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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Rumor Mill: I Love Money 5 in the works?

Couple of days ago I Love Money 4 trailer was leaked on the net and it has been confirmed it will airing overseas. 

Well just now, I have received some suspicious information by one of my facebook friends. 

Craig Jackson (the host of ILM) posted the I Love Money 4 trailer on his Facebook page and one of the crew members of I Love Money said "finally it comes out, season 5 here we come" One of my facebook friends saw it and he comment on it. But then the dude deleted the comment right away. This happened yesterday.

so does this mean there will be an I Love Money 5?. I do think that they should make a 5th season for us U.S fans because I feel we got the short end of the stick here. 

Credit for this info goes to Sergio

1st Anniversary of Jasmine Fiore's Death

Jasmine Fiore (1981-2009): One year Later

Today August 15th, 2010 marks one year since the murder of swimsuit model Jasmine Fiore. She was murdered  exactly a year ago by her husband and VH1 reality star Ryan Jenkins who appeared on Megan Wants A Millionaire and I Love Money 3. This caused three VH1 shows to be canceled.

She was strangled and stuffed in suitcase and was thrown at the dumpster. Her remains were mutilated so she could look unrecognizable. The only way people knew it was it her was the serial numbers in her breast implants. Ryan Jenkins was the only suspect in her murder. He flee to Canada and then he himself commit suicide by hanging himself at a hotel.

I can't it has been already a year. May she rest in peace.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Lala Vazquez on the set on her new VH1 show

Charm School dean and former MTV VJ  Lala Vazquez posted a pic on her twitter page of her on the set of her new VH1 show about her getting married that premieres September 19th. 

Tila Tequila attacked at a concert

Reality star Tila Tequila who was recently withdrawn from the 4th season of Celebrity Rehab 4 was beaten up at a concert. It was a concert that featured clown acts and Kottonmouth Kings.

According to she says:

I went onstage and immediately, before I even got on stage, DUDES were throwing HUGE STONE ROCKS in my face, beer bottles that slit my eye open, almost burnt my hair on fire cuz they threw fire crackers on stage, and they even took the sh*t out of the port-0-potty and threw sh*t and piss at me when I was onstage."

she also thinks that people are trying to kill her. 

Singer Somaya Reece gets her own VH1 show

Somaya Reece is popular Myspace music artist with with 30 million views and over 800,000 friends. She was nominated for "Internet hottie" in 2008 at the Spike TV Guys Choice Awards and was named  "The Hottest Woman" on the web by E!.

She is also an actress apprearing in movies such as The Scorpion King and American Psycho. She also appeared on  TV shows such as Girlfriends and Entourage.

She is now getting her own VH1 show. Which is filming right now.

Friday, August 13, 2010

Chad Ochocinco Wants to Destroy Farmville, Rule Twitter, Facebook, iPhone, and More

Chad Ochocinco. Number 85. The football superstar has made as many headlines on the field for his skills as off the field for his antics. Ochocinco is an athlete for the digital age: a social media powerhouse who has racked up more than 1 million followers on Twitter and a half-million on Facebook. He often broadcasts live webcasts with fans through UStream, has worked with Rock Software on his own iPhone and iPad apps, and has even landed sponsorship deals from Motorola and Degree antiperspirant. And that's not to mention his popular VH1 dating-reality show "The Ultimate Catch."
We chatted with the Bengals' wide-receiver through e-mail in between his practices at training camp. Ochocinco spoke to us about social media, Farmville, and his influence online for our Influence Project, which ends this Sunday.
Fast Company: Why did you get involved with Twitter? Why do you tweet?
Chad Ochocinco: It helps fans see the real me, and get the direct access to what I have. That's why we launched the official Ocho Cinco News Network.
Now that you have 1 million+ followers, how are you planning on using that influence and widespread reach?
It didn't matter if I had 10,000 or 1 million followers. I would still do the same thing. Nothing has changed--just more @ replies.
How many times do you tweet a day, and how do you decide what to tweet?
I tweet when my phone has juice. I tweet when the sun rises and sets because everything in between is interesting.
Do you want to just connect with fans or is there another reason for your use of social media?
I don't know any reason but my fans. I love them, and them only.
Do you have any funny anecdotes from using of online platforms?
Some of the Twitpics are hilarious. We were at the Target in Cincinnati and we posted pictures on Twitter of us messing around. The security guard soon kicked us out, but she later said that she follows me, and even retweeted my pics. It was too funny.
How did you get involved with iPhone and iPad apps with Rock Software?
I saw my teammate on an episode of [HBO's] Hard Knocks showing off another app. So I hit him up in the locker room and asked. He didn't want to at first, but obviously it turned out to be the right decision.
Why would you even want to launch your own apps?
I want to be on everything, including Motorola phones, iPads--I even want to see what we can build on my Facebook page. Let's get rid of Farmville, damn it!
Some of Ochocinco's best mobile moments:



