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Friday, October 2, 2009

Hot Wings, Baker and Mamacita to be on a radio show

Hot Wings just tweeted on her Twitter page that her, Baker and Mamacita are going to appear on ashleofshepromo radio show, to talk about Blond Baller. Wednesday night at 8PM


NEW MUSIC: Lady Gaga - Bad Romance

Lady Gaga's new single Bad Romance has leaked!


Credit: Vanity Edge

VH1 Interview: Blonde Baller , wants to do Charm School

Blonde Baller left behind plenty of unanswered questions when she was booted from Real Chance of Love 2: Why was she so eager to talk about her competitors? Why was she so upset when she was eliminated? Why was she targeted by the other girls? And who the hell is Dale? We attempt to get to the bottom of them in the in the interview below…

Usually the first question I ask is, “How was your time on the show?” But via your Twitter, and elsewhere, I think I already know the answer.

My time was not positive at all.

What leaves you the most unsettled?

The editing. They made me look like I snitched on Flirty. They didn’t show the date before that, when she was dancing with Real and sitting with Real at dinner. Flirty was talking about me for 35 minutes about how she wanted to take a Real chain. She told me she liked Chance as a friend. I told her to use her next date to get to know Real, that way if she got kicked off, she got kicked off trying for the guy she was originally there for.

We did see her specifically say that she wasn’t going to take a Real chain, though.

She said that she wanted to get to know him, but she didn’t want to take his chain and be a flip-flopper. That’s when I said, “Well, Mamacita did it.” And she said, “Oh!” After that, in the room, I told her, “Flirty, don’t back out,” she said she wouldn’t, that she was going to get to know Real. Then the next day on the bus, she said, “Oh, I like Chance again!” Whatever, dude. They just don’t show a lot of stuff, like Hot Wings’ dude calling and saying, “Tell her that her car payment is paid.” They brought that up in court and she said, “Well, it’s still in his name. We were together two years. We’re still best friends.” She didn’t pack up one time, she packed up three times.

What about the snitching issue?

We’re taped 24/7. How am I snitching on you when you told national television your business? The only reason I know your business is because you were open with it and you were open with it in front of a camera.

What struck me as odd about the situation with Classy is that it was OK for Chance to talk about her, but it wasn’t OK for you to talk about Chance talking about her.

Exactly. And the reason I talked to Classy about her ankles comes from the zoo date, when PS made a really nasty comment to me about my eyebrows. She said, “Who the hell does them?” I didn’t know there was anything wrong with them. If you watch, toward the end of the show, my eyebrows are colored in because Classy started doing that for me to help me out. And now that’s how I shape them. So I figured that if she helped me with my eyebrows, why couldn’t I help her with her ankles? I wanted to help her look nice for her man.

Although, you talked a lot about playing the game, and however you want to label it, if you talk so openly about the other girls, you run the risk of being called a snitch or made out to be the show’s villain. I mean, that’s the bigger game at hand.

The funny thing is that Mamacita’s up in her room talking to Chance about how she doesn’t like me, “BB said this, BB said that.” Hot Wings is telling him she doesn’t like me. Baker is telling him she doesn’t like me. So when they’re talking crap, it’s OK. Bu the minute I open my mouth, I’m snitching.

Yeah, and I guess that brings up the point that these shows thrive off of people talking about people. It’s like, the way you prove you’re the best, is by proving other people are the worst.

I don’t think that I was the worst, because I didn’t get a tattoo to impress a guy. I kept my morals. I’m not sleeping with someone to get ahead. I’m pretty sure I could have slept with Chance and stayed for the remainder of the season, but I just wasn’t willing to do that.

You’re one of the only girls we saw with Chance in his room.

Chance invited me up there. They made it look like I went up there on my own accord. He’s been criticizing me on Twitter, too, saying I have a flat booty. But if you look at the Chelsea Lately segment with them, he says, “Blonde Baller has a bangin’ body.” So now my body’s bad? He was feeling me, I just think it’s funny that he’s making it seem like he wasn’t.

After this week’s episode, you went on Twitter and unleashed. Had you felt sort of bottled up with resentment up to this point?

