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Thursday, October 8, 2009

T-Weed is a fraud


T-Weed from I Love New York is accused of fraud

VH1 Interview: Classy (Real Chance of love 2)

“Life is not about bitching at people,” says Classy, summarizing what made her different from her fellow Real Chance of Love 2 contestants, as well as why she was accused of being boring. Below, Classy hits back at those claims, and she also talks about being called “ashy,” what she really thinks of Real, and how taking sexy pictures doesn’t diminish your level of class. And she does it all eloquently. It’s kind of great, actually.

How was your time on the show?

It was crazy. I can’t explain it any other way. I can’t even say it was a good crazy. It was just crazy. It wasn’t what I thought it was going to be. I thought I was going there to get to know Real, or at least to get him to know me, and with the way things played out, I don’t really think I had the chance. I don’t think he was interested. That’s fine, but it didn’t feel natural.

Is there any resentment for being kept around as long as you were, if that was the case?

No, that’s probably one of the positive things. Even though I didn’t find love on the show, people got to see me, even if it wasn’t the person I truly am.

How did you on the show differ from the person that you truly are?

They exaggerated my more reserved side. I wasn’t given the opportunity in the dates or even interactions to be funny or silly. They didn’t show me cooking for Real, which I did a few times, and which would have shown that I’m a caring, nurturing person. I didn’t have a chance to open up.

When you did open up, like on the date of the past episode, it didn’t go over well.

Well, Real did not play me the way it was shown on television. I understand it was supposed to be funny, but I would have told Real about himself if he actually did that. The way it looked on TV, it was just rude.

So you were joking around and making him laugh?

Yeah, I thought that date went really well. We were sitting very close and we shared food. There weren’t silences in our conversation. We were making fun of Poca. I was surprised I wasn’t invited for the nightcap.

Were you disappointed?

I wasn’t really disappointed, because Real said he needed to find out more about Poca because he thought she was hiding something. I thought that maybe it was a good thing that I wasn’t going, but I came to find out that it wasn’t.

At that point, were you still invested in finding love with Real?

No. A couple of episodes before, when he was sharing more of himself, walking around in the living room, talking about his life and what he was looking for, it really hit home that I wasn’t the one for him or maybe that he wasn’t for me. Everyone can see that I have a serious side, and I need someone who’s funny and light and spontaneous. I don’t feel that Real is that way, regardless of how he comes across on TV.

In your exit interview, you called Real a “wonderful person”…

Yeah, I mean, we all are in our own way, I guess.

Do you still feel that way?

I like to think that Real didn’t have a whole lot of say in how he came off toward me and on the show. Him not being interested in me, that’s life. I’m a big girl, I can handle that. I’m sure he’ll make someone very happy, but it’s not me and I’m OK with that.

What do you think of Chance?

He’s immature and he’s got issues that need to be resolved. And when I say “issues,” I don’t mean I don’t like him and that’s why he has issues. I’m talking about the way he treats people, especially females. He really needs to look into that because at his age, it’s really not cute.

What about when he called you “ashy”?

It was really rude, but I don’t take him seriously. You don’t listen to cornballs and take them seriously. He had lied and said that he didn’t say that, so I was glad that they actually showed him saying it on the show. But then he said that it was part of a freestyle and it was all he could come up with and…I really didn’t care. I was there to get to know Real, so all the foolishness in the house was beyond me.

Blonde Baller told me that you had a sort of exchange, in which you’d help each other out: you helped her with her eyebrows, she helped you with your ashiness. Did you get that impression?

No. I helped her out with more than her eyebrows. I helped her with her makeup and Sassy and I dressed her at times. She was just telling me about what Chance said to be funny, I guess. She was just kidding around and I kinda forgot about it as soon as it was over, but then it became a big deal.

She had made a comment that when she walks away from people, it’s because they’re too stupid for her to talk to. But you had the same level of education as she did. Did you have a sense of intellectual superiority in the house?

I can’t say I felt like the smartest person in the house, because not a lot of the girls displayed that. It wasn’t their motive. But I definitely felt like I was the most mature. I didn’t get into the bickering, or the cattiness or anything like that. I wasn’t afraid of it, it just honestly didn’t interest me. A lot of people feel like I was being boring, but life is not about bitching at people. Over stupid stuff, no less.