Fantasia Out in Public

Fantasia Barrino and Antwaun Cook Meet Up – with Camera Crews | Fantasia Barrino

For the first time since the news broke of her alleged affair, Fantasia Barrino and Antwaun Cook, the man whose marriage she has been accused of breaking up, were seen together Friday near her Charlotte, N.C., home.

The two were spotted visiting a local park and appeared to be in deep conversation – all while cameras, presumably for her VH1 reality show,Fantasia for Real, captured the conversation.

The outing comes two days after the American Idol season 3 winner, 26, wasreleased from the hospital after overdosing on aspirin and a sleep aid.

Court documents filed last week by Cook's wife, Paula, allege that her husband and Barrino had been having an affair since August 2009 and that the two also made a sex tape. She has also threatened to sue the singer for alienation of affection and criminal conversation.

Barrino's manager has said Barrino believed the Cooks had separated and is now "heartbroken and is sorry for any pain she may have caused."

I Love Money 4 Supertrailer!

Finally! here is the supertrailer to I Love Money 4! this looks so good!


Chi Chi (Daisy Of Love)
6 Gauge (Daisy of Love)
Brooklyn (Daisy of Love)
Garth (Megan Wants A Millionaire)
Fransico (Megan Wants Millionaire)
Punisher (Megan Wants a Millionaire)
Alex (Megan Wants A Millionaire)
20 Pack (I Love New York 2)
Cheezy (I Love New York 2)

Brittanya (Rock Of Love Bus)
Mindy (Rock Of Love Bus)
Marcia (Rock Of Love Bus)
Corn Fed (Real Chance Of Love)
Hot Wngs (Real Chance Of love 2)
Sassy (Real Chance Of Love 2)
Blonde Baller (Real Chance Of love 2)
Mamacita (Real chance of love 2)
Feisty (For the love of Ray-J)

so this must mean IT WILL be airing in other countries. 

I Love Money 3 and 4 DVD Petition 1,001 Sigs so far

VH1access Update Interview: Kerry (Frank The Entertainer)

I decided to do a follow up interview with Kerry from Frank The Entertainer.. A Basement affair. She has gone though a lot lately with her insect bite, drama with Jersey Shore's Angelina. We also talk about JT Maple and and upcoming project.

Last time I've interviewed her was when she won the show. Follow her on Twitter

VH1access: You have been receiving  a lot of media attention lately, especially on TMZ about your bug bite. What happened?
Kerry: I have been Getting a lot of media attention from TMZ as you have seen. "Inside Edition" at CBS hit me up as well. I'll be doing an interview at there studios on Monday.

VH1access: When did you first start to notice something was wrong?
Kerry: I woke up with something on my leg that looked like a bug bite,so I didn't pay much attention to it. Day by day it was getting bigger, but I thought to usually gets worse before it gets better.
I was at beat stock with Cathy on Sunday night and my leg was in pain all day.
At one point it got so bad I could barely drive home and was on the verge of tears! I told Cathy I need to go to the ER asap so i dropped her off and went straight to the hospital.

VH1access: How did your family and Cathy react to it?
Kerry: Everyone kind of had the same reaction. "EW GROSS". Cathy was with me that night and she could tell I was in a lot of pain. Once I found out what was inside I freaked! It's not only scary but if I let it go another few days it could have been a deadly infection. My mother was on vacation when all of this happened so she was super worried and now that she's home she wants to make sure I take care of it properly.

