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Sunday, June 20, 2010

The OCD Project - Episode 4 Recap

The OCD Project - Episode 4 Recap

Episode 4 of The OCD Project aired Thursday night on VH1. Here is what happened.
This week the families of the patients came to visit them. Arine's monther, Cody's mother, Jerry's sister, Kevin's dad, Kristin's brother and Traci's mom and her son.

They all had a one on one meeting with  David Trolin. Arine reveals that her and her mother are withdrawn from eachother and David thinks that Kevin might have Aspergers Disorder. Then, David had an exercise with Traci and Kevin. They had Traci's son and Kevin's dad in a TV moniter checking their heart rate.
Traci and Kevins think that with their bad thoughts something will happen to them. So David made them say stuff like "I wish you die" "Die Shawn" ect I could not even do that and I don't even have OCD. I understand what they were going through. Davis also tested Jerry out. Jerry has thoughts of becoming a killer which is creepy so, so David made him hold a knife over his arm. His sister was terrify not knowing what he would do. Turns out he did not do anything.

One part that really made no sense to me is when Arina, her mother and the woman with the glasses ( forgot her name) ate pasties in the damn toilet. Who does that? That is gross period having OCD or not that is just GROSS and not normal to me. I didn't understand that.

Meanwhile with Kristin, she got upset when her clothes were put into the washer without her permission and of course she threw a tantrum. But her brother calm her down. At the end of the episode threw yet another tantrum and wanted to go home, she called up her brother to pick her up but her brother refused to pick her up and told her to fight her OCD. 

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