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Friday, July 16, 2010

The OCD Project- Finale Recap


The finale of The OCD Project aired last night. Now I know that VH1 is not all that great with these new shows. I do give these new shows a chance to see if I like it or not. This show is one of my new favorite shows. I really enjoy it.

On the final week all five patients had a group meeting. They did their final exposures. David gave Cody a razor to shave piece of his hair since he fears of looking uneven. He succeeded by doing that. Traci had write in the birthday cake "My son is dying of Cancer" ask Kristin. Everyone touched her piece of the her cake and she had to touch it too and eat it.Then they saw video of them and how they have grown being in the treatment.  Each of them were getting ready to go home except for Kristin. She agreed to get transfered at another treatment to work more on her OCD.

Two months later passed an David visits ALL of his patients including Kevin. he first visits Cody, who is now in College. He is doing great now. His OCD has stopped and now he drives to school and has a cell phone without performing rituals. He then visits Jerry who doing better too, Arine is more outgoing now and doesn't stay inside her house anymore. Traci reveals that her mom got sick once she stopped her rituals and her mom told her not to do her rituals to see what happens. Her mom got better. her son is now doing more outdoor activities such as karate. He then Kevin who he let go because the program was too much for him. He is doing better now. He is now living in his new apartment and he now paints pictures.

Last but not least he visits Kristin at another treatment. With a smile she is doing better. She reveals that this treatment was more her speed. She also reveals that she wants continue beating OCD.

I really do hope this show will have a season 2.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

We will see more of Blonde Baller and Danger?

On her twitter account Blonde Baller from Real Chance of love 2 and was a contestant on I Love Money 4 tweets how her and Danger are really good friends and that they do not have any beef with one another. She also hints that we will be seeing them again soon.

VH1 Star Pics: Stilts @ the 2010 Urban X Awards

Here are pics of Stilts from For The Love Of Ray-J @ the 2010 Urban X Awards

The deal with I Love Money and my thoughts about it.

I want to make a personal blog post about what is going on with I Love Money. Everyone is been asking me what is going on with this show, are we ever going to see I Love Money 3 or 4, will they bring it back ect. So I am making his post about my theories on what is really going on with this show.

Why season 3 and 4 is cancelled
This whole thing started with Ryan Jenkins murder scandal which will be one year since that happened next month and that caused 3 VH1 shows to be canceled.  Megan Wants A Millionaire., I Love money 3 and I Love Money 4. Many are still pissed because of this. But I understand on why I Love Money 3 is cancelled because Ryan Jenkins was the winner of  season 3 as for why Season 4, I think the reason why that season was cancelled two was because it had Megan Wants A Millionaire guys in it and VH1 is acting like that show never existed because it was canceled. So I think that is why I Love Money 4 is also canceled. I don't think we will ever see I Love Money 3 and 4  not even on DVD or anything. The only thing I am pissed about is we don't get to know any juicy details of the two seasons. If it's not going to air at least tell us what happened. But at least I know the majority of the cast from both seasons.

Will the show come back?
In my theories and opinion. it is a possibility. Some people are saying it won't come back but I do have faith that it will come back someday. Why? well VH1 is STILL doing VH1 dating shows from what I am seeing. Ochocino: The Ultimate Catch is airing now and posted that I Love New York 3 will begin casting in September. Another theory on why it MIGHT come back. Back in April posted that Season 3 and Season 4 won't air. It did not say that the show was entirely over. It just said those two seasons was not going to air, which makes me think that might bring it back in the future. Another theory, VH1 is just probably trying to save up money to make a new season since they wasted huge amount of money filming two seasons of I Love Money last summer. VH1 can do SO MUCH with this show. They can do I Love Money: Veteran Edition and bring back contestants from season 1 and season 2 and make that into a season 3 or they can do an  all female cast of I Love Money, since there isn't enough male contestants. VH1 can come up with so many interesting ideas for this show. Last but not least, it is HIGH RATED show. Why in the hell would VH1 end a high rated show like I Love Money? I can't see VH1 doing that. If this show was on MTV or Oxygen, they would have probably filmed a new season and aired it by now because they know what their fans want to see. So I just hope that in 2011 the show will come back, we can only hope. But I won't believe anything on what comes out of people's mouths about the show.

Also join my facebook Campaigns: interviews Chad Ochocinco about the race issue

Chad Ochocinco recently did an interview with about his dating show and he talks about the race issue. That has been the controversy on his show by not having that many black women on it. He says that he has a preference.

