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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

VH1access Interview: Courtnee Mason (You're Cut Off)

Here is my interview with Courtnee Mason from You're Cut Off. In this interview she says that being on You're Cut Off will be the experience that she will "truly never forget" she also says that she is  "thankful to be chosen" to be on the show. She also says that Chrissy also has a story just like when Gia revealed to her that she had postpartum depression. She is also a celebrity blogger for Russell Simmons Global
Follow Courtnee on Twitter

Here is the interview:

How have you been?
Well besides waiting on Producers, Casting Agents ,Tyler Perry to call me for shows & upcoming movies and Victoria Secret to call me to model in their Fashion Show in Dec.2010…. I’m doing pretty well. LOL
How was your experience doing the show?
This is an experience I will truly NEVER forget. I am very thankful for the opportunity to have been chosen to be on this show. This show has opened my eyes up to a lot of things and all I can say is …God is good! I love meeting new people and hearing the girls stories and I feel God has placed me in their lives as well as mine for a reason.  I am thankful!
How did it felt like being cut off?
“Cut Off” lol….I wouldn’t say “Cut Off”. I would call it more like a Motivational Boot Camp. I have always been one to chase my dreams and my parents and sister have always been there to support me. I think it is their way of saying “Courtnee we love and support you in all you do, but it is time to get a job in your career and stop settling for any ol thing.” Which is VERY understandable, that is why I want Tyler Perry, Denzel Washington, Oprah, Will Smith and Brad Pitt to call me!
What was your favorite lesson?
My favorite lesson by far was when we went to PATH (People Assisting The Homeless) because I love to give back to others. I get joy out of making other people happy and making them laugh.  I started a prom dress drive as a pageant queen a few years ago as well as donating fruit baskets to local shelters. I am a very giving person not for the sake of taking credit but because little gestures makes people less fortunate happy. At the end of the day when and I die and go to heaven I want God to say to me “Well done my good and faithful servant.”
Watching the show, it seems like you did not get into many arguments/fights with the girls. Did you get along with most of the girls?
I got along with ALL of the girls….even though they all got on my nerves at some point and time….lol.  Although it is not shown I broke up a lot of arguments and a lot of the girls came to me for guidance on certain situations. I am way to grown to be a part of drama and I refused to become a part of it. What do I look like arguing on tv about some elementary stuff??!! Not a good look.
What are your thoughts on Chrissy? Did you think she deserved to go home?
Although Chrissy was portrayed as a disrespectful little twit (for the lack of a better word) she could have benefited from the program. Like I mentioned to Gia on the show… “When Chrissy is ready to change, she will change” but you can never force change upon someone. Change happens when the party is ready, open and willing to change. All I can say is that there is more to Chrissy than meets the eye, she has a story to tell and I hope one day she is able to tell HER STORY. Despite what the viewers’ saw Chrissy is too funny for words. Did Chrissy deserve to go home??….ummm based on her disrespect to Laura, Laura’s Program and making us constantly wait on her …I don’t blame Laura for kicking her out of the program. At the same token we all came in the program together and I think we should have all left together, but maybe her leaving the show taught her an even bigger lesson than Laura could ever teach her (just “maybe”). I can’t lie and say I wasn’t aggravated with Chrissy’s behavior, but what can I say… I know that Chrissy and I have had deep talks on and off camera so to see her leave was bittersweet.  
What do you think of Laura Baron?
I love Laura! She has a HUGE heart and she really cared about ALL of us. I remember her tearing up with us on several occasions. What can I say she loved us and it was nothing she did for the cameras you can tell it was genuine. Even after the show she still calls to check in to see how I am doing and what’s next for me. Laura is one of a kind.
Who was your favorite guest?                                         
I loved meeting all of the guest, but I have to say my favorite guest was Michelle Williams (from Destiny’s Child). I love to see positive “Celebrity Christian Role Models” doing something in their community that people may not generally see. Being a celebrity of her status it was good seeing her helping out. I wish Michelle the very best of luck in all she does.
On the last episode, Gia opened up to you about having depression. How did you feel about her opening up to you out of all he girls?
You can always tell someone has a story by their demeanor. I knew that as “mean” as Gia was that there was something in her past or current future to make her act out the way that she did. Gia’s story is deeper than what the world saw, she too like Chrissy has stories to tell that could ultimately be a blessing and inspiration to others. I only wish that we all had more time with each other.
What have you been doing since the show?
Since the show I have been sitting by the phone waiting on a producer to say “Courtnee we want you to be in this movie/show” (I am not sitting but more or less praying)…lol. What can I say I was a Professional Theater Major at NC Agricultural and Technical State University (shout out to all my Aggies and the Theater Department). I am currently a “Celebrity Blogger” for Russell Simmons Global Grind. You can find my weekly blogs on Who gets to say I am a blogger for Russell Simmons website with over 1.7 million viewers a day (I’m thankful)?! I have been working on my business Bon Appétit Productions LLC. which is dedicated to feeding the mind, body and spirit through the arts along with some up and coming business adventures. Anyone interested in working with me email I also have been teaming up with Our Face Enterprises LLC (which is focused on redefining our face in society) to work on some future projects.
You also have a blog. Can you tell us about it?
I actually have two blogs going I am a “Celebrity Blogger” for Russell Simmons Global Grind. You can find my weekly blogs on Russell Simmons website Also I have a blog on my website (click the blog tab) make sure you join my blogs. I like to talk about life lessons, my personal experiences along with what I am up to these days and where you can find me.
Thank you for doing this interview. Do you want to give a shout out to anyone?
First and foremost this experience would not be possible if it wasn’t for my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ so I thank him for this unforgettable opportunity.  I want to say to my wonderful parents ,my sister Crystal and my future brother in law (you know who you are)  thank you soooo much for all you have done  and continue to do in my life I LOVE YOU GUYS! Of course my family (that includes you A.R.H lol) and friends (MBF) thanks for your constant and unconditional love and support!! X and Natasha (greatest makeup artist) thanks for the many photo shoots. To the best HBCU/University in the world North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University “Aggies” I hope I made you proud (Aggie Pride). To my professor Miller Lucky Jr. your classes taught me a lot and have been a blessing in my life …thank you.  Last but not least to my wonderful fans thanks for showing me love!!
Follow me on Twitter:CourtneeMason
Check out my weekly blogs on and
Check out my website:
Check me out on UStream:CourtneeTV
Until Next Time…

