Finally what we all been waiting for! has finally posted the supertrailer you Chad Ochocino dating which is called Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch.
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Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Heat to be on "All My Children"
Heat from I Love New York, I Love Money and I Love Money is making his way to the soap opera scene. Heat, whose real is Jason Rosell announced on his twitter page that he will be appearing on the ABC soap.
He Tweets
"Just booked 2 more episodes on the soap opera "All My Children" as the male orderly following an under 5 role in next few weeks. Viola! JHR" interviews Jessica Cimato
Jessica Cimato from VH1's You're Cutt recently did an interview with about the show.
Jessica Cimato, one of the breakout stars of “You’re Cut Off,” cosmically connected with Astrochicks today for a fun one on one interview. We wanted to get the inside scoop on the show and find out what our Sagittarius girl is all about.
Jessica a princess from the Jersey Shore just like Snooki, originally thought she had been selected to appear on the show “The Good Life.” After flying out to Hollywood, the producers took our Jersey girl shopping and as fans saw in the first episode, Jessica’s credit card was declined. At that moment, Jess found out that VH1 had flipped the script and she had been cut off.
Like a trooper, she decided to move forward with the show and finish the eight weeks of shooting. Although Jess was shocked by the living conditions of the house and bunking with 8 girls she said, “Really put me over the top.” No kidding, what a downer that pad was.
What about her BFF’s? Who did she bond with on the show? Jessica says, “Chrissy we laughed a lot, and I’m really close with Gia.” Who did she get along with the least? She replied, “Most definitely Jackie, Erica and Pam. ” Jess did add she gets along with the girls much better now, since they don’t have to live together anymore. Sharing a house with 8 spoiled girls has to be tough. Especially Sagittarius girls, they really need their space and freedom!
In episode three, Jessica came face to face with the “Queen of Mean,” Perez Hilton and Astrochicks was dying to find out what he was like in person. Jessica says, “I was initially intimidated by Perez. He says what others are thinking. In person, he’s actually very down to earth and nice.” Perez an Aries and Jess a Sag, naturally connected as fire signs. Nice to know that Perez is a cool guy.
Next question was is she a reality show junkie like us? Jessica says, “I love Real Housewives of New Jersey, Dina was my favorite up until she left.” What about Danielle Staub? She says, “I can’t stand her, we have a local neighbor is who just like her, we even call her Danielle Staub to her face.” Jess added she has a secret crush on Albie Manzo as well. He’s definitely a cutie.
What about boys, who is Jessica dating these days. She told us she’s single and ready to mingle. What astrological signs has she dated in the past? She says, “A Capricorn which was a mistake, Libra another mistake and Scorpio definitely a mistake.” Interesting combo? Does she follow Astrology? Jessica says, “My best friend is a Leo and we are obsessed with Astrology. When we meet guys, we always ask his birth date.”
What about her Capricorn guy, why didn’t the love connection work? She says, ” My Capricorn guy was hard headed, set in his ways, and very argumentative. We fought on all the time.” She went on to say although the Libra was charming and good looking, she thought he was too insecure. The Scorpio, way too intense and he loved to argue too much as well. Astrochicks thinks Jessica should give a Leo or an Aries a try, they would have passion, fun, and lots of laughs.
Now that the show is airing, what does Jessica’s family and friends think about “You’re Cut Off?” Does she feel that VH1 has portrayed her accurately? Jessica told us every Monday night her friends come over to watch the show with her mom and her. They think it’s funny but like a good friend, they don’t hesitate to point out when they think Jessica was wrong. Also, she thinks the edit of her personality was 98% accurate, although some clips made her cringe.
Which brings us to the question everyone wants to know, does Jessica still live with her mom? The answer is yes. Sadly, Jessica and her mom lost her father in January 2010. Struggling with the loss of a man they love so much, the show has actually helped the two have a better understanding of each other. Jessica says, “After the show, I have a new appreciation of my mom. I love her even more, and I think she’s absolutely wonderful. She’s is the one person in my life I admire the most, her strength and her big heart.” Awww, that’s sweet!
In the end, what was Jessica’s best experience on the show and her worst? Jessica reveals the best experience is yet to be aired. She says, “In the seventh episode VH1 will show my life changing moment.”
What about the worst experience? Jessica says, ” In general, the different personalities that I had to deal with. “ She added the arguing between the girls took a toll on her. Also, she upset many of the girls with her directness. She says, “Would you rather have me lie to you or be honest? ” Sagittarius girls love to tell it to you straight.
What are Jessica’s plans for the future? Does she have any entertainment career aspirations? Jessica says, “I would love to do comedy. Stand up or Improv. I love SNL and would do anything to work for Lorne Michaels, I would even be the janitor, just to get my first big break.” Her favorite comedians areVince Vaughn and Molly Shannon . She thinks Molly has great comedic timing and loves the characters she created for SNL. Vince Vaughn, well he’s a hottie and totally funny.
Astrologically, Jessica Cimato definitely has the personality and passion to become a television personality. The next year should bring her new career opportunities and even a serious love interest. Just stay away from the Capricorn and Libra’s Jess! I wonder what sign Albie Manzo is?
Jessica Cimato, one of the breakout stars of “You’re Cut Off,” cosmically connected with Astrochicks today for a fun one on one interview. We wanted to get the inside scoop on the show and find out what our Sagittarius girl is all about.
Jessica a princess from the Jersey Shore just like Snooki, originally thought she had been selected to appear on the show “The Good Life.” After flying out to Hollywood, the producers took our Jersey girl shopping and as fans saw in the first episode, Jessica’s credit card was declined. At that moment, Jess found out that VH1 had flipped the script and she had been cut off.
