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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Fantasia might get sued

Fantasia is going through such a hard time right now. Being accused of sleeping a woman's husband, having a sex tape, and almost taking her life. Now Fantasia might get sued. Paula Cook who is accusing Fantasia for sleeping with her husband and claims that she has a sex tape with him might sue her.

Paula Cook has not taken any legal action yet, but Fantasia's laqyer said it COULD happen. Fantasia was recently released from the hospital,

As for her VH1 show "Fantasia For Real" VH1 is STILL planning air season 2 of the show on September 19th.


VH1's Interview with April (Ultimate Catch)

April who was recently eliminated on Ochocinco: the Ultimate Catch did an interview with  She says for her the show was BORING. She felt like it did had enough excitement but she also says she does regret doing this show. She also happy the way she was portrayed on the show and does not care what others think about her.

How was the show for you?
It was a little boring.

Yeah, it was boring. I was hoping for a little more excitement, a few more athletic challenges. But it was an experience that I would never take back. I don’t regret it at all.

What was boring about it? All of the down time?
Yeah, the down time, and also just not seeing Chad. He was never there. I honestly feel like he was just never there to get to know somebody well. I think he went on what his type was, which we now was all about looks. So yeah, that was the boring part. We didn’t get to spend time with him.

Do you have any resentment for Chad?
Oh, no. It’s just a TV show, that’s how I look at it. I don’t resent him—I don’t even know him. I guess maybe I could because he took me to a laundromat, I was kind of like, “Really? Are you serious? Are we going to a laundromat?” But it’s TV and you’ve got to switch it up. I am the type of person who tries to make the best of everything.

That seemed like kind of a joke of a date, but at least you left with some jewelry to show for your time.
Oh yeah, definitely. I prefer jewelry over the dress anyway. All the other girls got dresses.

I thought it was interesting that you said on the show that your age was an advantage in this situation.
I felt that way not looks-wise, but wisdom-wise and regarding my maturity level as far as it being not catty. Maybe he likes drama, but a lot of the guys I know, especially of his age, are over the drama and kind would just like a girl that they know they can count on and rely on and not worry about. I think I had to bring the fun and the humor if he had more time to get to know me. I think I came across as kind of funny in episode 5. So I thought that would be kind of an advantage as far as being older than some of the other girls.

Did you have insecurity regarding your looks?
I wasn’t lacking confidence as far as my body goes. I feel like I looked better than all the 25-year-olds that were on the show. I think I look great. This is how I want to look. You can take it or leave it. I don’t really care. I know a lot of those girls have had stuff done to their faces so they are going to look a little younger. But with age comes a lot of wrinkles and sun damage so that was kind of like, “Ah well yeah I am kind of looking my age.” But honestly, I didn’t think much about that.

I guess what I meant the confidence thing I was talking about the date when you were nervous and you talked about feeling out of place.
I think I was feeling insecure about hair and makeup because that is one thing I don’t do. I don’t do hair and make-up when I’m at home. I’m basically working out all day so I don’t even do that. I put my hair in a ponytail and I don’t wear make-up. So there was no one there doing hair and makeup and I knew I was going out. I thought I was going out to a really nice date, so I wanted to look camera-ready. I guess that is what I was freaking out about.

Laurice said you were maybe “too manly” for Chad. What did you think of that?
Um, I don’t know. Her name was Laurice not mine. [Laughs] I don’t have a manly name. No, I know she had to come up with something and they had nothing else one me. Honestly, I’m a nice person, I’m a good person and honestly, I’m a genuine person.

What did you think about Laurice and you both getting eliminated? Were you shocked?
I was surprised but at the same time I wasn’t because, just like Chad always said, you want to keep people on their toes and he doesn’t do everything by the book. We knew there was a twist coming, but I didn’t know that it was going to be on me. I mean, I knew he wasn’t that into me, so it didn’t surprise me. But I was thinking, “What would he keep Brittany there?” Because I didn’t see that he had any connection with Brittany at all.

