I had the pleasure to an exclusive interview with life coach Laura Baron, who is now the life on 'Bad Girls Club' This is my second time interviewing her, I interviewed her back in 2010 when she was the life coach on VH1's You're Cut Off. In this interview, she talks about the misconceptions people have with Bad Girls Club, why Redd and Britt really had a hard time working with her, she also reveals if Dalilah was plant or not, and talks season 13.
Hi, Laura how are you?
Hey John, Cool that we're able to do this. .. I appreciate you staying in touch since my VH1 days, man I Loved that show.
Before 'Bad Girls Club' we all remember you for being a life coach on VH1's 'You're Cut Off' for two seasons. Do you still keep in touch with any of those girls?
I do... I just spoke to Jessica actually yesterday. I get asked about both casts a lot actually They were amazing personalities and great women off air as well. They were definitely loved!

You are now a life coach to 'Bad Girls Club' girls this current season. What are the major differences and similarities between this show and 'Your'e Cut Off'?
The actual physical fights hat I've seen go down on BGC separates the cast. But other than that, both YCO and BGC feature young women who are either challenged with who they are or the environment they were raised. Fortunately , both shows also feature girls who are bright, funny as hell, and open to change. They also each were stacked with challenging personalities. But you know never met a challenge I don't love...
Have you seen 'Bad Girls Club' before? If so what what were your thoughts about it and what do you think is the biggest misconception about this show that people have?
I never saw BGC. From what I heard it was like Springer on heels. The biggest misconception about the show is that the girls themselves are as 'bad' as their actions. Not so. They may act out in ways other's wouldn't but underneath it they come from the same vulnerabilities we all have. Also, you should the production team on BGC are made of huge- hearted professionals who are truly rooting for the girls. It was an incredible environment behind the scenes as well.
It seems like Redd and Britt was the most challenging to work with from what we saw, why do you think that is?
Most of the girls struggled with trust , their struggle ran a little deeper. So for them letting in some suited up stranger while a bunch of cameras were shoved in their face wasn't exactly recipe for a lovefest. That said, I loved working with both Redd ad Britt.. my daily clients , not to mention my seasons on YCO and Monster-In-Laws prepared me for challenges on and off tv. Not to mention, they're both sweethearts. Britt has just started to warm up to me before she got kicked out of the house. So close! We chat now and have a cool relationship She's a good 'bad' girl, And Redd... come on now...she worked for the situation with her feather, I loved that moment. so proud of her.
Were there any more scenes with you interacting with the girls that we did NOT get to see on TV?
Several. Lots of tears, deeper conversations,details of the girls past. I respect that wasn't shown. It wasn't necessary and gave the girls space to work on their issues without getting completely exposed in front of the audience. There were also several funnier moments , we all liked to play. I once even rapped to Jada to cheer her up.
I had the pleasure to an exclusive interview with life coach Laura Baron, who is now the life on 'Bad Girls Club' This is my second time interviewing her, I interviewed her back in 2010 when she was the life coach on VH1's You're Cut Off. In this interview, she talks about the misconceptions people have with Bad Girls Club, why Redd and Britt really had a hard time working with her, she also reveals if Dalilah was plant or not, and talks season 13.
Hi, Laura how are you?
Hey John, Cool that we're able to do this. .. I appreciate you staying in touch since my VH1 days, man I Loved that show.
Before 'Bad Girls Club' we all remember you for being a life coach on VH1's 'You're Cut Off' for two seasons. Do you still keep in touch with any of those girls?
I do... I just spoke to Jessica actually yesterday. I get asked about both casts a lot actually They were amazing personalities and great women off air as well. They were definitely loved!
You are now a life coach to 'Bad Girls Club' girls this current season. What are the major differences and similarities between this show and 'Your'e Cut Off'?
The actual physical fights hat I've seen go down on BGC separates the cast. But other than that, both YCO and BGC feature young women who are either challenged with who they are or the environment they were raised. Fortunately , both shows also feature girls who are bright, funny as hell, and open to change. They also each were stacked with challenging personalities. But you know never met a challenge I don't love...
Have you seen 'Bad Girls Club' before? If so what what were your thoughts about it and what do you think is the biggest misconception about this show that people have?
I never saw BGC. From what I heard it was like Springer on heels. The biggest misconception about the show is that the girls themselves are as 'bad' as their actions. Not so. They may act out in ways other's wouldn't but underneath it they come from the same vulnerabilities we all have. Also, you should the production team on BGC are made of huge- hearted professionals who are truly rooting for the girls. It was an incredible environment behind the scenes as well.
It seems like Redd and Britt was the most challenging to work with from what we saw, why do you think that is?
Most of the girls struggled with trust , their struggle ran a little deeper. So for them letting in some suited up stranger while a bunch of cameras were shoved in their face wasn't exactly recipe for a lovefest. That said, I loved working with both Redd ad Britt.. my daily clients , not to mention my seasons on YCO and Monster-In-Laws prepared me for challenges on and off tv. Not to mention, they're both sweethearts. Britt has just started to warm up to me before she got kicked out of the house. So close! We chat now and have a cool relationship She's a good 'bad' girl, And Redd... come on now...she worked for the situation with her feather, I loved that moment. so proud of her.
Were there any more scenes with you interacting with the girls that we did NOT get to see on TV?
Several. Lots of tears, deeper conversations,details of the girls past. I respect that wasn't shown. It wasn't necessary and gave the girls space to work on their issues without getting completely exposed in front of the audience. There were also several funnier moments , we all liked to play. I once even rapped to Jada to cheer her up.
Now there is a conspiracy theory going around that the new girl Dalilah was a set up from you to test the girls' progress. How do you respond to that? and have you met her before she left?
I should tell the producers really like Dalia and said she was a cool woman, I feel like she deserves that acknowledgment . I don't know her- never met her before or after or since . If she was a plantm you better believe I would've have jumped on in there and never let things get where they did. No plant. No way.
Are we going to see you on the season 12 reunion show?
Of course. Tanisha hosted it, she by the way is a gerat example a Bad Girl turning her brand and life around. I really like her and thought she was a cool role model to the younger girls coming up. I loved seeing the girls again. You have to understand I know these women solely from our very personal and often intense exchanges in the coaching room. I adore each of them.
Now you are also going to be on the season 13 all star season which will premiere this fall. I know you can't say much about it but was season 13 more challenging than season 12?
The difference between 12 and season 13 is the girls had already been on camera so that wasn't as jarring to them. i think it took longer for the 12 girls to get used to it and open up, it's understandable. That said, on 13 we WORKED that show . Every single one of those girls is truly a stand out in her own right. It's very clear why they're all-stars. You'll be watching an intense season.
Is there anything else you will like to add?
This BGC change-up wasn't small . Bad Girls Club has consistantly been one of Oxygen's top rated shows for years. This whole season marks a big moment in TV. It was ballsy of Oxygen to give this ratings dominator a new transformational make-over, big of producers to lean into the new format ,and huge of the girls to work on themselves in front of millions of viewers. Not to mention , there really are no fans like BGC fans - so for them to accept this whole change is pretty epic. After all, this is really their show. I'm proud to be part of that process and appreciate being let into the family. A crazy and dysfunctional family, but still family.
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