Like a trooper, she decided to move forward with the show and finish the eight weeks of shooting. Although Jess was shocked by the living conditions of the house and bunking with 8 girls she said, “Really put me over the top.” No kidding, what a downer that pad was.
What about her BFF’s? Who did she bond with on the show? Jessica says, “Chrissy we laughed a lot, and I’m really close with Gia.” Who did she get along with the least? She replied, “Most definitely Jackie, Erica and Pam. ” Jess did add she gets along with the girls much better now, since they don’t have to live together anymore. Sharing a house with 8 spoiled girls has to be tough. Especially Sagittarius girls, they really need their space and freedom!
In episode three, Jessica came face to face with the “Queen of Mean,” Perez Hilton and Astrochicks was dying to find out what he was like in person. Jessica says, “I was initially intimidated by Perez. He says what others are thinking. In person, he’s actually very down to earth and nice.” Perez an Aries and Jess a Sag, naturally connected as fire signs. Nice to know that Perez is a cool guy.
Next question was is she a reality show junkie like us? Jessica says, “I love Real Housewives of New Jersey, Dina was my favorite up until she left.” What about Danielle Staub? She says, “I can’t stand her, we have a local neighbor is who just like her, we even call her Danielle Staub to her face.” Jess added she has a secret crush on Albie Manzo as well. He’s definitely a cutie.
What about boys, who is Jessica dating these days. She told us she’s single and ready to mingle. What astrological signs has she dated in the past? She says, “A Capricorn which was a mistake, Libra another mistake and Scorpio definitely a mistake.” Interesting combo? Does she follow Astrology? Jessica says, “My best friend is a Leo and we are obsessed with Astrology. When we meet guys, we always ask his birth date.”
What about her Capricorn guy, why didn’t the love connection work? She says, ” My Capricorn guy was hard headed, set in his ways, and very argumentative. We fought on all the time.” She went on to say although the Libra was charming and good looking, she thought he was too insecure. The Scorpio, way too intense and he loved to argue too much as well. Astrochicks thinks Jessica should give a Leo or an Aries a try, they would have passion, fun, and lots of laughs.
Now that the show is airing, what does Jessica’s family and friends think about “You’re Cut Off?” Does she feel that VH1 has portrayed her accurately? Jessica told us every Monday night her friends come over to watch the show with her mom and her. They think it’s funny but like a good friend, they don’t hesitate to point out when they think Jessica was wrong. Also, she thinks the edit of her personality was 98% accurate, although some clips made her cringe.
Which brings us to the question everyone wants to know, does Jessica still live with her mom? The answer is yes. Sadly, Jessica and her mom lost her father in January 2010. Struggling with the loss of a man they love so much, the show has actually helped the two have a better understanding of each other. Jessica says, “After the show, I have a new appreciation of my mom. I love her even more, and I think she’s absolutely wonderful. She’s is the one person in my life I admire the most, her strength and her big heart.” Awww, that’s sweet!
In the end, what was Jessica’s best experience on the show and her worst? Jessica reveals the best experience is yet to be aired. She says, “In the seventh episode VH1 will show my life changing moment.”
What about the worst experience? Jessica says, ” In general, the different personalities that I had to deal with. “ She added the arguing between the girls took a toll on her. Also, she upset many of the girls with her directness. She says, “Would you rather have me lie to you or be honest? ” Sagittarius girls love to tell it to you straight.
What are Jessica’s plans for the future? Does she have any entertainment career aspirations? Jessica says, “I would love to do comedy. Stand up or Improv. I love SNL and would do anything to work for Lorne Michaels, I would even be the janitor, just to get my first big break.” Her favorite comedians are
Astrologically, Jessica Cimato definitely has the personality and passion to become a television personality. The next year should bring her new career opportunities and even a serious love interest. Just stay away from the Capricorn and Libra’s Jess! I wonder what sign Albie Manzo is?
You're Cut Off- Episode 4 Recap
You're Cut Off- Episode 4 Recap
Don't expect to watch You're Cut Off tonight. The show was moved Monday nights which means episode 4 already aired this past Monday. Here is recap of what happened.
This week was all about earning money. Laura Baron told the girls that will seek employment and get jobs which the girls did not like. Gia said" I am rich I do not need to work". The girls had to work on that resumes. Most of them did had much to add into their resumes. Leanne did some volunteer work and Erica was in law school.
Gia refused to do her resume. She did not want to kiss nobodys ass to get a job. For once I actually agree with her on that. I hate kissing people's asses too. So she did not do anything. Then they had to go for an interview. Everyone did an interview except for Gia. During the inerviews, Erica said that she wants to be like Judge Judy and Nancy Grace but prettier that is what she said lol Chrissy being vain that she is says used her looks and hotness to get hired and did "her walk". Jessica complained about how much she will get paid saying it was not worth it. The next day Laura had a surprise for them and that surprise was the girls had to go to work! They all had to get up 7:30am. Everyone was ready except for Chrissy. She thinks people should be waiting on her. She says " everyone needs to be waiting for the star" So they left without her because she was taking her sweet time in the bathroom.
Thy showed up in this shoe factory. They all had job positions. Jackie, Courtnee and Jessica has to do the phone calls, Leann and Pam has to do the envelopes, Gia and Amber had to carry boxes and look for shoes. Which Gia complained about and last but not least they gave Erica the manager position because she was in law school. Gia and Jessica were pissed abut that. Now this is when it started to become hilarious Erica annoyed everyone especially Jessica and Gia telling them what they should do/checking up on them and they were not happy. Erica told Jessica that she wasn't doing a good job talking to customers on the phone. Gia told her that "you are not manager" and was pissed off that Erica was looking at her. I felt like Erica purposely tried to piss them off. She kept saying " I am in law school" like a thousand times trying to annoy them.
