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Monday, March 14, 2011

Photos: VH1s "Single Ladies" Lisa Raye Spotted with Devyne Stephens

LisaRaye was spotted leaving Madeo's restaurant with businessman Devyne Stephens over the weekend in L.A. Not sure what they could possibly be meeting about. But she rocked her signature all white and snakeskin spring handbag. Cute.

Basketball Wives Season 2 Ratings

Basketball Wives (Season 2)
Ratings From the Whole Season !

Premiere: 1.416 million (0.8 [18-49 demo rating])
Episode 2: 1.142 million (0.5)
Episode 3: 952,000 (0.5)
Episode 4: 1.383 million (0.7)
Episode 5: 1.243 million (0.7)
Episode 6: 1.153 million (0.6)
Episode 7: 1.101 million (0.6)
Episode 8: 982,000 (0.5)
Episode 9: 1.052 million (0.5)
Clip Show: 590,000 (0.3)
Finale: 2.281 million (1.2)

Basketball Wives 2 has truly been a ratings success for VH1

Sunday, March 13, 2011

BasketBall Wives Reunion Interview Royce Reed

Basketball Wives 2 Reunion Interview- Royce Reed

Here is  the  VH1's reunion  interview with Royce Reed.

How do you feel about being here?
I’m just ready to get it over with. I am just over the petty drama. I’m over the girly stuff. I’m not a chick person so I don’t really have time for the chick s***.

Who are you cool with at this point?
I’m cool with everybody. If everybody is cool with me I don’t know. I talk to Ashley couple times a week. I talk to Suzie a few times a month. I talk to Tami every now and then too. I don’t really talk to Jen, Evelyn and Shaunie, but I don’t have any issues with them. I know Jen has an issue with me because I didn’t call her and talk to her when her pictures came out. I am not going to be phony about it. I told her I felt like she did it and I am not going to call her, like, “Oh my God, Are you OK?” If she did it, OK, and if she didn’t OK, but I am still entitled to my opinion.

Now, was that just a gut feeling of yours or…?
It was a gut feeling but then I also received a direct message from a friend of her saying that she did it.

Do you think the cease-and-desist was a ruse?
Yeah, because the only picture that was removed was the cookie shot. If I am sending pictures like that to somebody, I believe in no face/no name. But on top of that, I know who I am sending my pictures to and I am going to call them out on everything. She got on her Twitter and said, “Wowzers!” “Wowzers” to me is like a “LOL.” It’s not like an, “Oh my God,” or “I can’t believe this.” It just didn’t fall into place with me. Why go on Twitter? It was just like they told me on the first season after the pool party: “If I were you, I would delete my Twitter, my Facebook, my blog. You just need to be quiet.” It’s kind of like the pot calling the kettle black. Their is excuse is, “It’s not the same thing. You knew you were doing this.” And I’m like, you knew you were sending the pictures! “Well, I didn’t put them out there.” But they came out! I didn’t expect the video to be on YouTube.

Judge Judy says anything on the Internet is not private.
Exactly and anything you send is not private either.

Who came up with the circle terminology?
I have no idea!

When did you first start hearing it? Who was saying it?
I think we heard it the last season. I don’t remember who started it, but it became more prevalent this one. When we were filming this time and I’m like, “What is this circle crap?” I am not a cliquish person. I try to get along with everybody. If I don’t like you, I don’t like you, but I am not going to sit there and have the mentality like, “Oh my friend doesn’t like you so I don’t like you, either.” I am not in high school. So it is what it is.

What do you think about the segregated vibe present backstage at this reunion?
I think they are trying to get real emotions on stage, and I am guessing certain people don’t speak. Like I said I don’t talk to Jen, Evelyn and Shaunie so I don’t know what’s going on with them. I don’t know if they are still tight or if something else has gone down. There could have been another situation like the Suzie crap. I have no idea.

I’m surprised Dwayne’s not here.
Why? Dwayne and I aren’t together anymore.

