ryan Jenkins was accused of killing his ex-wife Jasmine Fiore.
Jenkins was later found dead in a Canadian hotel room, while questions were raised about how the 32-year-old's criminal history was missed in a background check.
However, Calderone has revealed that the fallout from the tragic series of events will lead to changes in VH1's programming. He said that he is "trying to get together" with 51 Minds Entertainment – the company that produced the now-cancelled shows - in order to reprioritise the content of their series'.
He told the Los Angeles Times: "This is not what I signed up for. We always want 51 Minds to be part of our arsenal and stable of creativity, but the only way VH1 will survive and be healthy is to have several different voices and production partners."
Calderone cited The T.O. Show as an example of the direction he'd like to take VH1 in. The programme features American footballer Terrell Owens trying to rehabilitate his career and image, which Calderone said is a more "redemptive" kind of programing.
He explained: "We don't want our viewers tuning in and feeling like it's the same network all the time, that is not something we want to be famous for."
Vh1 Star Of The Week: Brooke Thompson (Pumkin)

So last weeks was Destiney Moore from Rock Of Love 2. Vh1 Star Of The Week for this week is Brooke Thompson aka Pumkin. Brooke is from Bakersfield, California, She is known to have a HUGE reality show resume, she has appeared in dozens of reality shows. Some of them are Blind Date, MTV's Next ect she also has appeared in Court Shows as well. Her Vh1 debut was in 2006, she appeared as a contestant on Flavor Of Love. she was 3rd runner up on the show, she is most memorable for spitting at her arch enemy New York. She was eliminated due to being on TV in the past.
After Flavor Of Love ended, she made a cameo on Flavor Of Love 2 & in 2007 she appeared on Flavor Of Love Girls: Charm School & once she got eliminated on the 2nd episode to the finale, for being "the whore of Charm School" as said by Monique.She also reunited with her enemy New York when New York interviewed her on Charm School.
After that a picture leaked on the internet of her & New York kissing! She appeared at the I Love New York reunion, she was currently dating Mr. Boston for a short while as we found out about that at the reunion.
In 2008, Pumkin returned to Vh1 on I Love Money, she was eliminated once again on the 2nd episode to the finale. On that show she & Megan from Rock Of Love 2 mostly went at it.
Recently she was supposed to appear on New Goes To Work, the fans voted her to fight New York at the finale but she did not show up, Mr. Boston fought her instead, she made a blog on myspace about it explaining, she did not want to go on the show to help New York get higher ratings.
Brooke also appeared on FOX's Hole In The Wall Flavor Of Love VS Rock Of Love Edition, rumors were flying around that she was going to be on ILM3, but that turned out to be false. Will Brooke return to Vh1? possibly Date Trader? we just have to wait & see.
Cali, Prancer, 20 Pack & Big Rig possibly on Date Trader

VH1's new show Date Trader is filming as we speak, so I'm assuming that these four are on the show.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Classic VH1 Reality Moment: Somethin VS Spunkeey (Flavor Of Love 2)
I'm adding some memorable Vh1 reality show moments, this week is Somethin VS Spunkeey from Flavor Of Love 2, who remembers this hilarious memorable scene? As for Spunkeey totally have forgotton about her, she is one of the most underrated FOL chicks. I was surprised that Somethin wasn't in FOL: Charm School.

Law enforcement sources tell us DJ AM -- also known as Adam Goldstein -- was found dead this afternoon in New York City.
Sources tell us he was found in his apartment at around 5:20 PM. We're told drug paraphernalia was found at the scene.
We're told DJ AM had not been seen or heard from for a few days -- one of his friends went to check on him, but got no response after knocking on his apartment door.
We're told the friend called the police, who broke down the door and then found DJ AM's body.
Back in September of 2008, DJ AM and Travis Barker survived a plane crash in South Carolina. Four people died in the crash -- which was caused when the airplane aborted takeoff and then ran off the runway. DJ AM and Barker were the only survivors.
His last tweet:
Another Jazmine Fiore update

