Jenn Jowett Interview
Here is my exclusive with Jennifer from You're Cut Off 2. She explains a lot that went on the show. She also talks about her thoughts on Lsura Baron. Is she in good terms with her? Follow her on Twitter
Hey Jennifer how have you been?
I'm doing really well, starting to get things back in order after all the chaos the last month has brought.
You left You're Cut Off on a bad note. Do you regret even being on the show?
I try not to regret anything I do, because I believe everything happens in life as it is supposed to. For one reason or another I was supposed to be on that show and go through what happened. I don't really agree with leaving on a bad note however. I left when I was ready to, when I felt enough was enough and it actually made quite the impact. I still value relationships I have with production and other cast mates and although I didn't graduate, I still look at what was trying to be taught to us and have a different view on how I come across. There is no better way to change yourself, than to see right before your eyes what needs to change.
I know editing can be a bitch, do you think this show made you look like a bad person?
Ha. Yes, editing can be a bitch. In fact I know almost every girl has cringed and wanted to gasp, "thats not even what happened!" I think the show did what it needed to do to get ratings and at my cost. I think the viewers who flip through the channels and catch bits and pieces will of course think I am a bitch, a drunk, ugly, etc. They choose to keep me in that light as much as possible. But I think people who look deeper will see a funny girl who is still growing and figuring things out and knew that setting wasn't the best place for it.
On TMZ it says that you blame Laura Baron for your DUI charge. Why do you blame her?
Well lets get one thing straight. On any media interview you can not be held accountable for things that are not in quotations. On some level, yes I do think the show took things to far, to where they could have had the drama factor but still kept the exploiting to a level that a person could handle. That was not the case. Now as a show host or life coach, whichever, the show was thought up and created by her and she had the full knowledge of what we would be going through. I did not. That being said, I do expect a certain level of professional guidance on whether this was healthy for me or toxic. On the show as well as after it and while it was airing. On no level did Baron make me leave my apartment that night. I've heard all the "oh she's blaming everyone but herself" comments, but I'm not. I hold myself accountable but I also expect Baron to take accountability for her part, and that was attributing to a downward spiral, which has caused me a large amount of anxiety and was extremely hard to sit through.

What are your issues with Laura Baron?
Laura and I have had our ups and downs. I am not going to bash Laura Baron, because right now I am at a point where I would like to heal and let this anger go. I wish she had been there for me throughout some of the tough footage. That was my only issue, where did this support system go when I needed it the most. It confused me, and I felt let down. I have to be careful how much I invest in people. I hope in the future she and I can be friends because I felt a strong connection with her. But for right now with the controversy I think it is best to just let things cool down.
You got along Hana in the house. Was she the only person you got along with?
Hana and I are best friends. We had an instant connection in the house and I am so glad to have met her because we talk to each other everyday! In the house I actually got along with everyone, really. Of course there were times when there was drama but thats TV. You can only be so upset with someone that is in the same boat with you before you just laugh and say whatever. We are all a family and I feel that is special for our cast to have that. I miss all the girls and would love to see some sort of end of the show reunion/party to put closure on such a wild experience.
What are your thoughts on Aimee? You had several altercations with her.
Oh, Aimee and I are totally fine. She taught me a few things you know! I will never pull a weave again! I think Aimee and I had two of the biggest personalities and walking into a show we just clashed. But after the first week we actually became really close because we had already pushed eachothers buttons. I think we were both out of our comfort zones and we naturally rebeled against the situation, but after that I felt a bond with Aimee because we had gone through that and I thought she was real. i knew where she stood and she stood her ground, and I respect that.
What have you been doing now since your departure?
I pent some time in Florida with my family and right now I am taking a fashion class. I have a lot to sort through, so I am working on that daily.
Would you do another reality show?
I would, but I would like to know what to expect and what the circumstances were to know if it was the right fit for me.
Thank you Jennifer for this interview. Do you want to give shout out to anyone?
All the girls, they all are amazing and funny and I love them for just being who they are.