What happened?
We just didn’t fit anymore. I think at one point I was trying to prove that I could be happy with somebody else and I was looking past all the things that I didn’t like because he was good for me. And as we started getting closer and closer to that question, the marriage question…I didn’t want to be a runaway bride. So it came down to: he needs to do him and I need to do me and hopefully we can still remain friends. But as far as a relationship goes, there was just a lot that I ended up realized was missing.

In retrospect, was there anything to what the women on the show were saying about him being an opportunist?
Not that I know of. I’ll never say never, but from what I know and what I felt, no.

Do you agree with Tami’s assertion that “everyone in this circle is messy”?
Yeah actually, and I don’t consider myself in the circle at all. I’m like on the outside of the circle running around like I am running track and s***. I don’t play the field events, so I definitely agree with that. I made a mistake and I told Tami that I had preconceived notions about her because of a conversation she had with Suzie. Suzie and I being cool, she let me know, “Look Royce, when you meet Tami, she’s a little wary about you so go in with your guard up a little bit.” I would do that to any of my friends. If I knew a chick was a kind of iffy about them and they hadn’t met them yet, I would be like, “Yo just to let you know…” If she didn’t tell me, I would have been like, “Damn Suzie you could have gave me a heads up or something.” So I kind of threw her under the bus by saying that to Tami and I felt really bad about it, but she eventually got over it..

Do you ever get tired of thinking about this stuff? And being so invested in your life and everybody’s life and how it relates to you?
It is a lot, but then it’s life that’s just being played out on TV. Rather than it just being over with, when it’s done we have to rehash it on TV. So it is exhausting. It can be draining at times, but when I am done with a certain situation I say what I have to say and then I am over it. A lot of people felt like I should have never gone to Spain because Jen and Evelyn didn’t go to my charity event. And I’m like that’s going to keep me from going to Spain? It’s not like they slapped my mama! They didn’t come to my charity event, that’s on them. It’s not going to keep me from going to Spain. I’m taking my ass to Spain because my issues with them are not that large where I can’t go overseas and have a good time even though I got sick.

They did seem hard on you.
I was like, “You have never been sick to the point where you have had body aches?” The thing is I was in such denial that I was actually sick. I was taking ibuprofen. I was just trying to make myself feel better, ’cause I was going to Spain and I was going to have a good time. The first two days, I was trying to go with the flow, enjoy myself, try not to be a party pooper. But that next day I was done. I couldn’t even get up, they had to call the doctor.

So what was it?
Strep throat. I had never had strep throat in my life and I don’t wish that on anyone! That’s the worst pain!

Last reunion, you cried about your bond with these women. It seems like that has disintegrated since.
I think at the last reunion I was so emotional because I had got a chance to show people who I really was. After stuff that has been written in the media about me, it gave me a chance to show people I am not crazy! I actually have a career. I am an author now. I have my company I am doing a lot for myself. With the second season, when we were filming I think the question became, “We realize that Royce isn’t this person but do we like her personality?” I tend to say I have a guy’s mentality, because I can curse you out and say, “Let’s go to lunch!” And they are very prissy and I think I said it in a blog: they’re the Barbies and I am the Bratz Doll. When I go to the club, I don’t just sit in VIP to look at people. I might have my VIP table, but I am going on the dance floor too. I like my sneakers. I am not into the six inch heels. I’ll wear them but I might be taking them off on this stage. They keep telling me, “Please don’t do that.” We got some bedazzled sneakers or something?

I thought you were implying you’d have to take your heels off to fight.
Oh no. But I believe in self-defense! They gone have to hit me first or swing I’m going to dodge and just hit them in the neck! I learned that: you hit in the neck or the nose!

BasketBall Wives Reunion Interview Evelyn Lozada

Basketball Wives 2 Reunion Interview- Evelyn Lozada

Here is eEvelyn's reunion interview. 

How do you feel about being here today?
I am anxious. There is a lot of tension and little things going on. Last season, the air was kind of cool, but now as you can see they have us separated. Things aren’t that great.

Break it down: who are you cool with?
I’m cool with Shaunie. I am cool with Jennifer and I am cool with Tami…I think?

