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Thursday, September 9, 2010

Gloria's husband Matt Barnes arrested for domestic violence suspicion

Matt Barnes who is the husband of Gloria Govan from Basketball wives has been arrested for domestic violence suspicion in California yesterday.

Gloria's name was not mentioned. he was released with a 50,000 bail ans is scheduled to be arraigned on Monday. Authorities also said that there was another woman that lived with him.


I Love Money 4 airing schedule

I received the season 4 schedule for I Love Money 4 via email. This is how VH1 will plan to air the entire season.  I am posting it here so I can let everyone know about it. 

Like I said before VH1 is QUIETLY airing the show, that is why it is airing it late at night.

I Love Money 4 Airing Schedule:

11.00pm Thursday - I Love Money 4 (New Episode)
11.30pm Friday - I Love Money 4 (Rerun)
1.00am Friday - I Love Money 4 (Rerun)
3.00am Sunday - I Love Money 4 (Rerun)
4.00am Monday - I Love Money 4 (Rerun)
3.00am Tuesday - I Love Money 4 (Rerun)

Only the premiere episode will have re-run at 9:PM on Saturday September 18th, 2010

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

LFO's Rick Cronin dies from leukemia

Rich Cronin has passed away today after battling lukemia since 2005. He was known for being the lead singer in late 90's boy band LFO with their well known single "Summer Girls"

He also appeared in the VH1 show Man Band which featured other boy band members.

Summer Girls

Somaya Reece F/ Rasheeda & Lady Luck - Boss Lady

Here is a new song by Somaya Reece it is called "Boos Lady" and it features Rasheeda and Lady Luck

"I Want to Be a Stallionaire" (Billionaire Spoof) - very funny

Prodiceman117 created a parody of the song "Billionaire" by Travid McCoy titled "I Wanna Be A Stallionaire" the parody is awesome! and the lyrics are hilarious.

Picking up seashells caused Hulk Hogan's back injury is reporting that wrestler turn reality star Hulk Hogan was picking seashells at the beach with girlfriend Jennifer which caused his back injury.

Hulk -- who's had multiple back surgeries in the past -- says he must have aggravated his old injuries ... because the next morning he could "barely move" and had to call an ambulance.

Hulk tells TMZ the doctors believe he suffered a tear in one of his muscles -- but they still need to run some tests to be certain.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

BasketBall Wife Royce & Dwight Howard Day care Fight

The NBA star, according to TMZ, was contacted by cops after he removed his child from day care – allegedly against the custody agreement arranged with the child’s mother, Royce Reed, a cast member of VH1′s “Basketball Wives.” VH1′s “Basketball Wives.” According to the website, Howard went to pick up their 2-year-old son on Aug. 26. Reed, currently in a custody battle with Howard, reportedly flipped out and called police because she claimed the custody agreement didn’t give Howard the right to pick the child up that day By the time Reed arrived at the day care center Howard had already took off with their son, according to TMZ. Police then called the NBA player, who explained he and his ex made a new agreement giving him the right to pick up the child that day But the cops, after speaking with lawyers from both sides, said the new custody agreement was discussed but never signed. They ordered Howard to return the child to the day care center, immediately. Howard’s nanny took the boy back to school and Reed took him homeAs previously reported, Royce is legally banned from mentioning Howard’s name on “Basketball Wives.” The Orlando Magic star and his lawyers took action against Royce after she blasted him on the Internet and in an ESPN interview — calling him a dead beat dad and other choice words

Money Hungry - Episode 6 Recap

Money Hungry - Episode 6 Recap

This episode of Money Hungry was really good all thanks to Phillip. In this episode Phillip wants the run the house by playing both sides to the alliance, it was epic. 

The episode started when someone messed with Phillip's microphone. He was so pissed off about it. Someone hanged the mic somewhere downstairs. He found that it was Mission Slimpossible: Phillip was really pissed off at them for doing that.  That is when Phillip was tired of people thinking that he was weak. He wanted to prove to them he could be a treat to them. So he had a plan so Flabolous can safe this week. he was very sneaky. He told The Orphanage alliance that he wants to be part of them.  They talk about how they want to get ride of No Excuses. But they had no idea that Phillip was playing both sides the two alliances.