Was there a story you came in with that led you to be called “Classy?”

I don’t think it was a story as much as the way I carried myself. Before the show, I did a lot of urban modeling and a lot of people are confusing “classy” with pure or being a saint. Classiness has nothing to do with that. It’s an approach. It’s a relative term. As a glamor model, I did lingerie and bikini stuff, and it was classy for what it was. You didn’t see me bent over with my cheeks spread. It was beautiful, it was sexy and that was my goal. I try to approach situations with class. A lot of people say that because I have sexy pictures, I was being fake on the show. I would love to know what type of person these people think it takes to be in these kinds of pictures. Are we all drunk, loud strippers? No.

I like the phrase “classy for what it was,” because one could make the argument that you don’t tune into reality TV to see dictionary-definition classiness.

Exactly. It’s probably the complete opposite. Like an oxymoron, right?

You said that staying around for so many episodes was a good thing. How much did exposure factor into your decision to be on this show?

Maybe 40 percent. I went in wanting to see what Real was really like, and I am at a point where I haven’t been in a relationship for a while, so I was open to it. And I wanted to see how it would go being on a reality show. Yes, it’s a popular show on a major network, and I wanted to be seen. It wasn’t necessarily for the modeling, though. I’ve been doing that for two-and-a-half years, and I’ve been in a few of the major magazines and I’m not even sure that I want to continue doing that. I mean, I’m open to it, but it’s not my goal. I want to do other types of TV, movies and things like that. I kinda mostly did the for the experience and out of curiosity.

Is there anything else that you wanted to talk about that we didn’t cover?

I just want to emphasize that a lot of people don’t understand me or the character of Classy. I’m not a boring person, it’s just that this wasn’t the right environment for me to show that. A lot of people like the girls that run around in their bikinis – and there’s nothing wrong with that – getting naked, getting drunk, acting wild, and people like that. But at the same time, they talk about those girls without taking them seriously. It’s almost like I’m being punished for doing the right thing, and I don’t think that’s fair. But we’ll see who gets out ahead.

VH1 Interview: Flirty (Real Chance of love 2)

Flirty is pissed, Flirty is embarrassed about how she came off during Real Chance of Love 2, Flirty is…not a stripper. Eh? That’s her story, at least. She explains it below, and also talks about Chance’s rudeness and confirms that she was romantically interested in Real.

I think I know the answer already, but how was your time on the show?

At first, I thought it was horrible. I felt exposed. All my personal information was out in the open. But after I looked at everything, I ended up learning a lot about myself. I also learned that you can’t find love on a show. I think it’s all bogus.

What did you learn about yourself?

I learned that I’m an emotional, needy person.

As raked over the coals as you were, I thought it was bold of you to never feign shame over being a stripper.

Not at all. I came on the show and they knew I was a dancer. I’m not embarrassed. No one pays my bills for me, and this is how I make my money. If Chance or Real can’t see that, they can pretty much just f*** off, you know?

A lot of strippers on VH1 talk about wanting to leave the business. Where are you with that?

I haven’t danced in two years. I saved up a lot of money back in the day, when I lived with my mom and was dancing. Right now I do not dance, I’m furthering my future and going to school and doing other things, but I would not stop dancing immediately to please anyone else. When I do stop it’s going to be for me and not for no one else.

So wait, you aren’t a stripper?


Was there a reason you defended on the show so ardently? I really felt like stripping is what you were doing before you went on and that’s what you were going to go back to doing once the show was over.

It’s because I had stripped. I was defending it because it was part of my past.

Did you notice, then, the way it was portrayed on the show as being very much part of your present?

Yes! What made me aggravated was that a lot of the girls there were dancing, and I haven’t in years.

You’re in beauty school? School of beauty?

I am, yes. It’s great. I graduate in two months.

You were visibly pissed off at Chance when you were leaving. Are you still?

I think Chance is a very rude person, and not very open-minded. I’m still a little frustrated with him, just because of some of the things that I’ve seen that he’s said or some of the stuff he said to me that hurt my feelings. I’m still pissed of at him, yes. Most definitely.

You said you felt belittled.