The reason he gave for you dismissal was that you were trying too hard to impress him.
Like I said, I think that it was one of those things and they needed to have a reason. I’m not a character like Tara or Jasmine. I know that I talked way too much on the date. That was the first time I had gotten a chance to talk to him since we had gotten there, so I was just like, “Get it out.” I guess I just got on a rampage and I couldn’t stop.

But were you honest the whole time? About the cheesecake and enjoying laundry and all that?
I really hate doing chores but the only thing that I like to do is doing laundry. I really do. As far as the vanilla bean cheesecake, I really do like to cook for other people and I do cook all of my food so. I was trying to make a point and I am a kind of passionate person so I have to reiterate it 5,000 times I guess.

I did enjoy your red velvet strategy though.
That was not a strategy and I think they edited that because that is not how it went.

Oh really?
I was talking to him asking him if he had ever had red velvet cake before because it is the best cake ever. And he was like, “No, I have never tried it.” So I said, “You should try it!” And then he ordered it and I was already planned on getting that. So he orders it and I’m like, “I’m getting that too.” So they switched it all around. Laurice had to have something to say about me because she and I got along just fine. I don’t want to talk bad about Laurice, but I had my plan and they obviously didn’t really bring it up. It wasn’t nice. I mean, she has a 10-month-old son at home. What is she doing on a reality show? That was my thing.  But that wasn’t shown on TV.

What did you think about your portrayal ultimately? Where you happy about it?
Yes, I was. I am very happy with VH1. I am very appreciative to VH1 for even letting me have the opportunity for this experience and for meeting Chad. I didn’t mind looking like I was trying too hard. That was me. All of my family and friends that know me and love me were like, “April, that’s you. That is so you.” I mean, they portrayed me exactly as I am. So I was happy with that.

You are one of the few people I’ve talked to who have been thrilled by their portrayal. Consider yourself lucky.
Yeah, I know. I am. I don’t care if everyone thinks I looked old. I was reading some of the blogs that said, “They took the old girl off of there.” But even other people were like, “We think she was genuine, she was just nervous. She talked too much, so what? At least she was a genuine person.”  And that was exactly my strategy.

VH1's PART 2 Post Jail Interview with Saaphyri

 Here is the Part 2 Post Jail Interview that did with Saaphyri. She explains her experience being jail, how was it like being in jail. She also says that she met Micheal Jackson when she was 3 and at the end of the interview, she she will be returning to TV soon. She also writing a book. Read Part of the inervwiew

What’s your day-to-day life like in prison? Take me through an average day.
I had two different things that I had to do. The first was I went to Fire Camp. Now let me tell you about Fire Camp. First of all, I am not athletic! [Laughs] I don’t know if you could tell by looking at I Love Money. But I am not athletic! So it was this program called Fire Camp where you could get out of prison early if you go and fight fires. First I joined up because I wanted to get out early. Well it’s mid-July. They have us waking up at 5 o’clock in the morning, running around a track and stuff. You’re supposed to do a mile—a mile!—in under ten minutes. I can’t run at all, under no minutes. Then they have you doing burpies, you know what burpies are?

Child, let me tell you. Burpies, those are those things in the military where you have to fall down on the ground, do three push-ups, do some mountain climber thing and then jump back up and do a jumping jack, then go back down to the ground. OK, so they had us in like it was military training. And not only that. It was like a hundred degrees. And we’re doing this stuff. Now after fire camp, I crumble out there because, like I said, I wasn’t athletic. I was like, “I am not going to be able to get out early, since I am not athletic. That’s not right.” But anyway, then the next situation when you’re there is, they make you work. They turn people into slaves, Rich. And when I say work, they make you work doing dumb stuff. I had like six jobs, I kept getting fired.

Why did you keep getting fired?
Because I didn’t want to do it!