This weeks challenge they had put together a big puzzle. The boxes looks really heavy to me. For the first time The Slenderellas won and were the heavies. Dan Cortese also them that the house vote was back as well, since last week there no house vote. The sucked the most was The Regulators they did not know how to put together the puzzle. So they were in last place which means that they were up for elimination.

Phillip and The Orphanage alliance tries to convince The Slenderellas to vote for No excuses. They were considering to vote them. The Regulors were not happy when they found out. They let Josh know about it they had this plan to get rid of Grading Curves. They were cnofident about it because their alliance had more teams but they did not Phillip was playing both sides.

The Slenderellas revealed who they were going to pick for imunuty and of course they chose Flabolous. Grading Curves was very suspicious. about that. So Flabolous was safe thanks Phillip's master plan. At the elimination it turns out Slenderellas gained 5 pounds and The Regulators lost 20+ pounds and they were in the chopping block. With Phillip talking to his mic saying "I run this house" It turns out his master plan worked. It turns out Phillip votes for Mission Slimpossibe so it could be a tie. When the non- Orphanage alliance found out it was tie between Grading Curves and No Excuses they aleady knew that Phillip played them big time.

No Excuses was the team that went home. But next week everybody is going to gain up on Phillip for what he did.

Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch- Finale recap (Rubi Wins)

Ochocino: The Ultimate Catch- Finale Recap

Okay so there have been rumors about the finale and how it was going to end. I have to say that it too predictable that he chose Rubi since she was ranked # 1. So here is what happened. After eliminating Tiphani. Chad took Rubi on a date in a boat. The date was very weird, they did not have too much communication. Rubi tried to start a conversion by saying "I have not ate dinner in a bathing suit before?

Meanwhile back at the hotel, Brittany was still under the weather a doctor came in have her a shot in the ass.She wondered who Chad eliminated. Then Rubi came in and that is when Brittany found she had to compete with Rubi. Rubi was getting ready on her evening date with Chad, Both of them wee wearing white. This time they had a real conversion about family. 

Then after that Brittany went on her date with him on a helicopter ride (wasn't that done already?)  Meanwhile back at he hotel Chad's grandmother stopped by and met Rubi. So now Rubi has to prove to Chad's grandmother that she is right girl. Well I can tell that his grandma was not feeling her at all. She just had this look like " hell no"  lol  The next day Brittany met his grandmother as well. One thing I like about Brittany is that she is not afraid to say what she needs to say about herself, she is not afraid to 100% honest. She told his grandmother everything, She told her that she had a son. His grandmother just looked at her like she was crazy lol She talked non-stop about her self. Like Brittany said she is an open book as proved on LadyT's radio show.

Chad met up with his grandmother. His grandmother thinks Rubi is too gullible for him and she also questioned if Brittany' son was going to like Chad and that caught Chad's attention because he never thought about that. If her son does not like him then the relationship will not work. At the elimination we all the rumors that he was not goign to pick no one because he was with Evelyn from Basketball Wives. Well it did not turn out that way.

He did pick someone, and that person was Rubi which like I said before very predictable since she was ranked # 1 by Chad.

Update Since the finale:
Brittany revealed to LadyT that she dated Chad's friend Bernard who was also on the show with him. As for Chad and Rubi I heard that are still dating and that the Evelyn thing is a rumor. But someone tweeted to Evelyn if Chad was going to appear on season 2 of Basketball Wives. She tweeted "you just have to wait and see" 

