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Wednesday, April 28, 2010

RuPaul Drag Race 2- Finale + reunion recap

RuPaul Drag Race 2- Finale/Reunion Recap

The finale and reunion of RuPaul Drag Race 2 aired last night on on VH1 (originally airs on Logo on Mondays) Here is what went down at the finale. The three remaining contestants were Jujubee, Raven and Tyra Sanchez. Their final challenge was a music video challenge. They had to shoot a music video for RuPaul's new single titled "Jealous Of My Boogie" and acted a scene with RuPaul inspired by the 80's drama show Dynasty which was hilarious to watch lol.  Guest stars included reality star Robert Verdi and choreographer Ryan Heffington.  Jujubee was the one eliminated and her farewell message was "You are your own worst critic... let go, forgive and live" So it was down to Tyra and Raven and they had to lip synch for their life and the song they had to lip synch was RuPaul's song Jealous Of My Boogie. 

Tyra Sanchez was the one that ended up winning the show. I personally wanted Raven to win. When she found out that won she kinda had a panic attack? I guess she was in shock. After the finale was the reunion special. They showed all 12 drag queens back to together again. I will just tell you the highlights of what happened. Sonique revealed that she was not happy with herself and that she wanted to transition and be a trangender female. I think that some people get confused between drag queens and transgender females. A transgender female is when you want to be the opposite sex  permanently and a drag queen is more like a job/career you put all that drag on but at the end of the day, you take it off and you live your life as a man. Well Sonique was not happy with being a man and wanted to be  a woman. Another moment was with Raven and Tatianna. Tatianna was pissed at Raven because she was talking shit  about Tatianna behind her back and she did not like that. I always thought that Tatianna was too uptight on the show. She always complained about every little thing , but at the reunion they made up. Then they talked about the winner Tyra and how she behaved on the show. I didn't like how she acted on the show but at the reunion she was different and wasn't too stuck up like she was portrayed on the show.  Last but not least Pandora finally won something and that was the Miss Congeniality award which I agree. She deserved it.

RuPaul also revealed that there will be a season 3 of the show will air fall of 2010.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Taya Parker on Larry King

Ok so last night, winner of Rock Of Love Bus Taya Parker was on Larry King discussing about Bret Michaels suffering from brain hemmorhage not only that but a lot of people are pissed off because she was supposed to be there talking Bret Michaels instead she was promoting herself.

Me personally, I would have wanted either Heather or Daisy on Larry King not Taya Parker. As of right now Bret Michaels is suffering from slurred speech.

Steve talks about episode 3 of Tough Love Couples

 Steve talks about what went down on episode 3 of Tough Love Couples. This was the most intense episode yet.

Over the course of your match making, are you generally this hands-on when it comes to peoples sex lives?
I don’t have a problem talking about sex. I’m very comfortable with it and I find a way to talk about it in a very tasteful way that makes people also very comfortable talking about it. I don’t alienate them or make them feel self-conscious or insecure about whatever their views are or experience with the subject. A lot of experts believe that people’s lives are kind of manifested from behaviors that are rooted sexually. The more you understand someone in that area, the more you can understand how they think in terms of other areas. That’s why it’s so crucial.

Comfortable as you may be, it must have been at least slightly weird to be speaking so openly about sex with your mom in the room.
Yes! Truthfully, it was a little uncomfortable but I’m a grown man. I’m fine, I can handle it. It wasn’t about our sex lives, so I really didn’t have a problem talking about it.

It did seem that she was helpful, particularly with Courtney. I’m sure you would have asked her about this anyway, but your mom was the one that asked Courtney if she had ever had an orgasm. It turns out she never has.
Are you kidding me? I didn’t even need to ask that question. I knew. You could tell.

There’s a breakaway to Dustin during an interview where he says that’s Courtney’s “own damn fault.” What did you think of that?
I think it’s not going to help the situation at all. I think that in order for a woman to experience an orgasm, the most important thing is that they can be relaxed, comfortable and de-stressed. To be so hurtful and to say what he said, it’s only because he’s lashing out, because it’s really hurt him for a long time. Even though it really has nothing to do with him.

What did you make of Pawel and Danielle’s problem? They have sex once a month.
I think that is the root of his immaturity or lack of respect. Calling her Dumbo, being loud and obnoxious, not being supportive of her in public, not doing things for her right away, not putting her first — that’s all rooted in his sexual frustration. If he had a more satisfying sex life, he would be more determined and focused on being a good communicative, affectionate, sensitive partner.

