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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

No More Purple Hair!

Buckwild, posing with a friend, gives us a taste of her new style, attitude, and personality in this picture. This picture and others were uploaded to her myspace page recently. To see two others, click here and here. What do you think of her new style?

Weasel Gets Vicious!

So I logged on to our myspace today, and I was reading the statuses of other people on my home page. Weasel, from Daisy of Love, had a few thins to say concerning Ryan Jenkins. To read what he wrote, click here.

Happy Birthday to John Taylor (me)

Today is officially my 22nd birthday! lol You can post birthday shoutouts in chat box, I don't really care. I'm posting this right now because I might not be online tomorrow.

and thanks to everyone who visits this blog we appreciate it.


Monday, August 24, 2009

Real Chance Of Love 2: Episode 4 Recap

Alighty! so episode 4 started off with another phone call from Blonde Baller, her "male friend" was shot in a upperclass neighborhood in Michigan. Which I think is a bit fishy. If my friend was shot I would leave immediatly, she did not even cry that much either. As for the challenge, one of the most weirdest challenges that I ever seen on any VH1 dating show "The Yeti Challenge" The girls had to team up to find "bigfoot" which was really Micha (Real & Chance's younger brother)in a bigfoot suit lol The team that captures "bigfoot" first wins. Baker,PS,Blonde Baller,Doll & Junk won the challenge. Baker & Doll got one on one dates with their men. Once again a fortune teller appeared on this episode, another VH1 dating show clique & Doll revealed that she lost her parents at a young age.The next day PS,Blonde Baller & Junk got their dates & poor Blonde Baller, she had to go on a date with 2 chicks that hates her lol & of course Junk put her on blast saying that she is lying about all the stuff she is saying , then PS imitated Sassy & they were talking about Sassy behind her back, Blonde Baller told Sassy about it, & Sassy was pissed off. Apple being the shy girl that she is tried to step up her game by cooking a "sexy" breakfast for Real another VH1 dating show clique lol. At the pool Junk once again was talking crap about Blonde Baller to the other chicks, Blonde Baller had enough if it & it was a Blonde Baller VS Junk brawl at the pool. At the end Apply went home & Chance decided to keep both Junk & Blonde Baller just to get to the bottom of this drama.


Real: The Face Of Moral Purity

In what is surely the strangest VH1-related endorsement since Lip Chap, the video above features Real Chance of Love’s Real shilling for Sexual Revolution, a book aimed at “young adults, teens, fathers, mothers, and grandparents [who] want to shake off the slime of depravity and the bondage of religion, and enter into the joy of passionate purity.”  This is confusing for a variety of reasons. Among them:


Real says that he was celibate for eight years “prior to me and my brother doing our first show.” (It’s unclear if he’s referring to the first season of his show or I Love New York.)

He says he lost that celibacy and was lusting after a woman (was it Milf?), but the book seems to have changed that…which is weird, since he and Chance have seemed to have no shortage of lust so far this season (they named a girl after her sizable butt, for crying out loud!).

Real repeatedly states that the book is helpful, but doesn’t say how. Unless it’s implied that it helped him get back in touch with his celibacy. Which, again, really?

The author, Kris Vallotton, says that the truth about sexuality is that God created it, and He likes it. OK, but on the order page, the book is billed as “non-religious,” and in the same sentence, says it’s a “fresh look at a subject as old as Adam and Eve.” So it is but it isn’t, then. (Also, you’re ordering it from a church. Not that that makes it religious or anything.)

By being called Sexual Revolution, the book aims to reclaim the term from the culture-altering movement of the last century. Ambitious!

The clip seems to have originated at a site reserved for a new hair product of Real’s. Because if there’s anything that goes hand-in-hand with chastity, surely it is long, silky hair.

Frank Costa

Check Out: Farrah's website

Farrah from (Rock Of Love Bus) just recently sent me her website through myspace, so I decided to make a blog post about it. If your a fan of Farrah or the Blounderage franchise, then you should check out her website! In her website, you can order awesome T-shirts & hats that revolves around the Blounderage franchise, there is one shirt that has her catch phrase "What The French? on it

You can also subscribe to her youtube channel.


