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Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Tough Love Couples: Episode 4 Recap


Episode 4 Recap

Episode 4 of Tough Love Couples aired last night. This week, it was all setting boundaries in a relationship. The couples had this challenge where they appeared on this game show about boundaries. Ryan and Axelle did the best in the challenge. The couple that did the worse was Mario and Christina. They were on two different pages with their answers. Later that day Steve decided to give them the guys a guys night out and the girls a girls night out. Since Courtney was now "single".

During the girls night out, Courtney showed a different side to her that we have never seen before. She was more loosen up and outgoing. She also received attention from other guys. As for the guys, Mario tried to avoid any chicks that approached him. When they got home Mario wanted to let Christina about the girls at the club and Christina automatically got pissed about it which I think is dumb. I think that Mario was trying to be honest with her and if she can't handle it, then that tells me that she might some insecurity issues that she she needs to work on.

Ryan and Axelle did the best this week. Mario and Christina did the worse and they were hot seat because of Christina. Courtney also told Dustin that she wants space from him but Dustin is having a difficult time with that.

Next week it seems like Ryan and Axelle's relationship will turn for the worse.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Ray-J gets slammed by Bad Girls Club Natalie Nunn


Natalie from the Oxygen's hit show Bad Girls Club had some words to say about Ray-J:

"im tired of these guys trying to say shyt about females being groupies we take a pic and post it.... and they say were groupies" what r u?"






Go Natalie! lol

VH1 Star Pic: Joe wearing his I Love Money 3 Uniform


Aother green team member on I Love Money 3 was Joe from Megan Wants A Millionaire. This is a pic of him with his voided check according to his facebook page
he was eliminated on July 4,2009 .

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What Chilli Wants: Episode 4 Recap


   Episode 4 of What Chilli Wants aired last night on VH1. On this episode Tionna basically continued to set up Chilli on different dates ans she kept rejected every dude she saw. The first guy she liked but he had messed up teeth which turned her off and he was sweating a lot lol. Then Tionna set her up with a white dude name TJ. She liked him, but she thought he was too young for her. Tionna started to get really fustrated of her being picky. Another dude was pro golfer she thought he wasn't too fit, another dude was an Iraq war veteran, she thought he had uni brow, and the last dude Tionna set her up with was an Olympic athlete. He talked about drinking a lot which turned because she doesn't like guys that drink and she left middle of their dinner.

Tionna was really fustrated and wanted to have a heart to heart talk with her. She basically gave Chilli a reality check she also called Chilli a bitch, which rubbed her the wrong way. Tionna thinks that Chilli is confused ans there something else on why she keeps rejecting these guys Now their relationship is in jeopardy.

Next week Chilli and Tionna go see a therapist. We also see more of T-Boz.

Brandy and Ray-J : A Family Business (Episode 4 recap)


Episode 4 aired last night on VH1. I will give you the highlights of what happened on this episode. Timbaland invited Brandy to perform with him on the House of Blues introducing Bran Nu which is a rapper version of Brandy. Brandy went to visit her mom for a family meaning and Ray-J acted like a damn fool. He was acting really strange playing a guitar during the meaning and just goofing off. I do think that Ray-J does has an advantage when it comes to his mom. His mom does favor him a lot more than Brandy and I will tell you why. There was a Lil Hood wannabe stripper ( yes I think she tried to act like Lil Hood) who had a "package" for Ray-J and it turned out to be a stripper and she gave him a lap dance at the office and his parents were there.

Brandy and Shay were freaking out and Sonja was very upset about it BUT she wasn't mad at Ray-J, she was mad at his friends for arranging the stripper to be there. I thought that was bullshit because Ray-J obviously liked it, so she should also be mad at Ray-J for not stopping it. That's why I think she favors him a lot more and Brandy noticed it as well. Then Shay tried to put Ray-J in his place and then Ray-J had the nerve to say "check my bank account" before you call me out or something like that. Are you serious who the hell does he think he is?

Brandy had rehearsals for the upcoming performance at the House Of Blues. Her dad and Ray-J showed up but Sonja was not there to see her daughter perform, I guess she was still upset about the whole stripper thing which she needs to get over. My thoughts on her rapping ,I thought she did pretty good but I hope that does not become a permanent thing. She is known for being Brandy (my personal opinion) At the end of the episode Brandy wanted to talk to her mom about the performance and how great it was but Sonja didn't want to come out in her room, she was still upset. That's Brandy lashed out at the whole favoritism thing with Ray-J which I don't blame her.

This episode was by far the best so far.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Jessica Simpson wants to be like Michelle Obama


The Price of Beauty star attended the White House Correspondents Association Dinner. She had some kinds words to say about the 1st lady. She says that Michelle Obama is "confident" and "powerful woman" She reveals that she wants to be like her.