Did you have an attitude?
No, I didn’t have an attitude. I had situations where my body wouldn’t want me to work. And Rich, let me tell you how much they pay you.  They pay you a whopping—whopping!—18 cents an hour. You would have to wake up at 5 o’clock in the morning. This this C.O. comes, and he shines a bright light. Everyday it’s like you’re in a Nazi camp, because he’s coming and shining this bright light in your face early in the morning so you can wake up and go to your quote unquote “job” so you can get paid. I worked in like the kitchen as the server. And the people steal food. They steal a lot of food. [Laughs] And they sell it! You have people selling pancakes! And peanut butter! And potatoes! They sell this stuff, right? And the potatoes, they sell for more, and you try to buy them they stab you in your gums. So then they would have to go to the emergency from getting stabbed from potatoes.

How much does a potato go for in jail?
They go for a noodle—a noodle is 25 cents. [Laughs] Top Ramen are precious items in prison! It’s like the barter system, because you don’t get actual money. Everything is traded for like noodles, hygiene products, stuff like that. It’s crazy. Food is like the utmost important thing in the world.

Then what do you do with it? Do you hide that in your cell?
Yeah you keep in your cell. You have it in your locker. I was not stealing any food out of the kitchen. I was trying to not eat anything, so the good thing about prison is that I lost weight.

Thank you!

Was the food terrible?
It was to me! I was surviving off of chicken broth. Chicken broth and salad.

How much weight did you lose?
Probably about 20 lbs.

At least you have something to show for your time.
I know! And wait a minute, look, something even better: I quit smoking cigarettes.

Congratulations again.
Yeah, anybody want to ever quit smoking, go to prison, and you will quit.
That’s a great plan. What about entertainment? Did you read at all? Watch movies?
I had a TV.

In your cell?
Yeah, you could get your own TV.

How much does that cost?
A few hundred dollars. You get your own TV, your own radio, a typewriter. I did a lot of typing. I’m working on my book.

What’s the book? Just your life story?
It’s different pieces of my life story. It’s my life alongside others. It’s a tell-all. It’s got a lot of different people in here. A lot of different people from Michael Jackson to, oh my gosh, everybody.

You knew Michael Jackson?
I met him when I was a little kid.

Did you have a friendship with him or did you just meet him once?
I’ll tell you exactly what happened. When I was like 3-years-old, my friend’s dad used to play for the Dodgers. So they had this big thing—the Jackson 5 is gonna be here on such and such night. So we go to the thing, I totally turn into a 3-year old-groupie. [Laughter] I’m like, “Michael! Michael!” And that day I grabbed on to him, this little boy, and I would not let him go. So they were laughing and they ended up signing everything for me. I just would not let him go. The whole night we stayed there and we had a dinner. We kept talking, I must have talked to him for like hours. They were trying to eat, they couldn’t eat. I didn’t eat nothing because I wanted to talk. And at the end of the day, to make a long story short, he actually remembered that. We went to the NAACP, like years later and I was backstage. I ran into him and I was like, “You don’t remember this little girl when we were at the L.A. Dodgers function a long time ago?” He was like, “That was you!” I was like, “Yeah!” Because people laughed at me for years at how I would not let go of him. And he actually remembered, out of all the groupies in the world. He was like, “You were so little, you were so cute, that was so funny.” I put Pac in my book. Dr. Dre, Eminem, Ronald Isley, Jamie Foxx, Eddie Griffin, Martin Lawrence, oh and Sammy Davis, Jr. They’re all in there.

I saw some reports of your age online. People we’re saying you were 43, but I thought you were younger than that.

So, are you 43? I mean the Jackson 5 story dates you…
I’m only 23, Rich!

So what it was the Jackson 5 Reunion Tour?
Uhhuh! [Laughter] I was an embryo! I made a mistake. But no, I am 23. And I will stay that age for the next 56 years.

What about the social aspect of jail? Did you make any friends? Are there people that you stay in touch with?
I did. There are really some funny people in prison.

I bet.
There were some people that were so funny, I would get cramps in my side laughing at a couple of these girls. There was, a girl named Gigi, a girl named Swa, this lady named Shebrah, and who else?