Erica told the guy that Gia was being disrespectful. Then Gia quit because of her. They all received their checks of $70 which they felt they should received a whole lot more than $70. Once they got home Laura had a special treat for them in the backyard to relax. They had massages, spray tanning ect. They had to use their check for it. Then Chrissy came thinks that she could join them. But she wasn't aloud because she did not work and did not receive a check and then she said " you guys are haters, you guys are just jealous" and she stormed off.
Erica was talking to Leanne about Gia and Jessica which they heard her talking about them. So they went to her room telling her to shut up. Larua Baron pulled Jessica aside to find out what was going on with her. Jessica revealed that her father dies of blood clots and that her personality changed after his death. Which i felt really bad for her. At the end of the episode, everyone passed except Chrissy ( not shocked) and Gia. Erica won V.I.P which left Gia really pissed off. She began to cry and freak out and she stormed off outside wanting to quite the program.
Brandy and Ray-J: A Family Business- Finale Recap
Brandy and Ray-J: A Family Business- Finale Recap
The finale of Brandy and Ray-J: A Family Business aired Sunday night. In the finale the whole family went to Mississippi for a family reunion. Brandy and Ray-J were born there before they moved to L.A. They went to Sonja's sister house.
Brandy and Ray-J went bike riding which they did when they were younger. They stopped to take pictures and sign autographs from fans as well. Meanwhile Sonja was fed up with everyone telling her what do do. She felt underappreciated. She had a talk with Ray-J at the lake and she says that she wants to be more appreaciated. She also says that they are like any ordinary family that has ups and downs.
Brandy and Ray-J also went to a crawfish shop. There was this chick that told Ray-J "Here is my future baby daddy" LOL which was hilarious. Brandy also went food shopping with Sonja and Shay for the family reunion. Brandy and shay both goof off at the store.
At the end of the episode Willie sang a song to his wife. That dude can sing! He showed his dedication to her which was sweet.
Watching this show made me see how normal the Norwood family really are.
Monday, June 28, 2010
VH1 Stars Birthdays: Mindy Hall (Rock Of Love Bus)
Happy Birthday To Mindy!
She is best known for the runner-Up (should have won) on Rock of love Bus. She also appeared on the canceled I Love Money 4.
VH1 Stars @ the BET Awards
VH1 Stars Brandy, Ray-J, Lala Vasquez and Chilli attended the BET awards that aired last night. Here are a few pics.
The T.O Show- Supertrailer
Terrel Owens is back! The. T.O Show is back for a 2nd season. Watch the supertrailer for the new season which will be premiering July 11th. This season will bring even more drama when he rekindles an old flamae and takes on being a father.
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Bret Michaels new album "Custom Built" hit stores July 6th
Custom Built', the brand new solo album from Bret Michaels will be released July 6th!
Featuring the single 'Nothing To Lose' (with Miley Cyrus), a remake of Sublime's hit song 'What I Got', a rootsy version of 'Every Rose Has It's Thorn', the theme song to the upcoming VH1 show "Bret Michaels: Life As I Know It" titled 'Riding Against The Wind' and much more! The new album will be available from Target, Best Buy, iTunes, Yahoo, Napster & anywhere else you buy digital music!
Buy a copy here
Featuring the single 'Nothing To Lose' (with Miley Cyrus), a remake of Sublime's hit song 'What I Got', a rootsy version of 'Every Rose Has It's Thorn', the theme song to the upcoming VH1 show "Bret Michaels: Life As I Know It" titled 'Riding Against The Wind' and much more! The new album will be available from Target, Best Buy, iTunes, Yahoo, Napster & anywhere else you buy digital music!
Buy a copy here
REMINDER: You're Cut Off and Dad Camp switching time slots
I just want to remind you all that You're Cut Off ans Dad camp will be switching time slots. Why? I don't know maybe VH1 wants more people to tune in to watch You'r Cut Off on Monday nights. Which is a good thing.
You'r Cut Off will now air Mondays at 9:PM starting tomorrow night. So be sure to watch episode 4 of You'r Cut Off tomorrow night before Behind The Music: Jennifer Hudson at 10:PM.
Dad Camp( which I don't care for) will now air Wednesdays at 9:PM before Bridal Bootcamp.
I just want to remind you all that You're Cut Off ans Dad camp will be switching time slots. Why? I don't know maybe VH1 wants more people to tune in to watch You'r Cut Off on Monday nights. Which is a good thing.
You'r Cut Off will now air Mondays at 9:PM starting tomorrow night. So be sure to watch episode 4 of You'r Cut Off tomorrow night before Behind The Music: Jennifer Hudson at 10:PM.
Dad Camp( which I don't care for) will now air Wednesdays at 9:PM before Bridal Bootcamp.
VH1 Stars Pics: Heat with actor David Spade
Here is a pic of Heat from I Love New York and I Love Money 1 and 2 with actor David Spade. Looking too tanned lol
VH1 Stars Pics: Heartbreaker with new artist Keisha Kash
Here is a pic of Heartbreaker from For The Love Of ray-J at a video shoot newcomer Keisha Kash. If you do not know who Keisha Kash she is a new upcoming pop/rock artist.
Follow Keisha Kash on twitter
The OCD Project- Episode 5 Recap
Episode 5 of The OCD Project aired Thursday night. Here is a recap of what happened.