Are there people that you are decidedly not cool with?
Royce, Gloria and Ashley.

Really Gloria? Last time we talked, you were fine the Gloria.
Well, Gloria was kind of in a Twitter rant with Royce and jumping on the bandwagon with Royce’s little s***-talking on Twitter. I since then blocked her out. She sent me messages like, “I’m sorry I got caught up in the bulls*** with Royce.” Just little stupid s*** and I never responded. I’m like I don’t want to deal with.

So what happened with Royce?
The thing with Royce is she is a little s***-talker. She plays both sides and when Jennifer’s pics leaked, she said she leaked them herself. I am Jennifer’s good friend and that was hurtful to me because she was entertaining people on Twitter, retweeting f***ed up s*** that people were saying about her. I don’t think that’s cool. So that’s my beef with her.

How has this season been for you overall? Reliving it, watching it, hearing what people had to say about it?
It was fine. I think the tough part to relieve was probably the Suzie part because she did seem really apologetic. Did that give you perspective?
Yeah, it did. But what people don’t know is that they just see me going at her, but every few days the gentleman that she basically was talking s*** to would tell me something new. It wasn’t that I was arguing about the same thing it was other stuff all the time. It was different things that she was saying. She did seem apologetic. Of course I was angry because he’s constantly telling me stuff that she was saying and I know it’s true because it’s facts or things that have happened. So that’s the part where I kind of felt like…me and her will never be friends. I will never f*** with her ever again but I knew that she felt bad. I think there was the perception that I was bullying her. It’s frustrating ’cause that’s not what it is. Every other day it was something else. She was running her mouth about every goddamn thing. It wasn’t just the Vegas thing, it was other things and as filming went on it would just build, build, build. That’s why I had beef with her the whole time.

So what about the text threats? Do you stand behind them?
Well, yeah. I was mad. The thing about that is I tried calling her, it wasn’t like I only texted her. I blew up the girl’s phone. I called, called, called and she would not pick up the phone, so I was like, “OK! I am going to f***ing text her.” And yes, I was pissed!

How is everything going with Chad?
Everything is great! We enjoyed our summer together. We went to Europe together and this weekend is his daughter’s birthday party, so we are kind of just spending time together: my daughter his kids.

On the finale episode, you go to Cincinnati and there’s the implication that you guys have sex. Was that awkward? Did you have to kick out the cameras?
It was a little awkward. First of all the only good thing was that I am use to having 10 to 15 people around me. This time it was only four. It was a little awkward, but I am a free person. This is my life. It is what it is, so you either accept it or you don’t.

 It seems like a little tension broke out between you and Jen about the Chad thing. She wasn’t very accepting of this relationship.
No, and even still if I speak to anybody about him, she’s not the go-to person. Jen and me, we are good friends but we have a weird relationship. When we see each other we are like, “Oh my God,” because we have known each other for 12+ years, but she wasn’t very happy about it. It is understandable to a certain degree because he’s an athlete and everything I went through with my ex. I see where she is coming from but at the same time, I feel like I am grown. I am going to do what I want to do and regardless of what he does, I want you to support me.

Seems like people are about ready for you and Jen to go at it. I guess Shaunie, too. Since you three haven’t been involved in any beef, is it just a matter of time?
I don’t think me and Shaunie are ever going to beef. I think maybe me and Jen. Me and Shaunie don’t have anything to…we laugh all the time like, “What the f*** is going on?”

This season, everyone was suddenly talking about “the circle.”
I know. People tweet like, “Who the f*** do you think you are trying to talk about a circle? How old are you?” I am like, “Bitch, get off my Twitter!”

