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Sunday, April 3, 2011

VH1 Access Interviews: The Ultimate Catch Jasmine

VH1 Access readers I got the chance to catch up with Jasmine from the Ocho Cinco show. Ocho cinco Cried when he eliminated her. The show premiere back in the summer if 2010. Read what she has to say about it.

Q: Hey Jasmine, It’s been a Long time since we last interviewed. It’s been a year since we saw you on Ocho Cinco: The Ultimate Catch.
A: I know I can’t believe it’s been that long. It seems like yesterday to me still.

Q: Looking back a tear ago what do you miss about it?
A: I really miss all the good food and the free alcohol and the craziness LOL. I miss some of the girls too! Especially Lisa!!!

Q: Have you and Ocho spoken or did he abandon the cast?
A: Umm we use to keep in touch but I lost my phone so I don’t have his number anymore. But I’m pretty sure he ain't worried about me. I can’t speak for other because I don’t speak to any of them anymore. We all parted ways after filming. We say hi every now and then on twitter but that as far as it goes.

Q: What you have been doing since the show?
A: Well I just have been chilling LOL. Doing some bookings and trying this modeling thing out. But I can’t seem to step away from the food LOL...

Q: Did you regret going on the show?
A: Well that a question I have been battling with... I’m 50/50 on that ... pros are that I met a few cool people out of it and I make money parting and getting drunk loll and the cons are I can’t go back to my regular lifestyle.

Q: When Rubi won what did you think?
A: Didn’t think too much because well all knew she was going to win... LOL not to be rude but I really didn’t watch too much of the show after I left... I Mean I was the best thing smoking since Jim Carey

Q: Ocho and Evelyn Rumors were coming out as finale came to an end. What were you thoughts?
A: I was like Ohm Hell No Fuck that shit He got me F*cked up and he lucky I don’t no where he lives at or I would pay his ass a visit lmfao... Just playing but I was like it must be a big ass publicity stunt because I could of sworn last season on BBW when the girls were at some kind of mansion party (I think Chad’s) and they were talking a whole lot of mess and Chad made a statement and fired back on all of them I MEAN ALL OF THEM. But what do me no?? It was probably a rumor.

Q: Now that he is engaged do you think it will last?
A: Nope LOL but who's to say love is weird like that? Nick Cannon and Mariah Carey are still together and we all thought that was not going to last HAHAH

Q: Are we going to see more of you in the future?
A: Of course you will. I’m working on something’s now. Just trying to see what would be a better fit for me at the moment.

Q: Fans on Twitter were furious when you were eliminated, I know I was. Did you think you could last with him?
A: I was a lil mad too LMFAO nobody like to lose especially on national TV. But I don’t think it would have worked because he's been seeing Evelyn I think since before the show...

Q: Thanks you for this update interview, and last word, shout outs?
A: No prob, my last words hmmmm... If you want to book me to host your next event I can be reached at and follow me on twitter @VH1Jasmine!!! OOOhh Yeah, I’m single and ready to mingle loll!

Rumor Mill: Hiedi Montag Checks into "Celebrity Rehab"

, PRN 032184 200x300 Heidi Montag Checks Into Celebrity Rehab

Rumors are swirling that Heidi Montag has checked herself into the new season of Celebrity Rehab on Vh1.

A source close to the situation tells X17online exclusively:
"Heidi was dropped off at the house two days ago by a friend, not Spencer. She is going to be on season five with the rest of the cast, but they were going to make her share a room with DC Housewife Michaele Salahi, and she threw a huge fit about it. Heidi had an absolute meltdown and was taken out of the room she had to share. There was major drama going down about where Heidi has to stay, and show producers had to switch up the room assignments just to accommodate her."

Tune in this summer to see if she has actually joined the cast.


For the Love of Ray J's Fiesty in Playboy

For the Love of Ray J Season 1 cast member Fiesty, and I Love Money 4 posed for playboy take a look here. Feisty In Playboy

Rock Of Love's Kristy Joe In Playboy

Rock Of Love's finest Kristy Joe posed for playboy. If your feeling naughty take a look Kristy Joe in Playboy

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Poll Results: do you want a Tionna Smalls show?

Poll Results:
Do you want a Tionna Smalls Show?

YES- 62%

Last month Tionna Smalls from What Chilli Wants was asked if she was getting her own show and she tweeted "maybe:" so i made a poll to see if you would want a spin off show featuring Tionna Smalls and it seems like you guys do! 62% voted yes

Love & Hip Hop - Episode 3 Recap

Love & Hip -Hop- Episode 3 Recap

Summary Of Episode 3
Emily confronts Olivia about the Darrell situation. Olivia is pissed that Emily went to Darrell behind her back. Emily tries to smooth things out but Olivia flips the script and digs in on Emily's relationship with Fab. Chrissy and Emily go to see Somaya perform at Love Jones. They are not impressed! Chrissy tells Jim that Somaya needs to practice and advises against working with her; Jim agrees. When Somaya brings her track back to Jim, he tells her doesn't have the time to work with her. Somaya is devastated! Somaya turns to Emily to find out if Chrissy was behind Jim's backing out. Emily organizes a day on a yacht so that Somaya and Chrissy can work out their differences. When Somaya confronts Chrissy about the track Chrissy savages Somaya's rapping skills. Everything goes sideways when Maurice joins the fray and calls Chrissy 'trifling'!

Wedding Wars- Episode 3 Recap

Wedding Wars- Episode 3

Summary Of Episode 3
Ten couples and their stomachs are up against a cake-eating contest with a terrible twist: 3 layers of disgusting cake to get though. The challenge becomes a puke fest but the couple with the toughest stomachs and greatest mental will win! Melinda and Mario show their sneaky side and their plans works. The security challenge is all about communication as the camp is divided into two teams. The team transporting champagne the fastest using small pieces of bamboo can't be eliminated. This challenge leaves one team thirsty for victory and another drunk with power. During Chapel Ceremony, the couples cast votes between which couple doesn't want their dream wedding enough and which couple is manipulating the camp.

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