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Monday, January 4, 2010

The Loco Award- Aloha Wins!

Aloha Wins!

Winner: Aloha wins with 71.4% of your votes
Runner-Up: Danger came in second with 66.7% o your votes
Last Place: Arian came in last place with 9.5%of your votes.

Thursday, December 31, 2009

For The Love Of Ray-J Epsiode 9 Sneak Peek

Ray's final five ladies are challenged to dig up dirt on each other. Watch!

I Want To Work For Diddy 2 season finale sneak peek

It's down to the final two applicants, and for the deciding test, they must report to the top floor of Bad Boy to work for the man himself!

Tough Love 2 Episode 7 Sneak Peek

The girls are tested on their dollars and sense as contestants on a provocative game show called "What's My Price?".

VH1 Interview: Flossy (For The Love Of Ray-J)

Taken from This is the vh1 interview with Flossy.

Rich: How was your time on the show?

Flossy: Overall, it was really good. I had a great time, except for the whole drink-throwing episode.

Rich: Let’s talk about that. What was going through your mind when almost the entire house was screaming at you and throwing liquid on you?

Flossy: When they ganged up on me in the room, I was just kind of like, “Really?” It was funny to me that they felt so threatened by me that they had to team up. The issue we were fighting about really wasn’t that serious for everyone to get involved. I thought it was an example of haters being haters. But then when the first drink was thrown, I went from thinking it was funny to literally taking everything I had inside of me to keep from getting up and beating the s*** out of Heartbreaker. I did not want to get kicked off for fighting. I was trying to be calm and a strong person and control myself to handle the situation as best I could. I walked away, and she threw another drink on me, and at that point, I knew it was just them trying to provoke me to hit them so that I would go home. I wasn’t going to give them what they wanted. I didn’t want to leave without being able to say goodbye to Ray. I didn’t want to leave on that note.

Rich: You mentioned that they were threatened. Do you think the whole episode stemmed from jealousy? At that point, you were getting the most attention from Ray…

Flossy: It was pure jealousy. Jealousy and love are two things that will make a person do anything. When Luscious told me, “Are you scared to sleep at night?” it made me believe that they really would have done something to me that night. Combine love and jealousy and a person will act crazy and out of character. They would tell me, “You’re going to win, look at how you look at each other. You’re like a magnet, he goes straight to you.” And the same day they’re saying all this, they gang up on me. Even Heartbreaker said, “I’m trying to get her to do something to make Ray want to make her leave,” or whatever.

Rich: Did it hurt your feelings to be attacked like that?

Flossy: No. Not at all. I didn’t do anything wrong. It would have hurt me if what I felt like they were mad at was a legitimate reason. I would have been like, “Oh god, I’m a s***ty person. These people don’t like me.” But it was so stupid. Because I told Ray Heartbreaker was a stripper? I never said anything negative about strippers, I just said she was one! It’s not even like I was like, “Ew.” What they didn’t show was during that date with me and Platinum, we had gone to a strip club and learned how to pole dance. The only reason it got brought up was that I was like, “This would have been the perfect date for Heartbreaker,” because me and Platinum were joking about not knowing how to do any of that stuff and how hard it was. That’s when I said that Heartbreaker should have gone on the date, and when Ray said, “Why?” I said, “Because she’s a stripper.” And all they showed was me saying, “Because she’s a stripper.” I mean, she said herself during the dance challenge, “I shake my ass for a living.” They also played the clip of her saying that she gets on the pole when she’s bored. That’s a stripper. I don’t on the pole when I’m bored. My bartender friends don’t get on the pole when they’re bored. They stay at the bar. No one gets on a pole for fun. She’s a stripper, and there’s nothing wrong with that. Own it, like Baker from Real Chance of Love. She’s proud as hell to be a stripper and no one can tell her that it isn’t cool. If Heartbreaker’s as confident as she says she is, why wasn’t her attitude, “F*** you, Flossy. I’m a stripper and what?”

Rich: So then what happened? The drama seemed to really die down after that huge flare-up.

Flossy: Once they saw that they weren’t going to get to me, that I wasn’t going to do anything to get sent home, they backed off. Two days later, when we went to lunch with Lil’ B, Heartbreaker and Luscious apologized to me and told me they don’t usually do stuff like that and that they were sorry. I apologized, too, for throwing the drink back. And it was just squashed. We just never brought it up again. And then they started attacking Mz Berry, and then Exotica, so it was just them trying to push people’s buttons, and then when it didn’t work, they’d move onto the next person.