They all had a group meeting with David and David revealed the performance scores. Everyone went down since being there, except for Kevin. He increased which isn't good.
He was pissed off about it. David revealed to them that there will be going to a haunted hospital which one of the highest death rated. Each patient had a session with David in the hospital. David took Cody into this room that had writing in the wall since he was afraid of becoming someone else.
He then took Traci into a morgue. He a picture of her son and she had to put his picture inside as morgue. She was terrified since her fear was death. But she did it. With Arine he took her tot he hallway and on the floor I don't know what it was but it looked drops of blood and he made her touch it and rubbed it around her clothes and face.
Kevin was the most difficult one. He took him into this room and had to perform a hex. He had to reapeat "I want to got he hell" over and over. Once David, Kevin then said "I didn't mean it" and he messed on that. David made him go back and made him undo it, Which raised a lot of concerns if this was the right program for Kevin.
David made Jerry take his knife and used Arine as bait to see if he had urges to kill her ( yeah creepy) he did not do thing, which was a good thing. Oh yeah Jerry withdrawn from everyone for 2+ hours. Without speaking.
Once they returned home. David told Kevin that he isn't sure if this program was right with him. Which left him pissed off.
Episode 5 of The OCD Project aired Thursday night. Here is a recap of what happened.
They all had a group meeting with David and David revealed the performance scores. Everyone went down since being there, except for Kevin. He increased which isn't good.
He was pissed off about it. David revealed to them that there will be going to a haunted hospital which one of the highest death rated. Each patient had a session with David in the hospital. David took Cody into this room that had writing in the wall since he was afraid of becoming someone else.
He then took Traci into a morgue. He a picture of her son and she had to put his picture inside as morgue. She was terrified since her fear was death. But she did it. With Arine he took her tot he hallway and on the floor I don't know what it was but it looked drops of blood and he made her touch it and rubbed it around her clothes and face.
Kevin was the most difficult one. He took him into this room and had to perform a hex. He had to reapeat "I want to got he hell" over and over. Once David, Kevin then said "I didn't mean it" and he messed on that. David made him go back and made him undo it, Which raised a lot of concerns if this was the right program for Kevin.
David made Jerry take his knife and used Arine as bait to see if he had urges to kill her ( yeah creepy) he did not do thing, which was a good thing. Oh yeah Jerry withdrawn from everyone for 2+ hours. Without speaking.
Once they returned home. David told Kevin that he isn't sure if this program was right with him. Which left him pissed off.
Friday, June 25, 2010
ABC comes up with their own" I Love Money" featuring contestants from Bachelor/Bachelorette
If you are a fan of VH1's I Love Money and ABC's The Bachelor/Bachelorette. Than this is the show for you! ABC is coming up with their own "I Love Money" called The Bachalor Pad which features contestants from The Bachelor and The Bachelorette from previous seasons.
Nineteen former Bachelor and Bachelorette contestants will live in a house and compete in challenges for a cash prize of, ironically enough, $250,000. The show will be hosted by Chris Harrison and Melissa Rycroft, and Jake Pavelka will also be involved. It premieres August 9th, check out the cast!
I have to say this looks pretty good and it reminds me of I Love Money.
Join The I Love Money Campaigns:
We Want I Love Money 5 + 6 remembers Michael Jackson
Michael Jackson: 1958-2009
Today, a year ago, the legend, Michael Jackson was found unconscious in bed at his rented mansion at 100 North Carolwood Drive in the Holmby Hills district of Los Angeles. Attempts at resuscitating him by Conrad Murray, his personal physician, were unsuccessful. He was pronounced dead at 2:26 local time (21:26 UTC)
His tragic death effected the whole world - And is still being mourned until this very day.
We shall remember Michael forever; for his music; Michael, who has brought us unforgettable timeless classics like Thriller, Billie Jean, Beat It, Man in the Mirror, The Way You Make Me Feel, and much, much more. One hit album after another, Michael helped shape the face of pop culture and music we are all living today. He has inspired many and is still inspiring and will always keep inspiring. He always gave without wanting to receive, he always wanted to help humanity.
The true and will always be; The King-of-Pop.
Michael Jackson have 14 #1 Singles and 6 #1 Albums, according to Billboard. His best selling album, "Thriller", has sold about 110,000,000 copies worldwide, and is certificated 29X Platinum in the US for 29,000,000 copies sold, making it the best-selling album of all time.
- Michael Jackson has won 13 Grammy Awards (as well as the Grammy Legend Award and the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award)
-one of the few artists to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice
- 26 American Music Awards (more than any other artist, including the "Artist of the Century");
- 13 number-one singles in the United States in his solo career (more than any other male artist in the Hot 100 era);
- estimated sale of over 800 million records worldwide.
- Jackson won hundreds of awards, which have made him the most-awarded recording artist in the history of music. He was also a notable humanitarian and philanthropist, donating and raising hundreds of millions of dollars for beneficial causes and supporting over 39 charities.
- Michael Jackson has won 13 Grammy Awards (as well as the Grammy Legend Award and the Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award)
-one of the few artists to have been inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame twice
- 26 American Music Awards (more than any other artist, including the "Artist of the Century");
- 13 number-one singles in the United States in his solo career (more than any other male artist in the Hot 100 era);
- estimated sale of over 800 million records worldwide.
- Jackson won hundreds of awards, which have made him the most-awarded recording artist in the history of music. He was also a notable humanitarian and philanthropist, donating and raising hundreds of millions of dollars for beneficial causes and supporting over 39 charities.
