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Sunday, January 24, 2010

VH1 Interview: Tammy (Frank The Entertainer.. A Basement Affiar)

Taken from this is the VH1 interview of  Tammy from Frank The Entertainer.. A Basement Affiar. She talks about her exerience on the show, why she was nevvous around Frank and her portrayal.

How was your time on the show?

Great experience. Loved the cast.

What did you think of your portrayal?

I guess there are 15 girls in the house and everybody is a different character. I didn’t really shine because I wasn’t really loud and crazy. I was out of my comfort zone, but I feel like being quiet is something that’s not me, if you know me.

Were you disappointed to be eliminated?

Yes. I know that Frank’s not attracted to Annie and Renee physically. I think I’m girlfriend material.

He did say that he was physically attracted to you a few times.

Yeah, but I guess looks don’t play the role once you want to be in love. It’s more than that.

What did you think of him repeatedly saying that he didn’t understand what you were saying?

I think it’s funny because what I think about him is very cute, and I guess when you have a crush or you like somebody, you tend to be speechless or freeze up, you know? That’s how I felt when I looked at Frank, like, “Oh my god, oh my god. He’s paying attention to me. Like, every detail.” So then I get nervous and nerves take over and I say stuff that I regret.

Like when you said that you enjoyed doing embarrassing things such as making funny faces?

Yeah! (Laughs.) What I meant was that me and my girlfriend, if we know each other, we’ll play silly and make embarrassing faces. They made it sound like I was saying something else.

Was there any kind of language barrier in play? You’re from Vietnam, right?

Yeah, but I came over here when I was 6-years-old and I’m 25 now. Maybe I stumble on words, but I don’t think it was a big issue.

What’s your beef with Italian food?

I think it’s heavy. If I had a boyfriend, I think I’ll be the main person in the kitchen. He’ll step in once in a while and cook steak, but I can’t live without rice or noodle. Being with that family and eating spaghetti, it’s good but day after day, it’s like, oh my god! I miss my Asian food.

Where are you with your cultivation of the Minnesota accent?

Well, you basically extend your O’s and A’s. I taught Melissa Vietnamese, too, but it was mostly bad words. You know, like, perverted words, ’cause I find perverted jokes very funny. A white girl saying it is really cute.

Any regrets?

No, this is the best experience so far. I hope to work with VH1 more, but this was a good experience. I think everybody should do it, just being in a competition with 15 girls. Just see if it’s worth your time and what you’ll learn from it.

VH1 Interview: Luscious (For The Love Of Ray-J)

Taken from here is the recent VH1 interview which is Luscious from For The Love Ray-J.

It was hard to watch the last episode. Ray’s friends were terrible to you.

Oh, they were. They were so obnoxious and rude.

It’s one thing to go in and figure that you’ll play it up for TV, but when somebody comes crying to you, saying that you’ve hurt their feelings, that’s when you shut up, right?

I just feel like they were trying to do a replay of last season, but it’s a completely different situation. I was so upset because I shared with Ray what really happened with the whole “homie” situation and what really went down, which VH1 did not air for whatever reason. I’m not even going to throw it out there anymore. It’s something that I’m just going to let it die out on its own. But what really hurt is I felt like Ray knew the background of what really went down. Because of that, that incident with his friends shouldn’t have happened. I know you can’t control your friends, but the arguing between Young Buck and I went on a lot longer. Tom Green had my back before Ray J did. I know he was in on it, and chanting the whole stupid little song, but Tom Green had my back before anybody else. I had to call Ray J out, “Like really? You’re not going to have my back? You’re going to allow your friends to talk to me like this?” And that’s when he stood up for me. And that’s why I left. It wasn’t because of what they were saying or what they were doing. I mean, yeah, I was upset at that, but I understand that has nothing to do with Ray J. I need a man who’s going to have my back one hundred percent.

So there was never any point after that were you regretted leaving the way that you did?

No. I felt like I did the right thing. I really cared about Ray, and I really thought that I could win, but I’m not going to settle for less. I don’t care who you are and what you do. I respect myself. I went on the show looking for love, so if he lacks a quality that I need in my man, I’m going to let it be known. It’s like, “OK, if I end up with him, is he going to have my back the next time his friends go in on me like that?” You’ve got to think about your own future at this point.

Do you resent Ray?

No! Not at all! I don’t hold grudges, and the show was several months ago. I was really upset at the time, but I’m over it. It was a huge misunderstanding. I don’t think he even knew how far it was going to go, or how far I was going to take it. But a person can only take so much. You know? I put up with a lot. They kind of toned it down for a couple of episodes, but I put up with so much from everybody just bringing it up to me. And it was like, enough is enough.

