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Monday, June 13, 2011

Drita D’Avanzo Talks About The Raccoon Mafia In Her Driveway

Drita Talks to VH1 About Mafia and the lifestyle

Celebrity Rehab 5 Pictures

Celebrity Rehab Season 5Celebrity Rehab Season 5

New Stills From Celebrity Rehab Which is coming to VH1 this June

Renee's Son A.J Says He Does Not Want The Mob Lifestyle

Junior and Renee's son A.J. recently did an with He says that he does not want he mob lifestyle.  “I’m never joining the lifestyle,” It’s “not even on my mind.”

He says the hardest thing was seeing his dad going to jail for 6 years when he was a kid. He wants to college to become an engineer.

"Single Ladies" Stars Travis Winfery Says It's Impossible To Work With Stacey Dash

Travis Winfery's Interview With VH1

Travis Winfery who plays Omar on "Single Ladies" he opens up about everrything. He evn says he hates working with Stacey Dash! but not ina  bad way.

Single Ladies had 2.8 million viewers for the premiere, that’s crazy.
I know, I was just talking about that. That was expected and unexpected. It was hard to gauge it when you’re actually working on a project but when we read the script, every guy working on the project was like, this is going to be a hit.

To play Omar, have you created a back story for him, or is he fully fleshed out in the script?
Normally I would try and create a back story but I went the opposite for Omar. Because I’m straight and playing a gay guy, I wanted to leave it totally blank, no stereotypes filtered into it, none of the typical ways an actor or a gay person is portrayed. I wanted to make a very realistic, down-to-earth, wholesome character who just so happens to be gay.

You’ve had some lines, like the one about your online dating profile that mentions you’re “hung like a horse,” that have some shock value. Is it easy to deliver lines like that?
Being an actor, you have the initial worry of “People are going to really think I’m like this!” But it’s what we do. I personally don’t have an online dating profile but it’s funny that he’s cool, like, “Yeah, I lied about it,” and that’s how people are. Everything else, I’m just as shocked as you are. There were a couple times where I’ve had a dialogue with the writer to say, you know, my grandma’s going to be watching this. And it gets worse, trust me.

Can you tell me if we’ll see Omar’s love life at all this season?
Omar is at the point right now where it’s gonna take a lot to lock him down. It has to be a special guy…But it gets hot toward the end, I’ll tell you that. Omar’s sexuality…He’s the kind of person who doesn’t follow what everybody thinks, so you’ll never know what he’ll do. Omar will surprise you.

You mentioned you’re new to acting, so what’s it like working with veteran actors like Stacey Dash and LisaRaye?
It was fantastic. The acting thing is brand new to me, I started in music first. Working with Stacey Dash, I loved it, she’s been in the business for a while…It’s hard to work with Stacey because she’s so damn beautiful. I can’t even read when I’m around her. I hate working with her, now that I think about it. She makes me look bad because she’s so beautiful. I get so stupid around her.

For people that don’t know, can you talk about your music a little more?
We’re a small band called Peachtree Industrial, and we’re based out of Atlanta. I went through the whole boy-band factory a while ago, but we just did this for fun, and then we started getting offers from people and then VH1 came to us, somebody heard one of my songs, so we’re working on the EP now. You can catch one of our rehearsal sessions on YouTube to hear some of the songs we’re working on now.

Any chance we’ll hear you on Single Ladies?
I’m talking to them now about it. Music is my first love. It is probably one of the most golden opportunities to get with a network that’s in the birth of their scripted series. They’re open to the artistic side of it. What better place to be than a music network if you’re a musician and an actor?

Omar has his own Twitter account (@Omar_VH1). Is it weird seeing an alter ego of yours have their own account and do you (@Travis_Winfrey) follow him yourself?
I just found that out! Yes, I follow him. It’s weird. It’s very strange. The whole experience is weird. I never wanted to be an actor, but I’m so grateful. I haven’t even seen the show, I can’t watch it, so I’m just soaking it all in. I just now started Twitter and I’m really not good at it.

Do you have a favorite celebrity you’ve worked with or any stories from having them cameo on the show?
I got to work with Queen Latifah. Common was great, Terrell Owens was great, Pilar Sanders did a fantastic job…

People loved her last line to April this week, “You should have kept your legs closed then like you’re keeping your mouth closed now”…
That was one of the lines [writer] Stacy A. Littlejohn threw out there and was like, say this, it’s gonna kill. And she was right. On set we were like “Whoa.” We knew it was gonna be a hit.

Working with D.B. Woodside and Anthony Montgomery, too…those are my homeboys. And of course Tilky Jones, me and Tilky go way back to the boy band factory. (Jones was in the band Take 5.) A lot of people on set go further back than we ever imagined. But Queen Latifah topped the cake. I get to work with Queen Latifah.

