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Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Saaphyri post jail interview just did a post jail interview with her. She talsk about what really happened. She also reveals that she STILL has not seen I Love Money 2 and that when the show started airing she was already in jail, Part 2 of the interview will be up tomorrow on

Welcome back to society.I know.
[Laughs] I know. I’m happy to back.

How has your past year been?
Oh my god. It was crazy. Being in there makes you mad.

Mad? Like, crazy or angry?Angry, it makes you angry. 
Some of the C.O.s — correctional officers — they’re haters. So they do things to piss you off. Not the majority but just some.

Did everybody know who you were?
Oh my god yeah! Yeah! [Laughter]

I Love Money was airing when you went in, right?
It started airing after I was already in.

Did you watch it? Did people watch it with you?
We didn’t have cable, Rich! We didn’t have cable or computers so we didn’t get to watch it. I never did see I Love Money. I still haven’t seen it. There was one lady who would come in and tell me like everything that was going on. She was one of the educational instructors.

Did your notoriety via reality TV give you elevated status in jail? Were you respected?
Yeah, it gave me like elevation but then at the same time, it became controversy too because some people become jealous, you know? It was good and it was bad. I mean, I didn’t have too many problems from that fact alone. The inmates were cool but some of the female C.O.s would get jealous. They were haters.

Going back to the beginning, this Media Takeout story ran and that was the main source of information on your arrest. Did you ever read that story?
No, I haven’t.

I want to go over a few points to see what’s true and what wasn’t. It alleged that you were arrested because of identity theft. The story said you had stolen your uncle’s money to pay for breast implants. Is that true?
No, that’s not true. Me and this family member, we have been fighting for a long time. The story basically started from the time when my father died. When my father died there were several million dollars that I was supposed to inherit. My uncle didn’t want me to have the money, so he did everything in his power to take the residential properties, the commercial properties, the bank accounts, everything, so that I wouldn’t have anything. Basically, I battled with a pedophile and lost. This guy, he’s not a good person—I’ll put it like that. He did some things to myself, to my brothers, to other family members, that has been like…I don’t even know how to explain it to you, Rich. It was like he wanted me to be like a pauper. Me and him went back and forth to court for like eight years, from the time my father died in 1998. So when the situation happened that ended putting me in jail, it was because he lied on me and said some things that weren’t true. Greed and money is the thing, the root to all evil. And it definitely was the root to all evil with him. Because this man, he was a pedophile. I don’t want to go into details, sweetie. But I’m the person who always spoke up and told everything. And because of that, he hated me. And because my dad didn’t have a will, it became probate. My word to everybody is if you don’t want your kids and your family to go through those type of things, make sure you have a will.

How was it that your dad was a multimillionaire?
That’s crazy. It was like, my dad he had several businesses. He had a back pipe a long time ago he started an auto body shop. He had several of them. And that’s how he made his money. It was real lucrative because I remember sometimes, my mom would be like, they would make $60,000 a week and that was like, back in the ‘70s.

So did you grow up in affluence?
Ghetto rich!

If it wasn’t identity theft, then, what charge led to your jail time?
The charges they gave me were forgery — unauthorized use of another’s ID is what they said. Not identity theft, but unauthorized use is what they said. The situation that actually happened is that he allowed me to use his ID. I didn’t get any breast implants. That was some extra stuff that somebody put in. But I had scar on my lip. I had a scar that they were trying to remove. I have a condition – BDD – and with scars and things that I happen to not like, it just really bothers me. It’s body dysmorphic disorder. If I see something I don’t like, like if I get a pimple I will run out and buy acne cream the same day. It’s gotten better, but my uncle knew this. So he allowed me to do it. But there was a mix-up at the doctor’s: the doctor never asked him to come in and my uncle decided to say that he didn’t authorize it. So that way, he wouldn’t pay it, even though he never was really paying it, you understand? It was money that was supposed to come back the following month from probate court. He ended up in probate court because he took 3 or $4,000 that he was supposed to be putting back into the probate.