Yeah, S-W-A. She was like a black, female Jim Carrey. [Laughs] She would run around and always remind me of The Mask! And Gigi, she tells stories like Charlie Murphy. And Shebrah is hilarious. She’s like an old lady, but she’s short, and had this big stomach. She would take her clothes off and walk around the cell and tell you stories of her boyfriend. It was funny, funny, funny.

Were any of these people violent criminals that you were hanging out with?

Is that weird, to be laughing along with people who are violent?
Do you know I was sitting there talking to the Manson lady?

Really?! Who?
The Manson killer lady!

Really, which one? Leslie Van Houten?
She was at C.I.W. The other one died in Cowchilla.

Yeah, Susan Atkins died a few years ago. The other one was Leslie Van Houten. That’s amazing. [Note: Patricia Krenwinkel is also incarcerated at C.I.W., so it's possible that Saaphyri spoke to her, and not Van Houten.]
Yeah! I was like, “Is it true you were a Manson murderer?” She didn’t look like she could hurt me. I mean, she was skinny and stuff, and she wasn’t even ugly or nothing. She did not look like she had did that to that lady, but she was looking at me like kind of crazy, right? And then this other lady came over was like, “Oh that’s Saaphyri, we don’t tell her nothing. She’s from TV.” She was like, “I haven’t seen none of those shows.” You know, because you don’t get cable. And she’s like, “Well, girl, when you get back you tell everyone that I am not as bad as they say I am and I should get released.” So I guess I’ve done that. [Laughs] I was in it with her, Betty Broderick…

Who is Betty Broderick?
Remember her? They did a Lifetime movie about her about her killing her husband. I was in there with the lady they call the “Zebra Killer”

“Zebra Killer?”
Yes, a Zebra Killer. The lady was killing interracial couples because she was mad.

Is it strange being in an environment with killers? Does that make you fear for your life?
No. It was like crazy though. I’ll tell you. At C.I.W., they walk around and it’s like, you don’t really notice that they’re killers. But at Cowchilla, the other prison, you know that they’re killers, because they did some of the most hideous things. I cried when I was listening to some of these stories about how people killed their babies and put them in the oven. That right there I hated. It was so dark. I was a very, very dark environment to have these people that were hard-time murderers in a cell with somebody that stole some stuff from a store or you know? You have to stay in the same room, in your cell, with eight people. Eight women in a cell that’s as big as a bathroom.

What, with four bunk beds?
Yeah, but they’re like hard with a slither of mat—like a mat you would do yoga on. Yeah, that’s your mattress.

Does that hurt your back?
Yeah, it hurts your back, Rich! [Laughs] I know you gotta ask questions but, yeah it hurts your back!

I know it might sound obvious, but I’m just trying to get the full picture.
It’s horribly uncomfortable! Maybe if I was from Tibet or something it would be OK, I would be used to it. But I’m not used to it. I’m used to Tempur-Pedic mattresses. It was not like that. I mean, you had this one little toilet. And the door to where the toilet is has a big hole on the bottom so basically anybody could see you, you know what I’m saying?

Yeah, what’s that like? That must be terrible, if you have to take a crap.
It’s torture! [Laughs] For the longest I would like, hold it in, until I was probably getting sick I was holding it in for too long. So I was like, “Well I can’t hold it in. Got to do it.”

How big are the cells?
They’re small, they’re small. They have eight people in one cell. And the walls are bricks. And there’s a bathroom, well not a bathroom, but there’s a toilet and there’s a shower. And there are two sinks and there are eight lockers. And under each double bed there are two drawers—a drawer for the top and a drawer for the bottom.

What did you miss the most?
My family. I missed my family. And then, after that, I missed my weave! [Laughs]

I saw a picture that was a supposed mug shot of you. You didn’t have your weave in and I thought, “Oh, she’s suffering.”
[Laughs] But you know what? If there’s a will, there’s a way. And even though I didn’t have my long, luxurious weave, I ended up with some hair anyway [laughs].

