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Thursday, August 19, 2010

Celebrity Rehab 4 Rachel Gets Sued

19 Aug 2010 | Ambika Muttoo So this whole six degrees of separation theory doesn’t apply for all of humanity. Because apparently, between slime balls, there’s only one degree. Case in point: Michael Lohan and Rachel Uchitel. And he’s thinking about suing her. Now we’re trying to wrap our heads around this one too. It makes our brain implode. The worlds biggest douchebag and worlds biggest skank. Together. HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE? What twist of, well, twisted fate contrived to make these two black holes collide? The deal is, and join us in laughing your asses off,  Michael supposedly helped Yuckitel with getting her fame whore on, including Celebrity Rehab. That’s where she deserved to get sued period. Who the hell would trust their “career” with Michae Lohan? But to be fair, Rachel isn’t exactly known for her brains. Soooo, Papa Lohan introduced the man-eating Tiger to  David Weintraub. Now this dude is supposed to be some sort of talent manager, but we seriously doubt that because he agreed to accept Rachel as a client. Scratch “talent” right off his business card. He’s the one who got Uchitel in Celeb Rehab where it is said that she’s raked in $500,000. Now this is when it gets mangled. Here’s the connection: Michae gets a commission off the clients he gets Weintraub. Apparently they split the money. Weintraub was supposed to get a 20 percent commission off Uchitel, which he would have then shared with Lohan. But now Rachel’s apparently played both of them. Lohan said she made a payment installment of $60,000 but refused to pay anymore and gave the rest of the money to charity. And by “charity” she probably means “shoes”. And to add insult to injury, she want’s the original payment back. Wed to add insult to injury, she want’s the original payment back. We have no idea why, but this is Michae Lohan’s story. It’s going to be mystifying So the end result is, no money for Weintraub, no money for Lohan. And the statements coming from both Uchitel and Weintraub seem to be telling Lohan to Rachel’s lawyer, Gloria Allred’s statement basically translates to “F**k off” reading,“Rachel has no agreement either in writing or otherwise with Michael Lohan. She is mystified as to why he believes he has any legal claim. She will not dignify his comments about her with any additiona response. She has no further comment on this matter.” Weintraub’s legal rep  Dana Cole kinda echoes the statement but in politer terms saying, “There is no ongoing or existing business relationship between Michael and David but Michael did assist in introducing Rachel to David, a favor that at first David appreciated, but as time has gone on and Rachel has proved so difficult it is much less appreciated. I think Michae is very frustrated at all that has gone on, and to a certain extent I can understand why.” Lohan’s giving her a week to pay up, else.
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