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Tuesday, August 17, 2010

More Pics of season 2 of Brandy and Ray-J :A Family Business

Here are more sneak pics of the 2nd season of Brandy and Ray-J: A Family Business which airs in October.

Scream Queens 2- Episode 3 Recap

Scream Queens 2- Episode 3 Recap

Episode 3 aired last night, here is what happened on this episode. The came back from elimination. Sarah vows to get rid of her accent she also reveals tot he girl that she has anxiety attacks. This week's lesson was all about acting without words. They had to use their body language to act. Their with Jamie King was a very cool one they had to perform a 3D acts using special effects.  It showed this alien looking person on screen and it the girls job to use their body language on how they portray it. Out of all the girls, Sierra did the best

which I was surprised about. Allison did pretty well, except for that cartwheel thing she did at end. Jamie King told her that the cartwheel did  not fit with the performance. Allison look as if she was offended.

Sierra got call back since she did the best. The girls then had a lesson with John Homa about crying on camera. Each girl up and John Homa  have hem a scenario. The class was very deep. Everyone but Karlie did great. Karlie thought that Gabby did the worst but I think she is just mad that she did not do a good job.

After that there was this box and in the box it said, "even the killers are silent" or something like that. Then

mime popped behind and scared them and he had a note. The note said that their next directors challenge was  involved maggots. The girls were grossed out especially Sarah since she had anxiety attacks. They had to do a scene where the girls returned to messy home and find a decomposed body by a loved one filled with maggots and maggots fall on top of them. Out all of the girls Jessica did aweome even maggots went to her mouth lol  Sierra did great too. Karlie and Sara did the worse. Sarah was so worried, I thought she was going to quit, but she went through with it.

Karlie, Sara, Allison and Sierra got called down one of the four was going to be eliminated. Allison and Sierra got called down first, they were safe. Sierra got leading lady. She really rocked this week. Then it was down to Karlie and Sara. I honestly thought that Sara was going home, but it turns out Karlie was eliminated.

Karlie was crying and looked very shocked. She says that "they sent the wrong girl home" In personal opinion. They should have gave her a second chance. But oh well.

Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch - Episode 7 Recap

Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch - Episode 7 Recap

Alright VH1 aired another new episode on The Ultimate Catch last night at a special time.  I guess the reason they aired another episode was because they wanted to end the show a week before the MTV 2010 VMAs airs which is September 12th.

6 girls remain. The next match up dates were Rubi/Erika and Jasmine/Brittany. The girls suspect that Rubi is only on this show for a singing career when she began to sing out loud. Jasmine fears that her time might be up so she tries to soften up and play nice with everyone. Chad took the girls to a salon. Rubi once again sang which annoyed the girls especially Tara (look at her facial expression on the picture)  The girls think that Erika is spending to much time with Tara and that she is Tara's puppet. Chad notices too. Also Brittany thinks Jasmine acting nice all of sudden is very phony and a red flag. Chad took Jasmine and Brittany first on a match up date. They went back to the mansion, where they an ice skating ring inside and a cute penguin.  

They both had one on one time. Jasmine tried to express Chad with her skating skills. Chad had one on one time which Brittany. She tells him about Jasmine all of a sudden new personality. Chad wonders if Jasmine is doing this just because she is in the chopping block.  Chad also talks about how sof his lips were but Brittany did not kiss him which left Chad upset. Brittany says int he commentary that she didn't want to throw herself at him. The next match up date was Rubi and Erika. Erika was ready to tell Chad that Rubi is only here for her singing career. 

Instead of a skating ring, the mansion transformed into Hawaii. They had hoola dancers, Erika tried to impress him with her dancing skills. She says that "I am more fit fit than Rubi, more attractive and have bigger boobs"  They also had dinner which was a roast pig (ew)   Erika was disgusetd by it and I don't blame her. I don't eat roast pig. Rubi had one on one time with Chad first. She explains to him that Erika is spending too much time with Tara and not enough time with him. Chad notices that too. It was Erika's turn to have one on onetime with Chad and she tells him about Rubi singing everywhere they go. She tells him she is here for a singing career not for him. That raised a red flag with Chad.

