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Monday, August 2, 2010

VH1access Interview: Laura Baron (You're Cut Off)

Here is my interview with the life coach of You're Cut Off... Larua Baron. She tells me how she got in the show to be the life coach, She also says that her greatest challenge was to get the girls "invested in the program" She also believes that Chrissy has insecurity issues she has tried to reach to her as well. She gives a shout to me, VH1info ( my blog partner) and Rich from  Follow her on twitter. Visit her facebook page

VH1access: Hello Laura, Thank you for doing this interview with me. How are you?
Laura: I'm great thanks.... you're an important part of our VH1 family, happy to the interview. 

VH1access: The show was a success, the finale ended with big ratings. How did you end up being on this show? Were you offered to be on it?
Laura: Our audience nailed the finale for us... they're amazing, we're so proud to have such loyal supporters! Originally, VH1 reached out to me direct to devise and run the program once they had the concept down. We all clicked immediately, everyone on the project had great intentions. Ironically, the day they wanted to meet the team I was already scheduled out to NY  to meet with TODAY show, it all very easy.

VH1access: Was teaching these girls how to be more independent one of your biggest challenges?
Laura: Before getting them to independence , my greatest challenge was to get them invested in the program. The cameras and lights can be distracting from the core goal. I wasn't there for entertainment, I was there to get these women whole.

VH1access: Who was the most difficult girl to work with?
Laura: They all had their moments.. it was a challenging situation. I expected the push-back. Some were clearly more aggressive, but sometimes those are the easiest to launch because you know exactly what you're getting.

VH1access: Do you think that Chrissy had hidden insecurity issues in her? Watching the show, she was upset that she left.
Laura: Absolutely, I get this question most often especially on my Facebook /Twitter -asklauarbaron accounts. Between Chrissy's need for her compact and need for her attention she showcased her insecurities daily. She had thick walls up out of her self-protection. Unfortunately, she protected herself out of an experience that could've really helped her. It was sad to see her go. I hope she finds someone she'll let in .. she deserves to be happy too.

VH1access: Was there a moment where you thought one of the girls might have gave up on the program and quit?
Laura: Everyday in that program there was a possibility one of the girls would bolt. It was a delicate balance between pushing them and keeping them. They're not women used to be told what to do or being required to share more than their labels and charm... I never concerned myself with anyone stepping out. If they weren't committed , they should't be there. In the end, the girls proved to be smart , too proud , too invested in the program to walk , and after meeting them I expected that too.

VH1access: What was your favorite lesson you did with them?
Laura: I Loved getting them in font of the mirror acknowledging their truths and I love working with PATH. Getting real and giving back are two core values of the program . I was proud how open they were to each.

VH1access: Do you still keep in touch with the girls?
Laura: I do. I've reached to all of them and their families and remain accessible to all of them on an as-needed basis. This is a process. I promised them as long as they were willing to do the work, I'd be there. And I am always will be - they're my girls . I have not spoken to Chrissy, however. I have reached out to her several times again it's her choice.

VH1acces: Will you return for the show's 2nd season?
Laura: Yes. I love the project, the team and the integrity. If there's a second season, I'll be running it... it'd be great to share my program with a new group!

VH1access: You also have a website. can you tell me about it?
Laura: has grown with a demand. We get hundreds of write ins weekly requesting advice. .. So to keep it up, we've added the newsletter and additional outreach options alongside a topical blog and exiting changes upcoming. I'll give you updates as they happen. It'll be definitely worthwhile to keep checking back....

VH1access: Thank you Laura for doing this interview. Do you want to give a shout out to anyone?
Laura: Anytime! My shout out is to our amazing supporters like you. You, your buddy  VH1 info and Rich over at VH1 are great examples of people who led the troops to get this show seen and loved. Also, to the women on the show brave enough to show themselves and to our supporters brave enough to let us in... VH1, the entire production team and myself thank you... you made this show!

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