I did. He was telling me how I needed to change my life, but he knows absolutely nothing about me to pass that judgment.

What about when you said, “If I had Real, it’d be a different story. ‘Cause he touched me once and it was like, ‘Whoo!’”?

[Laughs] That was the club scene. Real put his hand on my hip as we were walking. It was nothing too crazy, but I felt more chemistry with him than I did with Chance. And me and Chance had kissed, we made out. I tried to feel it, but I couldn’t get past everything I’d seen.

Does that mean that Blonde Baller wasn’t lying when she told Chance about your desire to go over to Real’s side?

Well, I did want to be on Real’s side very, very bad, but Chance had already chose me. I’m not that person to flip-flop back and forth, so I just stuck it out. I sucked it up and I tried to get to know and respect Chance, but I just couldn’t. I wish I had a chance with Real, but I didn’t and I wasn’t going to switch. I was already known as a burger-flipping stripper on that show, and that’s all I needed: more flipping. I didn’t want that.

At what point were you over Chance? Weren’t you upset that he eliminated you?

Probably the fourth or fifth episode, I started getting fed-up with him. When we had the barbecue, he said mean things to me and I just kind of looked down on him from that day on. He would talk about the other females behind their backs, and after that, I lost interest and I started to go along with everything. It was like, “I’m here, why not try to make the best of things?” I tried but it just didn’t work out that way for me at all.

But you did cry when you thought you were going home last episode, and you were visibly angry when he didn’t choose you for the nightcap on this week’s show. You seemed invested.

I didn’t want to go home. It’s a competition, you don’t want to lose. I’m already on TV, I’m already embarrassed, why not go through with the full thing?

Did you think it was weird that you were being charged for being charged in the court challenge?

Oh yeah, it was weird! They were putting things out there that had happened in the past a while ago. I was embarrassed, to a certain extent, just because it was all out there. But I’m not embarrassed because it’s my life, and it’s stuff I’ve been through.

You’re moving past that? You aren’t drinking and driving?

I’m definitely moving past that. I don’t drink and drive. I don’t do drugs. You learn from your experiences. Chance tried to make it seem like it was something that happened a month ago, and it wasn’t like that at all.

At the same time, you threatened to “molly wop” Blonde Baller a lot.

Yes, I did. I was so pissed. I was exposed and I just wanted to molly wop that bitch, yo. I just wanted to punch her in the back of the head.

But then you’d get another charge.

Exactly my point. I’m not trying to go to jail again. I wasn’t going to get kicked off the show for beating up someone over something ridiculous. We’re all grown adults. I look back and I think that maybe I shouldn’t have said that, but I really did want to punch that bitch in her face. You don’t understand, man.

You made out with Mamacita. Any thoughts on that?

It was just fun. I was really drunk. I came home from a date and she said, “Did you kiss Chance?” I said, “Yeah, we made out.” And she said, “I want his germs!” She just laid a fat kiss on me and I just went along with it. I was all f***ed up. We did a wheel-barrow dance. It was fun.

Was there anyone besides her you bonded with?

Pocahontas and I got along very well. She’s a very inspirational person. Very sweet.

How is she inspirational?

In the house, you get very stressed out and you’re missing your family. You’re missing everyone, and she was there for me. She helped me through and talked about my family. Whatever it was I needed, she was there and I thank her for that.

Do you regret doing the show since it led to the airing of your dirty laundry?

Absolutely not. Even though everything was exposed, it’s my life. I wouldn’t change anything about it. That’s what happens.

So you’re OK with your portrayal?

I think it was horrible! I’m embarrassed. I couldn’t even watch the past few episodes. I can’t believe they have me as a burger-flippin’ person. They don’t even know me like that to make that judgment. I’ll get through it, though, I guess.

That said, would you do reality TV again?

Oh, absolutely! No one’s gonna tell me that I’m a stripper whore. I don’t care, that’s your own personal opinion. Whatever. I know who I am. You don’t like it? Whatever. I really don’t care.

For The Love Of Ray-J 2 cast revealed!

The cast has been revealed!

View the cast here

The show premieres November 2nd

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

VH1 Interview: Tanya (My Antonio)

Below, My Antonio’s latest cast-off talks about the vague terms of her elimination, that fire-walking challenge and her disenchantment with the man whose love she was competing for.