Brandy explains why we don't see her daughter on the show

Brandy explains her reasons on why we do not see her daughter Sy'rai on Brandy and Ray-J: A family Business. She goes on and explains her reasons on the topic.

Friday, April 30, 2010

Sober House With Dr. Drew: Finale Recap

Last night was the season finale of Sober House With Dr. Drew. This season was much better than season 1. Although I wish that Kari Ann never left because she is the reason why I have been watching these Dr. Drew shows. I am going to give you guys a short summary on what happened at the finale.

Dennis departed early to make nightclub appearances in Edmonton. Jennifer wanted to start a new career in production. She had an interview with Warner Bros and it went successful so congrats to her. Mike resists insistence that he attend aftercare, then he reconsiders. He also experience an anxiety attack when he was at a concert . Tenacious D guitarist Kyle Gass and Sober House alum Steven Adler appeared in the finale as well. As for Tom and Heidi, they parted ways as friends.

As of right now VH1 is seeking big stars for the next season of Celebrity Rehab. Lindsay Lohan? who knows lol

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Bret Michaels to resume tour

According to his website Bret is planning to resume his tour despite his recent brain hemmorhage.

article below
"While Bret is recovering we obviously have some shows that are being rescheduled. We are working to reschedule dates from now until May 21st," read the statement.
It continued: "At this time we are planning to resume the tour May 26th in Ft. Smith, Arkansas, provided there are no further complications or setbacks. We will then continue with all scheduled dates throughout the summer and fall."

VH1 Interview: Tyra Sanchez ( Winner of RuPaul Drag Race 2)

In this 
interview, Tyra Sanchez who won the 2nd season of RuPaul Drag Race talks about winning the show, shw reveals that she is bisexual, she also states that her name is not a reference to Tyra Banks, she also talks about her behavior on the show.

Congratulations on winning, Tyra! You seemed…outrageously shocked.
I think I was more relieved than shocked. What happened to me before coming here you would think was impossible. If I told the world my story, no one would believe it. I went through a lot of hard stuff. For the moment, I was happy, but when the cameras were off and we went back to our rooms, I cried the whole night.

You pray so much for a better life and for better things to happen, and they never do. Then when you least expect it, they do happen. I didn’t have a place to stay, I didn’t have a job, I was basically living on someone else’s floor. I would cry and pray everyday. One day, I just stopped praying and I just talked. I talked to God. The next day, World of Wonder called. It was amazing. Everyone looked at me as a bitch, but it wasn’t me being a bitch. It was just like…I have to win. I can’t go back home to that. It was a relief.

Your reaction to winning was 100 percent genuine?
It was. If I’m performing, I hold my breath. My mom’s always saying, “Girl, let your breath go!” At that moment, it was just like, are you serious? Are you f***ing kidding me? Is this really true? It was just like, “Oh my god, I’m gonna pass out.” It’s happened before. I won a pageant and I was being crowned and while I was being crowned, I fell out. I ended up getting crowned in a chair. It was funny.

You mentioned your reputation as a bitch. At one point, it seemed that everyone had targeted you, but that changed, right? You were sort of able to turn your persona around. How?
I think after the bridal episode, when I made it clear that if you have a problem, you should say it to a person, instead of saying it behind someone’s back. That’s just gonna create more problems. But if you address it right there, the problem will be solved right there. You might argue, you might fuss and fight, but it’s gonna end right there and then you’ll get along better. Being aware that I was aggravating some people made me stop. Of course, it was a competition, so if my singing was distracting you, I should still be able to sing. But they said, “Play it fair,” and I did. I did everything the right way. I listened not just to my critiques, but to the critiques of the other girls.

So, looking back, when you were singing “Halo,” that was strategy?
No. I hadn’t heard Beyoncé in forever, so when I finally did, it was like, “Oh, OK.” And when I’m working, I’m always humming or singing. The funny part is when you see me twirling with the veil, only Morgan and I were in the room.

Oh wow, I really thought you were distracting them on purpose.
But if I’m distracting you on purpose, distract me on purpose. It’s a game. It’s a competition. Say the Chicago Bulls play the L.A. Lakers. If defense is dancing around while offense has the ball, and the guy with the ball watches and messes up, that’s his fault. That’s not the other team’s fault. When I found out that I was distracting, it made me want to sing more. If you’re letting my singing bother you, that’s on you, not me.

Jujubee said that calling you out in front of the judges did you a favor. Do you agree?
I think all the girls did me a favor. They tried to make me look worse than I am in front of the judges. When they did that, I thought, “Two can play at this game.” I set out to prove that I wasn’t who they said I am. I think I did that. Yeah, I can be bitchy at times. Who can’t be bitchy? Everyone has their bitchy moments. I actually think that made them look bad. It made it look like they were ganging up on me, and it made it look like I was working on myself, maturing and becoming a better person.