This Is It Trailer
Jackson throughout his career transformed the art of the music video and paved the way for modern pop music. Daily Telegraph writer Tom Utley described Jackson in 2003 as "extremely important" and a "genius." For much of his career, he had an "unparalleled" level of worldwide influence over the younger generation through his musical and humanitarian contributions. Jackson's music and videos, such as Thriller, fostered racial diversity in MTV's roster, helped to put the relatively new channel into public awareness, and steered the channel's focus from rock to pop music and R&B, shaping the channel into a form that proved enduring. Jackson's work continues to influence numerous hip hop, rock, pop and R&B artists, including Beyoncé, Mariah Carey, Usher, Green Day, Britney Spears, Madonna, Justin Timberlake, Ludacris.
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Please Post Your Comments
Thursday, June 24, 2010
VH1access Interview: Jessica Cimato (You're Cut Off)
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click here to view the post.
Flavor Of Love 2's Sumthin claims she is a lesbian
Couple of months ago posted that Flavor of love 2 contestant was now we now a web cam girl. Well now posted her status claiming that is a lesbian. However there is a pic of her with a dude in bed together. Hmmmmm is the lesbian thing just for attention? who knows.
Lala Vasquez VH1 show premires September 19th
She is best known for being a TRL VJ, hosting the VH1 reunions and being a dean in Charm School. has now announce that her new VH1 show involving her wedding with Carmelo Anthony will be premiering Septrember 19th on VH1 at 10:30 PM.
The show will be about Lala preparing for her wedding. It will be five part series. Four half an hour episodes and then the one hour Wedding finale. R&B singer Ciara is one the celebrities that will be making an appearance on the upcoming show.
The show will be about Lala preparing for her wedding. It will be five part series. Four half an hour episodes and then the one hour Wedding finale. R&B singer Ciara is one the celebrities that will be making an appearance on the upcoming show.
Bridal Bootcamp- Episode 3 Recap
Bridal Bootcamp- Episode 3 Recap
Episode 3 of Bridal Bootcamp aired last night on VH1. Here is what happened. The blue team did a morning workout. Tesha was not in the mood to do the workout, she revealed to Steven that she was homesick and missed her family.
This weeks challenge the teams had to sail a boat putting a mattress in a raft. The green team had so much trouble their boat flipped and everyone was in the water except for Courtney which she did not do anything to help. Her team mates was pissed off with her. The blue team ended up winning and their prize was a free honeymoon.
So elimination came for the green team. Turns out Lauren gained two pounds this week. She was sobbing and crying about it. The bottom two was between Lauren and Melissa. Lauren was eliminated. Kacey was pissed off about that and wanted Courtney to go home.
To me I feel like this show is so rushed. It's only 30 min. they do the challenge, the elimination and then the show is over. This show seems too plain to me. ( my personal opinion)
You're Cut Off- Episode 4 Recap
You're Cut Off- Episode 3 Recap
Episode 3 of You're Cut Off aired last night on VH1. Here is what happened. Last week Jackie won V.I.P so this week she was in charge assigning the girls chores. Jessica, Chrissy and Gia were still in bed and did not do their chores, which left Jackie pissed off.
This weeks challenge was a fashion show. Laura Baron wanted he girls to know that they do not have spend so much money on stuff to look great. Sam Saboura was one of the this weeks guest stars. He asked the girls how much they spend on their purses and clothes. Chrissy, not even paying attention was looking at her mirror throughout the whole time Sam was talking and was rude to him as well. He tested them out by guessing what is expensive and what is cheap they had the male models bing out clothes, jewelry and champagne. He assigned them into groups of three with a male model and they had to shop at discounts which Jessica said "ew" LOL.
The groups were: Pam ,Erica and Amber in Team 1. Chrissy, Leanne and Jackie in Team 2 and Gia, Courtnee and Jessica in Team 3. Perez Hilton was one of the judges. The first team came out and Erica slipped and her crotch was ecposed lol.
The team that won was Team 3 which was Jessica, Gia and Courtnee. The judges thought Team 2 looked too cheap which Chrissy was pissed about. Back home Laura left them another note which said their budgetw as lowered about Gia, Jessica and Chirssy did not do their chores. So Jackie, Jessica. Leamme went food shopping with a budget of 125 dollars.
There was also a lot of drama this week with Erica and Jessica. Jessica was drunk and slipped in the kitchen and Erica called trashy by saying "I hate trashy people" which Jessica was pissed off about. Everyone was against Erica, Leanne called her a "laughing stock" int he house. Erica called her fat and that she needed botox. Later she apologized and Leanne revealed that that comment hurt her because she had a disorder.
At the end of the episode everyone passed except for Chrissy, Jessica and Erica. Chrissy was once again rude. She put on lip gloss and was looking in the mirror while Laura was speaking. She then said "Can I Be Excused" Honestly I do not think that Chrissy is going to make it to graduation. Jessica was pissed off that she did not pass this week.
NOTE: I am going to be doing an interview with Jessica. The interview should be up soon. You're Cut Off is now going to air Mondays at 9:PM starting June 28th.
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
IT claims he jacked Soulja Boy?
There is a video that posted of IT from I Lovew York 2 and I Love Money. In the video he is with hood buddies and they claim that they jacked Soulja Boy. They also do some freestyle.
Lindsay Lohan wants to contact a kid who appeared on Dad Camp
I am still not feeling Dad Camp but posted somethign interesting. Apparently Lindsay Lohan is a fan of Dad Camp and posted tweets. She wants to contact Benny who was one of the kids that appeared on the recent episode.