But then it’s a vicious circle because if he were a good communicative, affectionate, sensitive partner, he’d probably have a more satisfying sex life.
I’ve got to stop you there. It’s not a vicious circle — it’s the circle of love. It’s not a bad thing. You’ve got to look at it the other way. You’ve got to look at it glass half full for me. If he gives her what she likes, the respect and the attention and the thoughtfulness and the consideration, she will open up and give him more of what he likes, which would make him open up and give her more of what she likes. That’s what I’m trying to do here. These people came to this boot camp because they had a negative force claiming their relationship. It’s all perception. It’s all just their perception of the situation. If I can get any of them to reverse this flow, this negative force that’s screwing up all their relationships and look at things in a more positive way. I call it the You Give, You Get principle. If you give, you get. That’s what you do with anything: any type of relationship, any type of business, any type of cause, anything that needs to be produced. It’s produced by putting in more and expecting less. The people that expect to get rich quick whether it’s emotionally, sexually or even in business or in life, those are the ones that fail.

In the fantasy makeovers, it was almost comical how different Dustin’s fantasy was than what Courtney actually looks like.
But even so, the point is that if you have this fantasy in mind, even if it’s something that you don’t think they’d like, or that you even agree with them liking, or you’re even comfortable with them liking, you can at least try to go with it, and say, “What the hell.” Give it a chance, try it once, and if you don’t like it, then just don’t do it anymore. If it’s really nothing that bad, hurtful or risky in any real way, any imminent threat, then keep an open mind.

Mario and Christina are named the best this week, despite his mouth…or, I guess, because of his mouth, because he’s improving in the way he talks to her sexually.
Honestly, that was a lesson that went on for a while. We were trying to give him an idea of how to compliment and ultimately seduce your partner.

It’s no surprise that Courtney and Dustin land in the hot seat, but what maybe was surprising was how pissed off you ended up getting.
I was furious. To me, Dustin was exhibiting the ultimate pinnacle of hypocrisy. This guy that Courtney got that message from, whether or not he wants to sleep with her is irrelevant. He sends a text message photo of himself, and that’s what Dustin saw. That’s what he went off. Now, do I send photos to women? No. Would a guy who is really just friends with a woman send a picture of himself holding a camera, smiling into it if he wasn’t interested in her? I don’t think so. So sure, Dustin has cause to be a little annoyed. But he handled it completely inappropriately and the reason why he did is because he felt ultimately that she’s probably doing what he does. It was an innocent mistake that he ended up getting her phone in the first place. They’ve got identical phones.

I thought it was weird that they could use their phones at all on a reality show.
It was a genuine mistake.

And then you split them up.
I feel like Courtney came on this show because she knew she should dump him, but didn’t have the nerve to do it. I couldn’t really point the finger at anybody until I had this kid red-handed. The only reason why it came out is because I busted him. Do you know why Mario and Christina work? Because Mario is like, “I came here to do the right thing, and I’m going to do it.” Once you’re caught, than what’s going to give the other person any sort of confidence that you’ll come clean or you’ll be honest in the future? So I broke them up. I did her a favor.

Monday, April 26, 2010

VH1 Star That Would Do Great on I Love Money- Doll


 I will be making blog posts on who I think would do great on I Love Money since I started my I Love Money Campaigns. One VH1 star that I think would do great I Love Money is Doll winner of Real Chance Of Love 2. Doll is very fit and athletic and I can see her winning a lot of challenges.

So if you dream to see Doll on I Love Money then please support these campaigns.

We Want I Love Money 5 +6

VH1 Do NOT Cancel I Love Money

your dream might come true.

The OCD Project- Supertrailer

Watch the supertrailer here The OCD Project is VH1's newest show that will air Thursday May 27th. This show focuses on six people thata are diagnosed with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. We will see how they live their lives with this disorder and how it effects them and their family. Dr Daid Tolen will treat these people each week to reach their goal and transform.

This show looks very interesting an intense.