VH1access: How was the surgery process?
Kerry: It wasn't fun..especially since I was all by myself.
TMZ said that I went under surgery...I wish!! because if i had surgery they would have put me to sleep. Unfortunately when I got to the ER they gave me a shot in the wound to numb me, So I was awake when they cut my leg open and when they were scrapping out whatever was in my leg! It was the longest 15 minutes of my life and also very, very painful. The doctor left a nasty gap in my leg which is still open and draining right now.  There was blood every where....I hope no one ever has to go through what I had to that night.

VH1access: Did they took everything out? or they still need to work on it?
Kerry: There wasn't a "sack" of eggs in my leg. It was a terrible infection that was caused by some kind of insect. it left some kind of eggs in my leg..but its not what you are thinking. Like I said the wound is still open and it has to drain so everything comes out over the next few days. next week I will go back and get it stitched up and make sure there is nothing left inside.

VH1access: Do you know what type of bug was it? I heard it was a spider.
Kerry: I'm not 100% on what kind of insect it was...and i'm not sure I want to know. However, I believe it was some kind of spider.

VH1access: I just find that so weird that something like that could happen. What are the odds of that happening.
Kerry: trust me, I'm still in shock!
you'd be surprised to know this happens more often than people think. Unfortunately I was one of them...and I pray that this never happens again or to any of you! Its disgusting as well as a very painful process.

VH1access: Will this leave a scar on your thigh? ad how long it the healing process?
Kerry: This will def leave a scar in my mind forever!! lol But yes, it will leave a small scar,but nothing to crazy.

VH1access: Alright lets talk about JT Maple. You recently appeared in his music video. How did you end up being in his music video? and can you tell the readers more about JT Maple.
Kerry: 360 digital studios and JT actually got in touch with me about the video. They had watched the show and took a liking to me, so they asked me to be the leading lady in the video. I was more than happy to do it, besides I have done a few music videos before.
JT Maple is super talented! he kind of reminds me of a younger version of John mayor.
I wish him the best, he deserves it.

VH1access: I also heard that you and Cathy are having a new TV project coming soon?
Kerry: I'm not going to go into to much detail with that. However, I can tell you there is def something in the works and you have not seen the last of " Cathy and Kerry".

VH1access: Are you doing any other projects or events that we should know about?
Kerry: Cathy and I are always doing appearances and such. in fact we have one on PA this weekend which should be a big hit! Like I said before, as far as projects go, I can't give you to much information ;)

VH1access: You also been having some drama with Jersey Shore's Angelina. What is the deal with her?
Kerry: She is just a waste of life. I have never had so much Pitty on a person..I honestly feel bad for her and hope she gets over all of these insecurities about herself. It must be hard for her to wake up every morning and look in the mirror.
However, She talks a good talk and when someone messes with Cathy...they mess with Me. basically...The girl will get it when she LEAST expects it...and dont you worry, Cathy and I will make sure the whole world sees it ;)

VH1access: Well Kerry thank so much for doing this interview. Do you want to give a shout out to anyone?
Kerry: Yes- shout out to The best boy DJ Jove and of course my boo Cathy. Also just want to thank all of my friends and fans for being so supportive through out all of this..they put a smile on my face every day :) xoxo

Thursday, August 12, 2010

VH1 interviews Jamie (Roll Models) from Money Hungry

Jamie who was on the team Roll Models on Money Hungry did a post show interview with She talks about her time on the show, why she was a prime target. She also says that she was a bit insecure going to the hot tub with four men and that her tears were real. She also adds that she will "leave the door open" for Josh, since he has a crush on her.

How was the Money Hungry experience for you overall?
Overall, it was a good experience. It was very surreal to be followed by cameras all day long.  I would do it again, you know, but maybe with different circumstances.

Obviously you were a prime target. Why do you think so many people had nasty things to say about you?
I didn’t do anything to be targeted the way that I was. Something happened behind the scenes of production early on that had a negative effect on the way others in house viewed me and I think that ultimately led to me to be a target and led my team being on the chopping block. I’m not at liberty to discuss the details of what goes on behind the scenes. But that was the initial reason why I was targeted.

