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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Basketball Wives Shaunie & Evelyn Party With Keri Hilson

‘Basketball Wives’ Shaunie O’Neal and Evelyn Lozada joined the premiere singer of our effing time Keri Hilson as she hosted L.U.X. South Beach on Friday night. I’m sure every thirsty groupie in Miami made sure they made their way to the 400 CLUB x Ace of Spade event to snag a NFL baller before they return to training camp this week. Check out the flicks below! Celeb Rehab 4 Pictures

EXCLUSIVE: Rachel Uchitel Runs Away From Celebrity Rehab

Rachel Uchitel told producers “I quit” and ran away from the set of Celebrity Rehab 4 -- ditching the show for a swanky hotel after an intense day of filming drove her over the edge, has learned exclusively.
"After a very intense day of filming, Rachel just couldn't handle being at the Pasadena Recovery Center where Celebrity Rehab is filmed, and she decided to leave,” a source told us.
PHOTOS: Rachel Uchitel Rocks A Bikini
Tiger Woods’ former Number 1 mistress bolted for the swanky L'Ermitage Hotel in Beverly Hills, exclusively learned.
Her escape from rehab was prompted by a very intense day with Dr. Drew, and Rachel had trouble coping with the issues that were discussed, according to the source.
PHOTOS: Bikini-Clad Rachel By The Pool
As reported exclusively Rachel is being treated for a problem with alcohol and an addiction to pills.
She was discussing her issues with self-esteem and self-worth, along with her addiction to pills when she went over the edge and bolted the set for the L'Ermitage Hotel.
Rachel told Dr. Drew that and producers that she was quitting the show, and she left, the source told
PHOTOS: Topless Pictures of Tiger Mistress Rachel Uchitel
Producers of Celebrity Rehab 4 located Uchitel and went to talk to her the next morning. "Producers arrived at the hotel the following morning, and calm prevailed. Rachel simply needed some time away from the intense pressure and scrutiny that she is dealing with.
“She agreed to go back to Celebrity Rehab 4. Rachel has never had to face these issues before, and talking about it pushed her over the edge, and her instinct was to run.
PHOTOS: Rachel Uchitel On St.Barth With Ryan Seacrest
“Producers made her realize that if she continues to run away from her issues, she will never be able to live a healthy life," a VH-1 insider tells us.
Rachel isn't legally allowed to talk about Tiger Woods, but he looms large in her life. “Her issues go beyond Tiger, but he was the catalyst that pushed her over the edge," a source tells us.
As we previously reported, VH-1 execs are so impressed with the footage that has been shot so far that a push is being made for the show to premiere sooner than the scheduled October date

VH1 Ratings

Courtnee-You're Cut Off
You’re Cut Off (Finale)- 1.451 million
Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch- 844,000
The T.O. Show- 733,000
You’re Cut Off (Episode 7 July 20th repeat)-546,000

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

VH1acces Interview: Erica Rose (You're Cut Off)

I finally did an interview with Erica Rose from You're Cut Off. She talks about why she gave Gia the nickname "birthday penis" she also says that the  L.A fight between her and Gia, where Gia threw her water bottle at her was real and NOT staged. We also talk about The Bachelor , she is also is an Human Rights Activist. Follow her on twitter

How have you been?
I've been doing great, thanks for asking!  Just having fun and enjoying my summer.  

How was your experience being on the show?
It was a wonderful experience for me, a lot of fun and definitely opened up my eyes.  I liked that this experience was all about me and my growth and progress and not about impressing some guy,

 Did you learn anything being on the show?
   I learned how a lot of people in the world live- I learned about budgeting and the value of a dollar.  And I learned how to mow a mean lawn ;)

Did you ever thought you would have made it to graduation?
I knew I would!

 What was your favorite lesson?
I had so much fun camping- I def made the best of it and had a good time.  I would totally go camping again but this time with a hot guy and not a bunch of bitches!

There were many guests on the show, who was your favorite?
I loved having Perez Hillton on the show, he is fabulous and funny!

On the show you called Gia "Birthday Penis" why did you give her that nickname?
I've been calling people penis for years, my friends can tell you that!  I think I just had them on my mind that night since I was sexually frustrated, lol.  I have no idea why Gia was offeneded by that to be honest- kinda weird.  Bassett Hound is a better nickname for her though and I have to credit Jackie on that.

