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Sunday, July 24, 2011

You're Cut Off's Courtnee Mason Interviews Jennifer Williams

Courtnee Mason from You're Cut Off had the chance to interview Jennifer Williams from Basketball Wives at the Miss Black NC USS 2011. 

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Famous Food- Episode 3 Recap

Famous Food- Episode 3 Recap

"Famous Food: now airs on Wednesdays at 8:PM. Episode 3 just aired this past Wednesday.

Summary Of Episode 3
The team must find a Chef but tensions rise when Heidi steps on Danielle's toes. When Danielle's chef makes Heidi sick, the war is on. Who's chef will prevail getting the recognition from Mike and Lonnie and one step closer to being a partner? Meanwhile Ashley makes a decision that sends one of the cast members through the roof and Ashley out the door.

Poprah Shooting New Reality Show

Poprah Shooting Scenes For New Reality Show

"I Want To Work For Diddy" star is shooting some scenes for her reality show that has been working on. Possibly "Big Girls Club" She is also casting girls for a matchmaking show.

"So much fun shooting reality show scenes yesterday -did I say I LOVE REALITY TV? well, I LOVE REALITY TV bestgenreever"

Visit her Twitter page

Friday, July 22, 2011

Rapper and "Surreal Life" Contestant Vanilla Ice Says Justin Bieber Will be Forgotten

Rapper and "The Surreal Life" contestant Vanilla Ice doesn't think Justin Bieber will last that long int he music industry because usually child idols don't really do last that last long expect for like Justin Timberlake or Usher. But I find it ironic that he would say that since he has been forgotten... just saying.

 "My prediction about Bieber is that he's going to go through one of those weekends that lasts a few years because he's had such success as a child act. Then something else new will come along and he'll be forgotten and he can try and put all the pieces back together, so it's going to be entertaining to watch."

You're Cut Off's Erica Rose Does An Interview With "The Media Fanatik"

You're Cut Off's Erica Rose did a new interview with The Media Fanatik. She talks about being on "The Bachelor" and "You're Cut Off". She also talks about being on the 2nd season of ""The Bachelor Pad" which will premiere in August. She also talks about Casey Anthony.

1. Where are you from and What was your childhood like?
I'm from Houston, Texas.  I had a very happy childhood and grew up with very loving parents and my brother, Ben who is two years younger than me and my best friend.  Our parents raised us like twins and there was nothing that we wanted and could not have.  We were always encouraged to do well in school and we played a lot of sports together and had all of the same friends. We ended up going to the same college and law school and took a lot of classes together.

 2. You became a household name while appearing on Season 9 of the Bachelor. What was that like & what did you learn?
It was definitely life-changing! Before I did "The Bachelor" my life had always been very normal.  I went straight from high school to college and then I graduated with plans of getting a regular job.  I went through a hard break-up and was living with my parents so it was my dad's idea for me to do "The Bachelor".  The attention that I received from it was crazy!  I had people like Kelly Ripa talking about me and impersonating me.  I was just being myself, but watching it now, I was a little ridiculous.  I also don't think a lot of people understood my sense of humor.  I had to get used to people saying not so nice things about me and even sending me hateful emails.  I developed a really thick skin after that and learned who my true friends were.   I realized that as long as I have the support of close friends and family members, then the opinions of random strangers do not matter.

3. Are you excited to be returning to the franchise on the Bachelor Pad 2? How did that come about?
Yes!! I'm really excited about it.  I was asked to do it and immediately I knew that it was something that I had to do.  I've grown up and changed a lot in the past five years since I appeared on "The Bachelor" and I think it is really important for me to show that.  Also, I really love the other contestants on the show and had met some of them at different reunions so I was excited about spending the summer with them.  It really was like camp! 

4.  You were a fan favorite on Season 1 of Your Cut Off. How was it living in the house?
Living in that house was crazy, it was no "Bachelor Pad"!  The girls on that show were very different than anyone I had every been around before.  They all craved attention and drama and some of them wanted to fight constantly and even tried to get physical.  I'm not into that and I'm a pretty peaceful person.  I get attention in other ways than just being loud.  Regardless, I was able to get a lot out of the experience.  Living with less helped me appreciate everything that I have in my life and now I'm a lot more economical and pay attention more to prices than I used to.

5.  Not only are you a reality star you are also a Law Student and an Entertainment Law Expert that has appeared various times on the Dr. Phil Show. What is your take and opinion on the Casey Anthony case?
From a legal standpoint, she had a great defense team and so from a future lawyer's perspective I can appreciate that.  I think too many times people get upset with the attorneys like they did with Robert Kardashian from the  OJ trial and they don't realize that the Justice System would not work without good defense attorneys.  I do think it is sad that this trial gained so much attention when it is based on a tragedy that happened to a little girl.  I can only hope that Casey Anthony does not enjoy the negative attention that she has received for being a bad mother and that she does not profit from it.

6. What advice could you give to people who want to follow their dreams like you have?
Just that we only have one life and so live it however you want and definitely follow your dreams because you don't want to have any regrets.  There are always going to be haters and doubters but as long as you know who you are and have a strong support system then they don't matter. 

