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Sunday, September 19, 2010

Kari Ann Peniche drops out of rehab after 3 days

As previously posted Celebrity Rehab star Kari Ann Peniche admitted herself to an non-televised rehab center for 30 days. It has been reported that she dropped out  of rehab after 3 days in treatment.

She went rehab again for her addiction to meth. But she planning to seek"further treatment"  for her meth problem.


Saturday, September 18, 2010

Rock of love's Raven says that women need to unite

Here is a new video from Raven the blonde hair, blue eyed black chick from Rock of love and Charm school 2. She is discussing how women need to stop hating on each other and unite as one.

She kinda looks better now when she was on Charm School.

Future VH1 star Somaya Reece VS Olivia

Carlton Jordan reports that sometime in the ast couple weeks, Somaya Reece got into a heated argument with Olivia (Some singer who used to run with G-Unit). Of course this shit wouldn’t be important to us at all unless it involved a VH1 show and it’s also reported that along with Somaya, Olivia is also a cast member of what we currently know as the Diary of a Hip Hop Girlfriend show and that this incident supposedly took place during filming Since I’m on this subject, a couple other possible spoilers are that Emily Bustamente(Fabolous’ girlfriend) is also strongly rumored to be a part of the cast and Somaya is the most disliked cast member because she’s from Los Angeles and the show along with most of the cast is centered in New York City

NEW POLL: Did you enjoy the I Love Money 4 Premiere?

I Love Money 4 premiered last night and just aired the repeat at 11:30 tonight. Did you enjoy the premiere? 

Love it? or Hate it?


Friday, September 17, 2010

Real and Chance: Legend Hunters - Premiere sneak peek

Here is the premiere sneak of the premiere episode that will air this Sunday at 9:PM. I still think it looks cheesy lol

VH1 interviews La La Vazquez

L L Vazquez did an interview with about her upcoming reality show produced by 51 minds La La's Full Court Wedding. she says that she wasn't sure if she wanted to do this show because people did not know who she really was.

To me this show seems like the most extravagant wedding video that you could possibly produce.
That’s how I look at it too!  It’s a whole TV series. This is incredible, how many people can say that?

Was having a film crew around while you were trying to plan your wedding oppressive at all? Did you feel like you couldn’t be the bridezilla you’re allowed to be?
Not at all, because that is not who I am at all.  I am totally chill and calm and everyone’s like, “La you’re going to have this moment,” and I just didn’t have it because that’s not my personality.  My problem is that  I am always worried about everyone else. I just want to make sure they have fun. People were like, “La, you’re getting married. It’s about you.” I’m like, “No, I don’t care about me I want everyone else to have a good time.”

I thought of this analogy when preparing for this interview: you’ve been VH1’s bridesmaid for years. Through your hosting, you’ve facilitated action and helped make it run smoothly, without actually being the center of it.
(Laughs) I totally agree with you. That is a great analogy. I’ve been on that network for years and do many shows, the crazy moments the crazy people yet I have been standing strong there through it all.

Have you been wanting your own show throughout your time on the sidelines?
Absolutely not. At first I was a little unsure[about this show]. My thing was that I knew people knew who I was they are familiar with me as a TV host, but I didn’t feel as if anyone knew who I was, as far as my personality goes. I really thought this  was a great opportunity to get people to actually take interest in who I am.  I thought that was very important.

Were there any reservations at all with opening your life the scrutiny of cameras and editing?
I knew what it was going into it. I was hosting so many reality shows and reunions and being you know close friends with Kim Kardashian and seeing their lives that I knew what to expect. If you’re going to have reservations or you’re going to want to like edit yourself, reality TV is probably not the thing you should do.  On this show, I worked with 51 Minds, a production company I’ve worked with before. I knew they knew me, I trusted them and I felt like they weren’t going to try and sabotage me in any way. I had all the pluses going in my favor.

An issue that comes up in the first episode is your disagreement with Carmelo about having a band play the wedding. He wants it, you don’t. I’m on your side: DJs are so much better.
I am so happy somebody understands that. I just thought a band was such a bad idea. The band symbolizes corny to me, older to me.  If I can’t get whoever originally sang a song to sing the song, then I don’t want a cheesy band to sing the song.  It doesn’t make any sense to me, everybody told me I was crazy. I am like everyone else is crazy — I am not crazy.

I just don’t see how cover bands magically become this classy thing when you throw down tons of money on them – they belong in bars playing for frat guys taking shots of Jager.
I feel like there are so many other ways that we could use the money, because bands are not cheap. They’re in the thousands. Yeah so I am glad you feel the same way.

You note that Carmelo is a lot pickier about the details of the wedding. Was that true just for the events of the first episode, or are we witnessing an unlikely role reversal, where the husband-to-be cares more about the particulars than the bride?
He was very specific on what he wanted. He knew he wanted a big wedding, he knew wanted red velvet cake. He wasn’t there nitpicking all these little things — he had an overall vision of where he wanted to be. On the other hand, I was like, “This is going to cost a lot of money. We can just go somewhere quick and get it done.” It’s usually the bride that wants all of that, while the whole time I was thinking about cost and I wanted to have a fun day. I didn’t want to go broke because of this over-the-top wedding. I don’t want to be still paying off bills three or four years later. You know, it  was a bit of a battle.