 A video was recently leaked on the internet of you and Gia in L.A and Gia threw a water bottle at you. some people thought that was staged. What do you think about that? Was that real?
It definitely was not staged.  I had no idea she would throw water on me and push me- she is a loose cannon.  Trust me, you can never predict what Gia is gonna do, I wouldn't even try.

 What are your thoughts on Laura Baron?
She took her job really seriously and was very concerned about our growth and progress and the integrity of the program.  We still keep in touch and have had lunch since the show ended.

What have you been doing since the show? You were recently on The Wendy Williams Show.
I spend some time in LA and NYC and filmed Wendy.  It was a lot of fun.  I also filmed an E special about The Bachelor that airs tomorrow night (Weds at 10) and gives insight into what I'm up to these days.  I'm planning on going back to Houston and finishing law school and finding a man!

 Do you get recognized even more now being on You're Cut Off?
Yes, the other day in times square it was crazy!  I love when people recognize me and take pictures with me and stuff- it's sweet.  But I don't like when they just stare or talk about me and don't say anything, it's creepy!!!

 You were also on The Bachelor before You're Cut Off. What are your thoughts on the whole Jake/Vienna situation?
Next...jk.  I'm not surprised, they seemed more in it for publicity than anything else.  I didn't think it would last- it rarely does.  I was more surprised about Jillian and Ed though, it seemed like she was desperate to make it work and prove people wrong so I wonder why she finally gave up.

You are also an activist, is that correct?
Yes, I'm a Human Rights Activist and I was honored and spoke at the gala last year and am also an Animal Rights Activist and was honored for my contributions by Citizens for Animal Protection.

Well Erica, thank you so much for doing this interview. Do you want yo give a shout out to anyone?
  Shot-out to my girl Jackie- we had so much fun looking hot and doing our stiletto bikini blast.  Also even though we fought like sisters, I love my girl Leanne who is now going by Kuukla.  She looks great as a brunette and I love her whole mentality- she's adorable.  They're both like the little sisters I never had <3  And mom, you looked beautiful on the finale and showed that funny runs in the family, love you girl!!!  Also, shout-out to my Peen, my gay bf Peter Herro who rescued me from the attack of Gia, who knows what would've happened if he hadn't jumped in, so thanks for being there for me!!!

You're Cut Off- Finale Recap

So the finale of You're Cut Off aired last night. It was a really good finale and I really enjoyed this show. One of the best VH1 shows of this year. Here is a recap of what happened.

The girls got up from bed to do their chores and they all found out that they will be preparing a party for their families for graduation day which was the next day. So Jackie, Jessica and Courtness went food shopping to get the stuff they need with a budget of $500. While the rest of the girls had to decorate the cottage. Everyone pur their work into it... except for Pam. She went back to bed after doing her chores. Leanne told her to get up and help them out. Jackie, Courtnee and Jessica arrived back and they started cooking. Gia was baking a cake while Jessica cooking chicken parmesan. Then Jessica noticed that Pam was not there with the rest of the girls. She was pissed off about that and went to her room. It looks as if smoke was coming out of ears lol. she told her  "Why today Pam! Why today!" Pam said " don't treat me like a 10 year old" while cobing her hair. Jessica was very pissed off that she messed up her bed. 

Laura Baron showed up and revealed that their families will decide if they will STILL be cut off or not. That got the girls worried. Then Laura had a final project for them. They needed to write letter convincing their parents that they have learned from this program and changed (very charm school like). While they were doing that Larua met up with their families. the one parent that stood out the most was Erica's mom LMAO. Let's just say Like mother, like daughter. Laura told Erica's mom if Erica was too obsessed with superficial things. Her mom said no and then said " you don't want her to be clean" Laura's face was priceless!  she misunderstood what she said I guess lol.

During graduation. each girl came up and read their letter but Erica came up once again Erica's mom just said stuff to her that I did not get lol  Jessica could not hold a straight face lol  Gia's husband did not want a housekeeper anymore and Gia did not like that but at end she accept it. Everyone did graduated and they had the party. Then they gave brief update on what were they doing after the show. Since confirmed there was no reunion (figures) they made a blog post  about the girls and what they are doing now.

I to say this show was by far the best show VH1 has aired since most of their shows that they have aired have been just below average. There will be a season 2 so stay tune.

Jessica Cimato's next move..... a SNL cast member

You're Cut Off has ended (for now) so what is Jessica's next TV move? It's SNL! she tweets that her next move is to try out for the show and become a cast member. Do you think she got what it takes to become a SNL cast member?

