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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Marcia before VH1 & Rock Of Love

Here is a video of Marcia talking about her country Brazil. This was before she did Rock of love. She looks a lot younger and she sounds different.

Flavor Of Love Girls: Official Twitter Pages

Flavor Of Love Girls Official Twitter Pages

I get asked from many people what's the twitter page of this person, what's the twitter page of that person when it comes to VH1 reality stars. So I decided to post all Twitter pages from VH1 reailty stars in here.

Starting off today with Flavor Of Love Girls. Here are the twitter pages from 16 Flavor of love girls that you might want to follow.

Buckeey ShayJohnson
Buckwild BeckBuckwild
Like Dat LikeDat
Myammee _Myammee_
Pumkin VH1_Pumkin
Saaphyri saaphyri
Seezins AutumnJoi
Sinceer _Sinceer_
Smiley leilene

VH1 Star Birthdays: Jaguar (For The Love Of Ray-J)

Happy Birthday To Jaguar

Josh and Ashlee behind the scenes at NoH8 Photoshoot.

Here is a behind the scenes fooatge video of Josh and Ashlee (winner of Tool Academy) photoshoot.

Visit their site which is their new upcoming show.

Tool Academy 3 Supertrailer

The supertrailer is here!  This season will be even crazier. Tool Academy 3 premeires on Feb. 14th

VH1 Interview: Mz Berry ( For The Love Of Ray-J)

Taken from here is the interview with the winner of season 2 For The Love Of Ray-J Mz Berry. She dicusses beng the winner of the show, what she she thinks about the other and what she thinks about being the "old" woman on the show.


Thank you.

How has communication with Ray been since the show wrapped?

Really, Ray and I aren’t allowed to speak to each other. We aren’t allowed to meet or anything like that.

Do you have a good feeling about where things are going?

We just have to see. You can’t really base on everything that happened with us three, four months ago. I wouldn’t say feelings change, but you just have to see. In any type of relationship, you just take it one step at a time. We’ll definitely both talk about what we want, and we’ll see where it goes from there.

Are you excited to see him at the reunion?

Yes, very excited. I’m a little nervous, but very excited.

What about the other girls?

I feel fine about seeing them.

When Ray picked you, was there any sense of accomplishment, especially considering the way you were treated by the other girls?

No. They never really harassed me to my face. A lot of what was said on the show was said when I wasn’t present. Nobody really came at me crazy, except for the one incident when we were all outside. Other than that, there was no other time when anybody except for Danger said anything to me. Nobody.

Has it been hard, then, to watch the show and see what people are saying about you?

Not really. It’s not even hurtful. I think maybe my friends and family are more hurt when the girls call me old or say that I’m jealous or a freak. I’m just like, “Whatever.” It’s not that serious to me.

It’s pretty ridiculous that 32 is considered old.

I just had a birthday, so I’m 33 now. That’s not old at all, but it’s relative. I think when you’re in your early 20’s, someone who’s 32, 33 could be old. It’s like, “Oh my god! Wow, I don’t ever want to be that old.” But it’s not old – I feel like I’m just starting my life.

It seems like you really invested yourself emotionally in this show.

I wouldn’t even say I invested myself in the show. I’d say I invested myself in Ray. I wasn’t there for a show, I was there to meet this man.

It really crept up on you, right?

It did. I think even still now, it’s all very surreal to me that 1) I know him and 2) that we have the type of connection that we have. It’s very strange. I wasn’t expecting that. I was very naive going into the whole situation. I didn’t think I’d even be called to do anything like that. I just filled out the application on a whim, and had no idea. Then when they called me, I thought it would be no big deal. At one point, I didn’t want to do it, I figured I’d just find love on my own. But my mom told me, “No! Give it a shot! You never know where you going to find love.” I figured whatever, what do I have to lose? Then I got there and I met him and he’s just a really sweet, genuine person. He’s got a really big heart. I like him as a person.

You told him you were in love with him.