What do you say to people who would say Single Ladies is a scripted version of Real Housewives of Atlanta, or even Basketball Wives?
Nope. The thing about Real Housewives, and nothing against them personally, but I think that Single Ladies is where they are striving to be. To become like those ladies, confident, already established. It has the same kind of drama but we take it more lightheartedly, you know? It’s still a comedy. They mean it when they’re yelling at each other on the Housewives, that’s some real meanness. It’s very important to separate the reality from the scripted stuff. You see how much cleaner and crisper it is when it’s prepared drama and not just “throw a glass of water on her” drama. I get embarrassed that people really behave like that.

So the rumors of there being real drama on the set?
There’s always going to be drama on the set, and I did see those rumors, but no. You would have seen some black eyes on the last few episodes if that happened. They’re professionals. We sometimes work 15- or 16-hour days and of course somebody’s gonna be like “Leave me alone,” but any other drama got blown up in the Twitterverse.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Carmen Carrera's Audition Tape For RuPaul Drag Race 3

Many fans have requested to see Carmen Carrera's audition tape and he uploaded it on YouTube. It's really good  audition tape.

Shangela Shooting A New Commercial In Support Of HIV/Aids Awareness

RuPaul Drag Race Stars Shangela, Alexis Mateo sand Delta Work are shooting new commercial for LOGO in support of HIV/Aids Awareness.

Hoopz Does A New Interview With CY Interview

Hoopz Opens Up

Hoopz recently did an interview with She opens up about everything. She talks about the reality tv world, Shaq, Kim Kardasian and if she will do another reality show, perhaps with Shaq. I'm going to post the text version of her interview here but you can also listen to it in audio. I will put that link at the bottom.

About Reality TV:
“Reality television for me wasn’t like, it was something that I said I wanted to do. It wasn’t something that I aspired to do or said, ‘Oh I’m gonna send in a video or do this.’ I call it lucky. I was just in the right place at the right time…The way that I got involved is a lot different than people wanting to do it…I’d do it all over again the same exact way, wouldn’t change anything…I think reality shows, they’re kind of washed out to me. I’m wishing for another good show to come on. They just got so similar and they’re getting watered down because they’re doing the same things. They’re taking different people and doing it.”

Dealing With Fame:
“For the longest I’ve always ended up in the media in a negative way, sometimes good, mostly bad. I think that’s just a lot of people…Everyone’s going to have their own opinion. Oh, your 15 minutes is up. You gotta deal with it. It comes with the territory…They’ve said everything that they possibly could. Right now it’s like, I’m happier. I’m in the best place that I could ever be in my life. Depending on what you do afterwards, I did not take everything that came my way as far as magazine covers or different shows. I was offered to do several different shows and I turned them down. I just have great intuition about things or whatever. If it’s not of like substance to me, then I think why do it.”

A New Reality Show with Shaq?
“There’s nothing that we can’t do is what I say. Now that he’s retired, he has several offers coming in. We have several offers coming in…We have been approached for reality shows and all kinds of stuff like that…We mesh together very, very well. That was the ironic part about it. You know what I mean? I’ve known him through the business for a while, but our initial date was through a mutual friend that actually got us in contact with one another…I had never looked at him that way. He was just a big guy I grew up watching. You know what I’m saying? Always knew he was funny…He was just such a gentleman. We laughed. We played. We played fight. It was like, oh my gosh this guy is like me, I’m like him…We’re both super happy. We have fun and that’s the most important thing in any relationship.”

About Shaq
“Your body shuts down on you and he has this injury, which essentially the whole part of walking right or any type of agility. Today, he can’t even, he can’t run right. He can’t lift that leg up off the ground. It’s almost like a rubber band and then once you pop it, it doesn’t have that elasticity anymore. There’s nothing there. He just got home like, ‘Nicki, man. I’m scared.’…Only you know what’s really going on with your body. You know what I’m saying? He tried to hide because he wanted to, he didn’t want to let anybody down. He did everything he could to play as long as he could…A lot of people don’t take into consideration his size with an injury like that. It’s hard. He is a giant. But he suffered with it. It hurt him. He sat at the table for hours and I really just did everything I could to get his spirits back up, but it was hard for him, very hard for him and he knew. He knew it was the end.”

Cali and Rabbit Is Featured In A New Web Series Called " Sex, Love and Lies"

Cali and Rabbit who both appeared on "Real Chance Of Love"  is casted in  anew web series called "Sex, Love and Lies", the title sounds like a soap opera.  Rabby plays a character name Kourtney and Cali plays a character  name Kennedy. Rabbit' mom is also on the show, she plays a waitress.

About The Show:
Sex Love & Lies Trailer from Trillvision on Vimeo.

Episode 1

Episode 2

Episode 3

I wouldn't mind this show being on VH1 lol

For more information on this web show click here

Poprah Is Casting For A New Reality Show

"I Want To Work For Diddy" star Poprah announced on her Twitter page that she is conducting interviews and casting for a new reality show. She says that this new reality show is going to be "hysterical" Could it be the upcoming VH1 show "Big Girls Club" she said in a video a while back that she will be working on that show.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

Mo & Kita From T.O Show Say Evelyn is the Non Factor

Mo and Kita from The T.O Show slams Evelyn Lozada from "Basketball Wives" saying she is the non factor.

 Who is the Non Factor?

The 3rd season of The T.O Show airs later this year

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