What I was more pissed off about than even being edited to look like a liar, is that when Chance and I were sitting at dinner, he asked me about Flirty and I told him that I didn’t want to talk about her, and he said again, “Girl, I asked you a question, you gotta answer it.” I told him I didn’t want to again, he asked me again and I said, “Well, Flirty…” and was made to look like I did it by myself, when he was screaming at me to answer the question.

Junk was eliminated for talking about you all the time. Did that make you even consider changing your behavior?

Well, I in no way like Junk at all, but it makes me wonder if Chance did the same thing to her. She did come down and apologize to me at one point. I was on the phone and she said, “I really apologize if your friend did die.” She had a heart, and I thought that was cool. So I wonder if Chance had her up in the room, asking, “So what do you think about Blonde Baller?” It’s not natural to continue talking about someone like she did. He could have been leading her the whole time. So I don’t get mad at her for that.

When did you stop being into Chance? Was it after you were eliminated? Because you cried…

During my exit interview, they asked me, “Why did you think you got eliminated?” And I just kept saying over and over, “’Cause I didn’t want to sleep with him.” After that, I realized that I could have someone so much better, and because so many guys are like that, they’ll break up with you when you don’t want to sleep with them, I started crying and said, “All guys are the same.” It wasn’t because I was leaving. I wasn’t feeling him after the tennis date. That’s when I really said to myself, “This dude is a total douchebag.”

You alluded to it before, but can you please explain the Dale/Courtney/dead friend thing?

They take your phone at the beginning of shooting, so I gave them a fake one and I gave my friend my real phone. We had a code word for when we were on the phone, “Disneyland” or something, and it meant “turn on my phone.” She turned it on, and said, “Oh, you got a text from Martha. Courtney got shot.” Courtney is a guy that I didn’t really know. That’s why he’s referred to as “Courtney from the shop.” We had played Pictionary at one point. I said, “Can you text her back? I’m really sorry to hear that.” We hung up after that. The Sunday before that, I had seen my best friend Brandon. He had lung cancer but didn’t tell us for a long time, and at this point, it had spread to 75 percent of his lung. I get another call saying Martha just texted me back, and did I know that Brandon died on the same day as Courtney. I started bawling. He was my best friend. Courtney was shot in L.A., he got buried in L.A. Brandon died in Orange County, he got buried in Michigan, where he was from. My friend Kat, who told me about both, also told me that her friend’s dad got shot in a Taco Bell, and since she believes that death comes in threes, she said we were going to be OK. So, basically, they show me answering the phone call about Courtney, crying for Brandon, and then later when I was talking to Junk, I told her that my friend’s dad got shot in an upper-class Taco Bell, my friend Brandon died of cancer, my friend from the shop got shot. It was all edited to make it seem like I was lying.

But who’s Dale?

I have all guy friends, so Brandon thought it was a bad idea to have my five really good guy friends – Sincere, Brandon, Jereese, Adam and Dale – all calling the house for me. So they decided that they’d all just say their names were Dale to make it seem like it was just one guy. Anybody I talked to was “Dale.” Brandon was the one you hear on the show telling me not to let the girls get to me.

Do you have any theories as to why you got such a raw deal?

I wasn’t like any of the other girls. You’ll never catch me naked or dressing like them. I don’t ever have my stomach showing. I’m not a stripper. I’m educated. I actually missed my college graduation to be there. I wasn’t an industry girl. The only one I did have anything in common with was Sassy, because she’s real. She’s been ganged up on before, and she saw that I was the one Chance would pick. It was like, what could they get on me? I wasn’t a stripper or industry, so what was there to pick on other than my words?

But why did that extend into the editing?

I don’t know. I hope it’s for a good reason. I hope I get the chance to go on Charm School and show that I can make a 100 percent turnaround.

So even after all of this, you would consider appearing on another VH1 reality show?

I have learned my lesson. I would love to go to Charm School and win $100,000 for not snitching. It would not be hard. I could not do the talking that I did and look like I made a 180.

Was there anything positive to be gained from this experience?

I didn’t have a MySpace before. I put it up like a month ago, and I already have 4,000 people on it. They’re all positive. I’ve had little girls say, “You’re my idol. I can see through the editing. You’re the realest.” So, the fans are a good thing to come from this. The ones who see me, the ones who stop me in the street and say, “Dude, I really, really liked you.” I’m just like, that’s really cool.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Celebreailty Morphing: Kristy Joe + Destiney = Kristiney

This was my OWN personal request, I wanted to mix these two together because I always thought that both look alike.