How did that work out?
Oh, it worked out fabulously. Instead of a weave I ended up having individuals. You know?

But where did you get them? How did you get hair?
Isn’t that something? It’s amazing.  I’ll have to tell you that part when I get off of parole. But yes, your girl had hair. Everybody would be like, “Where did that hair come from?” and I would be like, “Don’t worry. I have hair.” Long, luscious individuals, and they were so cute.

Since coming out have you put a weave back in?
Oh, honey-boon, yes! Yes, the first thing I did was stop and picked up some needles and some thread and get some hair. I was so happy. My friends were laughing because the hair is so long. I gotta cut it. I wanted it just lying around my head. I’ve been slinging it around, getting a feel for having hair again. It’s a lot, but I missed that. And I missed my eye lashes! There was no way to get those. I tried to make some out of some hair, it did not work. It did not work. So all those people who want to do eyelashes stitches, where you just stitch in your eyelashes, they don’t look right. They don’t look right at all.

What about the lesbian factor? Do a lot of women engage in lesbian activity in jail?
Yes! [Laughs] Yes, they do, Rich!

Did you?
No! You know what though? I will tell you this, the girls that come in, they look like boys. I mean for real, like, really boys. Right? And you start to forget, it’s like your mind starts taking you adrift and all, and I had to tell myself, “No that’s a girl. That is a girl. That’s not a boy, that’s a girl.” But, yes, it’s a lot of that that goes on. And for all the people that are going to read this and think, “Oh, that’s hot! All these lesbians and these girls,” no it’s not hot. You have to see these people. You got somebody who looks like Tiny Lister, but it is a girl. It is a girl. OK? And her girlfriend has a mustache with two barrettes in her hair, but when she sings she sounds like Mariah Carey. That is the kind of couple that you see there, OK? It is not a pretty sight. I wasn’t hard for me not to become a lesbian. It was not hard. It was some funny looking couples. I’m telling you, people there that you know are a little slow, you know that can’t do nothing but spell their name. And they come [in a lowered voice], “I got a girlfriend, her name Carmen.” [Laughs] What?! Spell Carmen! “X-O-X-O, that’s Carmen.” It was crazy.

It seems that however miserable it was, it seems there was plenty of stuff to laugh at. Did you use laughter as a coping mechanism?
Yes. I mean I got a million stories about there. Some things are really funny and some things are really heartfelt.  There were people that were losing their children, you know, and you feel really sorry for them. And then there’s people like this one lady was there because she stole a pack of tampons because she didn’t have no money. [Laughs] She didn’t have no money at the time and she started her period and she had on white pants. OK? Now she’s in prison.

You were there for 22 months. Is it at all weird now to be away from this thing that you’ve been ensconced in for almost two years? Is there anything you miss about it, even?
Hell no! [Laughs]

I know that sounds like a dumb question but it just seems like you would just get so used to being there…
No, I’m gonna tell you. In my brain, this is what I learned about myself that I didn’t know: I could actually shut down. Everyday was like, “I’m leaving here, I’m leaving here. I am going to laugh, but I am not actually going to become accustomed to being here.” You know what I’m saying? So I stayed focused that fact that I was leaving. It was like, “I’m laughing with you guys, ha ha ha, he he he, but I’m leaving.” [Laughs] And I will not be eating no more noodles ever! I didn’t really become attached to my environment. I guess that goes even for out here in the world, you know? Even if you are in an environment that’s not the greatest environment, you can always get out and go somewhere else. That’s the way I took it. I felt like I was in the streets. It don’t get no more ghetto. [Laughs] It’s a horrible thing. And they make you where the ugliest clothes. Blue. I don’t want to wear anything blue. Everyone looked like Smurfs. And blueberries. I don’t want to wear blue, no blue.

Have you talked to It at all since you’ve been out?
I sure haven’t. Should I talk to him?

I don’t know. If you want to.
[Laughter] It’s a horrible thing, when the last person you had sex with was It, and then you couldn’t have sex no more. That’s not good, huh? I’m just saying hypothetically speaking.