I thought it was ridiculous that you were made to answer homie-smashing questions throughout the entire season.

I know, it was like nobody’s business! Ray and I talked about it, and it’s between him and I. I said I was celibate, I didn’t say I was a virgin. To me it’s like, unless you’re a virgin, unless you’re dating somebody with no friends, we’re all smashing somebody’s homie. My business, though, wasn’t something to chat about. Ray knows the truth. My castmates who were there during the lie detector test, they know what really happened. I’m not going to share it with the world, it’s my business. That’s why I was so upset.

I respect your privacy, but I wondered if you saw the extra from that episode where Dre talked about your hook-up at length and made some bold claims…

I mean, come on. He’s this huge liar, obviously. I don’t blame him, because look at him and look at me. I mean, seriously? You’re going to sit there and make up fake details about what happened? Any guy that’s going to kiss and tell, you shouldn’t believe. I even told Ray that he’s trying to put me under the bus. He’s using me and the situation. He’s trying to get fame out of the show at my expense. I think it backfired on him because a lot of people even saw that it wasn’t believable. They whole thing was seemed fake even to me. Like, “Oh, I see a girl, she looks kind of familiar…” You think I look familiar, yet you know my name?

Is it safe to say that you’re no longer friendly with Dre?

No, not at all. I think it’s very disrespectful, I think it’s very unclassy, and I think it’s rude. It’s one thing to look out for your friend, but whether those details were true or false–which, they’re false–what’s the point in that? It was two years ago, homie. I think he’s just upset that he’s tried to get with me for so long, and I never respected him after what went down between him and I. I never hated him. I always kept it cool with him, because we have mutual friends and we both work in L.A., but I never went out my way to be his friend. And the whole Twitter thing with the lie detector test; first of all, I didn’t understand a word Caliente was saying to me. The question was “Did I write to him?” No, my Twitter is an open book. Anybody can write me. It doesn’t mean I’m having conversations with him back and forth.

Did you have any idea that this would come up on the show, going into it?

I knew it was a possibility, but as for the circumstances of the situation between the idiot and I, I just felt like he wouldn’t be stupid enough to bring it up, because he knew the truth. And I just feel like if VH1 showed what really happened and what I really said, and about the certain questions that I had, he would have been under the bus so bad right now.

Well what stops you from throwing him under the bus now?

I’m choosing not to talk about it even more. I’m letting go of that whole thing, and I’m just going to let it die out on its own. I just feel like karma is a bitch, and he and his friends will get their karma one of these days.

It’s ironic that you came on this show touting your celibacy, and then your sexual history became more of a plot point than anybody else’s.

Yeah, it is ironic, and it is what it is.

Why were you celibate before coming on the show?

I mean, I don’t ever think I was too wild. I was young. I’m not a whore, but we all have a promiscuous side. I don’t ever think I was out of line in my life. I always knew how to carry myself. But we’ve had fun sometimes, you know? Earlier this last year, though, I really changed my life. I stopped going out so much, and I really just became a homebody. I started going to church, played sports, just stayed in my own little world. I really toned it down a lot. Part of that was, “I’m not going to be promiscuous, I’m just going to be celibate…not till I marry, but until I meet the right guy”. And I think that being celibate helps to meet the right guy, because then your relationship is not based around sex. It’s not a lust thing, it’s something real.

So you’re still celibate?

Yes. To this day. I don’t have a boyfriend.

What about dealing with some of the other girls in the house? You referred to Mz Berry as “Grandma.”

I don’t hate anybody, I don’t even hate her, but during the show I just felt like she put herself on a pedestal. She always had to be right, she was the old one, she thought she was the wise one.

What about Flossy?

I feel like they made me and Heartbreaker look like really huge bullies. I like Flossy to this day, but she was actually running her mouth off a lot: getting personal with me and Heartbreaker and Caliente, and just a bunch of girls in the house. They didn’t show that. They just showed us attacking her, but they didn’t show why we were attacking her: because she was running her mouth and bringing up our personal lives. I think she got off easy because people actually sympathized with her, and were upset with me and Heartbreaker being bitches to her. But we were just backing ourselves up.

You did tell her that she should be afraid to sleep at night.

[Laughs] I don’t even remember! I actually felt bad watching that episode. But then again, I don’t. I have to remember why I did what I did. I didn’t do it because I was bored, or because I wanted to pick on somebody. It wasn’t like that at all. We wouldn’t pick a new person each day to pick on. We had our reasons for doing what we did. I think we kept it the most real in the house, we had each others’ back. The whole Exotica thing where she said we were all butt naked in the tub with Ray; that never happened. It was like, “Come on you guys, keep it real!” And that’s why Exotica was the next person we picked on. Because she was running her mouth! She was saying all these lies about us, so of course we’re going to back ourselves up.

