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Sunday, August 28, 2011

Suzie does Not watch Basketball Wives When it Airs

What’s funny is how you’re in the middle of so much drama but you can also provide moments of comic relief —
I don’t watch it, so I don’t really know. I have really bad anxiety, sometimes I have to take anti-anxiety pills because it’s too much to watch myself.

Shaunie Will Probably Not Appear in Basketball Wives LA

Would you make an appearance on Basketball Wives L.A.?
Probably not. I’m taking a backseat to the L.A. show and just focusing on Miami.

Evelyn Talks More about the Ocho Babies

So about your twin boys, can you talk more about when you want to have babies?
Right now we both live on a plane and we’re trying to make the most of these fifteen minutes — I want these fifteen minutes to last longer than fifteen minutes so right now if I was pregnant with twins it wouldn’t be such a great idea. I’m focused on putting my daughter through school right now and it’s on hold, but his sperm is frozen, just waiting for the transfer.

This Week In VH1 Twitpics | 8/21-8/28

This week in VH1 Twitpics we have Cashmere with Temika Carter and Frenchy

Tami Wants an Evelyn T Shirt

The shirts are still online though and she’s still selling them, does that upset you?

I’m not the t-shirt police. I got two kids, a man, my mother, a job, my life, I’m not sitting online trying to figure out how many t-shirts Evelyn has sold. All I know is that we made an agreement and hopefully she will honor that. That’s all I can hope to see, but I can’t monitor that. I will tell you, she’s a smart-ass bitch, because those t-shirts are selling. I think I’m gonna get me some. I might have to enter the t-shirt game

Eric Still Text Messages Jennifer

Have you spoken to him since the drink-throwing happened?

We haven’t spoken. He’s sent me text messages and that’s it, I haven’t responded. One minute he pretty much hates me and the next minute he’s like “I still love you, LOL, All the best.” It’s a little…off. And I don’t respond. I’m just like, I’m not gonna fuel that fire. I haven’t seen him, we haven’t spoken.

New York's New Interview With L.A Super Promoters

New York's New Interview 

New York did a new interview with LA Super Promoters and she talks her future career plans.

After taking a well deserved break to wind down from six record breaking Reality television shows on VH1, Queen Of Reality TV and original “HBIC” Tiffany “New York” Pollard Springs back onto the Hollywood scene looking to assemble a new team! We are pleased and excited to work with Tiffany at L.A. Super Promoters, and she actually wants us to help reach out to YOU! We sat down with Tiffany for an update on her latest endeavors and future plans:
Tiffany! What have you been up to these days?

Well a major recent event was traveling to India with Joyce Meyer Ministries, to deliver love and hope to the less fortunate souls of Hydrabad and Calcutta. It was quite an enlightening experience to say the least! Our group traveled to the “Well of Life” as well as the burial site of Mother Theresa and various hospitals and hospices. 

Wow! That’s serious! Who would have thought?
(Laughs) A lot of people don’t realize that I was raised in the church and how spiritual I have been throughout my life, and since taking a break from my reality TV success I have decided to give back a little bit more and serve GOD, I also have plans to start working with a wonderful organization here in Los Angeles that helps rescue teens from prostitution and street life.

OK, we see the workings of a serious community activist! How about career wise, what do you have cooking these days?
Well, when I got done with my last show I really just wanted to relax. Since then I’ve joined the actors union and became a card carrying SAG member, and I’ve been going on casting calls regularly. It’s actually quite challenging, I’ve been blessed to get callbacks and I have a couple of projects on deck.

Where are you calling home these days?
I actually moved to Hollywood in 2005 and I love it so much!! I still visit New york as often as possible.

And what’s next on the menu for Ms. Tiffany?
Well I wasn’t sure for the longest time just what I wanted to focus on, but now I realized I want to concentrate on work as well as helping people. I want to align myself with people and projects that are positive and meaningful.

Tanya Williams At "Basketball Wives L.A" Premiere Party

Here is Tanya Young Williams at the "Basketball Wives: L.A" premiere party. Her estranged husband  is NBA star Jayson Williams.

Basketball Wives L.A premieres tomorrow night

Saturday, August 27, 2011

VH1 Star Pics: Tami Roman With Tatyana Ali

Here is a new pic of Tami Roman hanging with Tatyana Ali

Famous Food and Ton Of Cash- Episode Recaps

Famous Food- Episode 8 Recap

Summary Of Episode 8
The Team is put to the test when Scott drops the ball on the design forcing them to seek alternative measures. And with time running out before the opening of the restaurant, it's make or break for Juicy as he's run out of chances with Mike and Lonnie putting his partner DJ Paul in a tough position.

Ton Of Cash- Episode 2 Recap

Summary Of Episode 2

Summary Of Episode 2 Recap
After a grueling first week, the harsh realities of the game are beginning to set in, and it has become clear that, in order to survive, you need to show the team that you are here for one reason only: to move a ton of cash. With Chuck being  financial advisor motivated by revenge, things don't go as planned. When the dust settles, someone needs to take the fall, but no one is willing to admit his or her mistakes. Tempers flare, accusations fly, and tears are shed when it comes time to narrow down the bottom three. Will vendetta rule? Or will the team band together and weed out the weak.

Lala's Full Court Life and The T.O Show 3- Premieres Recaps

Lala's Full Court Life- Premiere Recap

Here is the premiere recap of Lala's new life in NYC since her wedding.

Summary Of The Premiere
It's been just six months since La La Vazquez became Mrs. Carmelo Anthony, and already the couple's quiet life in Denver is about to be turned upside down. With the NBA trade deadline looming La La spends what could be her last days in Denver enjoying a visit from Kelly Rowland. The girls cheer on Melo and the Nuggets court side and challenge him and his teammates to a bowling match. But when things get competitive, a bet causes one of the girls to lose their shirt -- and the rest of their clothes, too!

The T.O Show 3- Premiere Recap

Summary Of The Premiere
Football Superstar Terrell Owens' faith is put to the test as he finds himself faced with emergency ACL surgery and a professional future in turmoil. With an unclear prognosis, Kita races to Terrell's side in Pensacola, Florida where she lends her support. But without Monique she questions her own strength to help Terrell get through it. Ultimately, Terrell's recovery presents time for personal reflection as he sets new goals and revisits his faltering relationship with Kari.

Celebrity Rehab 5 - Finale Recap

Celebrity Rehab 5- Finale Recap

Summary Of The Finale
The patients have one final process group where they discuss concerns about one another. Celebrity alumni from season four pay a visit to the Pasadena Recovery Center to share words of wisdom and encouragement. At the graduation ceremony, the patients read letters they've written to their addictions aloud and then burn them in a fire in a symbolic and emotional gesture meant to help them say goodbye to the terrible disease that has cost them so much.

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