Cops tell TMZ Ryan Jenkins made a combined 30 phone calls and text messages between the hours of 9:30 AM and 5:00 PM on August 14 -- hours after they believe Jasmine Fiore had been murdered.
Here's the rundown: Buena Park police think Ryan Jenkins severely beat Jasmine after they left the San Diego Hilton hotel at 2:30 AM on the 14th. Jenkins was seen entering the L'Auberge Del Mar hotel in San Diego at 4:30 AM alone. Cops believe Jasmine was taken into the hotel through a back patio entrance, which does not have a security camera.
A small amount of blood and hair was found on the patio. Cops say they never saw Jenkins leave the hotel with the suitcase Jasmine was found in. They think Ryan put her in the suitcase and took her out through the patio, because he was finally seen leaving the hotel without her or the suitcase at 9:20 AM. It's unclear if Jasmine died in the hotel or in the car.
Cops say Jenkins made around 30 phone calls and texts between the time he left San Diego at 9:20 AM and arrived in Los Angeles at 5 PM. During this time, cops believe Ryan drove to Corona, pulled off-road and removed her teeth and fingertips -- then dropped her body off in Buena Park before driving to Los Angeles. Cops won't say who he called and texted.
AND GET THIS: Cops say once Ryan arrived in L.A., he sent his and Jasmine's wedding rings to Las Vegas via Fed-Ex with instructions to be cleaned. Cops say he never picked up the rings, which are now in the possession of the Buena Park Police Department.
Jasmine Fiore's car had blood splatters + timeline of her death

Buena Park police are holding a press conference right now about Jasmine Fiore's murder and said there were blood splatters inside her Mercedes -- the car they found yesterday abandoned in a parking lot in West Hollywood.
Cops say there was definitely a "struggle between two people in the car." Cops say there was more significant blood loss in the back seat of the car. The inside of the car had been wiped down and the outside was recently washed.
It appears a lot of hair pulling occurred. There was blood splatter on the back windshield. Cops say the only trauma on Jasmine was to her face and she had a broken nose.
Cops say the car had definitely gone off-road at some point -- there were mud stains on the tires and there were twigs caught in the undercarriage.
There's no reason to believe her teeth were removed while she was inside the vehicle -- but there were fragments of her teeth in the suitcase she was found inside, so they can assume her teeth were removed with her in or around the suitcase.
Cops say she could have "easily fit in the suitcase."
Cops say her fingers were cut off at the tips postmortem. A few pieces of her bloody clothing were found in the trunk. Cops say they are still looking for certain articles of her clothing.
Both suspect and victim were seen entering her Mercedes at the San Diego Hilton at 2:30 AM on the morning of August 14 -- it's believed they were at a poker party at the Hilton. Jasmine was never seen again. Later that morning, Jenkins was seen leaving the L'Auberge Del Mar -- the hotel where they were staying at in San Diego -- at 9:20 AM. The next time he was seen on video was at 5 PM at his residence in Los Angeles.
This is the big mystery ... where was Jasmine when Ryan was seen checking out of the L'Auberge?
Cops say Ryan possibly assaulted her in the vehicle near Corona -- 96 miles north of San Diego -- between the hours of 11 AM and 2 PM. The car possibly went off road during the assault. The area where the car went off road may be where he assaulted her further. The next day she was found in the trash. A witness saw Ryan in Buena Park near the area where her body was dumped.
They say the Corona area is of interest because her suitcase and other remains may be in that area.
Another question: Could she have been killed before Ryan was seen leaving the L'Auberge? Ryan could have used the "off-road" area near Corona to remove her teeth and fingertips, etc.
A preliminary report by the coroner says she was killed by strangulation. Some sort of violent act occurred in her Mercedes. Cops say she was either killed in the car or at the hotel.
A bladed sharp instrument was used to cut her fingertips off, they don't know exactly what.
The severing of her fingers was definitely done postmortem. Her nose was broken and she sustained head injuries. Pliers could have been used to pull her teeth out. There were fragments of her teeth in the suitcase.
Cops say it was a domestic violence case gone bad ... and it was all over "jealousy." They would not specify further.
Jasmine's Mercedes was abandoned 1.3 miles from Ryan and Jasmine's residence in Los Angeles.
Cops say there's evidence there was flailing of arms consistent with a struggle inside the Mercedes. Cops say the Royal Canadian Mounted Police have not been very forthcoming with evidence found at the motel where Jenkins killed himself ... including whether or not there was a suicide note.
Jenkins suitcase -- the one he left the L'Auberge with -- was found in a storage facility in Washington state. Cops say one of the suitcases he left the hotel with is similar in size and color to the one Jasmine was found inside.
Cops say Ryan had no help from anyone in California. They say Ryan drove to Nevada then up to Washington.
Cops also say there was no evidence of sexual assault on Jasmine.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Jasmine Fiore's car discovered by the police

