Tough Love Couples: Episode 6 and 7 Recaps
Two new episodes of Tough Love Couples aired back to back on Monday night, here is what happened. On episode 6 it was all about their exes. Their exes showed up to tell them they have moved on . The two people that really piss me off was Dustin and Heather. With Dustin he claimed that he was not attracted to his ex, yet he gave her a piggy back ride, he kissed her ect He was trying to make Courtney jealous and did not work! I thought that was shady of him to do. You are not in high school dude. Another person that me piss me off was Heather. Her ex came and he made it clear that her and Larry would not be a good match but she acted like it wasn't a problem. I personally think that Courtney and Larry deserve better than what they have. Dennis's mom shows up as well and she says that she does not want his sons marriage to sink.Heather and Larry were at the hot seat and Larry finally stood up to himself and put his foot down when her ex showed up. She tells her ex that she can't speak to him for a year to prove to him that she wants to be with Larry. Dennis and Simon were also on the hot seat. Dennis talked to his mom about some issues their have been facing. His mom supports him and just want him to be happy,
Episode 7 the couples went to an ring store. To gets serious about their possible engagements. Mario reveals that he is afraid of getting a divorce to Christina since she was to get engaged now. He also revealed that he had money problems. Pawl and Danielle did the worse and was int he hot seat. We found out that Danielle had a rough childhood which was the reason why she had a hard time saying I love you to Pawl.
Next week is the finale.