How has the reaction from fans been overall?
I am always the bad guy. I’m really a nice person — I really am — but for the most part [the reaction] has been more good then bad. It kind of depends on the episode, though. One Sunday, Shaunie was the f***ing devil fighting with the Gloria argument. You just never know, but you always have the people who just love to hate you. I don’t care. I am never fake on camera. I say what I want to say and it’s how I feel. I am not going to switch things out or paddle around certain things because the camera is on. My Facebook page is like, “We love her” and then, “She’s a f***ing bitch, I hate her.” I remember thinking, “Wow. Is it just me?” And then I went and checked on Chad’s and his was the same way. So now, I am like, “Who cares?” And honestly the report about Suzie bailing for the third season did not surprise me. Even after the first season, every weekend people were talking about her on Twitter and she couldn’t take it. You have to have thick skin to do this s**** because everyone has an opinion about you and how you look and what you said. They will quote you word for word, like they are really into this show, but I block it out. Now that I am engaged to him it’s like, “Oh you…!” Then all these woman who are into him and they hate me and I’m like, “Oh God this is crazy!”

Is it humorous at all?
I laugh about it. It doesn’t faze me. If I see certain things on blogs I am like, “Oh God. They are talking about one of us again. “What are you going to do? A friend of mine once said they if they are talking about you, you are doing something right so I am like whatever.

Do you remember who came up with the whole circle terminology? Was it you?
I think so! I told Suzie she was out the circle. I was like, “This is the circle and you are here,” because of Meet The Parents. The father-in-law was like, “This is the circle.”

I thought you were going to say Mean Girls.
No, not Mean Girls even though they say we are mean girls.

Speaking of, Royce called you and Jen “Mean and Evil.” Who’s Mean and who’s Evil?
I am probably the evil one. I am more of the one that’s like, “Hmmmm…”. Jen can be mean sometimes. You know, we were called that even before the show. My business partner was the one that started calling us that ’cause we would be out or in the club or somewhere talking s*** and she would be like, “You guys are just Mean and Evil.” I can see me being the evil one.

On one episode, Tami said, “Every bitch in this circle is messy!” Do you agree?
I think everyone has a little messy ish to them. Whatever, I think everybody has their own thing that they are going through and dealing with. Nobody is perfect and it is what it is. I never sat up here and acted like my s*** was perfect and I don’t think anyone’s life perfect so I think a little messiness is interesting. You know it really is, it’s boring if it wasn’t.

What do you think about Tami saying there’s a sisterly bond amongst you all?
The honest-to-God truth, I would say there was sort of a sisterly bond. Tami was coming into that. Royce was definitely not in that sisterly bond circle. She had her two things to say but I didn’t leave Spain feeling like, “Wow we were all close and Royce is part of our sisterhood,” and s***. No she wasn’t. No it’s not and it is never going to be that way.

How do you plan to top yourself next season?
I have no idea. Filming is not easy. I am like, “What the f*** are we going to do next?” But we always worry about that and it always comes together. S*** just unfolds. Shaunie is like, “You can’t even write this. This is really what happens.” I am just hoping to get better and better, and that people don’t get bored. People are like, “Are you going to Football Wives?” I am like, “No I am not going to f***ing Football Wives. If one more person asks me that…

Is there anything cathartic about doing a show where it behooves you not to hold back? You get to let your id out always.
I’ve always been that person. Whether it’s with my family, I’ve always been that person to say what I want to say, it’s just, it is what it is. I’m not going to be fake, I’m just going to be like, “Your f***ing outfit looks like s***”. I’m just real like that and I’m not trying to hurt anybody’s feelings. It’s just how I am. It’s how God made me

BasketBall Wives Reunion Interview Jennifer Williams

Basketball Wives 2 Reunion Interview- Jennifer Williams

Here is the reunion interview with Jennifer Williams.

How do you feel about being here?
I am happy to be here, but I am not really looking forward to the drama. I have enough in my personal life to be arguing with some catty bitches.

What drama do you foresee happening?
I don’t know. I just really don’t but I feel like somebody is going to come at me sideways and I am really not in the mood!

Who are you not cool with at this point?
It’s not that I am not cool with anybody. I think I just put people on different levels. So for the most part I feel like I am cool with everybody. Now, how I deal with you is a different story.

So who’s not being dealt with? That’s the question!
Well, Royce. I am not really feeling her right now, ’cause she said some crazy s*** on Twitter and she just on some different s***.

Will you dignify that by explaining it?
Me and her had got into a little argument when my pictures leaked and she tried to say that I did it. Then I called her up and we had a little bit of an argument, so I am off her.

