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Friday, November 27, 2009

Thursday, November 26, 2009

Caliente interviews Blonde Baller

For The Love Of Ray-J 2 Premeire Party

Premeire Party Love of Ray J Season 2 Official cast party. Chapter 8 Nightclub Agoura, Ca. November 2nd 2009. Hosted by Herrera Entertainment Group. Kip Force host aka Blonde Baller from Real Chance...

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Megan's dog Lily raps?

Here is the debut rap video from Megan's dog Lily

Celebrity Fitclub 7 Pics!

Credit goes to leilagoodrattie

VH1 Interview: Popper (For The Love Of Ray-J 2)

Below, one of the most recent cast-offs from For the Love of Ray J 2 talks about her dancing skills, her connection with Ray and why she isn’t a ditzy blonde.

How was your time on the show?

It was good. It was different, obviously. It’s different when you have 20 girls living in the same house. That means a bunch of drama all the time. It was very intense. Sometimes it got pretty ridiculous, like when people were trying to throw fits over stuff that doesn’t even matter. Like Extra trying to throw fits because people were leaving dishes in the sink, which wasn’t even that big of a deal. When the circumstances are already stressful and you have people creating unnecessary stress, it kinda gets difficult.

What did you think of your portrayal?

I thought it was skewed in the sense that I’m a pretty intelligent person, and I felt like to an extent, VH1 portrayed me as a ditzy blonde type. One of the things I really did not appreciate was the whole dancing thing. I felt like VH1 made me look like I was the one who came up with the routine and made all the girls do it, and that I was the one that said I’m great at dancing. The only thing I stated was that I love to dance. I never said I was a professional dancer, or that I teach dance for a living. It’s just something I like to do. I felt like that was an inaccurate portrayal. I felt like I was made to look like I was behind that whole routine and making it look the way it did, when in reality, I wasn’t the person picking out the dance moves and telling everyone what to do.

Were you disappointed to be eliminated?

I was. In that particular episode, I was getting frustrated toward the end, because I felt like in order to get to a certain level with Ray or to get his attention, you had to literally throw yourself at him. I was sarcastic and lifted up my skirt and was like, “Is that what you want me to do?” I wasn’t trying to be dumb, I was just being very sarcastic about it, because that’s what my impression was: to get any time with Ray, you had to put out, literally. I don’t throw myself at a guy. That’s lust, and we weren’t on the show for the lust of Ray J, we were there for the love of Ray J.

The irony is that when you did that, he really did stare at your butt.

Exactly. It proved my point, regardless of what Ray had to say in his interview right after.

What about him implying that you made no effort to connect with him?

I thought that was false. It was where my frustration came from. To me, his definition of effort was throwing yourself at him, which is something I wasn’t willing to do. That’s where that misconception came from. His idea of making an effort was different than mine. Plus, you didn’t get to see some of the quality time me and Ray spent together. We have a lot of things in common. I love music, I play the piano and I write stuff. There were little things here and there that made us compatible, but it just wasn’t meant to be. There was a difference of views on quality time and what effort really means.

Do you have any resentment?

I wouldn’t say that I resent anything, it’s just the way that it played out.

Are you from Russia?

Yes, born and raised. I came to the States about 10 years ago.

Your accent is impressive.

That was another thing that I was not very happy with. I felt like VH1 made me look like less than I am. I’m 25 and I came here from another country, and I learned English. I’m almost done with my Masters degree in business, too. I’m not a dumb blonde.

What attracted you to reality TV?

I’m in the entertainment and modeling business. It’s how I found out about this show. You never know where you can find love, so I’m a very open-minded person. That’s another thing that attracted me to the show. It gives you an opportunity to do something you haven’t before, and within that there’s a possibility of finding love. I feel like a lot of people are close-minded. They think you can’t find love on the Internet or whatever. You never know. If you told me years ago that I was going to move from Russia to the United States, I would have laughed at you. But here I am.

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