I really felt like I was falling for him. I fell for him pretty hard. I believe that Ray and I would have left and been together [if we stayed in contact]. I believe it would have been a very strong relationship. I’m interested to see what happens when we do get back together. But you know, life happens. I told Ray that no matter how you put it out there, even though this was a show, love is a very powerful energy. It’s very strong. If you put that word and energy out in the universe that that’s what you want, when it comes to you, you have to be willing to accept it. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting this to come from a TV show, but neither was I. It’s very hard for him to reconcile his feelings for me because this came at him in such an unconventional way.

Watching you get increasingly upset over him spending time with the other girls felt really real to me. If you’re invested in someone, I feel like that should bother you, and yet it’s something we rarely see so explicitly on these shows.

That’s why when people said I was a jealous freak or whatever, it’s not like I was jealous of them, it’s just that it hurt a little bit. It was very irritating to see him really go overboard with showing those last three other girls so much attention on the day after our overnight date, for example. I really think he was doing a bit much.

Was this situation taxing on you?

Definitely. I was completely out of my element being there. I think it came across in the wrong way. I think a lot of the girls were put off by me staying to myself. It had nothing to do with me not liking them, because I’ve always said all of the girls have a lot to offer somebody. I think they’re all talented in a lot of different ways. They’re good women. But it was different for me. I don’t have friends or people that I hang out with that are in their early 20’s. All of the fighting and yelling and screaming and picking on this one one day, bullying another person the next, getting up in somebody’s face…I was out of my element with that. The less drama, the better for me. I didn’t want to be around the negativity. I wasn’t there to get camera time. I was there to meet Ray and have him get to know me.

What did you think about the question pertaining to whether or not Ray was ready to be a father to your kids?

My children have a father. The most he could be was a role model. That’s it.

Did your kids watch the show?

A little. My daughter goes to bed at 9 every night, so if she did catch it, it was online or after school. She was really interested to see who got voted off, and she still doesn’t know who won. She has a clue, but I didn’t want her to tell anybody.

What did you think of Ray’s parents’ assessment of you?

I actually didn’t see the clip show yet, but my mom told me what his mom said. She said she agreed with her. When I met them, I thought that they were wonderful people, and if I were his mom, I too would be concerned about him dating a woman with a son that’s half of Ray’s age. If she wasn’t concerned, it would have been a problem.

Was that a concern to you, though? Like did you ever think, “Whoa. I’m into this guy that’s twice as old as my son…”?

Not really. I wasn’t looking for someone to be my kids’ father. They have a father, he’s present in their lives. This was somebody for me to spend time with, somebody to make me happy. And if I’m happy, my kids are happy.

You mentioned not being there for camera time, and I think that really came through on the show.

People say that, and it’s like, I don’t know any other way to be. I think I got screwed up pretty bad, because I really was there to meet this guy and see what would happen, and I was caught off guard by a lot of the stuff that happened. And just thinking, “Is this just a TV show or…?” It was really surreal and a lot to handle. But I really appreciate people being positive toward me, being uplifting. I’ve had women come up to me and say I’m an inspiration to them, and that’s so amazing to me because I have a story that I will share someday. It’s my testimony. I’ve had a long, long journey, and I’m very grateful for the place I’ve come to in my life. Someday, I’d like to really help a lot of people with the situations I’ve been through. Sometimes, it’s so weird, like, “How do I have fans?” But it is nice to hear that they really related to me. And this being a reality show, I think my life is the reality. The women who watch that show are just like me. We live our lives, we take care of our children, we go to work, and that’s it. We look for love in all different ways, and mine just happened to be on TV.

VH1 Interview: Platinum (For The Love Of Ray-J)

Taken from here is the interview with Platinum, he talks about how she feels being therunner-up on the show, what she feels about Danger and she thinks that Ray-J & Mz. Berry's relationship won't last.

You cried after Ray announced he was choosing Mz Berry. Were you heartbroken?

No. I think I was more upset than heartbroken, although I did care about him. But life moves on and I know that the reason why he felt upset was my ex. I know that was a big issue. Ray felt like he was a rebound man. So it was understandable. I care about him, and I would care about him as a friend. I honestly, truly, deep down in my heart don’t believe that we would work well either way, because I would never be able to trust him.