I don’t know. I always thought It was cute.
[Laughter] Mmm.

You’re the one who slept with him. Anyway, now what are you doing? You mentioned you were writing a book but what else are you doing with yourself?
I am writing my book, of course. That’s going to be coming out soon. And you’ll see me back on TV. [Laughter] Oh yeah, for sure. I don’t want to talk too much, but all I want to say is you will see me, you will see me. Lots and lots of me.

What does that mean? Are we going to see you naked?
[Laughs] I don’t know. Right about now, I feel like being naked. I don’t think you are going to see me naked just yet.

But maybe sometime in the future.
You know? There’s a good, kind of, maybe. Who knows.

But how are you supporting yourself right now? You have money?
I have some money.  I have some money but it’s running low so they gotta give me some more. [Laughs]

You have to get back on the Lip Chap hustle.
Oh, yeah definitely. I will. I’ll definitely be on that very soon. I just got out four days ago, so it’s still like I’m putting everything together and getting everything in order even though I’ve had a plan for months. I haven’t had anything to do but make a plan. I definitely am going to get the Lip Chap back on. Lip Chap is not done, it is not over it. But when you’re running things and it’s like you’re by yourself and then you leave, things go haywire. But I’m back. And trust me I’m back with a vengeance.

Junk to be interviewed for a new show

Lately some VH1 girls have been dropping hints here and there on twitter that we will see them again TV or tweeting that they are trying for another show. Blonde Baller says that she be back on TV. Then there is Cashmere who recently auditioned for another 51 minds show. Kerry tweeted that her and Cathy will be having a new TV project coming soon and Frenchy says that she will be filming another VH1 show soon.

Now Junk has tweeted that she is going to interviewed today by producers for a new show. Now the question is, is this all for VH1? Maybe, maybe not

Here is the tweet:

VH1's Update Interview with Gloria (Basketball Wives)

Gloria from Basketeball Wives speaks with to clear up some rumors. She says that her wedding isn't off, but postponed. She also says that her and Matt are still together.

Is the wedding off?
The wedding has been postponed. We haven’t canceled anything, we just pushed it back a little bit. Matt and I are together and still committed and dedicated to working on our relationship, we just don’t feel like marriage or a wedding should be rushed into or forced upon by outside sources. We feel like it’s the right thing to do for our family. I know there are crazy rumors going around, but I’m sure to a lot of people’s dismay, this is nothing super dramatic. There was no infidelity involved, no window-smashing, nothing of the sort. We both just kind of realized that maybe we should take a little more time to work on our relationship and then try to work on it.
Exactly. I don’t know if a lot of people understood that about me. A lot of people are saying, “I told you so.” There’s nothing they told me so about. I’ve always contended that Matt and I are not close to perfect – never have been, never will be. Like any relationship, we work on it everyday. That’s kind of it. We felt like things were a little rushed or maybe too influenced by society to make it official, but we’re going to do it when we’re ready. I think that’s what threw people off.
If it wasn’t infidelity or window-smashing, is there anything you can point to that made you come to this decision?
Nothing in particular. A lot of our friends are getting married this year, tons of our friends got married last year and a few couples are, unfortunately, getting divorced this year. I think that made us step back to figure out why we’re doing this, if we’re really ready for it. Like I said, we’re both committed and dedicated to this relationship, so we didn’t feel the need to sign a piece of paper right now. But there are tons of factors that contributed, like the stress and where we were going, this being the off-season, not being sure where we’re headed, what we’re going to do. There were also little stresses that probably threw us off a little bit, on top of planning a wedding, which is a lot of stress.