Why did you have to use his ID in the first place?
It wasn’t an actual ID. He was financing it. I didn’t have the money at the time because I was waiting to get the money back from the probate.

The Media Takeout story says you were pulled over while driving with an invalid license and that’s what led to your arrest. But I heard a conflicting story that you got nabbed coming back from Mexico after I Love Money. 
That’s the truth. I wasn’t driving. I had just wrapped I Love Money, and came back to the United States. And when they ran my passport, they saw this thing was still there. Because I was actually convicted back in 2005 but I didn’t turn myself in.

You didn’t go to the sentencing, right?
I went to the sentencing, but they gave me time to get my things in order and then I didn’t turn myself in.

You left the country though. Did you have any idea that when you came back they were going to catch you? That there was a chance this was going to happen?
I did think that it might happen but I was being optimistic that I was hoping that it wouldn’t. I was like, “I’m gonna pray and hopefully that won’t be the case.” But because of all the terrorist things that go on now, they run everybody’s passport when you come back to the country.

So you were optimistic, but were you surprised?
I was more than surprised, Rich. [Laughter] I still had sand in my hair from the sunny beaches of Mexico. I stepped off the plane and they were like, “Wait right here, wait a second.” When they said that, I was like, “Oh no! There’s a problem.” I was like, “Scotty, there is a problem.” They let me out of the country, so if ever I was really trying to leave the country, I could leave and never have to worry about it. But if I want to come back, then it’s a problem.

Did you regret doing I Love Money at that point, once they caught you?
At that point, yeah. But at the end of the day, I am still happy I did I Love Money 2. I wish I could have flew on a private jet home. [Laughs] I wish I would have came in on the executive producer’s jet and then there wouldn’t have been a problem. I would have been able to come back scot-free. I really don’t regret doing I Love Money 2. I regret getting caught, like anybody would. But at the end of the day I feel like a million, billion lb. ton has been lifted off my back because, there was so much I wanted to say, on other shows, that I couldn’t because for fear of reprisals, like somebody was going to come and get me. You know, even on Flavor of Love 2, when I had that altercation with that girl, I was so scared. That’s why I barely hit her. I barely hit her because I was like, “Oh no. The police will come and you will leave.” I’m still happy that I did I Love Money 2, but I wish I would have been able to come through in an Invisible Woman Costume or something.

You were sentenced for three years but only served about one.
I served 22 months.

Twenty-two months? But that’s still not three years. Were you sentenced to three years?
Well in the state of California, basically when they sentence you three years they’ll give you 50 percent of that. You’re supposed to do 50 percent. That would be like 18 months. I served 22 months

Give me a sentence or a word that sums up the prison experience. 
Boring. Boring. Boring. And turnt up. I think I’ll had to be a little bit more turnt up than normal. Or turnt down.

What does that mean?
Just a little but more on P’s and Q’s. Watching yourself a lot. I mean, I didn’t really have any problems with inmates. It was boring. I felt like my whole life was on pause. So when Buckwild and my other friend Shay came and picked me up from prison, I ran my mouth like the whole time. Five or six hours straight because it seemed like I had all these words to let out that I hadn’t let out.

How were you feeling when you left?
I would say it was euphoric and it was almost like as soon as you leave it becomes a dream, like Biggie, “It was all a dream.” It was all a dream!

Are you resentful that you lost those 22 months?
At first I was. I first I was really pissed. I was mad. But the more that I prayed on it, the more that God told me it was like something that had to happen, and now just go forward. Don’t hold grudges. Don’t be resentful. Forgive all that. If you keep all that stuff locked up in you, it blocks you from everything else. It blocks you from doing all the other things that you need to do. I was resentful but I’m not anymore.