My Antonio: Episode 7 Sneak Peek

Here is the sneak peak of the 7th episode

Interview: My Antonio's Autumn

Antonio said Autumn wasn’t like the other girls, and we was right. Here’s a sample from our interview with the most recently eliminated My Antonio contestant below: “I guess one of the things I was hoping for with going on this reality TV show was to be a positive character. I think just because reality TV shows have come off negatively to a lot of people, it doesn’t have to be that way.” Wow, is she a unicorn or what? Also discussed below are her NASA background, her feelings on kissing and why she doesn’t think Antonio was serious about finding love.

What did you think of your portrayal?

I think I came off pretty well. I think they tried to put me in a box as kind of prude on the show, as the young one. That’s not the worst way to come off, so I’m definitely happy that I came off more positive than negative.

What did you think of the whole “prude” issue? Was that an accurate representation of your philosophy on dating?

I guess I’d like to clarify my feelings about kissing Antonio on the show.
I have no problem with kissing in the right context. Kissing can be really pleasurable, actually. I’ve had boyfriends before, and I kissed them. I was uncomfortable with kissing Antonio, because the opportunity I had was on my first date with him, which was a shared date. I was being honest when I said that I wanted to talk to him more and get to know him, because I like to know who I’m kissing. I think that to have a lasting relationship, people need to connect on three levels: physically, intellectually and emotionally. Also, I have to say, I was very discouraged by the time I went on my date with Antonio. I didn’t feel that he was anxious to kiss me, because I felt like I had repeatedly put myself out there, throwing myself into challenges, and often being acknowledged as a top contender. But when it came down to it, Antonio picked other people over me. It seemed like going out with me wasn’t a priority for him.

Do you look back on the show with disappointment?

No, I don’t look on it with disappointment. I think that the show was more for entertainment, and I kind of approached it from that context. I don’t think I was necessarily given a fair shot from the beginning to actually win, in part because I put my effort into challenge after challenge. But also, I didn’t feel that Antonio was really looking for a permanent relationship because of his approach, and because of the people he was most interested in. He didn’t take an active interest in getting to know everyone as well as he could. He had no problem eliminating girls that he didn’t get to talk to much at all. I couldn’t understand why Antonio was interested in the people that he was interested in. If he was serious about having a long term relationship [he’d want] someone who would interact with his kids, someone who would be there in his day to day life. Antonio literally left the other girls to follow Sarah around when it was clear that she was not a good choice for a permanent relationship, at least as that point in time. And with Christi, it was obvious early on that she was the most interested in being sexy for him. I think the fact that she made so many extreme physical changes to herself was a sign that she was uncomfortable with herself, and I think you have to be comfortable with your identity before you can have a stable relationship with someone else. On the show you can see that Christi shifts back and forth between who she really is, and who she wants Antonio to think she is. Everything was superficial. If Antonio really got to know the girl, she would see what the bad habits were.

Couldn’t it be argued that if he’s eliminating girls that he doesn’t get to know, maybe what he’s looking for is someone who will fight for him? Maybe he’s looking for the drama?

You have a point, but I don’t think that kind of drama would make for a long lasting stable relationship, you know? One of the things I told Antonio is that “You don’t have to worry about me throwing up over the balcony,” as you do with some of the other girls. I might have been one of the youngest ones there, but I think I was more mature a lot of basic ways. I don’t think you would want someone who was an alcoholic around your children; I don’t think you would want someone who was unreliable around your children. And, you know, I can read people’s characters.

In your exit interview, you said that there’s so much potential for backstabbing in this environment, and that’s not who you are. Was that something that surprised you? It just seems to be that reality TV is characterized by backstabbing and that kind of thing.

I guess one of the things I was hoping for with going on this reality TV show was to be a positive character. I think just because reality TV shows have come off negatively to a lot of people, it doesn’t have to be that way. I think that there’s always potential. And because so many teenagers watch the show, I think that it’s a good idea to try and have some positive characters on the show, so that not everyone is a raving lunatic.

Did you get a sense of the reason Antonio eliminated you? Because it seemed kind of unclear the way it played out on the episode.

To be honest, I don’t think Antonio really knew. I think that’s why it was unclear. I think that there wasn’t really a strong reason to eliminate me, besides that he just didn’t want me there any longer. I don’t think that there was anything that I did, specifically, that stood out.