Here are the tweets:
Here are the tweets:
Stacks and Fransico on The Maury Show?
Today Isaw something interesting. I was watching the CW and Maury was on. Well I was watching the show and saw two familiar people. Stacks from For The Love Of ray-J and Fransico from Megan Wants A Millionaire were on! They were both on Maury which to me was very ironic since both of them came from VH1 dating shows and very random seeing them there and its funny because I do not watch Maury everyday, it just so happens today I catch an episode. The topic was "Secret Crush Fantasies". There was a guy name Ray Lavender, yes another thing that is ironic she competed her love for Ray-J. Same name lol anyway he had a secret crush on her. When she found out she was happy about it.
Then after that Fransico came out and his secret crush was a blonde swimsuit model, which is ironic because he competed his love for a blonde which was Megan until the show was canceled, But the funny part was he wasn't feeling her! He made up excuses and said "I don't want to jeopardize are friendship" that is a polite way of saying I am not feeling you lol The audience began to boo.
I just thought it was weird seeing not one but two VH1 people from a VH1 dating show on Maury on the same episode. FYI: Saaphryi appeared on The Tyra Banks show before she Flavor Of love 2.
Stacks on Maury
I do not have the video when Fransciso appeared. The original Episode airdate two months ago.
Vote For Junk For MTV TJ

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Hot Wings VS Kat Stacks beatdown
These two have been going at it ever since Hot Wings posted a youtube video mocking Kat Stacks. has posted pics of Hot Wings knocking out Kat Stacks at a DC outside a club recently. Check it out.
Milf on stage in Germany
Here is a video of Milf wearing a bikini on stage in Germany.
I believe this was before she did Real Chance Of Love. She looks a bit younger in this video.
Brandy signing with Island Def Jam?
Brandy is planing to use her VH1 reality show to return to the charts. is reporting that The Dream has confirmed that Brandy has sign on the label. Other artists include Rihanna and Kanye West also signed with the label.
Gia co- hosting BET Awards Kick Off Party at Kress
Gia from You're Cut Off is co-hosting the BET Awards Kick off Party a Kress. She will be hosting with Destiny's Child ex-member Farrah Franklin. from 9:PM-2:AM.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Laura Baron, Jackie, Erica and Jessica on the Early Show
Erica, Jessica , Jackie and life coach Laura Baron from You're Cut Off appeared on The Early Show the other day, to talk about the series.
Sandra's interview with The Candy Shop
Basketball Wives "groupie" recently did an interview with The Candy Shop on blogtalkradio.
She explains her side of the story. It's a good interview
She explains her side of the story. It's a good interview
Gloria's thoughts about the reunion and why she did not attend
Gloria recently did an interview with about the reunion and why she did not attend it. She also shares her thoughts about the reunion.
Why didn’t you attend the Basketball Wives reunion?
It just wasn’t something that was conducive to our schedules. You know, Matt was in the playoffs and I wasn’t going to fly across the country to hang out with people I’m not particularly proud of probably being associated with. I told producers that if they moved it to Orlando or Miami I would be more than happy to be there. I’m sure without me being there, there wasn’t anybody to pick on.
I also wondered if you were making a statement like, “We’ll see how this goes without me…”
I kind of heard it was a mess. That wasn’t exactly my intention, to be like, “Ha, check this out! It’s going to be a disaster without me.” It wasn’t worth me going out there. I am not interested on being on Season 2, so that was another reason. It would’ve been a mess really, because I would’ve gone out there and had a lot more to say. I didn’t watch the series. I didn’t watch Basketball Wives, but from what I heard and the little bits and parts I did see, which was probably a total of 15 minutes of all the episodes, I just wasn’t proud of it. I wouldn’t say I regret it 100 percent, but I was surprised and disappointed in how they edited the series and how they portrayed the women.
It wasn’t scary that you wouldn’t be able to defend yourself against whatever they said about you at the reunion?
Not necessarily. I think people are going to make up their minds regardless if I was there or not. I think being there would have opened up the flood ates to allow people to nitpick at what I have going on and ask me more detailed questions that I’m not willing to answer. I know people are going to talk about me whether I’m there or not. Had I liked to defend myself? Yeah, probably, but it probably would’ve gotten ugly. Not physical, but definitely ugly.
What would you say to somebody that said you were being cowardly by avoiding the show?
I would laugh. I just kind of that’s funny. I’m definitely by no means scared of any of these girls. If the reunion were held closer to me, especially while Matt was in the playoffs, I probably would’ve attended, but going across country and missing one of Matt’s games…it wasn’t that important to me.
Was there any concern about the contractual obligation of attending? Or were you just like, “Whatever,” to that?
Yeah, I was kind of whatever, because I’m kind of whatever to the second season. At this point, none of that really bothers me with the contractual obligations. So it didn’t really affect my decision whether I had to go or not. I think I’m just kind of over it. I’ve done Season 1. Again, I’m not particular proud of how it came off, but I do think I was real. I portrayed myself as real as I could while the cameras were shooting. What they do with the film after the cameras were off I have no control over. I don’t think I gave them a lot of opportunities to make me look stupid.
It’s interesting that you have beef with the editing because I didn’t get the sense that the editing was unjust to you. You didn’t give them opportunities to make you look stupid, sure, but also, you didn’t look stupid, period.
I think I’m my biggest critic, so the few parts I did see I wasn’t particularly happy about. I know the real things I said about the situations, about Royce, about Suzie, about Evelyn, about all the women and to see that cut down, or edited or nitpicked was a little frustrating. Again, I haven’t seen the whole series, but I’m just not happy with the overall production. I just don’t think it portrayed what I wanted to represent.