No. Never. Not at all.

He chalked things up to just having a stronger connection with Mz Berry. Did you agree with that?

If he says that our connection wasn’t as strong, then I’m sure [he’s right]. I wasn’t one to go sleep with him, so I think that has a lot to do with the connection. I think we were more a friendship type thing. I know Mz Berry was all on him all of the time, and that’s just not me. That’s just not my personality.

For the sake of clarification, what was up with your ex issues? Were you really over him?

Honestly, the breakup was recent, and I was really, really depressed over it. It was probably a five-month gap between that and coming on the show. And of course, everybody has exes, so you’re always going to have feelings there, especially if the relationship was so long. I still cared about him. There’s no doubt about it that I did. But would I have been able to move on? Yeah, of course.

And it seemed like what Ray mainly took away from that was you’re honest enough to admit to that.

Yeah, I’m not going to lie about it. It’s obviously going to show in every emotion that I express with him, anyway. And at the time, if he would have come around, I would have talked to him at least. Not necessarily gotten back with him, but…we did end up talking after the show

Danger called you “boring.” Do you think people confuse being boring and keeping it real?

I’m just being honest. If they want to see fake-ass bitches, then go for Flossy and Exotica and all of them. But I’m not going to play a stupid game. It’s reality, so I’m being real. Danger’s just psycho. I see her running around the streets of Hollywood like a f***ing psycho. I’m being real, and I’m being myself. I’m not going to be some psycho girl. I mean, yeah, I have my moments, but they whole point is to be there for him, so I think I was being honest.

You’re considered the least aggressive member of the Wolf Pack. Do you agree?

I would say…I don’t know, I’m just me. I’m the one that’ll find s*** out and then tell them. I have my times where I’ll talk s***, too. They didn’t show that at all, and I know I’m not played out like that. I’ve talked my s*** and I’ve said a lot of s***. I’m just not dumb about it. I’m a bitch!

There were little incidents with you and the other Wolf Pack members, like when you grilled Heartbreaker during the lie detector, and when you told Brandy that you wouldn’t pick her to be with Ray. What do you think of that now?

I’d still say it. I didn’t see them together. I know how my friend is. If he wanted to end up with Grandma, he ended up with the right person. I didn’t mean it in a bad way, Luscious is my friend. I’m just being true about it. I did see them with him, and I could see that she was already kind of over it.

What would you say to somebody who watched that and questioned your loyalty to your friends?

I wouldn’t say it had anything to do with loyalty, because I’m just being honest. I don’t see her with Ray, and I don’t see Ray with her. It has nothing to do with my friendship with her. It’s me being loyal to the true feeling of how I know she would feel and how I know Ray would feel. And it would never work. So as far as being loyal to a friend in terms of being behind her back 24/7, then yeah. But being honest with a situation in general is totally different than being loyal. I would say I’m loyal either way.

You were particularly civil with Mz Berry when it was just down to you two.

She reminded me of my mom! And I felt like if I talked to her in any bad way, I would be disrespecting my mom. She would yell and I would get scared, because she really sounded like my mom, and I felt like if I disrespected her in any way on national TV, my mom would see that and kick my ass. So I’m not trying to disrespect my mom, or my elders. So it had to have been civil, either way. I did ask her, though, about going through menopause…

Do you think it’ll last with Ray and Mz Berry?

No, not at all. Being real, I don’t think anybody can fall in love with somebody unless they’re the one. I mean, there’s always love at first sight, but to be around so many girls and constantly think you have his attention, it’s just not possible.

At this point, do you feel like you’re over Ray?

Yeah. For sure. I think I can only see him as a friend, and even though he might try to talk back to me or whatever, I will never trust him or see him like that. It would just never ever, ever work. Ever.