You knew Platinum before going on the show?

Yeah, that wasn’t a secret either. Ray knew that, the girls knew that. Plat and I were friends before the show. Everybody knew that.

Did you ever worry about what competing for a guy might do to your friendship?

No. I have so much love for Plat, and she and I got so much closer doing the show together. I wasn’t worried because I was there for Ray, and I really cared about him. And I really care for Plat, but we both knew why we were there. I wanted love, and I wanted it with Ray.

What did you think of her telling Brandy that Ray should choose Mz Berry over you?

I was kind of surprised, but that was her opinion. She thought that Ray and I only had physical attraction to each other. She didn’t see a mental connection, but she wasn’t there during our alone time. Mz Berry is obviously an emotional wreck and all over the place, so Platinum saw more of an emotional connection there. Just because I’m not being a psycho about it doesn’t mean that wasn’t there for Ray. But I play a fair game. If that’s what Plat’s true opinion was, if that’s what she saw, then that’s what she saw. But that’s not necessarily what it really was.

Any regrets?

No. No regrets. It’s life. I learned a lot on the show, I learned a lot about myself, I learned a lot about dealing with other people and certain situations. I’ve grown thicker skin, and I think to survive in this world you need to have thick skin. You realize who your real friends are. I don’t regret it at all, because it exposed so many things, like how mean people can be. And it’s just like, “Hey, this is the world. This is how it is. Get used to it.” I’ve gone through the worst embarrassment, and people being so mean and rude, and I’ve survived it. I came out a bigger and better person, I think.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Viewers Choice Award 2009

Back in October I selected 30 VH1 Stars for the Viewers Choice Award, over 100 people have voted for their favorite VH1 stars, here are the results.

The 6 VH1 Stars with most votes are:

Hot Wings (Real Chance Of Love 2) 61.0%

Danger (For The Love Of Ray-J) 40.0%
Myammee ( I Love Money 2) 39.0%
Mamacita (Real Chance Of Love 2) 36.0%
It ( I Love Money 2) 31.0%
New York ( New York Goes To Work) 26.0%

Now the final 6 have been selected for viewers choice and now your job to vote for 3 of your favorites The one that has the most votes is the winner.

Vote Here

Friday, January 22, 2010

Megan's Bootcamp Training Day 1

Here is a video of Megan's bootcamp training. It's a 30 sec video of her doing jump rope.

Hope For Haiti: Please make a donation.

As you many know the Hope For Hati Telethon is now on is practically every channel. Please make a donation at

Frank The Entertainer & Tough Love 2 Episode Sneak Peeks


Hee are the upcoming episodes of Frank The Entertainer.. A Basement Affiar and Tough Love 2

Poll Results: Best Vh1 Asian Chick

Red Oyster Wins!

It was a very close race! But you guys voted for Red Osyster as the best VH1 Asian Chick. She beat out Cali and Smily, who also had a clos percentage than her. She won with 36% of your votes. She appeared on the 1st season of Flavo of love.

Comical VH1 Star Of 2009 : Winner is.... Ashley!

Ashley Wins!

Winner: You guys voted for Ashley as the best Comical VH1 Star of 2009 with 52.9%

Runner-Up: It's a three way tie between It, Bubbles & New York with 47.1%

Last Place: Garth from Megan Wants A Millionaire hasd no votes.

We only have 2 more categories left

Annie as Caroline?

MY BUTT OFFICIAL VID from caroline b on Vimeo.

On the show Annie told Frank that she does video art. Well here is what video art looks like. My butt song is now stuck in my head lol On the internet she is known as Caroline B.

Check out her wek website

VH1 Interview: Stephanie (Frank The Entertainer. A Basement Affiar)

Taken from Here the VH1 interview with Stephpanie Perry from Frank The Entertainer..  A Basement Affiar

I assume you’re dissatisfied by your portrayal on the show.


Tell me about it.

I was portrayed as a fame-seeker because I came on there being a model. The questions Frank asked me I could not answer, so I was also portrayed as not knowing anything about him, which was totally opposite. What VH1 didn’t show was when he did ask me what I knew, I told him everything I knew about him. And he was like, “Wow, OK.”

What did you know? Because you’d said on the show that you did do research.

I wanted to find out all of the information about Frank. I knew when he was born, his birthday, his hometown, his hobbies, what he liked to do. I knew he liked guitars, so I came up with this banging picture of me on the guitar. I was on my stuff.

