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Wednesday, May 19, 2010

VH1 Star Pics: New York and her I Love New York Producer


Here is a pic of New York and her I love New York producer. is reporting that I Love New York 3 casting will begin in September as of right now she is filming a movie.

VH1 Interview: Royce Reed (Basketball Wives)


Royce Reed from Basketball Wives did an interview with
she talks about her reputation on the show, being a flip flopper, she also talks about being a mother ect

What do you think of the show?
It’s definitely different than what I expected it to be, but Shaunie warned us all of that. She said, “Look, this could be a really positive show, or it could be full of drama. It depends on what you’re dealing with, it depends on what you say.” It’s a reality show, it’s real. It’s kind of like your life being put on blast. You can’t get mad at something you do or something you say, because you said it and you did it. It is what it is.

How does the show differ from your expectations?
I went in thinking we were going to be a group of women who got to know each other and were there for each other. I think there’s certain things that come out looking positive, but then of course you also have your drama. It’s just like real life. In real life you’re thrown into things that you never thought you’d be thrown into. When people say things like, “It’s scripted,” or, “They set this up,” it’s really not that. Yeah, they say, “You’re all going to dinner,” but what we talk about, what we do, what we say, that’s us.

When your name was coming out of everyone’s mouth as soon as the show started, I thought, “OK, we have our star.” Did you get that sense?
I didn’t want stardom as a result of a pool party. I don’t want it to be because of the way I was dancing. If I broke out, I wanted it to be about something different. But, again, if I didn’t want that to be seen, then I shouldn’t have done it. Hindsight is 20/20, and when I look back on it, at least I have a memory that I can show my little one when he gets older and be like, “You know what? Mommy did some crazy things and I’m not going to hide this from you, but learn from my mistakes.” I still had fun, so I’m not going to say that I regretted it or I’m ashamed of it, because it’s not that. Did I take it too far? Yes. Do I regret it? No. You learn from it and you move on.

Evelyn, Jennifer and Suzie called you out on that incident almost immediately. Did you feel like they were ganging up on you?
I was shocked. I was a little bit hurt because the day after the pool party everyone was still OK with it. Then two days after, when it hit the Internet and it started getting all this backlash, I kind of did feel like I was thrown under the bus. I just had to realize even though I’ve known these girls for eight months or whatever, we were never friends. It wasn’t a situation where I should have expected these girls to hold me and give me a hug and say, “It’s OK, we know you didn’t mean it that way.”

Did you buy their story about guilt by association — that your behavior might reflect badly on them?
I think they felt like that in the beginning, but now they realize after getting a lot of backlash for certain things they say or they do on the show, that it’s kind of like they were the pot calling the kettle black. I’m like, “Remember? Y’all were telling me what not to do and what not to say, but now y’all getting a taste of it.” Now they’re calling me saying, “I don’t know how you’ve dealt with this because I’m having a hard time not cursing people out!”

Are you specifically referring to the pictures of Evelyn?

No, I’m just saying in general. The whole thing with the pictures of Evelyn, I think is an effed up situation. I have no idea how I would react if something like happened to me, because I think it’s totally on a different level than me dancing at a pool party. She’s definitely standing strong, because I would probably be a hermit in Hermitville somewhere. I can’t imagine something like that happening to me. I commend her on the way she reacted to it, and I’m just wowed.

