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Monday, September 28, 2009

Blonde Baller tweets about the drama on Real Chance of love 2

One thing I like about Twitter is that I can keep up with my favorite Vh1 Stars up to date to see what they have been doing. In the last hour Blonde Baller tweets about the drama that went down with her and the girls on Real chance of love 2. She also tweets that Chance has a pregnant girlfriend!

Baker fires back on her tweets

In Mexico? I Love Money perhaps?

Blonde Baller also tweets that she will explain everything on Brittany Starr's X radio tomorrow night which is ironic because Brittany Starr was also being hated upon with the Rock of love girls on Rock of love bus.

Blonde Baller to be on Brittany Starr's X Radio tomorrow night!

Be sure to catch Blonde Baller on X Radio tomorrow night!


News on Celebrity Rehab's Tawny Kitean and Jamiee Foxworth

This weekend, TMZ reported two unfortunate items on Celebrity Rehab alumnae. Season 2’s Tawny Kitean was arrested Saturday for suspicion of driving under the influence, while Season 1’s Jaimee Foxworth recently was granted a restraining order against boyfriend Michael Shaw, who is accused of having dragged her through glass at one point, among things. While this move seems to be a step in the right direction for Jaimee (she told TMZ that she “strongly encourages all women to leave unhealthy relationships before it is too late”), Tawny’s situation isn’t so rosy. I’m no doctor, but having talked to Dr. Drew throughout both Rehab seasons, I do know that rehabilitation is an ongoing process that’s partially characterized by such setbacks. If Tawny indeed drove under the influence (she was released after posting $2,500 bail), here’s hoping it turns out to be just a speed bump on her long road to recovery.

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Hot Wings sends a message

She talks about her real myspace,twitter, and Facebook pages.


Video Of The Week: High School Students Attacked

From time to time, I would to post some videos. This video was was originally posted on worldstarhiphop But I found this on the I believe it's a riot full of high school students. Someone had a video camera and taped the whole thing. I don't know what cause this big fight. But one kid was severely beaten. It's really sad.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Celebreailty Interview: Jessica (My Antonio)

Twenty-one turned out to be an unlucky number for Jessica, who was bounced from this week’s My Antonio for being so much younger than the show’s star. Below, she talks age difference, her lack of a connection with Antonio and her rivalry with his ex-wife, Tully.

How was your time on the show?

It was great. I loved Hawaii and I loved meeting new people, but at the same time, it was difficult sharing the house with, like, 14 other girls. I was there a little over three weeks, and on top of that, we were so far away from everything.

What did you think about your portrayal?

I didn’t mind it. I figured that since I was the youngest, I’d be a target, but I don’t think they portrayed me that bad. They could have put a lot worse footage in if they wanted to.

Like what?

There were a couple of drunk nights I’m glad they didn’t show. I was afraid I wouldn’t be able to show my face after the show.

What’s your opinion of Antonio today?

I think he’s a lot more down-to-earth than what you see on the show. Some people might find him to be arrogant, since he eliminated a girl for her hands and feet, and I know some people were put off because he eliminated me because I was young. I guess they’re thinking, “If she was too young, why was she cast in the first place?” I think he’s a great guy, really sweet and genuine, but I don’t think we’re a match in that way. I always have dated the typical “bad boy,” and Antonio is pretty much the opposite of that. But he’s adorable, so it’s like, who wouldn’t want to try and date him? But I have nothing against him because he eliminated me. That’s what you’re there for.

Were you on the same page with Antonio when he said you had no connection right before he eliminated you?

I was getting to that point. Our date was fun, but I wasn’t sure if it was more like a friend thing or a connection. It wasn’t love at first sight, but I think out of all of the girls that stayed, I should have gone home after some of them.

Like who?

Autumn. She’s a sweetheart, don’t get me wrong, but she’s really, really naïve to dating. I mean, he’s gonna keep someone he can’t even kiss? Yeah, that makes sense.

When he was letting you go, Antonio also said he didn’t want you to make the same mistake he made, by getting married so young. Did you get a sense that he was looking out for you?

If he was, it’s a little too late. I’ve already made that mistake. I was with someone for seven years, since I was 14. I don’t know what he was protecting me from, because I’ve already done that. I didn’t get married, though, thank God.

What do you think the answer is to the people who wonder, “If she was too young, why was she cast in the first place?”

It’s hard to explain. It would have been OK if it was just matter of not having a connection, but I also had to wonder why I was kept there that long if that was going to be his excuse. I wasn’t the first one to go. It’s like, you say you’re trying to protect me, but at the same time, you played with my emotions because you kept me here when I’m too young for you. I don’t know, I think he might have just said that to make me not feel bad, even though I knew how the game works.

Were you concerned about the age difference?

Only in the way that it made me an easy target, since I was so much younger than all the other girls. But I figured once I opened my mouth and proved I could carry a conversation, it wouldn’t matter at all.

What do you think about Tully?

I don’t hold grudges, and I don’t hate the girl, but I think it’s funny that to this day, she’s still writing stuff about me on her Facebook. She acts like a child and I’m the one who has to grow up? It’s ridiculous that I’m arguing with someone who’s older than my mother. She pointed out the way I talk and categorized me as a certain type of person, but I can’t help that I’m Italian and I grew up on the East Coast. I have an accent. And they didn’t show it, but Antonio told me he liked my accent during our alone time. I don’t hate her, but I think she’s annoying. I think we all felt that way, but I was the only one who said it. She was always mocking the other girls, but everything she made fun of was what was unique about us. She just judged us all, and it’s like, you’re not perfect either.

Any regrets?

Sometimes I feel like I could have been a little more aggressive with Antonio so that I could have gotten to know him sooner. That way, he would have known the connection wasn’t there earlier, and someone else could have stayed.

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Screenshot of Tenedra on Saw 6

This is a screen shot of Scream queens winner Tenedra on Saw 6. Saw 6 opens next month in theaters.



Tool Academy 2 - Episode 4 Sneak Peek

Here is the sneak peek of the next episode of Tool Academy 2


VH1 Celebreality Moment: Pumkin spits at New York

Here is another great Vh1 celebreality momemt. Probably one of the best Vh1 celereality moments ever, when Pumkin spits at New York!

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