Beating up the girls during that last scene was fun, though, right?
Yes. It relieved some much-needed stress that for weeks I had held in. I didn’t do anything intentionally to harm them, it was all accidents, but it was fun. If they want a fight scene, you have to give it to ‘em for real.

Has the beef cleared up with you and Raven? What did you think about her mirror message?
There’s no beef. At that time, I didn’t know that was something Raven says all the time.

It’s obvious that you like your fashion convertible. Can you explain what draws you to that?
I like to be comfortable. Like what I have on now [for the reunion], I can take these [wings] off and have on a simple, black dress. You never know where you’re gonna go. You may want to go out as a glam god, but then by the end of the night, you might want to be plain and simple. So, you can always switch it up.

One thing I never got a sense of on the show is exactly how your son came to be. Were you in a relationship with a woman?
Yes, for two years in high school, my 11th grade year and my 12th grade year. He was born the first week of my senior year.

Are you bisexual?
I don’t know how to answer that. I am, but I’m not. I can’t be in a relationship with a woman, but I’ll have sex with a woman. I can’t deal with women as far as being with them everyday. I can’t do that. Being with a guy is easier. I’d rather just have sex with a woman, if I see a woman that’s really, really cute. Some women will have sex with me, but a lot of them won’t.

Do you prefer to have sex with women or men?
Men. But some women turn me on.

No. She’s like a sister or a mother.

You said on the finale that you might watch this show with your son. Did you?
No. I don’t think he’s ready to handle that yet. Eventually, he’s going to find out because I got custody of him this month. I just want to take my time. Plus, I don’t think he’d sit and watch it. His girlfriend is Dora the Explorer, not Tyra Sanchez. If it isn’t animated, he won’t watch it.

Drag Race is pretty colorful, though.
It is, it is, but there’s too much talking. It just wouldn’t be funny to children.

When Ru calls you “the other Tyra,” that’s a reference to Tyra Banks, right?
I think so.
Is your name a reference to Tyra Banks?
No. It was my niece’s name. Her name was Tyra Nicole. She was born early, so everyday, her milk would come back up. It would get stuck in her throat and she would turn purple. She would, like, die everyday. The ambulance would come and then she’d be OK. That happened for about a year, until she was able to drink milk on her own.

So she’s OK?
Yeah, now she is.
t’s kind of crazy you went through the entire competition without having to lip synch for you life.
Yes. That kind of scared me. During the first season, Nina Flowers went through the entire competition without having to lip synch for her life, but she didn’t win. And I wondered, “What if that’s me?” Sometimes I wish I would have been able to lip synch for my life. That way, during the finale, I wouldn’t have been so nervous. I would have been down that road before, knowing what was going to happen. But for it to be my first time, I was almost petrified.

You talked about having a drag mother. Does that mean you’re part of a house?
It’s more like a family, but I am in a ballroom house, too: the Mizrahis. Jasmine Couture is my mother. My drag family is like my family, because I don’t really have my biological family – not all of it, really. I have my two sisters and my mom and that’s it. But my drag family is the House of Sanchez. It’s been around for a long time and we’re everywhere: Georgia, Texas, New York, California. My grandmother was in Janet Jackson’s video for “Rock With You.” We’re really tight. You would think that my drag mother gave birth to me.

I didn’t realize that was still going on – it all seems so Paris Is Burning.
Well, my ballroom house is serious, but my drag family is more serious. The house is just a house. You meet up at the balls. Some people hang out after, some people don’t. But my drag family is: every time I wake up, I see you. Every time I need something, I call you. You’re always there.

Have you seen the quality of your life improved since the show?
I’m still in the same position I was before, but now it’s because I want to be, not because I have to be. I don’t want to rush and move and be on my own. I’m taking my time, and my drag mother is there to help me, so I’m gonna let her help me. I’m not staying there for ever. It’ll be one or two more months, and then I’m going to move out on my own.

VH1 Interview: Raven (RuPaul Drag Race 2)

Here is the VH1 interview 
of Raven who came in the 2nd place on RuPaul' Drag Race 2. In this interview , Raven discusses coming in 2nd place on the show, she also talks about her experience being on the show, her rival with Tatianna ect

Was this a good experience for you?
Yeah. I enjoyed it. I don’t enjoy the aftermath of not being able to go to Disneyland or go and have a drink at the club. Now it’s just people on you. You’ll be standing there posing with someone in a picture, and while you’re doing that, someone’s sticking you in the back or pulling your arm, and you’re like, “Hold on. They came to me first.” People are so rude.

It seemed like you were really pissed to have lost to Tyra.
I was.

