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Friday, October 16, 2009

Bret Michaels & Sharon Osbourne to be on Celebrity Apprentice?

Bret Michaels and Sharon Osbourne were spotted shooting the intro for the third season of The Celebrity Apprentice, set to air on NBC in the spring. The network has made no official announcement regarding the cast, but, uh, yeah: looks like the VH1 vets are set for it (also spotted in the group: Cyndi Lauper, Rod Blagojevich and Darryl Strawberry). If indeed this is the cast (and not some elaborate hoax), we cannot wait to watch Bret compete. Up until this point in his reality TV career, he’s been running the show — can he handle the pressure when the tables are turned?

More Fox Reality Awards pics!


VH1 Star Childhood Pic: Baker

This is a pic of Baker in her teen years, she was is the one with pink shirt & the orange hair.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

VH1 Interview: Baker (Real Chance of love 2)

So, this is fun: below Baker talks at length about her connection with Chance, on- and off-air rivalries and why she has no shame regarding her job as a stripper. Make sure you stick around till the end for a bit of philosophy from Baker — it’s really something.

How was your time on the show?

It was actually a learning experience. It was fun to be part of a social experiment, which is how I now see it. I learned a lot about myself and reality TV.

What did you learn about yourself?

Just watching myself on TV, I shoulda started punching girls in their face instead of playing the role of I-want-to-get-as-much-time-on-TV-as-possible. I didn’t want to go home for punching a girl in her mouth. They didn’t say any of that stuff to my face, so watching them makes me want to punch them in their face. So I’m just gonna start punching them.

Who specifically pisses you off?

The show is one thing, but once we’re off the show, we’re in real life. When people do radio interviews and they bash other girls on the show, it’s not cool at all. Everything that I’ve said about a certain somebody – I’m not gonna say her name, she doesn’t get anymore airplay from me – she brought it upon herself, when she started badmouthing me. Telling business that is not aired on the show is not cool. The fans do not need to know about what goes on behind the scenes and who did what to who. I think talking about what wasn’t aired is low, and I just want to punch her in her mouth.

How affected by this show were you emotionally? You cried when you were eliminated.

(Laughs) When I got eliminated, I was numb. I would have rather gotten kicked off at the beginning, when it was actually fun in the house. By that time, it was over it. I cried because I wasted my time. It just hit me in the head, like, I really liked him, I was there for him and he sent me home.

Even Blonde Baller said that you were there for Chance…

I give her props on that, but that’s it. I don’t want to talk about her.

But to that point, it did seem that you had something of a connection with him.

I thought so. If he didn’t think so, that’s on him. I can’t knock him for that. I’m not for everybody.

At the same time, you seemed ready to go before elimination.

Being in the Top 3 is really stressful, and at that point, it was old, I was tired and doing the show wasn’t fun anymore. There was nothing else for me to accomplish with him or the other girls. Chance had in his mind who he wanted and it wasn’t me.

What did you think of Chance saying in this week’s extras that he sent you home because he couldn’t be with a stripper?

I was picked to go on the show, and everybody knew I was a stripper from Day 1. The excuse that he wouldn’t date me because I’m a stripper is f***ing pointless. Are you really going to date me when you choose me is the real question. This is a TV show. I am a stripper and I’m proud of it, and unless a man is going to accept me and be proud of me for it, I don’t need him in my life. How I’m making my money as long as I’m respecting myself shouldn’t have nothing to do with, “Oh, I can’t date you. I can’t let you go on further.” I think him saying that was classless, but I’m not going to dis him. He can dis me all he wants, but he’ll never hear a reply because I was on his show. He may have sent me home but I was there for a reason, and I proved my point. I’m still the baddest bitch. I was myself on that show, and I’m myself now.


If they didn’t want no f***ing strippers on the f***ing show, they shouldn’t have cast us. Strippers make the world go around. Would you rather me be a f***in’ stripper or be a f***in’ prostitute or f***in’ sell drugs or go own a lemonade stand? I work at the best strip club. Magic City in Atlanta is world famous. Last night, Akon was there. Everyone comes and sees us. I never seen…ugh, whatever. I don’t even want to talk about it. I never would have thought that Chance would have said that.

Do you resent him?