The T.O Show - Episode 2 recap (Season 2)


The T.O Show - Episode 2 Recap (Season 2)

Here is a short recap of what happened on episode 2 of The T.O Show (in case you care) T.O was hoping t get signed with a new football team, only to find out that they already signed someone. So he was disappointed. Mo and Kita tried to cheer him up with the new house.

But he wasn't in the mood. Terrel had another fight with his on and off again girlfriend Kari. He decided to see a Therapist to discuss about Kari, his children and his own father. He then realizes that he does not want to end up like his dad. He wants to be there for his two daughters.

So he set up a play date for his two daughters. They had a "princess party" and they met for the first time. Mean while Mo and Kita met up with Terrell's ex-fiance Felisha. She questions how is his relationship with Kari. Mo and Kita kinda scheme to get Felisha back with Terrell which I think is kinda backstabbing because last week they demanded Terrel to work things out with Kari. Now they are saying that Kari is not right for Terrell? WTF? Terrel tries to make things up by  cooking breakfast for Kari.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Poll Results: Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch- Hate it? or love it?

You guys HATE IT!

You guys have voted if you like the premiere of the show. 53% of you hate it while 46% loved it. it was a close race.

You're Cut Off Reunion Petition - Sign it

Everyone has been demanding for VH1 do a You're Cur Off reunion. Even the girls want to have a reunion.

Someone from Twitter has created a petition to get VH1 to do a reunion show. If you want to see a reunion show, sign it!

Click Here

Chilli talks about her break up with Usher

Last night was Behind The Music: Usher. Chilli reveals why the couple split up.

She says:

I was just exhausted from all the bull crap that I had went through before. So I had defense mechanisms all around me. I was just nervous and I didn’t want to get hurt.” I never thought of him cheating. I just didn’t expect anything like that from him because of how much we loved each other but I just kept hearing about it so I went to him and asked him, and he admitted it. I felt like a fool. I felt like I was tricked. I felt like everyone knew something that I didn’t and I’m just now finding out. I just shut down completely. I just shut everything out because that was the only way I could cope with it.

She also says that if the relationship happened now her show would have been called "What Chili Has" LMAO

Heat does The Jersey Shore

Heat from I Love New York and I Love Money 1 and 2 did a parody video of MTV's Jersey shore. He plays Ronnie. Check it out. It is hilarious.

Tanedra and Lina from Scream Queens preparing for a photoshoot

Here is a video Scream Queens season 1 contestant Lina and the winner of Scream Queens season 1 Tanedra preparing for a photo shoot. Tanedra also clears up that Lina is NOT a racist. 