How was your time on the show?

Um…it was the first time I’ve ever done any type of reality TV. It’s not really my angle as far as my career goes. But it was a good experience. I mean, I got to live in Hawaii for a month.

Did you have a clear sense of why Antonio was letting you go? He kind of spoke about it vaguely: “I let Tania go because she went as far as she could.”

A lot of what I said to him that day was cut out. Basically, I was just done. I was ready to go. I didn’t feel like I was connecting with him. I couldn’t fake the funk, and I just didn’t want to be there anymore. And really, what could he say? He didn’t have anything negative against me, and he didn’t realize that I felt this way. So when I approached him that day at the lagoon, I told him, “Listen, I’m taking a step back here, just so you know where I’m coming from.” And when he let me go, he completely used my own words to let me go. It made no sense. That’s why my exit was really really short. Because everything I was saying was like, “OK, it’s time to go, I’m ready to go. We weren’t feeling each other, and that’s it.”

Do you have any resentment over the way it went down?

I guess I kept telling myself, “Welcome to the magical world of editing!” I knew that what I truly felt wasn’t going to be exhibited that way. But, overall, I think they kept me in a pretty good light. I think that they kept me in that classy, laid-back, sexy, sophisticated light, which was what I was going for. I love reality TV. I think it’s great. It put me on the board. But I want to be able to pursue my modeling and acting career. And I don’t want anybody out there to feel like they can’t endorse me because of the way I was portrayed on TV or any of that stuff. So I’m really glad that they put me in that way. I’ve no resentment or regrets at all.

When did you start feeling that you weren’t feeling Antonio?

If I can keep it really real with you: Day One. He’s a handsome man, he has those dimples and I’m a sucker for those. Probably eighty percent of the guys I’ve dated have dimples. However, I really wasn’t feeling him to begin with. For me it became like a competition. I’m a competitive person, and I think that’s what kept me there as long as I stayed. But I really wasn’t into him, and I know that’s messed up, but that’s what TV is all about. And almost 95 percent of the girls on the show were there for their own personal gain. So I have to admit that I wasn’t feeling him anyway. He’s not my kind of guy.

Did you go into the show thinking, “OK, I’m going to compete for this guy that I don’t even really dig that much”?

I didn’t really know anything about him, just like, “OK, wow, I saw you in a Janet Jackson video, you’re hot.” I didn’t even know how we would connect speaking. I was open to it, but I didn’t really think that I was going to fall in love with this guy. I really went into it feeling: OK, this is just what I’m doing for the experience. And if something comes out of it, great. And if we have a connection, great. But after speaking to him for the first time: no. I mean there was nothing there. I feel like he’s just really bland. I’m really outspoken, and he just seemed like a really bland individual to me. I don’t mean to bash him, he’s just not my type of guy.

When you said that you felt like you weren’t in the same category as, say, Brooke or Tully, were you feeling bad about that because it was like you were losing the competition?

I think that egos are going to be involved, regardless. Nobody wants to feel like they’re not being pursued. I felt like Brooke was really confident that she was going to be around for a while, that’s why she was so chill. She was so relaxed, laid back and didn’t need the drama because I don’t think she felt threatened, I don’t think she felt like she needed to compete. With Tully…I mean, there’s history. If it were my ex-boyfriend amongst twenty other guys, you can best believe that I would favor my ex-boyfriend. I couldn’t even be mad at her, even though she was a pain in the ass a lot of the time. I would treat him the same way that she did, I understand where he’s coming from with her. So I just felt like I couldn’t hang in there anymore. His mother drove me crazy and reminded me of my ex-boyfriend’s mom. And I just thought, “What am I going to do here? This isn’t working”.

Antonio called you needy after you asked him why he hadn’t yet kissed you.

And that’s such bulls***! I said “Antonio, I’m just wondering, why do I have to ask for kisses? Why do I have to steal them, why do I have to come across as being the one who is needy?” And he said, “You intimidate me.” I intimidate you, but now suddenly I’m needy? If he thinks that’s needy, that makes no sense. I mean Tully’s sucking on his finger half the time and jumping on him. She’s literally attacking him. I did that one time. But I’m suddenly needy? No! Aggressive? Maybe a little bit, because he’s just not my kind of guy. I do like aggressive men. I like football players who are like rough, tough, manly men. And, to me, he just isn’t one of those guys. So, I’ll take the aggressiveness, that’s fine. Needy? Far from it.