The car belonging to murdered swimsuit model Jasmine Fiore has been discovered by police in Los Angeles, according to The AP.
Ric Burciaga, from the Buena Park Police, has claimed that the vehicle was found in a West Hollywood car park after an anonymous tip was received on Wednesday.
A witness is believed to have told officers that the car had been parked there since the day of Fiore's death.
The vehicle has now been impounded and taken to a laboratory where tests will be conducted in an attempt to find evidence related to the murder.
Fiore's body was found in an Orange County park on August 15. Former reality star Ryan Alexander Jenkins, a contestant on VH1's Megan Wants A Millionaire, was later charged with her murder.
His body was discovered at a Canadian motel last Sunday with preliminary reports suggesting that he took his own life.
Eddie Griffen joins the VH1 family!

The new reality series Eddie Griffin: Going for Broke is set to premiere Monday, Sept. 14 at 10/9c. Info in the press release below:
From his sitcom Malcolm and Eddie, his hit movies like Undercover Brother to his sold out stand-up tours, comedian Eddie Griffin is one of the hardest working men in comedy… and he better be. He has eight children, five exes and an entourage of family and friends who make his life complete. Problem is, he is supporting them all. Eddie Griffin: Going For Broke premiering on VH1 on September 14, 2009 at 10/9c will give viewers a chance to go along for the roller-coaster ride with Eddie as he struggles to manage it all.
No Daisy Of Love 2.... for now

VH1 recently made an update on what's been going on with Daisy & London & believe it or not, they are still rockin! Read below
There wasn’t a Daisy of Love reunion, but at least we have Twitter to keep up with the quite possibly still-on romance between Daisy and London. The above shot was posted on Daisy’s Twitter during a recent trip to New York (where London lives), and she also Tweeted about seeing his band, the Party Death. Also, it would appear that he he still holds a place in her heart (or at least in her less-than symbol and 3 key)…

to keep up with their tweets
DVD Download: Drag Me To Hell

Another thing I'm adding to my blog is movie downloads. I hope ya'll liked Drag Me To Hell.
credit: SIN
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Ashley on UCW Radio

Ashley from Rock Of Love Bus recently did a radio interview with UCW. In this 24 minute interview she discusses her early life, how she ACCIDENTLY ended up on Rock Of Love Bus, she did not audition for the show, how she hated Charm School & originally turned down the offer to be on Charm School 3, the only contestants she got along with were Farrah, Brittanya, & Gia and in the interview she also states that she is willing to do another reality show.
She is also NOT a fan of twitter, she doesn't even have a twitter account guys, not even a Facebook. She only has myspace.
Check out the interview
when you click the link, just click at where is says Ashley
Megan speaks out

Megan finally speaks out the Ryan Jenkins/Jasmine Fiore tragedy on Twitter.
Save one instance, Megan’s been quiet regarding the Ryan Jenkins/Jasmine Fiore tragedy. Today, however, she took to Twitter to thank people for their well wishes:
NEW POLL: Do You Think I Love Money 3 will leak?
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Who is the mystery woman?