When Evelyn, Jennifer and Suzie informed you that Gloria might not be as cool with you as you were with her, did you feel that they genuinely thought you should know what was up, or did you feel like they were just trying to stir up drama?
I know a lot of people are saying, “They were just trying to stir up drama, they were trying to start something when they’ve been talking about Royce since the first episode, blah blah blah.” If you look online, there’s actually a video of Evelynn and I where we had lunch together, and I told her my issues with her, she told me her issues with me. Evelyn never pretended to be my friend and she said it all to my face. Same thing with Jen, although she did reach out and we did the whole makeover thing. And I never have a problem with Suzie. With Gloria and I, things were different. Gloria and I went cake-tasting for her wedding, we had dinner, we talked on the phone all the time. We were actually being cool. We were talking about taking the kids on play dates to theme parks, so for her to have that conversation on the phone with Jen that I never knew about, and for her to basically deny us having any type of relationship and being cool with each other, I felt like she was doing it because she was trying to become friends with them. She threw me under the bus. I totally understand where she’s coming from when she talks about Matt and his camaraderie and his teammate thing. However, when it came to just us, she was so down for hanging out. When I see her interviews, I’m like, “Are you kidding me?” That’s the part I thought was really fake. If you don’t like me, just say you don’t like me.

Are you that straightforward? Would you admit to disliking Gloria?
I cannot tell you anybody that I just absolutely hate. I can name like two people that I really dislike, but I can’t even really say that I just dislike Gloria. I never knew her well enough to say that she was a friend, or anything more than an associate. She was an associate, but I thought she was straight. I thought she was cool. For me to say that I don’t like her would make it seem like she was my friend or something like that, but it was never that. It’s just I don’t do Gloria. If I see her I’ll be cordial. Maybe. But outside of that, she was an associate. So no sleep lost, no love lost, it was an associate and that’s it.

Do you get angry when you hear the stuff Gloria has said about you?
Seeing it just makes me feel stupid. I’m not even going to lie, it makes me feel dumb. I really felt like Gloria was going to be that real chick, and she was going to be the one that I was going to be closest to.

It seemed like the dividing line was when you were talking about associating with the players as a dancer. She kind of took exception to that and thought you were being flip.

Gloria and I had talked about that outside that dinner, and she said she was good. We were talking how it’s cool in high school for the football player to be with the cheerleader and the basketball player to be with the dancer, but when you get in a professional setting, it’s the complete opposite. Now we’re become groupies or gold diggers or whatever. My thing is, look, this is our job. If you fall in love, you fall in love. Nobody’s going to tell me that I can’t be with the person who has my heart. I know that at some jobs you can’t date a co-worker, but people do it all the time. Someone may end up losing their job, but they live happily ever after. No, I didn’t get the happily ever after, but I got a relationship that was completely happy with for a couple of years, and that I would not take that away from myself for anything. We got the best blessing out of it, which is our little boy, and I have no hatred towards him. I get angry about the situation that’s out there right now, but I can’t change that. You deal with what you have to deal with. But for her to sit there and act like that’s the turning point for her, it was not. If it was, then why was she calling me the next day and why were we talking even after that conversation about, “Let’s hang out, let’s have play dates, let’s go shopping, let’s do this, let’s work together on some events,” you know?

I kind of felt like there was an implication that you fooled around with guys that were attached?

Absolutely not. I’ve dated one basketball player, period. I’ve only been with one basketball player, period. And that’s my son’s father. All these rumors that go around…I heard that I had a relationship with Dwyane Wade. I’ve met that dude one time in ’07, I was three months pregnant, and I took a picture for him. After I took the picture he held out his hand to say, “What’s up? Thank you.” And that was it. That’s the only time I’ve ever come that close in contact with him. So for that to go around is ridiculous. I don’t how people come up with stuff, but I don’t lose sleep over it because I know what’s true and the people involved know what’s true. It is what it is.

Is it flattering at all to have your name in so many people’s mouths all the time?

I don’t know if it’d say it’s flattering. It definitely makes me relevant. Definitely it’s what put me on the show. So I’ll be thankful for that. I know there are a lot of people that are mad I’m on the show, and I’m like, “Well you should have kept my name out of your mouth!”