At that point, were you over it, though?

Well, like I said, I was getting continually more and more discouraged. He was choosing to keep some of the people that were more problematic over people I personally thought were more stable and would have been better for a permanent relationship. For instance, he kept Christi, who’s, you know, kind of all over the place. She looks like she might have a drinking problem. And she probably is an emotional wreck. I mean, one of the things he [Antonio] says is that “Smokers don’t even come into my house. They can’t smoke in my house.” Everyone knew that several of the girls were smokers. Like Brooke, for one. So I don’t know what his methods for deciding who would go were. Maybe he thought that it would be more entertaining with the people he had left? I don’t know.

Did you feel like you had a connection with him?

I don’t think I knew him well enough to say that. I think that there was a lot more I’d like to have gotten to know about him. But I think Antonio was kind of guarded himself. He kind of protected his personal life. He’d talk generally about it, but it was very different from a regular type of date you would go on with someone.

Do you dislike Christi?

No, I wouldn’t say that I dislike Christi. I didn’t really know Christi outside of the context of the show. And I don’t really have a reason to dislike her. She’s not in my life now.

Do you feel disenchanted with the experience? It seems like you went in idealistically but then you were hit with the reality of reality TV.

No. I think that my attitude had a lot to do with me deciding before I went on the show that I wanted to come off positively. So that’s part of the reason why I was so optimistic, and so sweet and maybe overly compensating in those areas. I knew that whatever they edited, if I had more negative times, there was always the option that those times would be there to represent me. I kept in mind that it’s a TV show, and you can’t take it too seriously. A lot of people don’t realize how much they don’t see, how much was cut out of the show. Some people don’t even understand why I’m on the show as long as I am, because they don’t see a lot of the time that I talk to Antonio that isn’t on screen. That they’ve cut out for whatever reason. A lot of the girls, especially in the earlier episodes, got a lot more airtime than I did. But I was participating and everything. Basically, I wasn’t quiet and silent and just arrived and happy to be in episode five. I was definitely a part of everything.

Any resentment for Antonio?

No. I don’t resent Antonio. I don’t really have any strong feelings against anyone from the show.

You’re a NASA researcher, right?

Well, I’m not a NASA researcher anymore. I’m actually living in California right now, doing more acting and entertainment stuff. But I think VH1 made that more my title, because they were more impressed that that was something that I had done before.

It is impressive, though. Generally, people on reality TV don’t have that on their resume.

So many people say to me, “Oh, you shouldn’t be on the show.” But that’s kind of why I was there. I think that there needs to be more positive people, especially because so many young people watch these shows. I just think it’s important to have a variety of characters.


Flavor Flav to return to reality TV , comments on Ryan Jenkins

VH1’s premier ladies man (or…whatever) Flavor Flav is aiming to go back to school and reality TV in one fell swoop. He’s teamed up with producer Eric Ortner and, according to Access Hollywood, Ish Entertainment (the production company responsible for My Antonio and Paris Hilton’s My New BFF, but not Flavor of Love — that was 51 Minds) to shop a new unscripted series that will find him pursuing his high school diploma. (Flav says he dropped out of school in 10th grade.) “I just want to show the world it’s never too late to get your diploma, and show kids they should stay in school and not wait until you’re old to get it,” he says. “Everybody sees me as this big love mogul. Now I got a baby girl, I’ve been there and done that and now it’s time for the next episode.”

Does everyone see him as a big love mogul? I see him more as a philosopher/hype man. And he seems to see himself as a pioneer. He went on to talk about his impact on reality TV: “I’ve been known to be a leader and I’ve had a lot of followers and there’s a certain franchise I’ve set up on VH1. This show can be big enough to change the direction of reality shows.”

Also of note, he commented on the Ryan Jenkins tragedy. (Admit it: you’ve been waiting for Flavor Flav’s take on this whole thing.) He says it broke his heart and added, “It’s really messed up, love can make you and love can break you. This guy definitely couldn’t handle it.” So he’s a social commentator with a heart of gold, too, I guess.

No word on when the series (whose working title is, cleverly, Flavor Flav Goes Back to High School) will begin airing or on what network. [The Hollywood Reporter via Videogum]


Blonde Baller's X radio interview Part 3

The final part is now up!

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