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Thursday, June 9, 2011

ThyBlackman Slams VH1 Basketball wives ; Harmful or Helpful?

The Website ThyBlackman Talks About Basketball wives Heres what they said:

My quarrel is not just with Basketball Wives. All fake real women shows are essentially the same: They’re mostly white with the token Latina or black woman. Or they’re mostly black with a token Latina or white woman thrown into the mix.
Everybody’s wearing expensive clothes, living in lavish homes and driving fancy cars. And in between all that, they’re very busy shopping and drinking champagne and cursing each other out. And generally, doing a whole lot of nothing much else.

Which is why I call them “so-called” reality shows. Can I just tell you? It’s not harmless. The problem is these shows are teaching a whole generation of people exactly how not to behave in life and in a relationship — with anybody — not just a husband.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Sinbads show
Beverly Hills Fab
Braxton Family Values and
Football Wives were more entertaining.

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