Brandy & Ray J: A Family Business - Coming soon

Taken from Ray J will return to VH1 with a new reality show featuring his sister Brandy and his parents more details below

Ray J recently said on Twitter that this season of For the Love of Ray J would be the last. But, that doesn’t mean he’s leaving VH1 anytime soon — a new series about his family is set to premiere Sunday, April 11 at 9/8c. Check out the press release below for details of this, as well as the For the Love of Ray J 2 reunion:
Superstar siblings Brandy and Ray J Norwood are famous for their incredible vocal talent on the stage and screen. But they wouldn’t be anywhere without the support and guidance of their parents – entertainment manager and mom, Sonja and talented musical father, Willie Norwood. In this new VH1 series, viewers will get a first hand glimpse into the lives of the Norwood family unit and their family business – Rn’B Productions. Run by Sonja, Rn’B Productions features an impressive roster of musical artists including Brandy, Ray J and their father Willie, who also serves as the company’s vocal coach. But with Sonja ready to take a step down, Brandy and Ray J will have to fill her shoes quickly all the while taking the family business to the next level. Will they have what it takes to continue to stay in the limelight while growing an entertainment empire? Watch as the Norwood’s join forces and reach new levels of success in Brandy and Ray J: A Family Business premieres on VH1 Sunday, April 11 at 9:00 PM.

From an early age Brandy and Ray J were exposed to the spotlight. Brandy blew the world away in the 90’s with her soulful voice as a teenager, scoring numerous hits on the pop charts and earning her first Grammy® at the age of 19. Popular for her starring role on the long running hit series Moesha and for her roles in films like Cinderella along side Whitney Houston, Brandy quickly became a household name. Following in his sister’s footsteps, Ray J emerged onto the scene in various TV shows and films and became a power player in the music industry with platinum selling hits like “Sexy Can I” and “One Wish.” Ray J is also famous for his reputation having dated many of Hollywood’s leading ladies and staring in two seasons of his own hit VH1 reality series, For the Love of Ray J.
“The Norwoods are an incredibly talented family who truly love each other and I think our viewers will relate to that,” said Jeff Olde, Executive Vice President, Original Programming and Production, VH1. “They are also a family in business together in a rapidly evolving industry, which offers a whole other level of complexity in their relationships. I was struck not only by their bond and honesty with each other, but also by their ability to put family first amidst all the rewards and struggles their industry can provide.”
In their new 11, one-hour episode series, both Brandy and Ray J will expand their roles in the family business. Brandy will step back into the music scene and team up with famous producer Timbaland for a new album all the while raising her seven year-old daughter Sy’rai. We’ll also see Ray J stepping out of his notorious bad boy image and collaborating with Rodney Jerkins and other popular R&B heavyweights. Father, Willie will continue to sing and coach his famous children while being the original voice of reason. And the matriarch of the family, Sonja, will strive to keep her famous family on the right track, while passing the family business down to her two superstar children.
Despite their success and celebrity status, the Norwoods’ are a typical American family who stick together. Brandy and Ray J: A Family Business premieres on VH1 Sunday, April 11 at 9:00 PM. will be home to show information, video clips, full episodes and more when Brandy and Ray J: A Family Business premieres in April.
Don’t forget to tune in when all your favorite ladies from the past 10 weeks reunite at the For The Love of Ray J 2 reunion show on Monday, February 8 at 8:00 PM. Watch as this season’s eliminated women finally give Ray J, and each other, a piece of their mind.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Is Danger really crazy? Poprah wonders

Here is a video of Poprah from I Want To Work for iddy 2 confronting Danger at an event. I don't kno what is up with Dange but it seems like she isn't al there, if you know what I mean. I don't know if Danger really acts like this or she is just acting like this for attention. The two got into it towards the nd of the video.

RuPaul's Drag Race 2 Video Recap Episode 1

Here is the video recap of what happened on the season premeire of RuPaul's Drag Race 2 which premeire on VH1 lat night.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

VH1access Interview: Christi (Frank The Entertainer)

I had  interviewed Christi who recently got eliminated on the show. We discussed about her ex-boyfriend and what really happaned that caused her to be eliminated. We also talk about Frank's brother Sal having a thing for her and much more.

Here is the interview.

  Vh1access: Hey Christi how are you?

   Christi: I am fabulous, dear!!!!

Vh1access: So you ended up getting eliminated because of your ex-boyfriend. What really happened?

