Laura Puts Gilbert On Blast
If VH1 was smart they would bring back Laura Goven since now Basketball Wives: LA will be getting a 5th season. The show needs a real storyline and this could be it. The drama between Laura and Gilbert Arena is not over. Last week, alleged leaked e-mails claiming that Gilbert Arena gace Laura Govan STDS, and also had Draya allegedly beaten up.
Laura Govan claims that now only he allegedly beat up Draya but he also fathered Draya's
she quotes
I also fail to mention how you lied about Draya and all that drama situation and her baby! Then you turn around and have her Beat Up in her apartment! Broken Nose & All!" "When I left you it was because I couldn't take the STDs and you slapping me around all the time! So let's tell the real story about LA!"