Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: I want to start by saying you’re an extraordinarily beautiful lady: how did you feel about being named Mz Berry when you first got on the show, the nickname speaks volumes?
VH1 Mz Berry: I was very intimidated by the name initially! The implication that I resembled or brought to mind Halle Berry was a little more than I could take! lol but I appreciated the huge compliment very much!
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: How has life been since appearing on VH1′s For The Love Of Ray J show?
VH1 Mz Berry: My life is still pretty much the same on a day to day basis. I travel alot for work, but otherwise it’s pretty much the same.

Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: I know a lot of people want to hear the answer to this question, so I’m going to go ahead and get it out the way: did you really fall in love with Ray J? And honestly, how do you feel about him now?
VH1 Mz Berry: I definitely loved the person that I met. I still have love for Ray and hope that we will continue our friendship. Being “in love” with him, I can say I was probably caught up in the moment of the experience when I said that.
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: How did you feel after leaving the reunion special? When the cast of girls were asked who is currently still in contact with Ray, the show of hands was quite a lot.
VH1 Mz Berry: I really can’t describe how I felt. I wasn’t hurt. I just felt like ok I just expressed to him that I don’t feel he’s ready for what I am looking for, and that is ok. I actually kind of felt relieved. The fact that he keeps “in touch” with individuals wasn’t an issue for me.
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: Did your opinion of Ray change after Cocktail came out and had a altercation with him regarding her experience after her show wrapped…. Behind the scenes did get a little crazy.
VH1 Mz Berry: No
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: Am I correct in saying that VH1 portrayed you as the emotional girl? How do you feel about that?
VH1 Mz Berry: I guess that’s what they tried to do, huh? lol ummm I guess everyone has a job to do so. I did get emotional because it was just so hectic, so I mean I really can’t feel any type of way. I think they embellished it a bit, but hey…
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: It seems that most reality shows are structured with 3 dominant personalities: The crazy girl – The emotional girl -& the mean girl? What Is your take on that and how accurate are those portrayals.
VH1 Mz Berry: I really don’t have a take and I’m not clear on who was supposed to portray those roles.
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: After doing a Reality TV Show, what’s your opinion about Reality Show’s in general? Would you do another one?
VH1 Mz Berry: Some are good and can be helpful depending on the topic and what the show is trying to promote. Some are merely for entertainment and serve no purpose other than that. I would do another one, depending on the topic. Definitely no more love shows or anything like that.
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: You’ve taken some amazing photos: I think you’re very photogenic: where do you plan on taking your modeling career in the future?
VH1 Mz Berry: First thank you very much! I really haven’t given that much thought because I don’t think of myself as a model. I guess because being petite I was always told that I could never be a model, so. But I’m leaving the door open for it.
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: Are you currently single, or has someone swept you off your feet?
VH1 Mz Berry: I’d rather not speak about that.
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: After the show aired, when you went home, how were you viewed amongst your family and friend’s? This question came from a few of your fans.
VH1 Mz Berry: hmmm there were mixed feelings. My family and close friends are extremely supportive of me. Did they question why I would do such a thing and tell me that I didn’t belong there, yes! But they did support my decision.
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: What did you do before the show? What was Mz Berry’s career before becoming a nationally known figure?
VH1 Mz Berry: I have a career in Real Estate that I enjoy very much and hope to be able to practice a bit more in the very near future!
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: Can you describe your ideal relationship: what Mz Berry expects from the man that says “I Love You?”
VH1 Mz Berry: Someone who makes me and the relationship a priority. I’m a writer and so I understand that words written or even spoken can come very easily, I’d much rather a man show me through his actions how much he loves me or misses me or whatever the case may be.
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: What are 3 things that you refuse to put up with in a relationship? The 3 things that would make you leave your man and never come back.
VH1 Mz Berry: That is difficult because I think those things can change as the relationship changes and your lives together shifts. Obviously when you first begin dating maybe the things that would be deal breakers for you may not be the same as if you’d been dating for 5 years and those things may be different once you are married and once you have children…
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: I’ve heard some horror stories about models having problems with photographers: how has your relationship been with photographers? Have they tried to take things off camera, or have the majority of them been professional?
VH1 Mz Berry: I have had great experiences with the photographers who have chosen to work with me! I think they respect the person that I am coming in to the shoot and so they don’t come at me on anything other than professionalism.
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: What’s the worse – or most unprofessional thing that a photographer has done during a photo shoot?
VH1 Mz Berry: wow! I can honestly say that they have all been very professional! I realize that may be hard to believe, but it is the truth!
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: Who’s your favorite and most professional photographer?
VH1 Mz Berry: I actually have 2! And it’s because their styles are so very different! Dwayne Moore was my very first photoshoot EVER!! He was very patient and gave me great direction and I love how artistic he is! My newest fave is Anthony Winters! I shot with him in New York and the shoot was extremely quick! He would give me quick direction and take the shots and BAM! it was done! He took very high fashion shots of me that I just love! He made me look like a MODEL!!
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: What’s your favorite brand of clothing?
VH1 Mz Berry: Hmmm that’s a tough one! It really just depends on what article of clothing it is or what it’s for. I love soft fabrics! Yeah that’s tough.
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: The fellas want to know: panties or thongs?
VH1 Mz Berry: lol most everyday it’s gonna be a thong! lol I have my moments where I want to feel soft cotton all over and then I go for panties or boyshorts.
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: Who have you kept in touch with since the show, anybody in particular that you became good friends with?
VH1 Mz Berry: Oh yeah! Just Right and I are very good friends!)
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: Which female entrepreneur inspires you the most?
VH1 Mz Berry: I would have to say Oprah Winfrey!)
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: Can you give the young ladies out there some advice about doing a Reality TV Show, things to look out for?
VH1 Mz Berry: I would have to say the best advice I can give is to really know your purpose for being on the show and just stick with that. What do you want to get out of it?
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: It was a pleasure interviewing you Mz Berry, you’re a sweetheart. Is there anything I didn’t cover that you would like your fans to know?
VH1 Mz Berry: Thank you Jason! Yup, I wanna let everyone know that they can check out my new website www.berrytales.com , follow me on twitter www.twitter.com/vh1mzberry and be sure to look out for new things coming up with my real name of Connie Christina!!!
Celebrity Promoter Jason Blake: You’re very welcome, and thank you Connie for being such a sweet heart. I wish you the best in your Modeling career, acting career, and your real estate business. Your very ambitious and your success will grow abundantly. TTYL