Rich: Do you have any resentment for them?

Flossy: Heartbreaker, a little, because she didn’t have to take it that far with throwing the drink. But it’s so old now that I don’t even care. I just would never be friends with her. But everybody else, I’m cool with. I love Luscious. I talk to her all the time on Twitter. She was basically just trying to get camera time, and I can’t fault her for that.

Rich: What did end up happening between you and Ray? You seemed to have the biggest connection with him and then it fizzled out.

Flossy: I just kind of stopped trying. I think I just got sick of competing. At first, I was the only person that Ray had a connection with, and then once everyone realized that they had to step it up, I just kind of lost interest. I liked it when I didn’t have to compete, when I was just like a magnet, as they said, and he would just come to me. Also, I wasn’t going to f*** him or give him head. I told myself I wasn’t going to have sex with him unless I won the show. I kinda started falling back a little, Exotica, too, and girls started stepping forward with the physical stuff. And it’s like, if you want to send us home for that, fine. That’s kind of what I think it was. There’s no way I just got sent home because I’m too young. He knew my age from the beginning and even defended it to Heartbreaker. She said I was too young and he said, “Well, she’s only a year younger than you are.”

Rich: You did cry when you were sent home.

Flossy: I think that was just the fact that it was over. Don’t get me wrong: I still liked Ray even after I stopped trying. I wish I could have met him in a normal setting. I was sad to be leaving him and the experience. But then as soon as me and Exotica got in the van we were like, “Yeah, we’re free!”

Rich: Any thoughts on peeing in the plant?

Flossy: I don’t know why it was such a big deal! Hasn’t anyone been drunk before and peed? They didn’t really make it clear that I was drunk. I barely remember my alone time with Chardonnay. Exotica and I kinda had a feeling we’d be going home next, or that one of us would be, so we were like, “F*** it, let’s have so much fun tonight. This might be our last night together.” I’m in a sorority, I know how to party. I got really drunk, and I peed. Whatever. People have done worse on reality shows. That’s the one bad thing I did on the show. Get over it.

Rich: Any regrets?

Flossy: My only regret is that I stopped trying so hard. I wish I had kept trying, because I know I could have made it further, if not won.

Flavor Flav takes a shot at autotune

Flavor takes a shot at autotune with his new song "I'll Never Let You Go". Um... Flav? please stick with VH1.

Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Vh1access Fan Of The Month: January

This is something new I'm doing on my blog for the new year. It's called VH1access Fan Of The Month. I want to give back to my visitors who are fans of my blog. New poll will up after this post. I will choose 5 people that are fans of my blog and it's your job to vote, who should win VH1access of the month. As a reward your picture will be posted on the left side bar with your twitter link.

January's Nominees:

Vote now!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Secrets of Aspen: Premeire Sneak Peek

Here is the premiere sneak peek of VH1's new show The Secrets of aspen which premieres this Suday at 10:PM eastern standard time.

VH1 Interview: Exotica ( For The Love Of Ray-J)

Taken from here is the Exotica VH1 interview, she explains how she did not like how the show portrayed her.

Rich: I really enjoyed you on the show.

Exotica: No! I didn’t like the way they edited me.

Rich: Tell me why.

Exotica: They made it seem like I didn’t know how to do anything, and that’s not true. Like, when I was bowling, when I was singing, and playing basketball and all that.

Rich: So you’re a good bowler?

Exotica: I’m not. I’m OK, but on TV they made it seem like I didn’t know what the hell I was doing, and that’s not true at all.

Rich: I really liked you freaking out at the bowling alley, though.

Exotica: I was kinda mad, ‘cause I really wanted to win a date, but on TV they showed my score as 16, but then you see the extra on, and you saw it was 76. But I got so many fans who like me so much, they’re like, “You’re so funny, even though you can’t bowl.”

Rich: There are worse things than bad bowling that you could be accused of.

Exotica: Oh, I know. I like that they showed my sense of humor. I’m funny. The only thing I didn’t like was how they showed me not knowing how to do anything.

Rich: How was your overall time on the show?

Exotica: It was really good. I met a lot of girls, but by the end, I was stressed out. It started getting emotional.