Back at the mansion. Jasmine planned to cook Chad dinner. She says this was her last chance to do whatever it took for her to stay. She cooked him dinner and Tiphani helped her. Chad was impressed that she cooked him dinner. At the elimination it was Erika/Rubi and Jasmine/Brittany.  He chose Rubi over Erika. He thinks that Erika is there for Tara. He also chose Brittany over Jasmine.  I was very disappointed with that. 

So now it is down tot eh final 4 girls. Tara, Tiphani,Brittany and Rubi. I saw to episode 8 and it looks it is going to be good.

Basket Ball Wives Gloria Talks To VH1

Gloria Govan and Matt Barnes of “Basketball Wives” may have called off their August wedding, but they’re still together. Gloria told VH1 that she and Matt are still together and there’s no scandalous reason behind why they decided to put off their nuptials, which would have taken place this month. “This is nothing super dramatic,” she said. “There was no infidelity involved no window-smashing, nothing of the sort.” Instead, Gloria swears that the couple is just taking a little extra time to make sure their relationship is stronger before they jump the broom“A lot of our friends are getting married this year, tons of our friends got married last year and a few couples are, unfortunately, getting divorced this year,” Goria explained. “I think that made us step back to figure out why we’re doing this, if we’re really ready for it.” But why did the couple choose to tell their guests the wedding was off via text? The answer has something to do with modern convenience and instant gratification.“With modern-day technology or BBM, we were just letting people know what was going on,” Gloria said. “There wasn’t a negative connotation to that, it was the quickest way to tell people, because the invitations had just gone out. We wanted to tell people, ‘Even though you just got an invitation two days ago, we wanted to postpone things.’”
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Fantasias Married Boyfriend Moves out

Fantasia's alleged boyfriend Antwuan Cook moves out August 16, 2010 |  12:14 pm Antwuan Cook, whose wife has accused "American Idol" Fantasia Barrino of committing adultery with her man, on Sunday moved out of the Cook home in Charlotte, N.C., reports the YBF, which says he's now iving in an apartment nearby. Barrino and Cook were photographed outside the singer's house Thursday while apparently taping a segment for her VH1 reality show "Fantasia for Real." We're sure it was purely coincidence that the meeting happened outdoors, in daylight, in a spot where paparazzi could capture the event? Fantasia was released Wednesday from the hospita where she'd been since Aug. 9, recovering after a reported overdose of what manager Brian Dickens said was aspirin and a sleep aid. It was on Aug. 9 that  Fantasia first read the entire divorce court filing from the week before, Dickens said. The YBF also has shots of Cook's future ex-wife, Paula, out after church with one of their two kids on Sunday
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Bad Girls Club (Season 5) episode 1 and 2 Recaps

I know I am late with recap. I am going start recapping other shows, Bad Girls Club is one of them. Here is what went down on the last two episodes.

Episode 1 Recap:

Season 5 takes place in Miami all the girls met at Miami. We get introduced to Morgan who is "The Uber Bitch" and Natalie Jr lol  She tries too hard to act like Natalie Nunn. She is on this ship and she says that everyone is "jealous of her" She is from Miami. She meets up with Catya, Danielle,  and Erica. They all haang at the boat. They were started to talk about how they will have each other's backs. But Morgan said she only had her back and that she did not care for nobody but herself. that rubbed the other girls the wrong way.

We also get introduced to this rocker chick name Lea and Brandi. They met up at the mansion. Where the other girls showed up. They all got to know each other. The mansion looked awesome! but I did not like that used dolls to resemble them, they should have kept the wall pictures. they notice that there was one girl missing. Her name was Kristen. She is one of those rich girls. She should have been on You're Cut Off lol she showed up. The girls decided to mess up her bed when she arrived. Erica got annoyed with her but Kristen was not having it and she threw a drink at her. No one was expecting that from her.

Morgan kept complaining and whining that she is in house and that girls are lame. she calls up her friends and just talking trash about the girls. Brandi was annoyed by it and she wanted her to leave. Laster that night Morgan's Jersey Shore wannabe guys showed and they acted like they own the place. They were very annoying. However, Morgan did got along with Kristen and Catya, so the three of them went out while the other girls wanted her out so they threw ALL of her stuff outside. Once she arrived back she blew up and was pissed off. She looked like she was possessed shaking the door non-stop. Then they finally open the door for her. She was super pissed screaming like she is Natalie (rollseyes) Then she wanted to go upstairs to mess with their stuff and Brandi wasn't having it. She pulled her down the stairs and began to fight.