Christi: I explained that I was friends with my ex, I was honest about when we stopped hooking up! I doubt Frank wasn't hooking up with girls all summer... but I was honest about it, and I had stopped anything physical with Evan for months. We had become best friends and the spark was gone and there were a couple months we stopped talking, but I realized I needed him in my life as a friend. Why throw away friendship too? I should have never said best friend because in all honesty he is a good friend, but not my best. When I called Evan out for lying, he was completely silent. There was more viewers didn't get to see (such as when I call my dad and he freaks out about Evan lying.. you can see in the preview, before the season started, me crying "My dad wants to beat his ass!"), all the girls on the show believed me as well, because I had already told them about how I was friends with most of my ex-boyfriends.

Vh1access: Are you angry at Frank that he eliminated you because of what happened?

Christi: I was very angry because I found it so unfair that he believed Cathy about her "famous boyfriend" situation, without any hesitation, but he automatically assumed I was lying. He really didn't give me any chance to explain myself. He didn't ask any of the other girls when they last hooked up with someone, he only cared that I had an ex who was my friend.

Vh1access: What are your thoughts on Frank's parents?

Christi: I love the Marescas. I grew up without a mother, and it was really amazing to see what a great relationship she has with her sons, and she was very sweet to me, and her food rocks.

Vh1access: Do you regret talking to Sal about your ex-boyfriend?

Christi: I don't regret talking about him because I was being honest, but I do regret how I worded myself. I was honestly very tipsy at the barbeque, and pretty tipsy when I called Evan in front of Frank.

Vh1access: Who did you got along with the most on the show?

Christi: Cathy was my best friend in the house. There were a group of us called the "A-Listers" which consisted of Cathy, Felicia, Jenny, Kerry, and myself. Those girls were my btiches. I honestly loved all the girls though. They are all amazing. I shared a room with Melissa, Annie, and Melody, and we had a great time. I once slept walk and screamed in Melissa's face in my sleep- I feel so bad about that haha

Vh1accessSpeaking of Sal, on twitter I saw a tweet from you that you wanted to date Sal? Do you like Frank's brother?

Christi: I am respectful of Sal's situation, but he knows what's up... Sal is like the guy version of me. All I will say is that we talk every night before I go to bed...

Vh1access: Do you think that Sal had a thing for you on the show?

Christi: Yes! Look at the bonus clips!!! We clicked right away, which is why I felt so comfortable talking about my ex-situation with him. Unfortunately that did me in haha... but when I came home Sal contacted me and we haven't stopped talking since.

Vh1access: Did you like the way you were potrayed on the show?

Christi: If you knew me in my everyday life, my friends would say I am a lot louder and crazier haha... but I am honestly very happy with how I was portrayed. I was myself, and I was real. I genuinely meant everything I said and I think viewers believed me for the most part. I honestly do like children though! Will is just a lil shit.

Vh1access: Now a lot of people (myself included } have said that you resemble Cocktial from For The The Love of Ray-J. What do you have to say about that?

Christi: Well, thank you, because I view that as a huge compliment. She is gorgeous and was my favorite on For the Love of Ray-J!

Vh1access: Have you ever met Cocktial?

Christi: No, but I'd be down to party with her for sure!

Vh1access: Now For The Love Of Ray-J is having their own reunion show, is there a higher chance now that Frank The Entertainer might be having a reunion show?

Christi: I hope so! There are a lot of things that need to be cleared up, and a lot of hilarious situations that need to be talked about. I also want to see all the girls and his parents again.

Vh1access: Would you do another reality show?

Christi: Yes, I said no initially, but it is honestly an amazing experience, but mentally draining. I learned a lot about myself and the people around me, and met some awesome people.

Vh1access: Do you want to give a shout out to anyone?

Christi: A-List love!!!!!!! Oh and Will- thanks for haunting my dreams.

Follow Christi on twitter:

Vh1access Fan Of The Month: Febuary Edition

Here are the 5 candidates for February:

The winner will be announced on March 1st. This is a way for me to show love back to all the people that visit this blog. If you want to be nominated, you basically have to be a daily visitor & following me on twitter.

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