UPDATE: Paulina's agent tells us "There's no way it can be her because on Friday she was doing a fashion show and Saturday she was filming a cooking show." The agent added, "She's grieving the loss of someone she used to love."
UPDATE: The RCMP just completed a press conference and while they say they have identified the mystery woman, they are not revealing her identity. They do not feel she is a public threat nor are they appealing for her to come forward. The RCMP also says she could only be charged as an accessory after the fact to crimes committed in Canada -- not to the murder for which Jenkins was wanted.
UPDATE: Cops are saying despite the manager's claim, Paulina is not the woman they are looking for.
The woman who helped Ryan Jenkins run from authorities was his former fiancee, according to the manager of the motel where he committed suicide.
We showed the manager, Kevin Walker, photos of Paulina Chmielecka, who was in a 3-year relationship with Jenkins until earlier this year -- he says he's "100% sure" the woman who drove Jenkins to the Thunderbird Motel and paid for the room was Paulina.
Ryan and Paulina were engaged, until he called it off several months ago. Friends of the former couple tell us she was very much in love with him, though she moved on to another relationship.
Read more: UPDATE: Paulina's agent tells us "There's no way it can be her because on Friday she was doing a fashion show and Saturday she was filming a cooking show." The agent added, "She's grieving the loss of someone she used to love."
UPDATE: The RCMP just completed a press conference and while they say they have identified the mystery woman, they are not revealing her identity. They do not feel she is a public threat nor are they appealing for her to come forward. The RCMP also says she could only be charged as an accessory after the fact to crimes committed in Canada -- not to the murder for which Jenkins was wanted.
UPDATE: Cops are saying despite the manager's claim, Paulina is not the woman they are looking for.
The woman who helped Ryan Jenkins run from authorities was his former fiancee, according to the manager of the motel where he committed suicide.
We showed the manager, Kevin Walker, photos of Paulina Chmielecka, who was in a 3-year relationship with Jenkins until earlier this year -- he says he's "100% sure" the woman who drove Jenkins to the Thunderbird Motel and paid for the room was Paulina.
Ryan and Paulina were engaged, until he called it off several months ago. Friends of the former couple tell us she was very much in love with him, though she moved on to another relationship.
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Paula Abdul parted ways with American Idol earlier this month but now she’s involved in a new music venture.
“Hi guys! I’m really excited to announce I’ll be hosting this year’s VH1 Divas!” the 47-year-old wrote on her Twitter
The legendary live concert event is returning after a four-year hiatus and will feature big voices like Adele, Kelly Clarkson, Leona Lewis and Miley Cyrus.
Credit: Just Jared
Top 15 Reality Television Cliches!
Fortune Tellers
On I Love New York 2, Rock of Love 2, Real Chance of Love 2, and Daisy of Love, a fortune teller was brought in to test the chemistry in a relationship.
Girl/Guy who cooks for them.
On I Love New York, Mr. Boston would always cook for New York. On Real Chance of Love 1 and 2, girls like Milf and Apple cooked for them.
The Villain
The Villain is no surprise to this cliché list. Every show has a villain. Ranging from Ashley to Lacey to New York, there is always one of them on each show.
Wrestling Challenges
Everyone has a wrestling challenge, whether it’s staged wrestling like on Real Chance of Love, or actual wrestling like Daisy and New York had the boys do for an episode, it’s always a good thing to watch.
Cooking Challenges
The Cooking Challenges are personally my favorite challenges because it is so funny to watch people cook food who’ve never cooked it before. It all started with Flavor of Love, where Hottie microwaved the chicken, and made it’s way up to Daisy of Love. By the time we got to Daisy of Love, I think everyone was finally prepared for the cooking challenge. That’s probably why everyone did great.
Music Challenges
For some reason, Vh1 shows like to have talentless people sing for challenges. I don’t know how singing will help someone find love, but it’s been on every show except I Love New York, Flavor of Love, and Megan Wants a Millionaire. Ray J had the girls sing a little old style music, while Daisy had the boys sing bedtime songs. I personally thought Bret Michael’s challenge was the best when he had the girls pair up in two’s and then sing.
Gift Challenges
This is the most materialistic challenge yet. Let’s face it. These people want gifts more than love, or well at least Megan did on Megan Wants a Millonaire where she asked for gifts from the guys. But on For The Love of Ray J, he didn’t want a materialistic gift, he wanted a gift that reflected each of the girls’ personalities.
Girl/Guy who becomes the outcast.
Every show has a person who tries to play the victim role. I don’t want to write a long one about this topic because it’s annoying when they try to act like no one likes them. Milf, Blonde Baller, and Leilene, I would say are the most common.
Nicknames are a he part of Vh1 reality shows, except Rock of Love and My Antonio. IT represents the competitor’s character and personality, but it also gives us a chance to call someone a stupid name like “Thing 1” or Pumkin” or even “Junk.” If I walked up to a girl in real life and said, “Hey Junk.” she’d probably punch me in the face lol.
Brothers/Sisters like to go on shows together for some reason. I guess so they someone to comfort them when they’re sad. Whether they’re twins like Thing 1 and Thing 2, triplets like ’84, ’85 and ’86, or just plain brothers like Real and Chance, it’s always funny to see them compete against each other.
For some reason, a lot of the Vh1 stars that have their own show are singers. Let’s think about it. Bret Michaels is a singer. Ray J is a singer. The Stallionaires are singers. Flavor Flav and Daisy…are bad, but they’re still singers.
Best Friends
People think they come on these shows to find love, but then they find a best friend in another contestant. For example, let’s look at the list of best friends we have: Taya and Mindy, Chi Chi and Sinister, Ashley and Farrah, Tailor Made and It, Prancer and Cali, etc.
Dancing Challenges
Sometimes the dancing challenges can be sexual like on Flavor of Love, it can also be frightening like when New York had the men dance in only their underwear for a beauty contest one episode.
Meet The Family
About the 2nd to last episode, it’s time to go visit the family. Sometimes it goes great, but a lot of the time it isn’t. Like when Flavor Flav met Sister Patterson and when Bret met Lacey’s parents, it was very awkward. Not only is the visiting of parents common among reality television shows; it is also common for the parents to be on the shows. For example, Sister Patterson, Flavor Flav’s mom, Ray J’s mom, etc. have all been there to help their children with their shows and make sure they made the right choice.
The “I’m not here to make friends” person
I wanted to pick the best category to end it on and I think this video says it all. Click here and here. Those two videos include Kelsey, Chi Chi, 12 Pack, New York, Hottie, Red Oyster, Unique, Chardonnay, Danger, Lacey, etc. At the end of the second video, there's a funny video of Megan.
No More Purple Hair!
Weasel Gets Vicious!
Happy Birthday to John Taylor (me)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Real Chance Of Love 2: Episode 4 Recap