Here is what he has to say Your show "Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch" premiered on Sunday and you've caught a lot of flack because you only chose two Black women. How do you feel about that?
 I don't understand why. Those who know me didn't think twice about it because they already know how I am. I deal with all types of women. My mind set is that I think outside the box. I'm all over the place and I want to experience everything. There's nothing wrong with [Black women] at all.  If I did it the way they wanted though, there still would have been something to fuss about. It's a lose-lose for me because no matter how I do it, there's going to be an argument. I did Wendy Williams yesterday and I said for those who are offended about it, I apologize.  But if you ever run into me, you'd date me. Are you surprised that Black women feel the way they do about your show?
 I can't do anything about that. I've never heard other races complaining about their men dating outside of their race besides Black people. I hate that we continue to pull that race card. Experience life in general. It's not that there's not enough of us because I'm going to deal with y'all anyway, I always have. [People] make it an issue because it's now on camera. Can you understand where some Black women are coming from?
Yeah, but I still can't appease you. I have a preference. I'm not trying to appease you on my show. I'm trying to find happiness for me and it doesn't come from just dealing with one type of woman. What is your "preference"?
 Black, White, Chinese, I don't care what you are. If you put a smile on my face, I don't want much. I want somebody who is fun, has a personality and can cook and take me to McDonald's. Keep your nails and your feet done, and we're good to go. You have to have a personality like me. Someone fun and outgoing, passionate about life in general, a go-getter with a sense of humor. Beautiful is okay, but I've dealt with beautiful women so many times before and they had nothing else to offer. I need more than that. Why did you choose to do "The Ultimate Catch" and what are you getting out of it?
 I'm single for one, and I don't have anyone. The opportunity came about to do it. and I was like 'why not?' I haven't been successful at dating so I thought why not try something different. I might find someone, I might not. You're Ochocinco, why is it hard for you to find a good date?
 There's a saying: "Just because you have money doesn't mean you're happy."  Just because I'm Ocho doesn't mean I'm supposed to have a woman either. Have you ever thought about changing the kind of women that are around you?
 I've dealt with all types. I've dealt with normal women who aren't in the spotlight, I've dealt with celebrities, supermodels, regulars, video girls. I've been there. Is your lifestyle ready for a relationship though?
Yes because my lifestyle needs somebody to complete everything I have going on. As much as I have going on, I have nobody to share it with. So tell us, are you really half Mexican?
 It's a joke. I am from the hood. Liberty City [Miami] to be exact. On another note, you're a hometown favorite in Cincinnati and I'm sure all hell would break loose if you ever left. What are your thoughts on LeBron James?
 They won't let me go anywhere. LeBron was free agent so he could do as he chose. I don't understand why they're making such a big deal about it. He gave Cleveland his seven years and he played his contract out.  When you play your contract out, you're able to do as you please.

VH1's new show Money Hungry - 1st look

(yawn) here is a 1st look pics of an another VH1 weight loss show called Money Hungry. The show is hosted by Dan Cortese. it premieres Monday August 2nd

For the average individual the desire to lose weight is not enough motivation to make it happen. But what if the motivation to stay trim was $10,000 of your very own hard earned cash? That’s exactly what VH1’s new series Money Hungry will test, as 12 pairs of contestants will compete against each other to see which team can resist temptation and drop the most weight. Hosted by Dan Cortese, each team on Money Hungry will have to put up an entry fee of $10,000 of their own money to begin the competition. In a winner takes all fashion, the couple who sheds the most combined weight will walk away with $100,000. Each week the couples will face grueling challenges, supersized temptations and pressure filled weigh-ins on their quest to win the $100,000 grand prize.

I will try to tune in to watch, but I think I will lose interest FAST! It reminds me too much of The Biggest Loser and I do not even watch that.

Pam also speaks about the show on Youtube

With Jessica and Erica doing episode recaps of You're Cut off on youtube. Pam also does the same thing. She talks how they have not seen Chrissy since she left the show. She also talks about the inner beauty episode.

Pam's Youtube Channel

Pam will also third girl from You're Cut Off that I will be interviewing soon. Stay tune.
check out her  website

Bridal Bootcamp - Episode 6 Recap


Episode 6 of Bridal Bootcamp aired last night. This show is almost close to the finale. This show to me wasn't that great but it is also not the worst either. Four remaining women remain. Amberly, Melissa, Kacey and Jamie At the beginning of the show , it showed the blue team pulling Steve's truck as early work out.

This weeks challenge was a relay race. since Kacey lost the most weight last week, she had the opportunity to answer a question in which she answered correctly from her husband. So they got a 20 second head start. At the  end the blue team. Melissa and Kacey were very upset. As a present Amberly and Jamie got to see their maid of honors.

at the fitting room, it was revealed that Melissa lost 6 lbs and lost total of 27 lbs. Kacey only lost two. At the end Kacey was eliminated and now Melissa is the only green team remaining.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Tool Academy 3 contestant Chasyn Rance arrested for sexual relations with 15-year old girl

Do you guys remember that wrestler on Tool Academy 3 Chasyn Rance. Who quit because he thought he did not need Tool Academy? Well he was arrested for having sexual relations with a 15-year old girl. 

Longtime Florida independent staple Chasyn Rance, 27, who also appeared on VH-1's Tool Academy reality series, was arrested and charged with charged with lewd or lascivious battery for allegedly having sexual relations with a 15 year old girl several years ago in Orlando, according to The Orlando Sentinel.
The article claims that the mother of the girl (now 17) learned of the encounters after coming across the daughter's diary, where she admitted she was "feeling bad" about things that had happened while visiting her Father in Orlando. Upon learning of the circumstances, the mother contacted police in Florida and later brought the girl to the authorities.

Rance was arrested after he was taped over the course of several conversations with the girl, allegedly admitting they had slept together and that he was sorry if he "ever hurt her."

The article noted that the first encounter happened in Rance's home after the two had been drinking.

Rance was released from the Orange County Jail Monday on $3,500 bond.

I never liked that dude.

Erica Rose @ the Inception Premiere

Erica Rose from You're Cut Off attended the red carpet premiere of the movie Inception which stars Leonardio DiCaprio. She is wearing a white dress.

VH1 Star Pics: Kerry hanging out with her family

It has been a while since I have posted new Kerry pics. Here are two new pics of Kerry who won Frank The Entertainer.. A Basement affair hanging out with her family at a store.

VH1 Star Pics: Lil Hood mistaken for Lady Gaga

Alright so last week, I made a blog post that Lil Hood was mistaken for Lady Gaga at Hollywood Boulevard. She got chased down by paparazzi and fans thinking that she was was Lady Gaga. I even did an interview with her talking about it. She admits that she went along with it.

Well Lil Hood finally post pics of that infamous day. In these pics there are a bunch of people chasing her down taking pics. Weasel and Joe was with her that day.

Weasel on the left

People taking pics

A dude trying to take a pic lol

Lil Hood covering her face.

Lil Hood also says that she will post videos soon.

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