What about the other women? Do you like them?
I actually do like Jen, Evelynn and Suzie, Erika and obviously Shaunie. There’s different types of associates that you have in your life. You have different kinds of friends. Evelyn is that girl that if she doesn’t like you, she is going to tell you straight up, she does not care about your feelings at all. Suzie is that girl that you can party with until the sun comes up. If I need someone to talk to and cry on someone’s shoulder and not feel like I’m a wimp or something, that’s Jen. Granted if we never taped this show, I probably would have never become friends with these girls or even associates, but I’m happy that I did. Now that we’ve gotten to know each other, we’re actually all really, really cool.

What’d you think about Evelyn and Suzie questioning your motives for wanting to volunteer at the homeless shelter on this week’s episode?
I didn’t know that’s how they felt about that at the time, but if they felt like I had an ulterior motive, then that’s sad. I work with a lot of charitable organizations, but I don’t do that so people see that Royce is a part of it. I don’t do things to tag my name to it. The whole soup kitchen thing, I do that back at home. I go just to go. I don’t tell people that I’m going so I can have cameras in my face. Every month even, I ride down certain streets in Orlando and I’ll just give somebody $50. If you walk with me in Orlando sometimes, they know me because I just go talk to people. It’s something that keeps me grounded. I’m not into big charities where you have to go and spend a thousand dollars a plate and go to Africa or something. I don’t do that. I’m the one that when the commercial comes on TV like, “Adopt this child, send $10 a month and you’re helping a child,” I’m that person. I was really shocked that they would think that I had ulterior motives. I thought they had fun. I thought they would get something out of it.

When you danced at Evelyn’s birthday, that was through with your own company, right?
Yes, Fantashique. It’s primarily a burlesque dance company, but that’s not all we do. I have to concentrate on something so burlesque is what we concentrate on, but we also do weddings and we do churches also, and we do birthday parties. We’re trained in ballet, jazz, lyrical, hip-hop, modern, all that. We do a lot of clubs, but I don’t want people to think that’s all we do.

With all of the drama that you went through on the show, did you come out of it happy?
Yeah! I came out of the show very happy. I was proud of myself, and I stayed true to Royce. I made my mistakes, I learned from them, I moved past them. I didn’t say stuff that I thought sounded good, because I believe that people can see through B.S., and I believe that people can tell when you’re just trying to be politically correct. If that’s not how I feel, then that’s not how I’m going to say I feel. I kept it real and I was Royce 100 percent of the time, so what you see is what you get.

Bret Michaels: Life As I Know It

Share has posted a 1st look pic of Bret Michaels new VH1 show called Life As I Know It. The show will focus on his life and family. Special sneak peek of the show will air on May 31st. Vh1 plans to post clips tomorrow.

More Exclusive Pics Of I Love Money 3


Here are more pics that I was sent of I Love Money 3.

Lil Hood, Deelishis and Marcia

Pretty, Lil Hood and Deelishis

Gia and Professor

Cocktail and Lil Hood

Cocktail, Lil Hood and Gia

Apparently Gia WAS on I Love Money 3. Someone told me she wasn't.


We Want I Love Money 5 + 6
  Click Here

VH1 DO NOT Cancel I Love Money
Click Here

Tough Love Couples: Episode 6 and 7 Recaps


Tough Love Couples: Episode 6 and 7 Recaps

Two new episodes of Tough Love Couples aired back to back on Monday night, here is what happened. On episode 6 it was all about their exes. Their exes showed up to tell them they have moved on . The  two people that really piss me off was Dustin and Heather. With Dustin he claimed that he was not attracted to his ex, yet he gave her a piggy back ride, he kissed her ect He was trying to make Courtney jealous and did not work! I thought that was shady of him to do. You are not in high school dude. Another person that me piss me off was Heather. Her ex came and he made it clear that her and Larry would not be a good match but she acted like it wasn't a problem. I personally think that Courtney and Larry deserve better than what they have. Dennis's mom shows up as well and she says that she does not want his sons marriage to sink.Heather and Larry were at the hot seat and Larry finally stood up to himself and put his foot down when her ex showed up. She tells her ex that she can't speak to him for a year to prove to him that she wants to be with Larry. Dennis and Simon were also on the hot seat. Dennis talked to his mom about some issues their have been facing. His mom supports him and just want him to be happy,

Episode 7 the couples went to an ring store. To gets serious about their possible engagements. Mario reveals that he is afraid of getting a divorce to Christina since she was to get engaged now. He also revealed that he had money problems. Pawl and Danielle did the worse and was int he hot seat. We found out that Danielle had a rough childhood which was the reason why she had a hard time saying I love you to Pawl.