What was up with you writing on the mirror, “Keep your eyes on the stars, you’ll never be one”?
Everyone who goes to my shows knows that’s how I end every one of my shows. I say it before I tell the crowd goodnight. Yeah, it could have been a little bit of stab, but I also know that my friends who go to my shows know that’s how I leave the show. I was leaving the show, that’s why I wrote that on the mirror. Why not? Plus it made for good TV.

Are you still pissed?
No. I was really upset, though. It’s one of those things where you come so far and you hear no and you’re like, “F***.” That’s what really irritated me, but I’m over it now. If we would have filmed this reunion right after, I’m sure there would have been a lot more resentment.

What helped you get over it? Time?
That, and the fact that I can tell myself I’m a winner. We all made it here out of thousands of submissions. We all won in our own right. I think just finally realizing I didn’t win, let her have it. I mean, who won the last American Idol? Everyone remembers Adam Lambert, but they do not remember the winner.

Kris Allen, but point taken.
Thank you for totally s***ting on what I was saying. I felt like I made my mark, I did my job and I went from lip synching twice early on. I think that’s very amazing that I went from the bottom to the top.

I know this is weird to ask, but being that you seem to really get the TV aspect of it all, did the good TV in Tyra’s hyperventilating reaction to winning ease the blow of losing at all?
I took that in two ways: I took it that she could finally stop playing the part and go back to being her and I also took it as she knew she was going to win, so she had to overreact.

You think it was an act?
I do. I did then and I do now.

Any bad blood?
Not at all. We haven’t really talked. I keep in touch with Morgan, Juju, Jessica, Sonique and Pandora. Those are the only ones I’ve really kept in contact with. Shangela, I see every once in a while. There could possibly be bad blood with Tyra, actually, but it’s not a big deal.

Obviously, your rivalry with Tatianna was a huge part of your storyline. What do you make of it all, looking back?
The thing was that I was just upset, because I saw so many people putting so much into their transformation. With Tatianna, I was seeing the judges living for something that wasn’t…polished. I think she’s beautiful. I think she’s gorgeous. I just wanted to see more, and that was something that really started to chew away at me.
ou felt like it came too easy for her?
Yeah. And everywhere you looked were other people doing so much work. In my interviews, I was always being questioned about Tatianna. So it was like, OK, I’m gonna help create this story to make it better. It’s a f***ing TV show. And that’s what kills me when I see on Facebook, “Get rid of Tyra. Get rid of Raven. They’re bitches.” You want to watch a show that’s a bunch of people running around nice and kissing?

You weren’t there to make a crotch-full of friends.
Exactly. I can’t believe I said that.
love it, but I don’t know what it means.
I don’t either.

Tell me about the Britney Spears-fan hate. I thought that might be an association from your past: did you once know a Britney fan who did you wrong or something?
No. It stems from people who are avid Britney Spears fans, and who think she can do no wrong. What I told Tatianna was that you couldn’t go watch Britney Spears sit on the edge of a stage with a guitar or piano, sing a song, no pyrotehnics and enjoy it. She has to have all this s*** going on around her. When I go to a concert, I like to see Imogen Heap or the Yeah Yeah Yeahs. I like to see someone who can sit there, do a set and make it amazing. I’m not saying that I haven’t been to a Britney Spears concert, because I have. The point that I was trying to make is that Tatianna likes things that are just pretty. She doesn’t look for anything deeper. It really pissed me off.

Do you think you were unnecessarily hard on Tatianna?
I’m hard on myself. I own up to it when I suck. My chicken sucked and I admitted it. When I do something bad, I can admit it. I’m not the type of person to sit there and say, “I’m the bomb! I’m perfect.” When I should get validated for something, I want to be validated. When I do something that’s bad, smack me on the hand and I’ll fix it.

There’s a sort of crickets-chirping part of Untucked where you mention having humility, but taking to you, I can see it.
A lot of people say that. In the rock and roll episode, when I got to meet Terri Nun, when I came back in the room they asked, “Did you love her?” and I said, “No, she loved me.” Who wouldn’t say that? Think of meeting someone you love who proceeds to talk you up. You’d do the same thing. I did see some comments that were like, “There goes Raven being humble again.” I’m actually a very humble person.

And yet, your reputation as a bitch persists.
It’s a TV show. And that’s why when I see people who are like blogging about how I’m such a bitch and how they hate me, it’s like, OK, you’re the only one allowed to be a bitch? You bought that franchise? Just because I’m speaking my mind and giving my opinion when it’s asked for, I’m being a bitch. OK. Change the definition and stick my picture next to it. It’s so funny how other people are allowed to be bitchy, but we aren’t.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

More I Love Money 3 pics leaked

This was the mansion for the 3rd season of the show.
This pic was one one of the challenges they did.

I think this was one of the power outings. I think I see Lacey sitting lol

Another challenge they probably did.

 Here is the I Love Money 3 logo!

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