Alighty! so episode 4 started off with another phone call from Blonde Baller, her "male friend" was shot in a upperclass neighborhood in Michigan. Which I think is a bit fishy. If my friend was shot I would leave immediatly, she did not even cry that much either. As for the challenge, one of the most weirdest challenges that I ever seen on any VH1 dating show "The Yeti Challenge" The girls had to team up to find "bigfoot" which was really Micha (Real & Chance's younger brother)in a bigfoot suit lol The team that captures "bigfoot" first wins. Baker,PS,Blonde Baller,Doll & Junk won the challenge. Baker & Doll got one on one dates with their men. Once again a fortune teller appeared on this episode, another VH1 dating show clique & Doll revealed that she lost her parents at a young age.The next day PS,Blonde Baller & Junk got their dates & poor Blonde Baller, she had to go on a date with 2 chicks that hates her lol & of course Junk put her on blast saying that she is lying about all the stuff she is saying , then PS imitated Sassy & they were talking about Sassy behind her back, Blonde Baller told Sassy about it, & Sassy was pissed off. Apple being the shy girl that she is tried to step up her game by cooking a "sexy" breakfast for Real another VH1 dating show clique lol. At the pool Junk once again was talking crap about Blonde Baller to the other chicks, Blonde Baller had enough if it & it was a Blonde Baller VS Junk brawl at the pool. At the end Apply went home & Chance decided to keep both Junk & Blonde Baller just to get to the bottom of this drama.
Real: The Face Of Moral Purity
In what is surely the strangest VH1-related endorsement since Lip Chap, the video above features Real Chance of Love’s Real shilling for Sexual Revolution, a book aimed at “young adults, teens, fathers, mothers, and grandparents [who] want to shake off the slime of depravity and the bondage of religion, and enter into the joy of passionate purity.” This is confusing for a variety of reasons. Among them:
Real says that he was celibate for eight years “prior to me and my brother doing our first show.” (It’s unclear if he’s referring to the first season of his show or I Love New York.)
He says he lost that celibacy and was lusting after a woman (was it Milf?), but the book seems to have changed that…which is weird, since he and Chance have seemed to have no shortage of lust so far this season (they named a girl after her sizable butt, for crying out loud!).
Real repeatedly states that the book is helpful, but doesn’t say how. Unless it’s implied that it helped him get back in touch with his celibacy. Which, again, really?
The author, Kris Vallotton, says that the truth about sexuality is that God created it, and He likes it. OK, but on the order page, the book is billed as “non-religious,” and in the same sentence, says it’s a “fresh look at a subject as old as Adam and Eve.” So it is but it isn’t, then. (Also, you’re ordering it from a church. Not that that makes it religious or anything.)
By being called Sexual Revolution, the book aims to reclaim the term from the culture-altering movement of the last century. Ambitious!
The clip seems to have originated at a site reserved for a new hair product of Real’s. Because if there’s anything that goes hand-in-hand with chastity, surely it is long, silky hair.
Check Out: Farrah's website