Episode 2 Recap:

Episode 2 picked where episode 1 left off. Morgan started to fight them and she went to the control production room and started to mess around that caused her to leave the house. So she is gone.
There was also another fight that happened between Lea and Christine. Lea's birthday was coming up and Christine was whining that why no one celebrated her birthday 2 or 3 days before she arrived at the house which was stupid. Christine called Lea a "whore" and that pissed Lea off. The next day they went to nail/salon place. Danielle wanted to pick up some guys. She saw these two surfer duded. She liked one of them and invited them to the house. One of the guys showed up but it was not the guy she liked but she hooked up with him anyway. 

They went to club where the other guy showed and then some chick ws bitching at Lea on her birthday and the started fiighting at the club and got kicked out, always happens on this show lol More guys showed up at the mansion. Erica's boy toy was rude to Brandi telling her that she looked crazy. Which I did not understand but pissed her off. The's what pretty much happen on this episode.

Monday, August 16, 2010

VH1 Star Pics: Weasel invites 20 Pack, Punisher and Garth on his boat

Here is a pic of Weasel from Daisy Of Love and I Love Money 3 with Gath/Punisher from Megan Wants a Millionaire and 20 Pack from I love New York 2 on his boat.

IT does a parody video about Kat Stacks

Here is a video that IT dissing Kat Stacks. The video is called  IT FROM VH1 DISSES KAT STACKS FOR GIVING HIS MAN AN STD MUSIC VIDEO

New York and Heat hosting 3rd Anniversary of "I love New York"

1st time in history " I Love New York Heat"

Celebrities Tiffany "New York" Pollard & Jason "Heat" Rosell will be hosting the three year anniversary since 1st show "I Love New York"
August 20th, 2010. Replay Lounge, Bakersfield California.

Kerry preparing for an interview with CBS

Here is a pic of Frank The entertainer's Kerry preparing for an interview with CBS. She has been getting a lot of media attention lately ever since TMZ broke the news about insect bite in her leg.

Ochocinco: The Ultlimate Catch: Episode 6 Recap

Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch- Episode 6 Recap

Here is the episode 6 recap of the show. Chad took the 8 remaining girls to a cabin by the lake, to get away from the city. They all had lunch and then they went fishing.  Some of the girls have not went fishing before and they did not want to touch the worms. Tara wanted to save them from dying lol.  

From the group he chose Courtney and Tiphani for a match up date. Chad took them to this boat, where they cuddle with a blanket because it was cold. Courtney tried to get one on one time, she was sexually frustrated. But Tiphani took over with her jokes.  Later that night, they had a camp fire. Chad talks to the girls about how he became a football player. He also talks about how his grandmother pushed hi to do well in school. Then the girls explain their stories and Tara once did not really took it seriously. Tara and Heather got picked for a match up date. Tara had plans to destrot Heather after she said she did "not trust men". Chad took them to this Ice Cream place. Tara said a prayer saying "I hope Heather gets struck by lightning" lol which was funny" they had ice cream. Heather explains to Chad that Tara is not taking this seriously but she failed. she was so stuck on words on what to say. Tara in the other had won the battle, she says that Heather does not trust men and many other flaws that she had.

Back at the cabin Tiphani wanted to tell Chad about Courtney missing her cats and wanting to go home.  Before this Chad reveals to Tiphani that he sees her only as a friend. She tells him about Courtney and Chad wonders if Tiphani is trying to throw Courtney under the bus. at the elimination, chad keeps Tara ans eliminates Heather. He keeps Tiphani and eliminates Courtney.

Jessica Cimato attending fashion week

The great news continues for VH1's You're Cut Off Break Out Star Jessica Cimato.  Jessica has been confirmed to attend the Fashion Week presentation of the Madame collection by Nicolas Putvinski and Kevin Daniel.  

Jessica will be attending the event with her date music artist Vince P and it also reported that Heidi Klum and Alan Cummings will also be in attendance.  Earlier this week it was reported that Jessica and Vince will be attending the Anne Bowen collection show and that Anne Bowen had also designed a dress for Jessica.  Looks like things are really picking up for Jessica. 

 Rumor has it that Jessica will be reading for a number of television roles this upcoming Fall.

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