So it was out of your control?
Completely out of my control. Something that was not my fault. Something that happened with production. That was the initial reason why we were targeted.  Additionally, Bridget had a problem with me apparently from Day 1, and I think that ultimately she just didn’t give me a chance. I think ultimately they saw me doing my own thing. They saw me enjoying myself. They saw me dancing and not being ashamed of my body and maybe they were a little bit jealous that they couldn’t feel so free, that they couldn’t feel so good about themselves. Shanté and I went on the show partly to show that you could feel beautiful at any size. It’s our mission to show women everywhere see that they can feel beautiful regardless of shape, size or color.

Do you feel people misconstrued that? A lot of people on the first episode where saying that you weren’t there for the right reasons because of your modeling and your entertaining.
I was absolutely there for the right reasons. And who is to say what the right reasons are for being on a reality show? Everybody in that house was there to be on television. There are so many other ways that you could put $10,000 to use to lose weight that does not involve being on TV. Anybody that was in that house was there to be on a TV show regardless of what their own specific reasons were. I was there to lose weight and to inspire and entertain people because that’s what I do. I am an entertainer. And I want to touch people doing that

How much weight did you end up losing?
I personally wound up losing 18 lbs. in the first two episodes.

That’s pretty good, right?
Yes and actually, it upset me to watch the show and for people to say that all I was doing was dancing the whole time to lose weight. I worked my butt off, doing machines, doing the treadmill. I did so much more than dancing and it showed on the scale. I had one of the highest number percentages of weight loss out of any girl in the house, both weeks that I was there. So I was absolutely there for the right reasons. And then Tricia, Missy and Bridget calling me ugly? I mean, take a look in the mirror and into your own soul and then see who’s ugly. I couldn’t believe the things Tricia and Missy were saying about me considering that they’re teachers. They should be more mature than that.

How humiliating was the hot-tub situation, when you flirted with a tub full of guys in vain?
I was not humiliated at all by what I did in the hot tub. I went in there legitimately to talk Yamil and Johnny to find out who they were going to give immunity to. And when I got there I almost turned back because I was a little insecure getting into the hot tub with four guys on camera. I was embarrassed by how it was edited on TV. Not everything you see on reality shows happens in the exact order or at the exact time it seems on reality shows. That’s part of the editing process. That’s all I can really say about that.

So in other words, it wasn’t as awkward as we had been led to believe?
The scene was not nearly as awkward as people were lead to believe. The guys on the show actually all were great to me. The only guy that might have had a slight problem with me was Phillip. But we all know he is kind of a diva himself. The girls were catty. And I was pretty amazed at what Bridget said, because she’s supposed to be a human-resource specialist. She is supposed to give everyone a fair shot from the beginning, and she kind of spearheaded the whole campaign against me. And there was nothing I could do to change her mind. I never said a bad word about anybody on the entire show. My whole mission on the show was, and my whole mission in life is to show people the beauty that’s within themselves. So for people to be judging me for being ugly on the inside is absurd to me and pretty hurtful.

What about Josh? He was clearly interested in you.
I think what Josh did for me was amazing. He is such a sweet guy, totally a diamond in the rough. And I knew at some point that he had a crush on me. Initially I had been hoping that he and his partner Melissa were going to get together because they look like a cute couple. But then I found out that he had a crush on me. And I think he’s great! I think he’s very sweet. And we talk now on Facebook often.

But you don’t like him like that?
I’m going to leave the door open.

Yeah! I’ll leave the door open.

I was confused about the situation with Shanté’s relative. It seemed that her grandmother had passed away but it also seemed to that her husband’s grandmother had passed because she said, “Tony’s grandmother passed away.”
Shanté’s husband’s grandmother passed away but it was as if Shanté’s grandmother had passed away. She was very close to her. I was emotional, just because of the stress of the house and because I love Shanté. She is one of my best friends. And for her to be in pain makes me sad. The tears in the Jacuzzi were 100 percent real. The tears in the confessional were 100 percent real.