Thursday, July 21, 2011

VH1access Update Interview- Winner Of Rock Of Love (Season 1) Jes

Update Interview With Jes

So I recently did an update interview with Jes who won the 1st season of "Rock Of Love" to see what she has been up to. She said that she is not type of girl to do reality TV, She did not even want to do the show. She explains that drama Twitter she had with Brand C, Ashley and Farrah a few days ago.  Follow her Twitter page. She also says that Heather who she is good friends now will have a new show soon. 

Hey Jes, how are you?
Pretty good, thanks for asking.

It's been four years since the first season of "Rock Of Love" aired. How was experience on the show?
Four great years. Lol, everyone knows by now by the interviews i've done in the past that I never really wanted to do the show in the first place. I was approached and then friends & family talked me into it... But in the back of my head, always wondered if you could REALLY fall in love on a show. Personally, i don't think it's possible.. I mean, don't get me wrong, you can fall on lust, which can be mistaken for love.. And i think that's what happens on these kind of shows. All that ROL brought into my life, is drama. And more drama, never in my life have i experienced that much drama.. 

What was your fondest memory on the show?
Bahahaha... Fondest memory... When people ask me about the moments i remember the most.. There's a few. The pool "incident" with lacey, the cigarettes that she picked up and left with a beautiful note. Heather's awesome first tattoo which to this day, i still pick on her for it. Brandi's drunken fun.. ( my brandi not barbie) ... Everything on that show is a memory but the best one os heather's tattoo... Ahaha

Did you really loved Bret Michaels?
No, never. Like i said, lust, maybe, the show was too me overwhelming and a competition, and i get feirce with competition, i like to win. Looking back, i should of walked away and let heather pursue bret, they had way more of a connection than anyone else there. 

I notice now you are good friends with Heather Chadwell, who was the runner-up on the show.
Yes, she's my girl. Her and i, yeah we had "beef" on the show, but after it was all said and done we realized how immature it was, i mean c'mon team A and B hahaha... But she is a very strong and independant woman and i admire her a lot. She took her life under control and made changes, i respect that. And i wish her the best of luck with her upcoming show.

Now you have only been on "Rock Of Love" A lot of fans want to know,  has VH1 ever asked you to be on "I Love Money"? If not, would have done it?
I was approached to be on a few shows, and i refused. I, put all that in the past. I got to know what it was like and that's enough for me. I'm not made for tv. And besides, we've got enough of those girls trying to be on other shows and getting their own. So i'll let them do it.. Haha the only show id ever really try to be on would be survivor so stay tuned haha

I noticed the other day other Rock Of Love Girls such as Ashley, Farrah, and Brandi C were gaining up on you on Twitter. Why were they bashing you?
Jealousy. Ha, i don't really know why those girls are like that, it started by picking on Heather, which i really didn't like, and heather, has a lotnof exciting things happening, and i know for a fact that's why she didn't strike back and defend herself, so i did it for her. She doesn't deserve to be bashed on , especially on a site, i mean c'mon how pathetic is that? Anyone that goes on with their life with how many followers they have on twitter, really need to step outside the internet world and get a job ... There's more to life than twitter. So if bashing on me makes them happy, and prevents them from bashing on others, so be it. I have thick shoulders and can take whatever they throw at me. I just hope one day they realize there's more to life than their 15 mins of fame they got from the shows. I've grown pass that, and thats why you dont see me promoting myself like they are. 

What have you've been doing since Rock Of Love?
I've been working in nightclubs and marketing. If you ever come to Chicago, come and say hi, i'm at themid. 

Would you even do another reality show?
No, but i would do survivor. I did tell heather i would film for her upcoming show 'cause that would be badass , rub it in other people's faces ;) hahaha

Well thank you so much for this interview. Do you want to give a shout out to anyone?
Yeah, a very good friend of mine owns a clothing company which is rad, helping the dude out, i spread the word. If you guys are looking for a different kind of clothing line with original designs, check out :)
And follow him on twitter! Hahaha

Brandy's Alter Ego Photoshoot

Brandy recently did this amazing and creative photoshoot. She gets kidnapped by her alter ego and she explores herself within, as well as removing demons. Once she removes her demons she can escape. 

Celebrity Rehab's Jennifer Gimenez Does An Interview For "Making It Big" Radio

Jennifer Gimenez from Celebrity Rehab and Sober House recently did an interview for "Making It Big" radio on blogtalkradio.

Listen to internet radio with makingitbig on Blog Talk Radio

Behind-The-Scenes Single Ladies Text: Quinn Is Getting On Val’s Nerves … Or Is He?

Who else is starting to get annoyed with Quinn?

Tami Roman In a Bad Car Accident

According to TMZ reports:
Basketball Wives” star Tami Roman just fell victim to the brutal Los Angeles streets — TMZ has learned a car she was traveling in just got banged up in a 3-car pileup!
Sources close to Tami tell us — the reality star had just been picked up from the airport by a car service … when a driver slammed into the car BEHIND Tami’s car … causing a chain reaction collision.
Tami was in the front car — which sustained massive rear-end damage.
We’re told Tami was not injured in the crash — but she has since tweeted, “I have a major headache!”

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

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