Scream Queens 2 premieres August 2nd

VH1's 2010 Do Something Awards Red Carpet pics

The 2010 VH1 Do Something awards aired last night. It was hosted by Jane Lynch and the show was amazing!
Here are some pics in who attend the award show last night.

Alyssa Milano

Kathy Griffen

Natasha Bedingfeild

Joe Jonas

Pete Wentz

Demi Lavato

You're Cut Off - Episode 7 Recap


You're Cut Off - Episode 7 Recap

Episode 7 of You're Cut Off aired last night. This weeks lesson was all about giving back. This was by far my favorite episode of the season.

Erica went to the backyard to do her "Stiletto Bikini Blast" with Jackie and Pam. All three girls did a workout with their bikini's and sunglassess on. Inside were the other girls and they annoyed by what they were doing. Gia saya that was the "biggest whore blast" she ever heard. Then she played a little Guess Who game with Leanne and Jessica.

She says "who has face that looked like got smashed by a frying pan"? Leanne answered Jackie which was correct. Then Courtnee questions to Gia why she does not like Jackie and Erica. Gia says that she couldn't stand "Fake Bitches and "fake accents" The girls had to pick who should do each chore since there was no VIP.  Gia was pissed that Erica was bossing her around. Gia says" do not demand me to do anything"

They got a letter from Laura on what they were going to do this week. They arrive at Path which is a place to feed the homeless. Then Leanne said something arrogant and said homeless were "disgusting" she also says that they were "lazy" and need to "get a job"Laura also told them that they will have a special guest with them and that guest was Michelle Wiiliams  from Destiny's Child. She looks great with her short hair. The girls went inside to put on their uniform. Amber says "I do not want to look like a lunch lady" and of course Gia did not want to put on the uniform either, but Michelle Williams made her lol. 

They started cooking Gia didn't really do that much she says "I don't even my feed my husband food"  "Can I just donate money? Once the homeless people came they shocked on how they looked. They thought they would look all gross looking. Pam says" I thought they would be naked"  Then they had to chat with them and get to know them. They found out that homeless people don't choose to be homeless. Gia finally opened up and talk a guy who has a family that does not know he was homeless, Gia offered him a job at her restaurant which was very nice of her. She started to feel a connection with felt and felt like crap on how she is been acting. Once that was over, Laura had one more surprise for them. She tells them that they will get their belongings back BUT they had to sell some of their stuff for charity and raise money for Path. 

Of course they all freaked out. They were two teams. Pam, Jackie, Erica and Courtnee in one team and the other Gia, Jessica,Leanne and Amber. So they dig through their stuff. Gia decided to sell her hookah. So the next day they opened up a store at Path. Michelle Williams was there too to check up on them. Customers came, one woman wanted to buy Gia;s hookah she almost until Erica blocked her sell. Erica told the woman "That does not' work " and " You do not know what diseases that thing has" Gia was pissed off. Courtnee was also pissed and told them to just stop. at the end Gia, Jessica, Amber and Leanne team won. they raised  $1,741 and their prize was to have luck with Michelle Williams.

All four girls had lunch with her.  Michelle Williams gave Gia some advice on how not to create a monster. Gia old her all she does with her daughter is take her shopping, do her nails and hair. Back at the cottage that's when Gia told Courtnee that she suffered from postpartum depression and tells Courtnee that "she was the worst mom you could ever imagine" She reveals that she locked her crying daughter in her room.  That must have took courage of Gia to say that and that gives me a better understanding of her.

They all had a group meeting. Laura tells the girls what they thought about eachother. Jessica says Erica made some minor progress and Pam says Gia has not changed. Courtnee ended winning the final VIP finally.

Next week is the finale.

Monday, July 19, 2010

Dr. Drew's wife tweets why Tila Tequila is not on Celebrity Rehab 4

Dr. Drew's wife who is Susan Pinsky tweets on her twitter page the reason why the reality star is not on Celebrity Rehab 4. She tweets that she did not pass psych test.

Flex wants an I Love Money 5 and 6

Flex who was the runner up on Daisy Of Love tweets that he wants VH1 to do an I Love Money 5 and 6.   He also says if VH1 plans to do it. he might do one. He was offered a contract for ILM but he declined it.

I Love Money 3 pics in video: created by VincentM94.

Tyra Sanchez NOH8 Campaign Photoshoot

Tyra Sanchez who is the winner of RuPaul's Drag season 2 recently did a photosoot for NOH8 Campaign.

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