Speaking of being an actress, and a singer and an entertainer, were you happy with the level of exposure you got at the show?
I was happy to get exposure on the show. I was not happy with the kind of exposure I got with the singing and the dancing. I had been a trained dancer for years. I’ve danced professionally; I sing professionally. I am much better than the clips that they chose to put out there. But I can’t blame them. They want to tell a story so they are going to try to make me look like I’m crazy for thinking that I’m talented. Is that embarrassing? Yes. But anyone who has seen me perform, for real, knows that I am much more talented than what was shown on the show. And I think that’s also a reason why some of the girls were jealous. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with A Pair of Nuts going on the show partially to promote their comedy. If you have something to share with the world you should be proud to share it.

So you’re out $5,000 at least, $10,000 for your team. Does that hurt?
Well, it hurts to be out the money because we got it from corporate sponsors and we had a responsibility to our sponsors and their time got cut short, largely due to reasons that not within my control. I had hoped going into it that people would be eliminated solely based on their weight…

That would have been like a more traditional kind of weight loss show.
Yeah, exactly. Because we probably could have won. Because we had the second highest percentage weight loss the first week and the third highest percentage the week we were eliminated. But when they threw the curve ball at us, it was like, oh my gosh. This changes it. This changes everything. And you know, when they threw the curve ball at us it was like “Wow, maybe I shouldn’t have let myself shine as much or be as openly me as much because it’s causing animosity from some of the female contestants.” But then again I don’t think you should let yourself shine any less to make others happy. That’s kind of what they were hoping to do.

Is there anything else you wanted to talk about?
I would love to share with you that now Shanté and I are holding sessions with teenage girls about their self-esteem and their body image. We’re starting with one of our sponsors, Camp Shane, and its really rewarding and touching to be able to help these girls feel better about themselves and realize that they’re beautiful now, to make them realize the same things that make them beautiful now will make them beautiful when they lose weight and they would still be beautiful if they gained weight. Those things don’t change. The problem with people’s negative self-esteem does not magically go away when you lose 80 lbs. If you don’t love yourself now, you’re not going to love yourself when you lose weight. And so that’s why it’s so important to spread the message that you are beautiful at any size and we are really, really happy with the work that we are doing with them. Watching the show I was really hurt by all the negative things the girls were saying about me. But if I let that affect my self-esteem, they would win. The show was kind of like a big test for me. If I am going to be talking about self-esteem and body image, I can’t let a few catty girls on reality show destroy my self-esteem. I have to be able to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.

Eric Roberts Trying to “Wipe Out” Pot Habit on ‘Celebrity Rehab’

Eric RobertsHis sister Julia Roberts has hit the headlines for her role inEat Pray Love but Eric Roberts is making news for his part on the small screen, trying to “wipe out” his pot habit onCelebrity Rehab with Dr Drew.
The Expendables actor tells Entertainment Tonight why he checked into VH1’s reality rehab show. “I smoke pot, and it’s the only thing I really have in my life that I consider to be not-quite-a-positive, and I’m trying to wipe it out,” he says.
The controversial program has another attraction. “I’m also a big fan of Dr. Drew[Pinsky],” says Eric. “I think Dr. Drew is the man, and I get his time for free, and so I’m taking it.”
The Young and the Restless actor, who’s also father to rising star Emma Roberts, says joining the cast of Celebrity Rehab is “an education, and it’s a wonderful enhancement to what I don’t have…clarity on addiction, about the understanding of it, about the understanding of how to get rid of it.”
His rehab doesn’t stop even when he’s filming the soap since a representative from the rehab center is on set with him at all times. “He’s just here to make sure I am here as well,” says Eric.

Will The Overdose be addressed on Fantasia For Real?

Fantasia Barrino and the bosses at VH1 are contemplating adressing the singer's overdose on her reality show. Fantasia's personal issues include her overdose and hospitalization following her involvement in the divorce of Antwaun and Paula Cook. Following the highly publicized overdose, VH1 may give Fantasia the opportunity to open up and give her point of view on the situation. Fantasia has admitted dating Antwaun Cook "off and on for 11 months" but she insists that it was under the pretext that he was separated from his wife Paula. VH1 is standing by Fantasia in the midst of the scandal and is moving forward with the scheduled debut of the second season of her reality show.

Do you think VH1 is standing by Fantasia for ethical reasons or just ratings?

Let us know in the comments.

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