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Friday, May 20, 2011

Football Wives Speak Out on their reunion

As you know VH1 is giving everyone a reunion, but football wives. We all Wanted closure. so I decided to get their side. Chanita and Dawn give me their opinion on why their isnt one.

"I think it's unfortunate. The cast and fans deserved closure. We get asked all the time when we're coming back. People miss the show" - Dawn Via Twitter DM

"It was said we were to CHURCHY! Lol The fans weren't vocal enough to support us needing closure and answers from each other! I think its sad!" - Via Chanita Twitter DM


Thursday, May 19, 2011

Raven (Rock Of Love) Says She Is Not A Racist

Raven from Rock Of Love uploaded a new YouTube video addressing to everyone that she isn't a racist, since everyone thinks she is ever since Rock Of Love: Charm School. She says she isn't a racist, but an equal oppurtunity racist. She says she hates the human race.

Mario Lopez To Host New Reality Show Called "H8R"

Mario Lopez To Host New Reality Show

Extra host Mario Lopez is set to host The CW's new upcoming reality show called "H8R" which pairs up people with celebrities they detest. Celebrities come face to face with their haters and they try to convince  them that they are not a bad person. Snooki and Kim Kardashian will be one of those celebrities. 

"Wedding Wars" Star Kat Says She Punched Yolanda In The Face

Kat vs Yolanda

Now that "Wedding Wars" is over, I really wish that VH1 would have gave this show a reunion show because this show has full of drama. But this show ended up getting the "I Love Money 4" treatment... SMH. Anyway Kat (left) who was fan favorite on the show tweeted something very interesting on her Twitter page

She says:
 "I wish there woulda been cameras in joe & elsies suite so everyone coulda saw me punch the fuck outta yolanda dead in the face"!

If you did not watched the show, Jamal and Yolanda backstabbed Hollywood and Kat in the back eliminating them. I am planning to do several post show interviews with some of the contestants. So stay tuned!

Renee on 105.1 talks about Mob Wives

She discusses how Mob Wives came about. Renee’s sister Jennifer is the creator and executive producer of the show. Angela asked how everyone still has money considering their significant other’s are behind bars. She talks about her relationship with her son AJ, saying she’s a mother first but that he’s her best friend. Lastly, she says she wants to leave the mob life behind but “I am my father’s daughter and very proud of my family, so it’s a little tough”

Danielle Staub Quits Stripping, Seeks Psychological Treatment reports
"Former “The Real Housewives of New Jersey” star Danielle Staub is leaving her short-lived stripping gig and seeking help from Dr. Drew Pinsky."
Danielle Says

“I have addictions with love and low self-esteem, and I need help!” the 48-year-old former Bravo star told People after racy photos surfaced online of her dancing at New York’s Scores nightclub.Seeing how I have hurt myself and my family this time, I can no longer push it behind me.”

Olivia, EmilyB, And Chrissy talk to MTV About Love and Hip Hop

The Girls reflect on the show with MTV news

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Vh1access Interview: Somaya Reece Of Love and Hip Hop

Post Interview after the airing of Love and Hip Hop

How did you get on "Love and Hip hop" and do you regret doing it?
I was looking for a show but couldn't find one. It's hard to find a positive show. However. I went into a regular meeting with VH1. We discussed regular things like why am I in NY? What do I like to do on my time off?? etc etc And right away they offered me to be on due to my strong nature. I'm a strong woman and will not back down in the face of adversity or haters. I guess they liked that. They we're very friendly and welcoming in my meeting. I'm grateful Vh1 gave me a platform to launch my name off. I didn't know the show would be the way it was, so full of drama and dramatic situations. I don't ever meet people like that at all. I work with a lot of pretty professional people and cool girls. So this was a suprise to me, I enjoyed my meetings with Jim Jones in the studio and going in to do a hook for him which wasn't on the show. He was very professional, funny and helpful with advice about New York and my music. Everything else was.....

 In many reality shows the cast knew each other beforehand. Did you know Emily, Chrissy, Olivia?
No one knew each other except Emily I believe she knew a few of the girls. I met them for the first time when I was being judged in the bathroom.

 The First episode there was already drama with Chrissy confronting you. What was your reaction?
Exactly what you saw. All I could think of was "ohhhhhh she must be mad i'm working with Jim" or I thought maybe she thought I was trying to put the moves on him. Which as you can clearly see in the show I was never anything less than professional with Jim.

We gotta give you credit for your passion to get out there especially when Chrissy was an obstacle from getting that duet with Jim Jones. Do you still think its her fault?
Somaya Reece will NEVER back down. I am a fighter! I fight for my dreams no matter who tries to get in my way. Of course it was her fault. You didn't see the episodes? lol To be honest I didn't think it was her fault at first I thought it was because he said he had to finish his album. Then I saw the episodes and saw it was her. I'm not worried about it though. I had a list of people I wanted to with in the East and I got to work with everyone. He was on that list. He's the only one I didn't end up working with. Although I did go in and do a hook for him that was never used.