Farrah from (Rock Of Love Bus) just recently sent me her website through myspace, so I decided to make a blog post about it. If your a fan of Farrah or the Blounderage franchise, then you should check out her website! In her website, you can order awesome T-shirts & hats that revolves around the Blounderage franchise, there is one shirt that has her catch phrase "What The French? on it
You can also subscribe to her youtube channel.
Tool Academy News
Reactions to Ryan Jenkin's Suicidal Death
Sunday, August 23, 2009
My Antonio: Episode 2 Recap
This episode started off where the last ended: Tully Jensen Sabato, Antonio's ex wife, showing up to compete for Antonio's heart. Antonio of course doesn't like this so much and leaves the table. Meanwhile, Jennifer believes that Tully is either Antonio's friend, sister, or friend. Then soon, Jennifer offers Sarah a waffle covered in creme cheese and syrup, and judging from the last episode, did you think Sarah would stay sane at all??? With alot of yelling and crying going on, long story short, Sarah sends herself home!
Antonio got all the ladies together and had them see a hypnotist. The hypnotist said "I can't hypnotize you if you don't want it." And of course Julann, who was having some 'issues' with her connection with Antonio, decided not to participate in the fun. In a manner of minutes, girls are in a sleeping trace, flopping around, and being told to act a certain way. One of the parts involved Tully and Miranda, and they had to act nice to each other, although for a second it looked as though they could just make out at any moment!
At dinner, of course Antonio's mother was there and had something to say! She questioned why Julann didn't participate in the hypnosis session. Julann responded by mentioning that she really was skeptical about that whole experience, which she has never experienced! Antonio then presents the women with their 'just deserts', and it came out to either Julann or Jessica that was going to head home. Julann then of course talks all this gibberish and Antonio calls her out for contradicting herself! Bye Bye Julann!
Ryan Jenkins found dead

Ryan Jenkins has been found dead in Canada, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.
He was found dead in a hotel in British Columbia and it appears he "took his own life," according to RCMP Sgt. Duncan Pound.
Jenkins' body was discovered by hotel staff.
Jenkins was charged on August 20 in the murder of his wife, Jasmine Fiore.
Fiore's mutilated body was found in a suitcase inside of a dumpster in Buena Park, Calif. on August 15.
Story developing ...

taken from:
VH1 Star Pics: Lil Hood & Farrah

Lil Hood should be a Blonderage member lol
Taken from