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Showing posts with label Tiffany Pollard. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Tiffany Pollard. Show all posts

Friday, December 24, 2010

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Exclusive interview with HBIC New York

Tiffany Pollard - better known as her reality show-spawned celebrity alias, "New York" - isn't a name you forget. At least not if you caught her, and all the drama she dragged in, while starring in a string of saucy VH1 docu-series, including 2006's "Flavor of Love," "I Love New York" and her most recent, "New York Goes to Work." Pollard wasn't named "Head Bitch in Charge" for nothing, but the 28-year-old diva has cooled off, she says, and finally feels in charge - of her life Before stopping on Oct. 8 and 9 at Detroit's Ice Nightclub, the reformed rabble-rouser called us from California to chat about why the gays get her looking like a man, and how lunch with out director Lee Daniels led to her first major film role

 Do you stop by a lot of gay clubs?

Well, I've been blessed and very fortunate to have a large gay following. You know, gays confide in me; I love the gays. They give me so much love and support, and so I like to hang out and frequent a lot of gay clubs when travel or when I'm here at home

 How old were you the first time you went to one?

Oh my goodness - I think I was 17 How did you get in if you were underage? I've always just been fabulous, so they had to let me in What goes on at these gay club appearances? I mingle, I give love, I receive love. It's always just a cool vibe. Gays are just full of love, and that's how I'd sum up the gay lifestyle - just a whole bunch of love

What about you attracts the gays?

Gay people are fearless, and I know that they have a lot of challenges in their life, and because of that I feel like they're real. A lot of gay people that I speak to are in-your-face, take-it-or-leave-it, love-me-or-hate-me, and can relate to that in my life. And I'm a heterosexual, but I still relate to it Strength recognizes strength

What are you up to these days?

These days I'm still single. I haven't decided yet, but I'm leaning more toward doing it again and looking for love, but right now I'm working on some plays. There's one coming up in North Carolina. I'm also doing charity work; I'm going to Calcutta, India, and I'm excited about that. So I'm just trying to branch out and venture off and get onto a new path

What made you interested in doing charity work?

I love people, and God is, like, the head of my life. And I don't think people know how spiritual I am, and I just feel if he's blessing me I have to spread it around and bless someone else

So you actually do have a heart of gold (Laughs)

Right, exactly! What's going to be cool about this is they're going to document the trip; I'm going with Joyce Meyer Ministries, so it'll play out on TV, all over the Internet and all over her podcast. I'm just excited to put that side of myself out there.

Will this tie into a reality show?

You know, the sky's the limit! And there's going to be a possibility there.

What do you think of the image you made for yourself on your reality shows?

I feel like my life is a progression; obviously you get a little older, bu looking back at it, that was where I was at that time in my life. So, I stil love New York, I still support New York; that's just who she is. But like said, I got a little older, so I've calmed down a little bit more and focused more on ... I think I wanna get married! (Laughs) I'm, like, really ready to settle down and get my husband on. But I don't know if I want to have a baby yet D

does this mean you're leaving New York behind?

I wouldn't say I'm leaving her in the dust; she's still there. She's not totally in the past, but more so that I'm discovering myself through a new light And you got to understand, they're playing my shows in different countries now, and I get hit up from London and England and all over the place, and to just have that kind of notoriety is almost larger than me. It's like, I see the bigger picture And quite a feat to be larger than you, considering the size of your boobs

VH1 Star Halloween Morphing: New York as a Witch

I'm giving you guys a special for this month. We are celebrating Halloween by morphing some memorbale VH1 stars as iconic Halloween figures. For this week I morphed New York into a Witch.

New York as A Witch

More to come

P.S   NOT doing any requests. 

Sunday, August 22, 2010

VH1 Star Pics: New York and Heat together

Here is a picture of New York , Heat and Adamzworld. both of them recebtly hosted the 3rd annicersary of I Love New York. Who would have thought that they are good friends.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

New York @ a Backyard Party

New York was recently at backyard party in the hood. Mediatakeout says that it was a "paid appearance" but New York went to her twitter page it wasn't a paid appearance.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

VH1 Star Pics: New York and Daisy together

Here is a pic of two well known VH1 chicks that both had their own dating shows. New York and Daisy. they both met up with each other at an event, took a pic together holding their drinks.

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New York will give what the fans want... reality TV

Chris Trondsen of Pacific Rim Video talks to Tiffany Pollard aka New York about chillin at The Abbey in West Hollywood during July 4th weekend & why she is attending Kobe Bryant / Gina Alexander Charity to benefit underprivileged kids from the Philippines. 

She also says that she will return to reality TV and give what the fans want.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

New York's movie is called American Dream

New York confirms in this video that the movie that she working is called American Dream. She is also shooting a movie in India. Poprah interviews her as well. and like I said before is saying that I Love New York 3 begins casting in September.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Did New York got a face lift?

Do you see it? posted this picture of New York. She looks like she has some work done, possibly a face lift. It also looks like she bleached her skin. It might be the lighting though.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

KLASFM.COM Interviews New York recently interviewed VH1 star New York about what she has been up to. She revealed that she is working on two movies this summer.

Sunday, June 6, 2010

New York on the set of her movie


Here is a picture of New York on a set of her movie. New York has been working on a film. Don't know the details yet of the film. She looks great though.

Friday, May 14, 2010

VH1 Star Pics: New York on Carlton .com red carpet


The queen of VH1, Miss New York recently made an appearance at the Carlton red carpet. Wearing a baby blue dress with black boots.

Friday, October 30, 2009

New York Returning to Vh1

TMZ caught up with New York and asked her about returning to VH1 (Video at 11:54)
This is what New York had to say:

Hell yeah I don’t have a man yet. So I have to come back… Very soon, very soon; I’m very horny.
I need to start taking applications on the street. That makes me desperate though, I can’t do that

Saturday, February 14, 2009

New York to star in The Vagina Monologues

New York has never been shy when it comes to matters of the vagina (choice quote: “You’re a very passionate kisser. ‘Cause I felt that in other places, too.“), so news of her joining a touring company of The Vagina Monologues should come as no surprise. New York will hit the stage in Los Angeles, Dallas, Atlanta and Houston as part of the all-black production of Eve Ensler’s perennial favorite. “It’s kind of a serious actress type thingy and that’s what I’m striving to be,” said New York to the New York Post. It’s not everyday that you read the words “serious” and “thingy” in the same sentence, but there you go.

Also in the touring production is Deelishis, who as you undoubtedly haven’t forgotten, “beat” New York out for Flav’s “heart” in Flavor of Love 2. New York and Deelishis traveling together to multiple cities? We sense another poisoning coming on! [New York Post]


Friday, October 31, 2008

New York's message to Jennifer Hudson

This is a video of New York, as she found about the tragic news of Jennifer Hudson's mother,brother & nephew.

Saturday, August 30, 2008

New York To Star Opposite Will Smith?

Could Tiffany “New York” Pollard be finally realizing her dream of becoming a “legitimate” actress. spoke with a person who works in production of the upcoming film The Trial of the Chicago 7 and according to her, New York will be getting a role in the film

And get this … this ain’t just any movie. The movie, The Trial of the Chicago 7, is reported to be starring Will Smith and will be directed by Steven Spielberg. Yes, you heard us right Will Smith and Steven Spielberg.

“Casting isn’t done yet, but [Tiffany] is definitely high on the list. I don’t think she’ll get a lead role, but I’d bet that when it’s all said and done, she has a solid speaking part “

Did you just hear that noise … it was us falling the F@#$ OUT!!! Congrats New York!!!!

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