Have the day-to-day functions of your relationship with Matt changed since your decision to postpone the wedding?
Oh yeah. This hasn’t affected our relationship in a negative way, by any means. We still are together, we still hang out, we still have the boys. They’re in school, so we’re using that time to work on each other and just hang out. We’re taking the time to just chill. We’re good. We’re going to L.A. We’re looking at places now. We have to find something that’s family-oriented, but close to facilities. Our focus has shifted from a wedding to just establishing a new life in a new area on a new team. That’s what’s important for our family now.
Did Matt alert his groomsmen to this news via text message?
Yeah. We both did. He told his family and I told mine. With modern-day technology or BBM, we were just letting people know what was going on. There wasn’t a negative connotation to that, it was the quickest way to tell people, because the invitations had just gone out. We wanted to tell people, “Even though you just got an invitation two days ago, we wanted to postpone things.” All of our family and friends were very supportive and very understanding. They gave us our privacy. They weren’t hounding us or anything like that.
It was interesting that Matt was quiet about it on his Twitter, and that the original blog post about the wedding included him asking that people respect his privacy. It seemed like something was up.
Obviously, when you cancel something so close to its date, people are going to start coming up with questions and rumors. We had both asked our families and friends to back off a little bit. We told them we knew what we were doing and that they should trust that it was what’s best for our family. I could see where people misconstrued that, but it was just to let people know that we knew what they were doing and that they shouldn’t call, email or text us like, “Hey! What’s going on?”

Did you take a while to get back to me for the same reason?
Yeah. Before we released stuff, we wanted to let everything settle and wrap our heads around things. We’re going to a wedding this weekend, so we’re kind of preparing ourselves to be bombarded. We just weren’t in a hurry to answer anybody’s questions or address any rumors.

Were you embarrassed over having to postpone the wedding?
It was a little embarrassing. We knew our focus was shifting from marriage to reestablishing a life in a different city, in a different state. I think we should have let people know a little more ahead of time. But I wasn’t humiliated. This was a mutual decision: no rush, we’re still together, this is no big deal.

Do you have your sights set on another date?
We’re thinking next summer, but you never know. It might not be as big as we’d planned. Our ideas have shifted. We could go and run off during all-star break. You never know.
Is there anything else out there that you wanted to counter?
Not really. I don’t spend a lot of time on blogs, looking myself up. The only reason I know about rumors is that a lot of people started emailing and texting us links. No rumor is important enough for me to address. Rumors are just that: rumors. Matt and I know what’s going on. Our immediate family and people that love us know what’s going on. That’s what’s important.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

You're Cut Off 's Laura Baron (life coach) was a contestant on Fear Factor

Laura Baron who was the life coach on You're Cut Off was a contestant on Fear Factor! She appeared on episode 7 , Season 1. That was back in 2001. She looked different back then. She is the woman with the curly brown hair. There was another female contestant that she could not stand lol

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

911 call following Fantasia's suicide attempt

The audio 911 call following Fantasia's suicide attempt has been released.  She was hospitalized after attempting to commit suicide. In the 911 call there is a male voice saying "she is slowly losing consciousness"

Her family put her in the shower to keep her awake. Fantasia was hospitalized with "possible internal injuries" is reporting

New York @ a Backyard Party

New York was recently at backyard party in the hood. Mediatakeout says that it was a "paid appearance" but New York went to her twitter page it wasn't a paid appearance.

Kerry uses humor about her nasty bug bite

There is a new video of her on TMZ talking about her bug bite on her way to  he hospital. She is barely walking and she uses humor about her bug bite saying "I got laid by an insect" lol She thinks that it was spider. How did it happen? she says that it probably happened while she was sleeping in her house. She even showed TMZ the bite and it is HUGE!

Poll Results: Scream Queens 2 Hate it? or Love it?

Yous Guys LOVE It!

Total of 26 votes. 65% of you LOVED the premiers of Scream Queens 2 while only 34% did not. 

Poll Results: Money Hungry Premiere Hate it? or Love it?

You Guys HATE it!  by ONE Vote

Total of 25 votes. 52% of you hate the premiere of Money Hungry while 48% of you loved. So it was A VERY close race. 

VH1 Star Pics: Lil Hoods Playboy Party Pics

Her are new pics of Lil Hood @ the Playboy Mid Summer Night Dreams Party.

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