It must take restraint to not watch the entire show. I would be scared if I were you, cutting myself off from what everybody else can see.
Not really, because you’ve been there, you’ve done that so you’ve lived what people are watching. You know what went on. To see it cut down, edited, mixed up is kind of frustrating because it’s like, “Wait a minute, that’s not what I said. That’s not how that happened.” Matt and I both agreed not to watch it when he was in season, because a lot of distractions and unnecessary quarrels would’ve been brought up. I know that he needed to concentrate and I respected that he just felt like it wasn’t necessary to watch until the end of the season.
What do you think of the stuff Matt said to the women on the show via Twitter?
I think he has gone back and forth with them. I don’t have a Twitter account that I have used in a long time. I don’t follow them, they don’t follow me so it would’ve been pointless to get involved. Mainly, I told Matt don’t waste his time. They’re just unnecessary. They’re not a factor in our lives, to entertain ignorance belittles you and brings you down to their level. Part of me was proud of him, though. I was kind of excited. I was glad that he stood up to them. He protected me in a sense. I was excited for that, but I also told him it was probably a waste of time.
Did you agree with him that Jennifer and Evelyn were Shaunie’s puppets and they’re all tricks?
I would agree with the puppets statement. I definitely think these women are highly and heavily influenced by Shaunie, sometimes for the negative. I feel like Shaunie is the new Simon. Its kind of like, “Shaunie says we should do this,” “Shaunie says we should do that.” It was kind of like, wow, these women are grown women and supposed entrepreneurs. You would think they would be able to make up their own minds and establish avenues with their own judgments. At what point to do you say, “Hey listen, regardless of what Shaunie says, I don’t like Gloria or I like Royce for me, not because someone is telling me to do this”?
Are you on good terms with anybody at this point?
Surprisingly, I’m on good terms with Suzie. Suzie and I have BBMed each other throughout the series. A lot of the stuff that was said or portrayed on the show, we’ve actually apologized to each other about. There have been some times when Suzie has BBMed me and been down in the dumps about some of the episodes she was worried about. I tried to encourage her and just let her know that this is a small chapter in our lives and we shouldn’t allow it to make us sleep-deprived or anxious.
Are ties completely severed with Shaunie?
I think so. I don’t think I have aimed any of my comments at Shaunie in a negative light. From what I’ve heard, she had tried to say things about me or about Matt or about our relationship in general that just aren’t nice. I just think it’s also very immature. For someone to be grown with five kids, I feel like she should have better things to do with her time.
There were a few finer points mentioned during the reunion taping that I just wanted to touch briefly. I think Royce felt like you swindled her. She felt like you had created this bonds that included play dates and cake-tasting, stuff beyond normal association, stuff that went into the friendship realm.
I think she took some of the things that the producers were trying to do with her and I and interpreted them as my idea. Play dates and cake-tasting were suggestions that the producers had brought to my attention because Royce and I were the only ones with young kids on the show. Then when they realized Royce can’t bring her son on the show and she can’t talk about Dwight, then things started to change. Not that I was opposed to these things because in the beginning I didn’t know Royce. I didn’t mind at first, but then after having talked to Matt and stepping back a little bit, it wasn’t a good look. I told Royce, “I don’t mind being cordial to you, but at the end of the day I have to worry about my family, Matt’s teams camaraderie, his team’s friendships and stuff like that. I’m not going jeopardize his opportunity to get a championship ring, to come back next year for you.” I was just kind of explaining to her, “If you understand where I’m going from, great, then we can have a mutual respect for one another and it wouldn’t go past that.”
At one point you called Royce “backstabbing,” but I didn’t see any evidence of her backstabbing on the show.
That might’ve been more behind the scenes. Royce and I had a conversation after the pool party. She texted me and was just like, “Hey, I feel like I can’t trust anybody on the show, you might be the only person that’s just been real so can I call you?” So we talked. I’d given her my two cents about the girls: I didn’t particularly trust them, especially since Suzie was so new to the cast. I told Royce I’d heard some interesting things about Suzie. I felt like at the time that she wasn’t a fabulous mother. I was just expressing my feelings as she was to me. Then she went back to Suzie: “Oh by the way, Gloria said this, this, and this to me.”
Someone did allege that you have nannies and you were hypocritical for calling Suzie out on that.
I don’t have a nanny. I don’t have babysitters, not on a 9-5 basis, just if we’re doing a date night or an adult function. Matt’s best friend, Jeff, lives with us. He helps out but I don’t have a nanny per se. We don’t pay him to watch the boys.
There was also talk that Royce had dislocated your shoulder during the boxing?
Oh no. My shoulder was dislocated a long time ago. I had shoulder surgery when I was a junior in high school and it pops out all the time.
Evelyn and Jennifer both contended that Royce won that fight. Was that how you experienced it?
I didn’t go in there trying to hurt Royce, but in the episode you can see her trying to get aggressive so that’s what kind of turned the tables. We’d only had gone two rounds. Maybe the third one would have really dictated who won. From what we fought, it was definitely even.
You said you weren’t particularly proud of your association with these women and I assume the show. Is it weird talking about it? Obviously you’ve done interviews, and you’re doing an interview right now, arguably extending your association with the show.
I don’t think so. People want to know and so I’m going to tell them who I am and how I feel. I’m definitely going to use the show as it used me. I’m not going to deny and there weren’t any pros to doing the show. It has opened up many doors for Matt and I: clothing lines, foundations, events. But after that, the show and how it portrayed women makes me regret it because I might have helped portray women in a negative light. I was involved in it and these women, in my opinion, were very trashy, were very immature, were a crying train wreck. I didn’t want people to view us as just a mess, or think that all we do is shop. I didn’t want people to think that we live in apartments and we shop for Ferraris —that kind of thing. The exact thing I didn’t want to represent I helped make. That’s what’s frustrating.
