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Monday, March 19, 2012

Basketball Wives 4 Kesha Clears up the KENYA Issue


New interview with Juicy magazine Kesha Clears up Alot of Rumors.

Juicy: On the last episode KENYA BELL called you a “hater” when you stepped back from her project. How did you feel about that?
KESHA NICHOLS: That’s one of those situations where there was a lot more back-story. When I said, ‘If it’s not gonna be perfect, I don’t want to be a part of it,’it seemed like I was being really short with her but that was not what was meant. Kenya was just very inexperienced. She’d never shot a video, never hired dancers, never had a story board. There were so many things she didn’t know and I was trying to enlighten her and consult her and she just didn’t want to hear it.
Because she didn’t have a budget and because everything was kind of thrown together I felt that it was best for me to remove myself from it so that we could still remain friends. I made a professional move and I think she was offended by it. She then threw that jab at me during her dance auditions.

Juicy: Last week, both TAMI and KENYA tweeted that a scene about you exchanging numbers with KENYA’s husband was edited out. What was this all about?
KN: That was such a non-issue that it wasn’t even covered on the show. The show is all about drama. If there was something really there, don’t you think they would’ve jumped on that and made it a full storyline? They’re not trying to protect me anyway, I’m the new girl.
I saw Kenya’s husband out in New York and it had been two years since I had seen either one of them. I was under the impression that they were still together and didn’t know that they weren’t. We had all exchanged information when were friends way back. When we started filming the show, I think he found out that Kenya was doing it and he texted me. He sent me a text that said “Hey.” I didn’t respond to it and I immediately told Kenya—end of story. It was nothing. That’s why we didn’t see it on the show.

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