What Chilli Wants: Episode 3 Recap

I'm going to give the highlights of what happened of the 3rd episode of What Chilli Wants. This episode was kinda like a dedication to Lisa "Left Eye" Lopes which ironically was the 8th anniversary of her death yesterday. One of the guys Tionna hooked her up with had lunch at Chilli's house where Missy Elliot grilled the hell out of him lol once he left Chilli reveals that he would not meet up to her high standards.She also revealed that she has some feeligs for Floyd Mayweather. Chilli was gearing to perform again with T-Boz after 7 years at Justin Timberlake charity with other musicians such as Taylor Swift & Alicia Keys. Lisa's family was there as well. Towards the end of the episode, Tionna and Chilli were at a restaurant and  Floyd was supposed to show up but he turns out he didn't make it which left Chili heartbroken. You could tell that she has feelings for him.

Next week looks like is going to be the best episode yet. Tionna & Chilli has some drama. Stay tune!

Brandy & Ray-J: A Family Business (Episode 3 recap)

Episode 3 of Brandy & Ray-J: A Family Business and this episode was about their music careers. I will just talk the highlights of this episode. Brandy, Ray-J, Sonja and their dad , had a meeting about their music projects and Ray-J announced Rodney Jerkins was going to produce his next album. Brandy did not really like the fact that he was going to work with Rodney Jerkins because he produced her last album which Human and that did not do well and Brandy took personally. She didn't want the same for her brother. she also said Timbaland might possibly produce her next album. Then Brandy's friend wanted to work for her mom and join the business. She got the job but she has to start from the bottom. One part that really cracked me up is one her friendthought that one of the fishes died at the office lol  Another highlight of this epsiode is when Brandy tried to work things with Rodney Jerkins. It seems like they are cool now.

Next week seems like is going to be a good one.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Bret Michaels STILL in critical condition

According to his Facebook page 

Everyone at Michaels Entertainment would like to thank all fans and friends for their continued thoughts and prayers through this difficult time.

At this point Bret remains in ICU in critical condition. He is under 24 hour doctors care and supervision. We are hopeful that further tests will locate the source of the bleeding, which has still not been located. As we all know Bret is a fighter and we are hopeful that once all is complete the slurred speech, blurred vision and dizziness, etc. will be eliminated and all functions will return to normal.

Everyone keep Bret Michaels in your prayers and hope for a speedy recovery.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Bret Michael's health turns for the worse

Bret Michaels's health has taken a turn for the worse, PEOPLE has learned: After an excruciating headache late Thursday night, the star was rushed to an undisclosed hospital where doctors discovered he suffered a massive subarachnoid hemorrhage (bleeding at the base of his brain stem), according to a source close to the situation. 

Michaels, 47, is currently in critical condition. "After several CAT scans, MRIs and an angiogram, [doctors] decided to keep Michaels in the ICU and are running several tests to determine the cause. [It] will be touch and go for the next few days while he is under intense observation," the source says.

The rocker's latest hospital visit follows hisemergency appendectomy in San Antonio, Texas, on April 12. There is no word yet whether this new development is related to the rocker's recent appendectomy or to his diabetes.

After his appendectomy, Michaels remained in the hospital under his doctors' care – then transferred to a rehab facilityspecializing in diabetic patients.

As he was recovering, Michaels – who was still in the running to win this season of NBC's Celebrity Apprentice – seemed to be in good spirits and updated fans on his progress.

"They told me that if I had gone on stage like I wanted to, [my appendix] likely would have ruptured and I could have died," he wrote in a note to his fans. "There is just no way around the fact that getting your appendix out HURTS. I have a pretty good threshold for pain, but this one hurts." 

Brandy and Ray-J on the Wendy Williams Show

B&RJ ww int
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Last night the Norwood family appeared on the the Wendy Wiiliams show which I saw to talk about their new show Brandy and Ray-J: A Family Business. Wendy also addressed the sex tape to Sonya, she said she was wasn't happy about it. She also gave Wendy a t-shirt saying "mom says No No No" LMAO

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Deelishis releases new single " Secret Love Affiar"


What has Flavor of Love 2 winner London Deelishis Charles been up to since avoiding being poisoned? Oh lots of things (many of them regarding her ample derriere, no doubt), but the most notable might be recording a new track, “Secret Love Affair,” which finds her “legs placed slightly apart” as she rhapsodizes the joy of two girls on one dude:

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Commercial to Reality Mania

 Here is the commercial to the event that will be held in Las Vegas. It will be hosted by Flavor Flav and it will feature some of your favorite VH1 girls fighting in a match. The event will be on paperview. I will post up some pics after the event on the 29th.

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