Tanedra shares her thoughts on Scream Queens 2

Tanedra recently made a Youtube video sharing her thoughts about the new season of Scream Queens. She says that she is "in love" with Scream Queens 2. She also talks about some of the girls.  She says that Jessica is very talented, she also says that  Tai  "the bomb" and she also says she used to work with Sierra a while back at a restaurant in Hollywood.  She also likes this season's challenges saying that is a better than season 1's challenge. After talking about the show she has an email address where you can ask her questions it is:

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Buddha gives advice on how to diet

Here is a new video of Busha from I Love New York 2 and I Love Money 2 giving his viewers advive on the "Damn I'm Hungry" diet

Gia Khay @ Millions Of Milkshake

Here is a video of Gia Khay from You're Cut Off @ the Millions Of Milkshake getting a But Boosting Kardashian Shake

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Endemol to distribute I Love Money 4 in other countries?

Earlier today, I posted a wikipedia article about I Love money 4 airing in other countries. Well that wikipedia article led up to this press release book with information of upcoming shows in other countries. If you click the link and go to page 13. It lists seasons 1, 2 and 4 of I Love Money. Season 4 has 12 episodes.

I don't know what countries will have the show or when they will air it. But if this is REALLY true than U.S folks might get to see it on the internet and finally know the cast at least.

As for I Love Money 3 that will NEVER air.

Frank's show was originally called "Basement Of Love"

Who prefers this title? I do. Frank The Entertainer.... A Basement affiar was originally called Basement Of Love. They should have kept that title better. It's shorter lol 

Scream Queens- Episode 2 Recap (season 2)

Scream Queens 2- Episode 2 Recap

This was a good episode. The season has a lot of good challenges than last seasons. Here is what hapepned on episode 2. The girls came back and the others realized that Lana was eliminated. Sierra was determined to change her look and prove to the judges that she is a good actress. Gabby needed to get out in "Gabby World" This weeks topic was about being evil/bad girl. They meant up with Jamie King and they had to do a scene where they had to play a witch.

Some girls did great like Christine ans Gabby until she could not stir the pot, others did not did do well  like Rosanna who gets choked up everytime she does a performance. Sierra did not do so well either. Christine got the call back and was safe from elimination. Then they meant up with John Homa and they to act evil and bad. He wanted to see if the girls had inner evil in them and they had to show in their body language. Gabby did great and so did Tai. Sarah did okay but her Chicago accent gets int he way. The one chick that did horrible was Rosanna. She could not get the evil out of her. She had to face John Homa out of all people. She blew it.

Sierra and Rosanna who grew close, were very disappointed with themselves and this director;s challenge was their last hope. This week's director's challenge, they had o play bad girl who stabs her boyfriend. I think that Tai did the best because she stood out by eating that piece of steak. Gabby and Sarah did well too. But once Rosanna blew it, she was too cute and innocent.

Tai, Rosanna,Gabby,Sierra and Sarah were called down for elimination. Gabby and Tai. Were safe. The judges Tai doe to something different, in the other words they want her to surprise them and the judges want Gabby to stop being inconsistent with her performances. Since last week she was bad and this week she was good. Gabby won leading lady. Sarah was safe too. It was down to Sierra and Rosanna (not surprised) Rosanna was eliminated and Sierra was given yet another chance.

Money Hungry- Episode 2 Recap

Money Hungry- Episode 2 Recap

Episode 2 has some drama! It was a good episode here is what happened. The teams did their first challenge. Whoever won will be dubbed as "The Big Heavies and will grant immunity and also choose another team to be safe. They had push a big ass ball up the hill. The team that won was "Pair of nuts" the that came second was "Mission Slimpossible"  The team was last place was "Double Chocolate" which means that they were up for elimination.

The host revealed to them they had to vote one more team for elimination. Everyone was a bit surprised by that. The Grading Curves who has an alliance with "Pair Of nuts" No Excuses" and Mission Slimpossible" want to get rid of "Roll Models" they think that  Jamie is on this show for her pus size career. They want to get rid of her. But Josh is like the "Tailer Made" of this show he secretly tells Jamie that they want to get rid of her team and she was not going to have it. 

Also her team mate Shante got phone call that her grandma passed away and that gave Jamie the perfect opportunity to do whatever it takes to save her team. First went to the jucuzzi with the guys and TRY to flirt with them, to charm her way to be safe but it did not work.  Then she did the crying thing about Shante's grandmother passing away. Phillip saw the whole thing and he was not buying it.