I  know that you did put out a cease and desist letter within hours of them leaking. If it was all for attention, it seems like an elaborate ploy on your part.
And attention for what? I mean, my personality throughout the show. I am never the loudest one in the room? Why I don’t need attention! I don’t thrive off that so I don’t know what the hell she is talking about?! And if I wanted everybody to see me f***ing naked I would go to Playboy and get paid for it so please!

Were you really upset about the leak?
Obviously! I was pissed off and out of all the people I thought that Royce and I had a better relationship! For her to assume that, I was like, “Are you serious?” I mean, she would call me up when she had issues with Dwight and when she was going through the whole thing with him suing her and I would be on the phone listening to her bulls***.

How did you find out the pictures leaked?
A friend of mine actually called me and was like, “Go to Worldstar Hip-Hop.” And I’m like, “What the hell is that?” I had never even heard of it! I had two people call me at the same time, in fact! But I had my attorney on it that night and I had a cease-and-desist the next day. If I did it myself I wouldn’t have sent out a cease and desist. That’s just crazy! So for that I am off her!

Was there any kind of solace to be taken in the fact that you actually looked good?
Everybody keeps saying that: “Well you looked good in picture.” Yeah, but that’s really not the point. I mean if I didn’t think I looked good I probably wouldn’t have taken them or saved them or whatever the case, but that is beside the point.

Do you have any theories as to how they leaked? Do you know who did it?
No, but I am on it! I have a P.I. and all that good stuff, so we will see!

Did you see what Matt Barnes said about it on Twitter ["What kinda loser leaks naked pictures of themselves for attention????"]?

First of all, Matt is a f***ing loser. That s*** happened like a month [before he tweeted about it]! Why are you still talking about it? I blocked him, so I can’t even see what he tweets but people were retweeting it and saying, “Why are you acting like a bitch?” I was going to go in on him but I was like, I’m not giving him no light! I am not giving him no satisfaction because the minute I start some s*** with him, it makes him relevant! He needs to go to rehab and try to play a game! Leave me the hell alone!

You seem feisty today, Jen.
I have my period so these bitches better leave me alone! Sorry if it’s TMI but it is what it is!

You recently told Life and Style that your divorce is in the works.
It’s not like it’s a big surprise or something people didn’t know, but it is definitely going down!

So how has that situation been for you since the show?
I have my good and bad days. It is definitely not an easy thing that I am going through. I am just ready to put things behind me and just move on. I think for a long time it was just a matter of me accepting it, so I kind of accepted it and I am just ready to be happy.

On the finale, you talked about being leery of Evelyn going out with Chad. Are you still leery?
It is kind of a different ball game now, because they are engaged. I think whenever you hear “athlete” you have to be a little leery, even if it was with myself! But if Evelyn is happy then that is all that matters.

Do you feel any tension with her?
At first when they got engaged, I was surprised kind of like everybody else, but I’m cool with it. Whatever works.

On the show, Tami said, “Every bitch in this circle is messy!” Do you agree with that?
I  don’t really agree with that! I don’t think I am messy! Honestly I can’t even get into that bulls*** because it is so minuscule to the other stuff I am dealing with. Please! Chicks and they bulls*** is just not on my level! I got bigger fish to fry!

Tami also made a proclamation that you all sort of have this sisterly bond. Do you agree with that?
I mean I think so!

Even with Royce?
You film with these people for so many months. I care about all my cast mates — I am human. I don’t know if they would say the same thing about me, but I don’t want see anybody going through something that is negative or something that I know hurts them because I am not that type of person. Even with Matt and Gloria when they had their domestic violence situation — I don’t wish that on anybody. Although I don’t really care for Gloria, I don’t want to see anybody go through that. That’s just the type of individual that I am.

Royce called you and Evelyn “Mean and Evil.” Who’s Mean and who’s Evil?
You should be able to guess that one!

I would say that Evelyn is Evil?
Yeah, of course! We always debate about which one is worse! I think evil is way worse than mean! Hello! Check the dictionary!