Next week is the finale.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

VH1 Star Birthdays: Natasha (Rock of love Bus)


Happy Birthday To Natasha!

She was best known for being on the 3rd season on Rock of love Bus. She stayed on the show the longest for an African American female. She was also rumored to be a man (rollseyes) She also appeared on Charm School 3.

Celebrity Rehab lacking celebrities for season 4

Share is reporting that VH1 is having a hard time casting new celebrities for Season 4 of Celebrity Rehab. They tried to find A, B and even C listers but of them were interested. Lindsay Lohan was one of their picks for the next season but she turned them down. They have not signed anyone yet, the extended the deadline to Wednesday.

If there is no cast, there is no show

Sneak Peak of Scream Queens 2 Cast

Share has revealed a sneak peek of the Scream Queens 2 cast which will be premiered on August 9th on VH1.

Here are a few pics.

You can see the rest of the pics on

Monday, May 17, 2010

Bret Michaels returning to VH1 in a show called "Life As We Know It"


Making to final two on NBC's Celebrity Apprentice and  battling his life after suffering a brain hemmerhage. Bret Michaels is returning to VH1 in his 4th reality show called "Life As I Know It" which will be about his life. The show will premiere in the fall but VH1 will air a special preview of the show on May 31st during the premiere of Dad Camp.

Article below from

VH1, 51 Minds and Bret Michaels are teaming up again for the new docu- series Bret Michaels: Life As I Know It, giving viewers an insider’s look at Bret’s home life when he isn’t touring, shooting, partying and rocking out. After the lights have dimmed on stage and the music stops for the night, Bret rolls off the tour bus right into the loving arms of his daughters Raine and Jorja, who affectionately refer to him as “Poppa Rocka.”  The half-hour special will premiere Memorial Day, Monday, May 31st at 10PM ET/PT followed by the series premiere of Dad Camp at 10:30PM ET/PT.  The series Bret Michaels: Life As I Know It is tentatively scheduled to premiere in Fall 2010.
“After Bret’s recent appendectomy and life-threatening brain hemorrhage, we’re so happy that he is on the road to recovery and coming back to VH1 in Bret Michaels: Life As I Know It,” said Jeff Olde, Executive Vice President of Original Programming and Production. “Bret is family to us and has always been a huge hit on the network, headlining several series and specials that have garnered record-breaking ratings and made a strong connection with our audience.  We have temporarily halted production on the series with Bret’s health as our primary concern.  Production will resume when it is cleared by his doctors.  If anyone can fight off illness and get back on his feet, it’s Bret. But in the meantime, in response to the flood of well wishes the network has received from Bret’s fans, we’d like to celebrate Bret’s recovery with this sneak peek special featuring the next chapter in Bret’s story on VH1.  It’s a never-before-seen look into Bret’s family life — the real center of his world from which he draws his unsinkable strength.”
In this first-look special and the forthcoming series, viewers will not only get a taste of Bret’s life on the road, but for the first time ever, a look at his home life, a sprawling compound where his daughters and their mother, Kristi Gibson, reside.  But raising two little girls and being a rock icon don’t always go hand-in-hand. Now fans get to take a peek at what keeps Bret going.  Is it the hoards of wild fans, the glory of super stardom, or is it the unconditional love from his family? Watch as Bret juggles life on the road, his career, raising two kids and managing his on again off again relationship with their beautiful mom, Kristi. Tune in Memorial Day night for a first-look sneak peek into the next chapter of Bret’s life.