Had you watched him on reality TV before, though?

Yeah, I did. He had a big personality, he was funny and fun. That’s why I wanted to get to know more about him, you know? Yeah.

Do you think Frank grilled you so much because he was afraid you were there for exposure?

Yeah, I think so. You know, on all reality shows, anytime you’re a model, it’s going to look that way. I just think I was targeted from jump. Just because I was being real and letting him know, “Hey, I model. Either you’re going to love it or you’re going to hate it. Either you’re going to bring me on the show or you’re not.” Before this show, nobody in this house stated that they were a model but me. Now that this show is out, everybody’s got YouTube videos, everybody’s got modeling pictures up. There’s all kinds of stuff telling the fans what their true motivations were. I was not the only model in the house. I got thrown under the bus for coming on and being real.

Did you expect that at all?

No! Oh my god, no! I’m thinking that I’m going to go on there and get one on one time to get to know more about him, like every other lady on the show, and it went totally opposite for me. Another person that threw me under the bus was that girl Renee. Renee was out there when I couldn’t answer the questions, but she wasn’t out there when I told him everything I knew about him. So she just needs to shut her mouth. She said a little slick comment about somebody trying to jump-start their career, and I hope she wasn’t talking about me because I’ve been in the game five years. She could Google me.

The exposure is a good thing, right? It’s like two birds with one stone: you look for love and you get exposure.

Yeah. Because as a model, I imagine getting your face out there more could help you.
Like I keep telling everybody, I was a model for five years before I came on this show. My face is on products. My face is on a national hair magazine every single month. So it wasn’t so much of me coming on there for exposure, I really wanted to come on there to get to know Frank.

He said he had no connection with you. Did you buy that?

Not at all. Ninety percent of what happened in that house was not shown on TV. We had some great moments. When we took pictures, Frank gave me a great big hug, picked me up and everything. And I’m like, “Wow, OK.” There’s also a video of just me and Frank for like four minutes going back and forth. I’m holding his hand. So I think there was a little something there.

Was it insulting as a model to be kicked off so early?

It wasn’t so much insulting to me, it was more so…Frank was like, “Stephanie, you’re so beautiful, but you’re going home”. It taught me so much. It taught me that, hey, sometimes beautiful is not going to get you that far. It taught me that you have to expect the unexpected.

Do you regret not extending your research to watching those episodes that he was quizzing you about?

I don’t regret it, because after it was asked, if I were to really really sit down and think about it, I probably would have known why he got eliminated off of I Love New York and I Love Money. I watched the shows, but like I said, it was so unexpected for those questions to come at me that I kind of choked up. But everybody knows that New York said he was a loser when she eliminated him. I Love Money is kind of easy too. If a member voted you off, you gotta go home. And I think that’s what happened to him.

Frank’s elimination was actually one of the few times that didn’t happen. It was a stripper-pole challenge, and whoever held onto the pole the least amount of time and fell into the water got eliminated. And that was him. At least, that’s how he left in the first season.

See, I wouldn’t have been able to tell him that at all.

To me, though, it seemed like you were set up to fail, because if you answered correctly, he could say, “Well, are you obsessed with me on TV? Are you just into the Entertainer?”

Exactly! I knew they were going to get me. If I could answer those questions, I knew I was going to be portrayed as a stalker on TV. I was being honest, though, when I said, “No, I do not know.”
Are you angry about how it all went down? Do you resent Frank?
Let me tell you, I was very angry. That’s why I say that 90 percent of what went down in the house wasn’t shown. My final interview, I went off. I was pissed off because of how everything played out. I put my hard work into everything. My one-on-one present that I made for him was very creative. I know he would have loved it. My shirt, I took my time to make it and think outside the box to do it for him. And everything backfired for me and got thrown in my face.

I'll be be doing an interview with Stephanie soon, so stay tune for that.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Tammy talks about her elimination and her time on the show

Here is a video of Tammy from Frank The Entertainer.. a Basement Affiar. She talks about her time on the show and her elimination. She explains the reason why she could not speak right when she was on that cucake date She says is because she was attracted to Frank. Her attraction to him, made her nervous.

Flavor Flav involved in car crash

Hip-hop star Flavor Flav has reportedly been involved in a car crash in Las Vegas.

The Public Enemy star, real name William Jonathan Drayton Jr, collided with another car in the city on January 20, TMZ reports.

The 50-year-old allegedly suffered no major injuries and accompanied his car when it was removed from the scene by a tow-truck.

Public Enemy released their tenth studio album How You Sell Soul to a Soulless People Who Sold Their Soul??? in August 2007.

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