Rich: You didn’t seem too upset when you were eliminated.

Exotica: I wasn’t upset because the reason I got eliminated was that I didn’t know Ray, and that’s true. I didn’t lie about it. Ray was there, but he really didn’t talk to me, and I didn’t really talk to him. I was just there chilling because I really don’t chase guys. Even though I was on a show, I wasn’t going to change myself just to chase Ray and stay longer. That’s why I told him that it seems like he gets shy when he comes toward me. I was a little shy, too. I have different personalities, like I get shy around guys, and I was shy around him. He didn’t seem like he wanted to get to know me, though. That’s why I didn’t try. When I got eliminated, I was actally happy because there was too much going on. It was actually crazy.

Rixh: Were you disappointed that you didn’t get to know Ray better?

Exotica: Not really. Maybe if we weren’t on TV, it would have been different. But on TV, there was too much going on. The other girls were chasing him all the time to get a one-on-one with him. The whole time I had on my mind that I wasn’t going to do something I would regret one day. And I didn’t do it.

Rich: What do you think of Ray now?

Exotica: I like watching the show. He’s so freaking funny. He should be a comedian. I have nothing bad to say about Ray. He’s very nice. The little bit of him I got to know was very fun, funny and outgoing.

Rich: When you say that there was too much going on in the house, do you mean the drama with the “Wolf Pack?”

Exotica: It was a competition, and it was getting tough. The other girls, they were doing a lot of stuff, and I’m not going to be specific, but they were doing stuff that I would not do. Just to get a glass or to make it to the next episode, they were doing a lot of crazy stuff.

Rich: What did you think of the drama with Heartbreaker, Platinum and Luscious, though?

Exotica: At first, they picked on Flossy, and just because I didn’t go against Flossy, I knew they were going to come back and pick on me. But I was like, “Please.” I don’t care if we’re in a public place eating, I don’t care if we’re with Obama, if you yell at me, I’m gonna yell back. If you don’t respect me, I’m not going to respect with you. Don’t come to me like, “We run this house.” You don’t run s***.

Rich: Any theories as to why they called you a reindeer?

Exotica: I really don’t know what the hell they meant by that, but I think they were making fun of my hair. I didn’t know they said that until Flossy told me that. But if they were talking about my hair, I love my hair. I don’t wear fake hair or extensions. It’s all natural. I make money with my hair, so that’s all that counts.

Rich: You seemed very confident, not just about your hair, but in general.

Exotica: Of course. I love me. I don’t care what the girls thought about me: about my style, about my hair. I was there for Ray, and then me. I don’t hold back. I do look like a model. Even Ray said it. They tried to use that against me, that I was on the wrong show, and I should have been on America’s Next Top Model. I was like, “You’re not gonna tell me which show to be in,” you know?

Rich: Would you say that you are conceited?

Exotica: No, I’m not. I’m just confident. It is what it is.

Rich: What about when you got into it with Extra?

Exotica: To be honest, I really felt bad for her in the end. I was bored, and I figured, “Let me pick on Extra.” You know, she wasn’t pretty at all, so I was like, “Let me just pick on her.” Everyone saw that she picked the bed before me, but I took the bed from her. Whatever, I don’t have anything against her. That’s kinda mean, but oh well. She got over it. I’m sure she did.

Rich: When did you come over from Cape Verde?

Exotica: About 10 years ago. At first, it was really hard. I had to learn English. I only spoke French when I came here. Imagine me, don’t know how to say anything in English. It was really hard, but I kept going, and look at where I’m at! Sometimes I think about it: I never would have imagined coming from Cape Verde and being on a national TV show. Everybody knows me, all the Cape Verdeans love me, they happy that I’m representing Cape Verde. Nobody knew about Cape Verde until I got on the reality show. So I’m really happy that I did the reality show. Basically, I’m reaching all my American dreams.

VH1 Interview: Ivory ( I want To work For Diddy)

Here is the interview of the latest cast off.

Monday, December 28, 2009

The Loco Of The Year Award.. The nominees

Loco Of The Year : Nominees

This year we have had alot of contestants that were the most craziest, these 6 make the final cut for the year.

Aloha (Real Chance Of Love 2)
Danger (For The Love Of Ray-J)
Brittany Starr (Rock of love Bus)
Flipper (Daisy of love)
Arian (Tough Love)
Show Me (Real Chance of love 2)

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