I thought Evelyn made a good point about blood ties during the so-called “last supper.” Do you think blood excuses everything? I understand where you’re coming from with your sister, especially when it comes to dealing with virtual strangers, but do you think that blood should excuse everything?
There are definitely moral lines that you draw. If a relative was driving drunk and hit somebody, that’s just obvious. If the evidence is there, you side with the evidence. But emails aren’t enough evidence for me. What’s funny is that Evelyn wouldn’t believe that anyone could have set up my sister, and yet she says she’s being stalked and someone broke into her emails, stole her pictures, and put them online. Her attitude was, “What makes your sister so special to have her email be hacked?” Well, here I am saying well what makes you so special? I think Evelyn of all people should have taken a minute to step back and say, “OK wait a minute, this is happening to me.” She should acknowledge that it’s possible. When I mentioned that at the dinner, she had absolutely nothing to say.
You avoided the reunion, but what is it going to be like when you run into these people?
Given Matt’s career and where their men are I don’t think we’ll cross paths just because I haven’t crossed paths with these women before. But maybe there [will be] a day when we are all in the same state. You know we might be at some event, but again, it’ll just be a, “Hey,” but nothing more. It won’t be a hug or a kiss. It’ll just be an acknowledgment and that’s it. I won’t go out of my way but I will keep it cordial and respectful. It’s just too much energy to be all negative and nasty.
Is there anything else outstanding that you feel like you have to clear up?
I’m not interested in doing Season 2. If you do see me on Season 2, it will be for the wedding which is max one or two episodes, but other than that, that’s kind of it. I wish these women all the best of luck. I’ve used the show for what it’s used me for and I’m done. Not to say I’m the star of the show, but could you imagine the show without me? Everyone would just be crying the whole time.
Basketball Wives- Reunion Recap
Basketball Wives- Reunion Recap
The reunion of Basketball Wives aired last night on VH1. It was pretty good. Here is what happened.
The reunion show was hosted by Tanika, the same chick who hosted the For The Love Of Ray-J 2 reunion. I have nothing against her but I miss Lala Vasquez hosting these VH1 reunion shows. But anyway everyone was there except for Gloria (not shocked) she chose not to attend the reunion. I will post WHY she did not attend right after this blog post.
They talked about each of the girls. All of them except for Gloria like Royce, Evelyn revealed that they are now investigating her stalker and those text messages. Jennifer is still with her husband Eric. The climax of the reunion show came with when Sandra a.k.a the groupie showed up and the audience booed at her lol and then she was talking about that she hosts parties, she is a single mother, a business basically trying to promote herself on THEIR reunion that's how I saw it. She revealed she knew Eric (Jennifer's husband for a while) and that she did not know that he was married until she saw his staus on his Facebook page. She said Eric's marriuage to Jennifer is just "business" Then her , Suzie and Jennifer went back and forth at eachother. Jennifer called Sandra "delusional" and then Suzie walked off stage and came back with a bucket of water and threw it at her lol. She was pissed and storm off stage to beat her her ass I guess.
Couple of weeks ago I posted an article about that. Suzie was arrested because of that and spent a day in jail. At the end Royce began sobbing that how close she became with these girls.
The reunion was pretty good in my opinion. Tanika announced that season 2 starts in the fall
Brandy and Ray-J: A Family Business- Episode 10 Recap
Brandy and Ray-J: A Family Business- Episode 10
Episode 10 of Brandy and Ray-J: A Family Business aired last night on VH1. Here is a recap of what happened.
Sonja called down Shay and Ryan for a short meeting to talks about their positions at the job. Sonja thinks that Shay has potential to become a manager as for Ryan he is up there. So Sonja took notes ans tries to step uo her game. Ray-J did an interview with Hip Hop weekly and told Ryan that Universal Records wants to make a deal with him. Ray-J is considering signing the contract with Universal Records.
Meanwhile, Shay called up a dude for Brandy so she can produce a sitcom. Ryan being nosy as hell was listening at the door, which I think was rude. Shay met up with Brandy ans she got call from Ryan and he told her that she was going to work with Danga. Shay thinks that Ryan feels threatened by her which I agree. The only reason why all of a sudden he stepping up for Brandy is because Shay is stepping her game for Brandy.
Ray-J wanted to tell his mom about the deal with Universal Records. She wasn't feeling it. She wants Ray-J to finish the record first then do the deal. Shay had the meeting with the guy for Brandy then she met up with her again and told her about it. Brandy was impressed with Shay taking her job seriously.
Brandy went to the studio with Danga and she enjoyed it they were experimenting. different beats. Ray-J sent up his family up for dinner because he has a special announcement to make. He arrived and he revealed that he said yes to the deal with Universal Studios despite of his mom saying no. She didn't like it but she respect his decision. Then Rodeny Jerkins stopped by to talk about ray-J's album. Brandy wanted to help out but Rodeny cut her out and told " you can come when the album is done" Brandy was pissed off about that.
After that, Brandy had dinner with Tyrese and she told him about what happened with Rodney Jerkins. Tyrese thinks it's not about Rodney its about Ray-J and the dynamic between them. Brandy agreed with him. At he end of episode Ray-J was having dinner with Universal Records to sign the contract. Brandy showed and apologized to Ray-J for what happened.
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