The Grading Curves spoke their mind about what they thought about Jamie. She started to cry, she is a very emotional woman. The teams had to pick which team should be up for elimination by eating an apple. Pair Of Nuts chose mission Slimpossibe to be safe from elimination. The Grading Curves got 5 votes while Roll Models got 6 votes. The Grading Curves was mad that they had so much votes and now they suspect they have backstabbers ( Josh) Roll Models were eliminated and Double Chocolate was safe because Roll Models had the lowest percentage of body fat. 

This was a good episode, not people not going to Josh and his team No Excuses.

Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch- Episode 5 Recap

Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch- Episode 5 Recap

Episode 5 aired Sunday night and it had a shocking elimination. Here is what happened.
Chad took the girls to play some football.  The only girls who not been on a date with him were Brittany/Tiphani and Laurice/April. April tried a bit too hard to please Chad, she kinda came off as being a mother to him. He first tool Brittany and Tiphani on a date. 

Chad to them to a shopping spree. Brittany was putting the moves on him but than Tiphani took over. Back at the mansion. April was very nervous about her date with Chad. She didn't know what to wear. Laurice thinks she has an advantage because she is much younger than April. Chad revealed to them that their date was going to be "out of the ordinary" they went to a laundry mat. Laurice kinda had an attitude and wasn't feeling the date. On the date April tried her best to please Chad. she talked a lot on the date while Laurice said nothing because she did not like the date. Back at th mansion everything thinks that Laurice changed since being friends with Tara and Erika. They think that Tara is using Laurice so can can get eliminated. That's what they told Chad. Tara says" everyone is so obsessed with me" 

At the end Chad eliminated BOTH Laurice and April and kept Tiphani and Brittany.  Brittany was moved to the other team. It was interesting elimination.

Fantasia hospitalized after overdose or attempted suicide

According to a report filed with the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department, officers responded on Monday at 8:43 p.m. to a suicide attempt call at a home on Bevington Place.
Police sources and sources close to the investigation say Barrino was found in the closet of the Glynmoor Lakes neighborhood home and she was taken to Mercy South Hospital at Carolinas Medical Center in Pineville.
According to the police report, Barrino was hospitalized with “possible internal injuries” after “ingesting medication.” The police report was classified as “suicide/overdose.”

Fantasia Responds !


Fantasia is certain that she is not responsible for the deterioration of the Cooks’ marriage,” the singer/reality show star’s manager Brian Dickens told E! News, referring to a divorce settlement filed by a woman named Paula Cook that named Fantasia as “the other woman.” Her manager’s statement concludes: “Fantasia will weather this storm with the dignity and grace that she has exemplified throughout a life in which she has repeatedly overcome obstacles and challenges. Fantasia’s faith in God, herself and family remain as strong as ever.”
Meanwhile, Fantasia’s lawyer, Gena Morris has more pointed words for Cook that she shared with TMZ: “Mrs. Cook gratuitously included claims about Fantasia to sensationalize that litigation and to insure that her tale would be picked up by tabloids. The fact that she would seek such publicity in a case involving her children is particularly disgraceful.” [E! Online/TMZ]
Image via Getty

VH1 Star -- An Insect Laid Eggs Inside My Leg!

24-year-old Kerry Schwartz -- who won VH1's "Frank the Entertainer in a Basement Affair" -- claims she decided to head to the ER on Sunday after noticing a bump resembling a bug bite on her leg ... that had grown to the size of a handbal

Schwartz tells TMZ, doctors quickly determined it wasn't a bite ... and sliced into the bump to get a better look ... revealing a nest of "insect eggs" buried deep inside of Kerry's flesh.

Doctors performed a two-hour surgery -- during which they scooped the eggs out of a gaping hole in her thigh ... leaving Kerry with a pretty nasty wound.

Kerry tells us she has another doctor's appointment tomorrow -- you know, to make sure there aren't any leftovers. As for the burning question -- what kind of bug was it? -- Kerry tells us the doctors weren't sure.

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