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Sunday, February 14, 2010

I Love New York Guys: Official Twitter Pages

On the last update I post the Flavor Of Love Girls Twitter Pages. The ones that I know of. Now here are 13 guys from I Love New York official Twitter pages.

12 Pack: Dave12Pack
20 Pack: 20pack
Buddha: ezramasters
Mr. Boston: Vh1MrBoston
Mr. Wise: MrWiseVh1
Onix: OnixVh1
Tailor Made: Tailormadevh1
Tango: tangovh1
The Entertainer: FrankMaresca

Fantasia For Real & Let's Talk About Pep Episode Sneak Peeks


Here are the sneaks peeks of the upcoming episodes of Fantasta For Real & Let's Talk About Pep.

Celebriy Fit Club : Bootcamp Episode 2 Sneak Peek

Here is a sneak peek of the next episode of Celebrity Fit Club : Bootcamp

Frank The Entertainer.. A Basement Affair: Episode 6 Sneak Peek

Here is the sneak pek of the next episode of Frank The Entertainer.. A Basement Affair. In this episode the girls meet the Frank's extended family for his parents 39th anniversary.

Love Games: Bad Girls Need Love Too: Guys Revealed

Love Games is the latest spin off of the Bad Girls Club which will premeire in March right after the Bad Girls Club Reunion. The three bad girls that will be looking for love are Sarah & Amber rom Season 3 and Kendra from Season 4. The dudes have been revealed.

Cocktial talks about the reunion: Part 2

Hey guys I'm back I had some problems with my computer, so that's why i have not really updated this blog lately. I'm back now.

Here is the part 2 of the Cocktial interview with DJLadyT tken from, Cocktal says that she was paid by the production to appear to make a cameo on the show.  Here is more.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Cocktail talks about the reunion

Taken from  DJLadyT inteviews Cocktial about what went down at the reunion. Cocktial states that the reunion show was real, while Mz Berry said it was scripted , she also says that she was hurt by Ray-J. Litsen to the video.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Rival Battle Of The Week Results: Who is More Weirder

Brittany Starr is more weirder

Brittany Starr: 60%
Renee: 30%

You guys have votes and you think that Brittany Starr is a lot more weirder than Renee from Frank The Enertainer. I agree.

Tool Academy 3: Premeire Sneak Peek

Here is the premeire sneak peek of Tool academy 3. Tool Academy 3 premeires this Sunday at 9:PM on VH1.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Blonde Baller on the set of Parenthood

It seems like Blonde Baller is following Heather's footsteps in the TV world. She tweeted that she is on the set on the NBC how Parenthood. Blonde Baller recenly appeared on a paid programming informcial about weight loss.

Donate To Vh1access so we can have an official domain name.


I'm asking everyone who visits this blog to donate some money to Paypal, so this site can have an official domain name. This blog is doing quite well and I want it to be even better with an official domai so be supporive and donate. You can decide how much you want to donate, every little money counts.
-John Taylor

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I Love New York's Millitown found guilty of murder

Before Ryan Jenkins, there was Millitown from I Love New York 2.  He was just recently found guilty of murdering a 28 year old man in 2007. He was convicted first-degree murder and being a felon in possession of a firearm. He could face up to 50 years in prison.

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