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Monday, March 14, 2011

Basketball Wives 2 Reunion Interview - Ashley Walker

Basketball wives 2 Reunion Interview- Ashley Walker

Here is VH1's reunion interview with Ashley Walker

How do you feel about being here?
It’s a little nerve-wracking, but, hey, it’s fun.

Is it intimidating at all?
I mean, we’re all women. I don’t think it’s necessarily intimidating because we’re all grown-ass women. Nobody intimidates anybody, but it’s just more a nerve-wracking, like, “Oh hell. What’s going to happen now:”

It seems like, no matter how much drama crept up on you, you really tried to stay out of it as best you could.
It’s not like I tried to stay out of it. That’s who I am: I stay out of it. I don’t feed into all the he said/she said crap. There’s too many other things going on.

What did you think about this season and your portrayal and your part on it?
As far as my portrayal, I was cool with it because it really did show me. I know people were like, “Oh, you didn’t say anything.” I’m like, “No I didn’t because if I didn’t say anything it means I really didn’t care.”

What did you think about the whole charity fight?
(sigh) Of course when it happened, I was pissed. I was so mad. I got over it, but when I saw it, I got mad again. And then I actually laughed, like, this s*** was crazy. You had to laugh. I’m still upset that it happened at my event.

Do you feel like Tami apologized sufficiently?
Oh, yes. Tami apologized to me many occasions on camera and off-camera. We’re cool, we’re fine, we talk all the time. I got respect for Tami because she really did apologize. I believe that it was sincere.

Did it end up hurting you in any way: your reputation, your standing with the charity or anything like that?
After the charity event happened, the sponsors left. A lot of companies and sponsors didn’t want their name on the post-press release because they didn’t want to be associated with the show at all. Yeah, that did affect me negatively.

Is there anybody that you have outstanding beef with coming to the stage?
No, I don’t have any outstanding beef with anybody. I think it’s really petty. Now, do I get along with everybody? No. But that’s just people in general. You’re not getting along with everybody, everybody’s personality is different. I wasn’t meant to get along with everybody, all nine girls.

Is there anybody in particular that you don’t get along with?
I’m real cool with Royce, I’m cool with Suzie, I think Suzie’s cool. People put that past Suzie, but I think she’s cool. Gloria’s cool, too. Tami and I, we’re really cool. I got respect for Evelyn. She does her thing. As far as Jennifer, our personalities are different. We’re not necessarily on speaking terms. I got respect for the girl, I mean, she’s got a lip gloss line and s***, she’s got her thing. I wouldn’t necessarily talk s*** about her, but we’re not necessarily cool, you know what I’m saying? And I would say the same about Shaunie. She gets her hustle on, but we’ve never really spoken.

Is it more negative with Shaunie?
No, I’ve just never really spoken to her. I’ve never had any kind of interaction with her.

Did anything that the girls on the show said about your relationship bother you at all?
See, when it comes to talking about the relationship, I do get offended. That may be something I regret: Rafer should have never been on that show because that’s personal. It’s one thing if you talk about me, but when you talk about my relationship with my family, then you’re taking it to another level and that’s when there’s problems.

At one point the phrase “jump off” was used in reference to you.
It is what it is. At the end of the day that’s my relationship and it’s nobody’s business. I can’t listen to all that because they don’t…I live at my house with my kids, so that’s the only thing that I’m focused on. All that bulls***, they’re not really helping me take care of the kids.

Do you have any thoughts about Season 3? Would you like to return?
I don’t know. It’s definitely crazy. You’ve got to weigh the options on your family and in your relationship, like, is it worth it?

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