Were your celebrity friends a complication for the production? I know it is great to have celebrity guests on a show, but it also seems like it could complicate things in this large gathering, just in terms of those who aren’t willing to be on camera.
One thing about the celebrities [on the show] is that they are genuine friends of myself and Carmelo. It’s not like we just pick them out of the sky and go, “Hey I want to be friends with Kim Kardashian, I want to be friends with that one.” These are really genuinely my closest friends and they were like, “Whatever we can do or whatever we need to do to make this day special, we’ll do. We can be a part of the show for you – we just want to be there.” I had Ludacris giving me a guy’s perspective about women and why they are scared about commitment and marriage. I mean you would never see something like that on TV or any other show. You just don’t see that and our history — I knew him in high school, so there’s a brother and sister relationship there. You have Labron, Sabrina, Spike Lee – people of that caliber come in there and they are like, “Sure we will be on camer. Whatever you guys need.” That says a lot about our relationship with them, you know?

Were you harassed by friends and family for being engaged to Carmelo for almost six years before tying the knot?
Absolutely, it was an ongoing thing of, “You’re never going to get married,” or, “He’s never going to want to stay with you.” People believe that if you’re engaged and you don’t get married right away, there is some kind of behind-the-scenes issue going on. It makes me laugh because we have been together for seven years. Where are the people that are going to compliment that or just being able to sustain a relationship in this environment for that long? We see people rushing into and then they are divorced because they didn’t even take the time to get to know who they were marrying. This way worked for us. It’s not for everybody, but it worked for us.

Were you able to let go of your need to please and indulge in your day?
It was hard. I tried to, but it was definitely difficult once the day started and I got in the moment. I had people like Kelly [Rowland] or Kim [Kardashian] working the wedding floor while I was in the suite. I was like, “Is everyone OK? Is everyone having a good time?” They were like, “I wish you would stop. Everybody is down there having a blast. They are all waiting for you.” I was glad I had them on duty just greeting people and saying hi and walking around making sure everybody was comfortable.

In the intro to the show there is a reference to you losing weight for the wedding; you didn’t have to loose too much weight did you?
I lost 13 pounds. I wanted to loose weight I wanted to look good.

I think by all standards, you already looked good.
Thank you, but the problem about losing weight is, once you do it and you feel great that you accomplished this goal, you forget that you got to keep the weight off.  That is the hard part. Getting there is difficult, don’t get me wrong. But once you’ve reached the top, you’re like, “Well, I want the cookie now. I want the ice cream now. I want the Crunch bar now.”  That is where I am at now.

Your son Kiyan is adorable. Did you have any reservations about having him on camera, though? Some people keep their kids away from their reality shows.
Everybody is very weird about that. But I figured that this is a reality show, which is supposed to showcase my reality. I am a mother before anything else. How could I have a reality show that didn’t showcase my son who is with me everyday? I don’t have a nanny that lives with me that I could just throw him off on, and I want people to see that aspect of juggling career and planning a wedding and motherhood and him. Not showing people the most important person in my life just seems weird to me.  I don’t question people who think it’s a bad idea because they have their reasons but I had my reasons on why I wanted him to be a part of it.

After doing this show, is there anything to be said for being bit by the reality bug?  Do you want to do more shows?
I am at a crossroads right now because obviously that’s going to come up: what’s next? This show was so much fun. I really enjoyed it. Would I consider doing more? Absolutely. The other side of it is, I really enjoy acting, and I really want to sink my teeth into that.  Sometimes the world we are in makes it hard to do everything. It’s like once you step into that reality, that’s what you are. You are now a reality show star and that’s what they see you as. It’s like, we love La La but we know her as a TV host, we don’t see her as an actress, and you know, just now I’m finally being able to break down a lot of those barriers. I am not going to shoot down any opportunities that come my way because just to have them is a blessing in itself. Things are so poor for everybody these days, and to be working and doing so many great things, it is a plus. I kind of just have to think about it and decide when the opportunities present themselves, but I am not saying no to anything right now.

Fantasia For Real 2 and La La'a Full Court Wedding Supertrailers

Here are the trailers to Fantasia For Real 2 and La La's Full Court Wedding.  Fantasia's did not interest me that much last but due to her suicide attempt i might tune in to watch. As for Lala's show? i will tune in to see if i like it not sure though.

Hot Wings talks about I Love Money 4

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I Love Money 4 - Premiere Recap + last season?

I Love Money 4 - Premiere Recap

I Love Money 4 finally aired last night on VH1, after a year of hiatus. The premiere was pretty good thanks to Mamacita and her vagina lol So here is what happened.