T.OCHO Show premieres 10/12

Versus will formally announce Tuesday that being outspoken or outrageous — or is it obnoxious? — can lead to getting your own national TV talk show Even while you're still an active NFL player. Chad Ochocinco and Terrell Owens, new Cincinnati Bengals teammates whose respective VH1 reality shows recently wound down, will now move on to their own The T.Ocho Show, a taped talk show on Comcast-owned Versus that kicks off with a preview Tuesday night Ochocinco says the show will focus on football but might also touch on "baseball and hockey. With my love of soccer, I'll throw that in. And porn. I'm doing amateur porn, so I'll throw that in. … Do you understand how dangerous this is for us to have a stage like this?" Says Owens: "There will be topics where Chad and I will get in trouble. We'll talk about issues that aren't talked about in the mainstream media. It's an opportunity for two of loudest mouths who've been in the league." Well, yes, when you put like that. The show, billed as the first-ever weekly national talk show featuring active NFL players, will be previewed Tuesday night and run for the next five weeks on Tuesday nights with Owens and Ochocinco doing segments in Versus' The Daily Line show (11 ET). On Oct. 12, The T.Ocho Show debuts as a stand-alone, to follow Versus' NHL games starting at 10:30 p.m. ET The idea for the show, says Versus programming vice president Andy Meyer, became obvious "the minute" that Owens signed with the Bengals and "their Batman and Robin relationship got going." That pairing, he suggests, will serve as a sort of booster rocket for two players who were already well off the media launch pad: "They'd already had significant accomplishments as personalities." Meyer adds that "we'd love this to be the creation of a new genre of television" where athletes can speak"without layers of editors and beat writers filtering them out." Owens sounds game. "Some guys get on TV shows and put on their media hats and turn their back on players," he says. "I'm not going to be a brown-noser for nobody. This is something probably a lot of people don't want to see. There'll be jealous people who'll criticize it, just like they criticized my reality show." That reality show was so behind-the-scenes that viewers saw Owens in sessions with his therapist. The Versus show, he suggests, will also offer up subjects that usually stay behind closed doors. "I don't want to get into a race issue, but when you look at the media talking about (player) holdouts, it's usually about African-Americans," says Owens, noting heavy coverage of New York Jet   Darrelle Revis' holdout before he signed a new contract Monday. "When do you see Caucasians shown just trying to get their money? Why is that never talked about? We'll stick out our chests and advocate for guys trying to get paid for what they deserve." Owens says he's been told he's "a natural in front of cameras" but doesn't see himself going into sportscasting after retiring from the NFL. Ochocinco, who culled through 85 bachelorettes for his Ultimate Catch VH1 reality show — "it's just what I do in offseasons, but with cameras following me" — figures he'll "go for the whole 9 yards" in post-football media. "Now, I'm setting myself up so I can do whatever I want." But Ochocinco suggests for now, he and Owens have a unique angle: "What will be refreshing for everybody is we play the game. You'll live the game through us." Or at least get a taste of its woofing. Theismann is back The NFL Network, on its eight late-season prime time

via usatoday

Rabbit and her mom says Happy Labor Day

Rabbit (Real chance of love) and her mom made a video telling everyone Happy Labor Day and telling us what they have been up to. You can also hear Cali in the backround.

Rabbit's mom is so funny lol

Monday, September 6, 2010

X Rated Interview With Brittany of Ultimate Catch

This is a transcript of the exit confession Brittany did with an unidentified interviewer.

 Interviewer: Any last words for Chad?
Brittany: My last words for Chad…are…I find it very ironic that you feel like turning over a new leaf and you feel good about being truthful and honest but yet you didn’t want me to tell anyone what happened after our finale date behind closed doors in your room. You wanted me to make sure that I said that we“just went to sleep”. Ok fine Chad. We just went to sleep. It’s so funny how you want to be “truthful and honest” but yet you want me to “lie”. Well…I have a truth for you. I wanna et you know that you and Bernard Berrian have a little more in common than just football

Interviewer: So what?
Brittany: That’s all I’m saying. DUN DUN DUHHHH! Check me out

Interviewer: Did you just totally say that to Chad Ochocinco?
Brittany: I could go into more…but I won’t

Interviewer: Did you touch…
Brittany: I touched the Mandingo Warrior… and it touched me back. :: chuckles :

Interviewer: You’re serious?
Brittany: I’m serious. I just told you

Interviewer: You just touched it and that’s it?
Brittany: Yea…and it touched me back

Interviewer: In all the right places?
Brittany: I just think it’s really funny how….: laughs loudly :: I don’t even know how to say it. I can’t even…like I really just need to collect my thoughts right now

Interviewer: Just say it
Brittany: I think it’s really funny ummm how great of an actress I can be and you know what…I made you think that you killed it but sorry…I was in the red.

Interviewer: :: laughing:: I don’t know what that means
Brittany: For me to know, for Chad to know and for you to find out

Interviewer: Oh gracias :: laughs :
Brittany: I think it’s funny because I was on my period and I had to pretend like I wasn’t

Interviewer: Oh really? Was he good?
Brittany: ::laughing:: Did I cum? No Interviewer: Ouch! Chad! That sucks Brittany: That sucks

Interviewer: Did he know that?
Brittany: And I gave him a cherry moustache

Interviewer: Ewww
Brittany: Too bad for him! Surprise! I’m on my period! Peace. :: walks away laughing :

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