What did you think of the fire walk challenge? That seemed extreme, even for this show.

I was freaking out. They were telling us very honestly, when cameras weren’t even rolling, “People do get burned. It happens. If your mind isn’t there you can stop in the middle and that can cause problems. You’ve got to keep going.” They were very serious about it. Then we had to sign paperwork, and I was like, “Are you kidding me? I didn’t sign up for this!” I’m a model; I don’t want my body getting messed up. But I really did it for me. In my heart I’m a very competitive person, I’m not going to sit here and let anyone tell me that I can’t do something. Even if it’s hot coals staring at me.

Was it really hot? What did it feel like on your feet?

It really was hot! I know the coals on the right and left side were burning to thousands of more degrees. But the coals that we walked over were hot as hell. But I think if you just kept moving…I don’t know, my mind was in such a different place, and my adrenaline was pumping so hard inside of me that I really didn’t even notice. It was over as fast as it started. I mean, I could feel my feet still burning afterward. There was a little bit of blistering at the bottom of my feet, too, but at the time I didn’t notice it.

There are not many Indian women on reality TV. Did you feel any responsibility to rep for the Indian women?

I totally did. The fact that there were two [Indian] girls on one reality show was mindboggling. Like, that’s never happened. I mean, one of us would be crazy enough. But two? It really shows that people are willing to really express what America is now. We are this huge melting pot, you know? It’s no longer just black and white. And yeah, I did feel a lot of pressure. I feel like if you know anything about Indian culture in our society, they are very, very strict individuals. I mean, education is so important, that when you do something that diverges from that, you’re looked down upon. The whole process of doing reality TV amounts to throwing yourself out to the jungle, to the sharks out there. We literally volunteered: Here we are! Rip us apart! Anyone who can sit there and criticize us should imagine what it would be like to be out there, and what people would have to say about them. It’s really hard, and I think that Indian culture has probably been the hardest on us. That’s our people, but I think I’ve received the most criticism from the Indian culture.

Does that affect you at all?

Well yeah, it does, because my dad’s really old-fashioned and as it is, it’s hard for him to see me doing what I’m doing. I was planning on going to medical school before my modeling really picked up and took off and I started traveling all over the world. It’s something he still lectures me about everyday.

What kind of modeling have you been working on?

I do a lot of runway, just because I’m so tall. And here in Los Angeles you have new designers popping up every day. So I do a lot of runway modeling. Right now I’m getting more into the men’s magazines. I’m going to be shooting with Open Your Eyes magazine. I won a modeling contract with them. I’m going to be shooting with Show magazine. I have a big audition with Victoria’s Secret in two weeks, which is like my dream job, aside from being an ESPN News anchor. I’m trying to get into the acting too. I’m working on some other possible reality projects that are a little bit different than this VH1 show, something that’s more inspiring to people. I do non-profit work on the side, too.

Antonio said that he could see you two as friends. Do you agree? Are you friends with him?

I definitely felt that kind of vibe throughout. He just reminded me of a guy friend that I could just pick up the phone and call and be like “Hey, want to go watch the game?” Or, “Do you want to take the dogs hiking?” We had commonalities, but they were definitely just in a friendship level, you know? It wasn’t anything more. I didn’t feel any sparks or chemistry with him, but I definitely felt like we could be friends. However, we haven’t been in contact

The Stallionette Roast of Blonde Baller Part 5 Recording

Part 5 is up!


Spanish Fly gives a shout out


I Want To Work For Diddy 2 Cast Revealed

Okay so yestarday, VH1 revealed the cast of Sex Rehab with Dr. Drew. Today I Want To Work For Diddy 2 cast has been revealed as well!

Here they are!












VH1 should reveal the Tough Love 2 cast soon

Video Premeire: Morning Wood - Best of me

Best of me by Morning wood a.k.a the Daisy of love theme song has it's own music video now.

One of the best vh1 dating show theme songs


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