They arrived at the arrived at the island. Guys were in one boat and the girls were in the other. The reason why was because they were going to do a challenge within their sexes. Guys VS Guys and girls VS girls. Their challenge was to spin this wheel and break a box to get a money bag. The guys went first Francisco ended up winning ans he became tea, captain. Then it was the girls turn. Brooklyn was amused but their cleavage lol Blonde Baller ended up winning and became team captain. So Francisco and Blonde Baller were team captains and were safe from elimination.

It has also been revealed that Punisher and Francisco were arch enemies on the canceled Megan Wants A Millionaire. Their goal on I Love Money 4 is to get rid of eah other. Also 20 Pack and Chi Chi have a thing for Brittanya. She reveals that she f*** both of them before I Love Money 4. Episode 2 will explain more that. Maria also thinks that Mamacita is an idiot and they get into it later on.

So as usual all the contestants did some ass kissing towards Blonde Baller and   Francisco. I think that Mindy has a thing for Francisco. Blonde Baller made a deal with Francisco that he won't pick Marcia because she thinks that Marcia is fake and that she won't pick Punisher, but eventually that plan backfire later on. Then they all told Criag Jackson why they want this money and of course some of the threw in their sob stores on why they need this money. Mamacita who was drunk as hell said "I don't Know" But when Marcia was up and told Criag why she needed the money, Mamacita was kinda clowning at her behind her back and that's Marcia had enough. Marcia told her that "She never shuts up" and they get into it.

Later on Mamacita flashed her vagina with Alex in bed, it was funny as hell.. She thinks he is cute. But she was a mess. At the elimination. Blonde Baller back stabbed Francisco and chose Punisher for her team oh yeah and Blonde Baller told Cheezy before that she was going to pick him and that he should not worry about it. Francisco got mad and he picked Marcia because Blonde Baller does not lie her but she revealed that was her plan. He wanted to pick Marcia.

Turns out Mamacia and Cheezy were eliminated. Cheezy looked like he was about to cry. I felt bad for him. Mamacita did not understand what a PLEA was and said "I am out" she also dissed Corn Fed by saying she is a "Corn eating bitch" after Francisco chose corn did over her. She was clearly drunk.

Overall I liked the premiere! They did edit the opening and edit out the "4" it also says I Love Money. But they did not show Feisty that much. I hoep she gets more camera time.

Last season?

According they claim that I :Love Money is the "last season" and they reason they are airing it for "programming ideas"

Earlier this year they said that I love Money 4 won't air and it turns out it is airing now. So this might be the last season but part of feels like it might not be. Due to people finding out about the show and posting positive comments about. I have a feeling the ratings will be great and due to that they might do another one. I think they should just to make up for season 3.

Basket Ball Wives Season 2 Sneak Peek Picture

Looks Like Suzies Out & The New Girls In On the Right of Royce? Or Could it Be a No Suzie Day? Stay Tuned 12/13 Interviews Heat from I Love New York

You may know him from I Love New York but Jason Rosell a.k.a Heat will make his debut on the Playboy sex series Foursome this weekend. However according to Jason things may not be what they seem where the show is concerned. Find out what he has to say plus check out some pictures and a video too.

Although Jason “Heat” Rosell from I Love New York is appearing on Playboy sex series Foursome, don’t expect him to be doing the nasty with anyone. Not only does Jason say he keeps that stuff off camera and behind closed doors, he is refuting claims he had sex on camera with Big Brother 11’s Michele Noonan, according to Radaronline Rosell had this to say on the rumor.

I did not have sex with anyone on the show. Was it an incredible crazy, sizzling, hot fun? Yeah. But talk about sex, absolutely not! I keep that closed doors.
So other than his adventures in reality TV what do we know about Jason. Well in terms of a bio here is what we know. The born and raised Queens boy has four college degrees, which is pretty cool if you ask me. According to his website he went to college at the University of North Florida which is where he caught the acting bug. Rosell eventually made his way to Hollywood after getting some steady work in Florida building his resume.
The reality world seems to be where Jason is making his mark in the entertainment industry. He has appeared on the VH1 show I Love Money. Jason can also be seen in the upcoming films School of Hard Knocks and Fortune 500 Man. That is pretty much all Iknow about the guy but if you have any additional info please feel free to share with me.
Jason Rosell is “Heat” I Love New York star. You might want to remember his name I think he is going to be in the reality TV show arena for awhile.

VH1 Star Pics: Kevin Federline

How is K-Fed's battle with the bulge going these days?

Golf enthusiast Kevin Federline hit a putting green in Simi Valley, Calif. on Thursday.
The 32-year-old ex-husband to Britney Spears and father to her two sons, Federline has famously struggled with his weight in the past couple years. He shocked fans with a much fuller, rotund physique on a golf course in spring 2009. He subsequently dropped 28 pounds during his stint on VH1's Celebrity Fit Club, which aired this past spring.
"I looked pregnant," the former dancer said of the so-called "K-Fat" photos, adding that he was "over 240" pounds at his heaviest.
"A lot of things" in his personal life (including his messy 2006 divorce from Spears) contributed to the weight gain, Federline admitted.
Still, Federline appeared to have gained some of the weight back after Fit Club's finale.
Tell Us: How do you think Federline looks today?

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