What do you think about the third season? Do you have any pressure to perform?
Honestly, I can’t even think about third season! I wouldn’t mind doing it but when you are filming it’s a different mindset. You are stuck in one place and it’s just a lot. I know they said they wanted us back on air this summer so it’s really nerve wrecking.

But you’re still game?
I just don’t know what this season holds. I’m sure it’s like Jennifer moving on — Jennifer dates, which I’m really not looking forward to going on any blind dates.

Jennifer getting her groove back?
You know who I am dating right now? I am dating my business!

Yeah, how is the lip gloss?
The lip gloss is good. I am just waiting on the manufacturers overseas. Whenever they tell you a date it is like a month later, so that’s really like the hold up.

What do you think about the vibe of this reunion, with everyone separated instead of in one big room?
I  am the type of individual were I can go to dinner they can all be in the same room. It wouldn’t really faze me. I don’t really care about s*** like that!

Does seem like there is more drama to be had though?
Listen, they better leave me the hell alone! Today is not the day and I am rarely like this but I got too much s*** going on!

BasketBall Wives Reunion Interview Tami Roman

Basketball Wives 2 Reunion Interview - Tami Roman

VH1 did exclusive interviews with the ladies of Basketball Wives 2 during the reunion. Here is Tami's interview. Part 2 of the reunion special, concludes tonight on VH1.

How does it feel to be here?
It feels a little strange because I haven’t seen the girls since October.

Any of them?
No. Well, I saw Jennifer when we came to the VH1 digital office (for press), but everybody else I haven’t seen since that time.

Are you cool with everybody?
It’s awkward because for me, when we wrapped the show everybody was in a certain mindset. I am just the type of person that will reach out to you, but I am not going to always be the one reaching out. If it is reciprocal, then we are both checking in on each other. If I don’t feel the love coming back from you, I will just continue doing my thing. I think that’s the reason why a lot of us haven’t spoken: we are all doing our own things and back to our lives. I don’t really know how today is going to go. The shows have aired, so now people know what you said or know what you felt about certain situations. That can change people’s feelings towards you. For me there were a lot of elements of surprise.

Can you name specifics?
I think the one thing that kind of really stuck with me was the episode where Evelyn and Shaunie were together getting ready to go to Spain and she was like, “Should we check her luggage?” That was a little bothersome to see.

Do you ever feel like Shaunie plays both sides?
I think that’s her position! At the end of the day, even though she is on the show she is also the executive producer. She is in the business of making a great show. From a personal stand point, I think she would like to be friendly but at the same time, she still has to make a great show. She does what she has to do.

So you don’t hold that against her?
No, I don’t hold that against her. There may be things that I don’t like or I don’t agree with, but in the back of my mind I know why she has to do certain things.

When you say you haven’t heard from people, is that disappointing? In Spain, you made it a point to call out the “sisterly bond” you felt with these women.
I have spoken to Royce and Ashley more than the people that I thought I was bonding with the most. It’s weird because I thought that when we left the show that it would be more camaraderie, but I have found that social media plays a big part in how people deal with each other. With all the Twittering, we try to be friends, but then people say, “Oh the show is fake.” The show is not fake, but if they see us talking they are going to think that what they are seeing is fake, so you kind of lay off a little so that you don’t cause problems for the show. So there are a lot of different elements that make having a friendship very awkward in terms of the show and the public.

Speaking of Twitter, one thing I noticed on yours is that you said you didn’t know if you were coming back for Season 3. Seriously?
Yeah. I think that the show stands on its own, and that it was good the first season. I think it would be good the third season even if I wasn’t on it. It’s not necessarily that they need me to be apart of the show.