No. He’s a character. Chance as a character is more exciting than Kamal as a person. He’s actually a shy guy. That’s who I was attracted to.

It’s kind of refreshing to hear you say that you aren’t ashamed of what you do. A lot of women openly struggle with calling stripping their profession.

I am a stripper. I’ve been stripping for two years. I work three nights a week at Magic City. I have clientele. I am about to be in the Magic City calendar. I have a lot going for me. When I decide I’m tired of dancing, that’s when I’ll gracefully leave. Dancing is beautiful to me. I enjoy it. My mother has come to watch me dance on Christmas.


I would rather go shake my ass and make some money and have people come see me than go to a nightclub and have guys grinding on me, not giving me any money and wanting to go home with me at the end of the night. What is the point? I’d rather get paid to look good and party. I’m not bumping and grinding on these guys. We give table dances. We don’t do lap dances.

Speaking of tables, I really enjoyed when you were barefoot on the living room table ranting about Blonde Baller.

I look like a f***in’ shoeless hillbilly up on that table! I wish they would have shown me going into the room and getting her. I laid it on the line. I mean, she’s a liar. Everything about her on the show was a lie. Just shut up and be yourself. You don’t have to talk a lot to prove your point and pull people’s flaws out for your personal gain. I was fed up about it, and so I was confronted her. Now she’s trying to paint me out to be the bad guy. I’m not a bad guy, I’m just a real bitch. She’s not a real bitch, she just has a big mouth and she needs somebody to shut it up. If she doesn’t want to be in reality TV, she needs to walk away from the light and go where they want her. Don’t knock the other girls on the show. She thinks she’s better than everybody and she’s not s***.

I did hear that you were naked a lot more than we ever saw on TV. Was that true?

Yes, I was often naked in the house, and I think that was my downfall, ‘cause they really don’t show me a lot of the time. They couldn’t.

Is there anyone else you have outstanding beef with?

I don’t even call it beef, because beef is what I eat on the dinner table. I don’t have any drama or beef. I’ve already given the invitation to Blonde Baller: if she wants to fight, we can fight. Let’s get this over with and have VH1 pay us to fight.

Like a half-hour special?

I think the girls from each season should go ahead and box it out. If we have a problem with somebody, we should go ahead and do this and make some money off it.

Forget Charm School, this is the real solution to your problems.

We need some real Ultimate Fighting s*** going down.

Why were you so sad about Chance’s reaction to the cake?

I had been asking to make a cake since I first got into the house, since my name was Baker. When I finally did use it, I didn’t know how to use the oven, it didn’t work. It took forever. It was a sincere gesture, and Chance just looked at it like it was stupid. Letting my wall down and trying to be nice and being ladylike and showing someone affection…I don’t usually do that. It was like, “I made this f***in’ cake, and you need to love it.” A lot of people say Chance and I are a lot alike, but I think you can tell when someone is genuine and someone is acting.

What about your interview outfit? That was interesting.

It’s a dancer’s outfit. It was made my a very talented designer here in Atlanta. I wish they would have shown the whole, full effect of it. It’s like a dominatrix’s outfit. It was hot to me! I really wanted to be naked in the interviews, but you can imagine how that went over.

Do you have any regrets?

No. Not even getting the tattoo. I beat out a lot of girls to be on that show, so I got my tattoo and I’m proud of it. I don’t regret the tattoo, I don’t regret the cake, I don’t regret throwing the drink on the first episode, and I don’t regret giving Chance a hug after he let me go. I had a great run. Nine out of 10 episodes. My family is proud of me that they can say, “Hey, that’s my niece.” “That’s my daughter.” “That’s my cousin that’s on that show.” I can’t turn on VH1 without seeing my face, and that’s going to continue. And every time I look at my tattoo, I’m like, “Hey, I did that.” You know?

Good for you for not being ashamed of anything.

All I got is my words and my p****, and if you don’t ain’t got that, then you ain’t got nothing.

2009 Fox Reality Awards more pics!

I Want To Work For Diddy 2 Supertrailer

The trailer to the 2nd season

Sassy's Radio show Part 2 Hot Wings VS Blonde Baller Recording

part 2 is uploaded. Hot Wings and Blonde Baller call on air and they both get into it on air!


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