Tool Academy News

Judging from Jordan's tweet, I'm guessing something big will happen at Tool Academy 2's first elimination ceremony. And the premiere is 90 minutes, so it should be filled with some new drama and problems.

Reactions to Ryan Jenkin's Suicidal Death

Below are some of the reactions to Ryan Jenkins suicidal death from his fellow reality television stars:

Sunday, August 23, 2009

My Antonio: Episode 2 Recap

Well, the second episode of My Antonio was FAR more entertaining than the first! This episode featured a returning ex wife, a crazy girl going crazier, and hypnosis!

This episode started off where the last ended: Tully Jensen Sabato, Antonio's ex wife, showing up to compete for Antonio's heart. Antonio of course doesn't like this so much and leaves the table. Meanwhile, Jennifer believes that Tully is either Antonio's friend, sister, or friend. Then soon, Jennifer offers Sarah a waffle covered in creme cheese and syrup, and judging from the last episode, did you think Sarah would stay sane at all??? With alot of yelling and crying going on, long story short, Sarah sends herself home!

Antonio got all the ladies together and had them see a hypnotist. The hypnotist said "I can't hypnotize you if you don't want it." And of course Julann, who was having some 'issues' with her connection with Antonio, decided not to participate in the fun. In a manner of minutes, girls are in a sleeping trace, flopping around, and being told to act a certain way. One of the parts involved Tully and Miranda, and they had to act nice to each other, although for a second it looked as though they could just make out at any moment!

At dinner, of course Antonio's mother was there and had something to say! She questioned why Julann didn't participate in the hypnosis session. Julann responded by mentioning that she really was skeptical about that whole experience, which she has never experienced! Antonio then presents the women with their 'just deserts', and it came out to either Julann or Jessica that was going to head home. Julann then of course talks all this gibberish and Antonio calls her out for contradicting herself! Bye Bye Julann!

Ryan Jenkins found dead

Ryan Jenkins has been found dead in Canada, according to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police.

He was found dead in a hotel in British Columbia and it appears he "took his own life," according to RCMP Sgt. Duncan Pound.

Jenkins' body was discovered by hotel staff.

Jenkins was charged on August 20 in the murder of his wife, Jasmine Fiore.

Fiore's mutilated body was found in a suitcase inside of a dumpster in Buena Park, Calif. on August 15.

Story developing ...

taken from:


VH1 Star Pics: Lil Hood & Farrah

Here are some awesome new pics of Lil Hood & Farrah at the beach.

Lil Hood should be a Blonderage member lol


Taken from

Vivica A Fox To Host 2009 Fox Reality Awards

OS ANGELES--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Fox Reality Channel presents the 2009 Fox Reality Channel Really Awards Saturday, October 17 at 10p/9c from the famed Music Box @ Fonda in Hollywood. The “Reallys” is the only awards show to celebrate the best in reality television. Actress Vivica A. Fox, best known for her roles in films such as Kill Bill: Vol. 1, Soul Food, Independence Day and Set It Off, and a veteran reality television star in her own right, appearing as a contestant on ABC’s Dancing with the Stars (Season 3) and host of VH1’s Glam God with Vivica A. Fox and TV Land’s The Cougar, will host the fourth annual Fox Reality Channel Really Awards show.

Singer, actor, producer Lance Bass, who gained fame as a member of the multi-platinum selling group, ‘NSYNC, will host the red carpet show, bringing viewers up-close and personal to their favorite reality stars. Bass, a reality fan and producer himself has been in the reality spotlight before as a contestant on Dancing with the Stars (Season 7) and appearing on Bravo’s Kathy Griffin: My Life on the D-List.

“Vivica A. Fox and Lance Bass are top-notch entertainers with strong ties to the reality television world,” said Bob Boden, SVP of Programming, Production & Development at Fox Reality Channel. “We are pleased to have these talented celebrities as hosts of the 2009 Fox Reality Channel Really Awards and its red carpet, entertaining viewers with a fun-filled night that celebrates the colorful characters and greatest reality moments from the past year.”



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