The photoshoot was going good until they told you to give an Vida Guerra Pose. What made you lash out?
I want people to know I am not a prude. lol There is nothing wrong with sexy photos at all. But I wasn't there to do a hardcore photoshoot. I was there to do a fashion forward shoot. I was already pretty pissed off. The stylist brought all the wrong outfits and the 1950's style hair person flaked. Because we were filming the show I couldn't cancel the shoot. We had to shoot it with a HORRIBLE look. So Iw as very un happy from the jump. I was just getting to know Maurice too so I was like ARE YOU CRAZY FOOL?? Another thing you didn't see is they had this bag full of used panties and asked me to pick one for my shoot. I was disgusted! So that was the backstory on me lashing out.

When you first Performed On stage and you saw Chrissy and Olivia. Did you think "Okay Fights are over" or did you know they came to check up on you?
I thought they were coming to make an effort to meet me. When I was saying my spoken word poem song and I looked at them directly they were not laughing all. They were smiling and seemed friendly. After the show they both came backstage to say they had a great time. So watching the episode that was a complete surprise to me. After speaking to Emily about that episode she told me she was never laughing at me at all. That they were there for a long time and she thinks they used a part from them earlier they edited to look that way. Who knows.

When Rich came lashing out at you during the finale, did you regret doing the Comments about olivia then?
That guys is a weirdo and abusive as you saw at the reunion as well. That is the reason I have my "Be You" and "Voices Against Violence" PSA campaign that directly speaks on men who are mentally, verbally and physically abusive towards women. I will not tolerate that! it's one thing to come "talk" with me then to come try to hurt me and think it's ok that they can get a way with that.

Overall How did you like your portrayal, and the show itself?
They never showed the positive things i'm doing. So hopefully if I am on a season 2 they will show the growth. Because as you can see I have so many real accomplishments happening now that is not on the show. And many happened while I was filming the show and they didn't show it. Olivias managers comments are delusional. My LionsGate & Pantelion film "Go For It" released a few days ago. It is in theatres across the US, my song is the soundtrack in the film and commercials on television. I play myself "Somaya Reece" in the film. The soundtrack and movie went #1 in the UK. The New York Times reviewed our film and we scored high. I have a custom high end shoeline, liquor brand, and accessory line launching over the next few months. My mixtape which is not the one on the show "Rebel With A Cause" drops in June and has amazing major artists featured on my songs. The song you see on the show with XO "Would You Still Love Me" has 2 television placements, commercial, 527,459 views on the video alone, 7 corporate endorsements, and is on the radio. My new single "Dale Mami" featuring Lumidee & DJ Spinking is also on the radio. The video previewed exclusively on XXL and got 200k views first day.

Who were your favorite cast members and worst?
All the ladies had some very real stories to share. I live for momma Jones! That's my girl!!!!

How are you with each castmember now?
Unless we are doing press together or the show, I don't speak to them except for Emily n Mashonda.

Describe each cast Member in One word:

 Emily B.: Kind
 Olivia: Petite
 Mashonda: Loyal
 Jim jones: Huslter
 Nancy jones: Fun
 Maurice: Tattoo (just kidding lol) Giving

Fan Twitter Questions:

 @goforitgant: Is Somaya still working with her manager?
Yes however. I have 2 new managers added to my team. They are no joke!! Maurice will be working behind the scenes now. You will meet the new team soon.

@dslade110: If you had olivia by herself would she still be all that hard

Meet the Cast of Single Ladies


VH1 Sitcom May 30th !

Chrissy Interview After the Reunion

On taping the reunion special:

“Did I think the show would go on as long as it did? NO. I knew there was gonna be drama when it came to my personal situation. The girls are easy, it’s the real family stuff that’s taxing.”

On Mama Jones:

(I asked Chrissy “I assume you’ve seen Nancy since the season finished taping?”)

“You shouldn’t assume. I haven’t seen her. I only have to deal with her in situations like that. She has her house, I have mine. Honestly, this is why it’s so taxing and emotional for me, because I’m forced to deal with her and the frustration gets the better of me. These aren’t tears of weakness, they’re tears of frustration because every time I see her I realize I’m fighting for something that should just be given.”

After the jump, find out Chrissy’s true feelings on Somaya Reece, and how she “feels bad for” the person she is portrayed as on the show.

On watching herself onscreen:

“I feel bad for myself when I watch. ‘Cause when you’re in that battle you just do it, that’s what you do to survive and get through it. But when you have a second to watch it—I feel bad for that girl, because that girl who’s going through all of that deserves so much better.”

On how the show is edited:

“It’s edited, but it’s all me. They didn’t make up the stuff with me and Nancy. They didn’t make her respond the way she does. They don’t make Jimmy walk out and not stand up, all that is real.”

On Somaya Reece:

“Somaya doesn’t matter to me. I don’t dislike her but she doesn’t register for me. If it wasn’t for the show, I wouldn’t even know her. I don’t hate her, she’s just not my cup of tea.”

On her offscreen friendships:

“Would I call Somaya to have lunch when the camera’s aren’t rolling? Absolutely not. But Emily and Olivia? Yeah, I would.”

Tami Vs. Evelyn On Twitter

VH1 Posted Some Shots Fired between Basketball Wives Cast
Last night, Evelyn posted a message directed at Tami on her Twitter page, writing “@TamiRoman This ain’t OVER! #subliminaltweet” Later, Tami responded “You’re DEAD! F— a subliminal tweet! U messed w/the wrong 1 trick @EvelynLozada @iamjennifer.”

Season 3 is going to be good!


Love & Hip Hop To Return For Season 2!

Angie Martinez Host of the Love and Hip Hop reunion Announced Season 2 is on the way!


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