You're Cut Off- Meet The Spoiled Rich Girls


You're Cut Off is a new VH1 show that will be premiering on Wednesday June 9th. It's about these lazy spoiled rich girls. All they do is get pampered, party , and shop. Well their folks has enough with them and now they are cut off completely. Laura Baron will help these spoiled brats and teach them to reach their path to emancipation. 

Meet The Girls:








Read more about these girls on

Basketball Wives and What Chilli Wants (Episode 5 Recaps)


Basketball Wives (Episode 5 Recap)

Episode 5 aired last night on VH1. Here is what happened on this episode. Gloria had a discussion with her sister about the other girls and what they have been saying about her sister. Gloria reveals that she does not want to be like any of the other girls and she does not like Suzie and Royce. Royce asked Jennifer if she and the other girls would interested feeding the homeless. Jennifer said she was opened to doing it but not sure how the other girls would react. Well most of them said yes to the offer but Evelyn (being very paranoid) thinks that Royce is cooking up a scheme by inviting them to feed the homeless, which I don't understand.

Meanwhile Evelyn wanted to find out once and for all who is been sending her nasty text messages about her and her daughter , we will found out who it is on next weeks episode. Jennifer was having an upcoming charity event for Haiti. Everyone showed and everyone was shocked when they saw Evelyn with a 22 year old man which was her date. His name was Stefen. During the charity event Evelyn got wasted SMH  and went to the mens bathroom to throw up... um okay.

Next week the catfights come back.

What Chilli Wants (Episode 5 Recap)

Episode 5 aired last night on VH1. After last weeks therapy episode. Chilli went back into dating. Tionna set a meeting with Chilli's friends and she wanted them to mingle with some guys to see who is right for Chilli. The first guy she set her up with was a model. They went on bike ride. Chilli found he was with a girl for four girlfriend but he never claimed that she was his girlfriend. Chilli did not like that, she said she wants a guy who is committed and wants to go deeper.

Then, Chilli , Tionna and her friends had like a speed dating kinda thing to mingle with guys. They had a stupid push up contest and there was a white guy name Bill who Chilli liked. He was the only one who gave her compliment as well. Tionna also set Chilli with a farmer. He had a business in farming and Chilli was impressed with the date.

next Tionna blows up at Chilli..again

Brandy and Ray-J : A Family Business (Episode 5 recap)


Brandy and Ray-J: A Family Business (Episode 5 Recap)

Episode 5 aired last night on VH1. Here is what happened on this episode. They had meeting about their upcoming albums. Brandy revealed that Will.I.Am was interested working with her on her album. Ray-J and Ryan had lunch before the meeting to discuss about his album. In the meeting drama once again corrupted this time it was between Brandy and Ray-J. Brandy feels like Ray-J only cares about his himself and thinks that this business is all about him.

Brandy also got into it with her manager Ryan saying that she always being put in the back burner and that Ryan only cares about Ray-J's career.  Meanwhile Willie was concerned that Sonja is doing too much in her work and he feels like she needs to slow down a bit which caused her to almost faint. After the drama between Brandy and Ray-J, they both made up. Brandy told her brother that she doesn't want to be in a sibling competition with him.  They both agree to work on their albums.

Brandy met up with Nephew which is her producer. She recorded some songs which turned out to be successful. All of a sudden Ryan showed up and Brandy was not happy to see him after the drama they had earlier. Ray-J met up with Rodney Jerkins and recored some songs for his album which he revealed will be called "Round Of Applause"

Willie wanted to give Sonya a surprise, so he took her to dinner and he dedicated a  song to her, which was sweet. She began to felt guilty for always putting up a wall and she began to cry as well.

This episode was ok in my opinion. It wasn't one of the best of the season. Next week's episode  Brandy celebrates her 31st birthday.

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