It would be really weird if you weren’t. What’s holding you back?
I think I am at a different point now then when I actually taped the show. I’m just not a fake person, smiling in your face and talking about you behind your back. I don’t care what happens on TV, if I have a conversation with you and we have an understanding or we are trying to build a friendship then that’s how I always think it is. Then to hear somebody say, “She said this about you,” “She said that about you”… To hear people think that I am ghetto because I had a drink, to hear people degrade my character, all of that to me seems I am paying more than it is actually worth to me. For me going into Season 3, if I were to do it it would definitely only be because I felt that I have something more to bring. I don’t want to be on the show just arguing and being catty. I don’t want that being the only element that I am bringing to the show, ’cause that’s not really who I am as a person in my entirety. I don’t want to be pegged the drama queen, the ghetto girl, the hood rat, so if that means that I have to step away, then that’s a decision that I have to make.

Do you have any idea how close you are to deciding?
I am still talking to my representation and we are deliberating. Like I said, if I feel like I can bring more storylines and more issues that are going to matter to people who are watching without them being misconstrued or my personality continually being downplayed and degraded, then I will participate 100 percent. If I go through things and I feel like all they want me to be is the person that has a problem with everybody, that’s not who I am.

Coming off this show compared to The Real World, was the noise of social media hard to deal with?
It was really hard to deal with because I feel everybody’s had that moment. If you are over 25, you’ve had that moment. You’ve had a point in your life where you’ve when out with friends you had a drink you did something crazy. You may not have even needed a drink to do something crazy, and so it’s just that camera’s happened to be there that night I had a drink and did something crazy. And now that’s all I am being tied. That’s so not who I am as a person in my entirety. I have a hood side, and I will bring it out from time to time, but that’s not who I am as a whole. So it was really hard to have people just bashing me because we didn’t have that when I did The Real World. There are a lot of things that I am thinking about going into Season 3.

Do you stand by your assertion that “every bitch in this circle is messy”?
I still stand by that. Every single person! If you are not good TV, then you are gone, so everybody has to have an element of messy whatever that is!

All in all, has the experience of the show airing been positive or negative for you?
I think it’s like 50/50. I think the people who are familiar with The Real World and the things that I have done with my acting are supportive, and I think that the people who are being introduced to me for the first time that have a love for the girls who were already on the show, so it’s like I am the s***-starter. So it’s a 50/50. It’s a double-edged sword. For me, it’s a good medium to reintroduce myself to people and have a visibility but I am also the type of person who wants to bring something to the table as well.

Love & hip Hops Mashonda Speaks On Swizz Beats & Alicia Keys

Said Mashonda: "It took some time, but I now realize that even my former husband and his new wife, are my partners in this wonderful journey. When I look into Kasseem's eyes, I see the joy in his heart by having such a wonderful, blended family that loves him so much. As this blended family of ours continues to grow, I look forward to the months and years ahead raising our children together as one."


Jennifer From Your Cut off Season 2 ON Probation

TMZ has learned Jowett was ordered to three years probation, must attend alcohol education classes and will have to pay hundreds of dollars in penalties in fines.


Photos: Royce Reed Photo Shoot with Classy (Real Chance of Love 2)

Royce Reed did a recent photo shoot taken by  Classy from Real chance Of Love 2. Check them out!

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Actress Gabrielle Union Says No To Basketball Wives

Actress Gabrielle Union who is dating basketball player Dwayne Wade  says that she won't do Basketball Wives. She says she does not need to be  in a reality show to pay her bills. She also says that being in a reality show is not her hustle. She is a celebrity  ans has her own career.


VH1 Stars React To The Japan Earthquake-Tsunami Disaster

We are all shocked and devastated when we learned that Japan was hit with a powerful earthquake which triggered a tsunami. Her are some tweets from several VH1 stars talking about the disaster in Japan.

Ongina (RuPaul Drag Race)

Frenchy (Rock Of Love 2)

Myammee (Flavor Of Love 3)

Melissa (Frank The Entertainer... A Basement Affair)

Tionna Smalls Might Be Getting Her On Own VH1 Show + Poll

Tionna Smalls Show?

Will there be a What Chilli Wants spin off in the works featuring matchmaker Tionna Smalls? Someone asked her on Twitter if she was going ti have her own show and Tionna tweeted "maybe" If she does have her own show, what do you think it will be about? Her getting married?, her business? ect

Do You Want To See A Tionna Smalls Show?

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