Linda Hogan engaged to Brooke's ex Charlie

During the taping of Brooke Knows Best (season 2) the marriage between Hulk and Linda ended and she started dating Charlie ( 21 years old) who was Brooke's ex. While he dated a woman that look just like his daughter. This was mentioned on the 2nd season of Brooke Knows Best.

Hulk Hogan spoke to about his thoughts about it

“I’m ecstatic for her, I’m very happy for them. I think they’re perfect for each other. I wish them the best"

I wonder what Brooke feels about this?

Bad Girls Club 5: Premiere Sneak Peeks

I will updating and recapping shows that has a similiar concept to VH1 shows. One of them being is Bad Girls Club. The 5th season starts next Tuesday on Oxygen. 

Eric Roberts Joins Celeb Rehab 4

The upcoming season of VH1's “Celebrity Rehab with Dr. Drew” has added another star to its ranks: Julia Roberts’ older brother, Eric.
Roberts, 54, is turning to Dr. Drew Pinsky because of his marijuana use. “Eric is incredibly health- and body-conscious, and has realized the need to take this step to improve his overall well-being,” a representative for the actor told CNN in a statement.
“Being a celebrity in rehab is ultimately celebrity rehab even in a private setting, so Eric is interested in using this opportunity to make a statement on his belief that marijuana is indeed an addictive drug,” the statement went on.
The actor’s wife, Eliza, told E! News that while Roberts quit alcohol and drugs in 1995, he still has a lingering interest in marijuana.
Although Roberts uses the drug to treat anxiety – with a prescription, his wife notes – “a dependency is still a dependency, and he doesn’t want to be dependent on it anymore,” she told E!. "He decided to go there because that's where Dr. Drew is. Eric had never seen the show, but [he's] aware of Dr. Drew, and his approach and his positive energy and all of that, and that's something that Eric really wanted for himself."
Eric, she said, did weigh his decision to do "Celebrity Rehab" very heavily, because "he really didn’t want any negative effect on anyone in the family. He is greatly concerned about that."
You can catch the “Runaway Train” star, along with Jeremy London, supermodel Janice Dickinson, Jason Wahler of “The Hills” and alleged Tiger Woods mistress Rachel Uchitel, when the new season of “Celebrity Rehab” kicks off later this year.
Younger sis Julia will have her own moment in the spotlight when “Eat, Pray, Love” debuts in theaters August 13.

Steven Adler Clean and Touring

Steven Adler was once a member of Guns n Roses. He rode with them to the top and enjoyed all the fame and fortune that their number one album, Appetite for Destruction brought. He also began to enjoy heroin.
Adler quickly became a heroin junkie and began the downward spiral that is common place for an addict. He was thrown out of the band, he lost most of his possessions and friends, he entered into a world of drugs and despair.
Finally, he realized what he had done. Adler entered into the VH1 Celebrity Rehab program to kick the habit. He was, at best, a hard person to treat. The addiction had been a part of his life for so long giving up wasn’t easy.
But eventually he won. He has kicked the habit and is proudly taking it day by day. He recently started a new band “Adler’s Appetite”, has released a song and is touring the country. A book about his ordeal is soon to be released. Drug counselors have warned him about the rock-n-roll lifestyle, but he is pursuing music again anyways. He does not want to hide from his past, but experience a new future through clear eyes.

T.O. Show Moving to Cincinnati?

T.O. Show Moving to Cincinnati?

Estranged Eagle Terrell Owens may have a new home with the Bengals in Cincinnati

Getty Images
It appears that Cincinnati Bengals owner Mike Brown is already smitten with outspoken wide receiver Terrell Owens.

"I met with him personally and privately...He's a pleasant person, a quiet person. I found him engaging," Brown said.
The team discussed a contract with Owens and his agent Drew Rosenhaus on Monday, only four months after passing on the chance to sign the reality show star.

But NFL fans may be more interested in the endless possibilities of sideline shenanigans between Chad Ochocinco and T.O. rather than what Owens can do on the field (the wide receiver had an off year last season, but then again, he was with the lowly Buffalo Bills).
Ocho and Owens currently have reality shows running back to back on VH1.

The New York Jets are also interested in Owens, ESPN reported on Tuesday morning, however, a deal doesn't seem likely.

We're crossing our fingers for Cincinnati. Watching T.O. and the "Dancing With the Stars" alum dance in the end zone should make for some entertaining television.

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