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Friday, July 2, 2010

New Poll: Best VH1 Reunion Show Moment

From Flavor Of Love to Basketball Wives. Vh1 has had their fair share of Best VH1 reunion moments. This months poll is Best VH1 Reunion Show Moment. Which moment was the best?

Lets take a look:

 Flav Proposing to his baby mama (Flavor Of Love 3 Reunion)
At the Flavor Of Love 3 reunion Flav shocked everyone when he rejected Thing 2 and proposed to his baby mama. 

New York VS Everyone (Flavor Of Love 2 Reunion)
Favor Of Love 2 Reunion was intense when everyone wanted a piece of New York such as Buckwild, Boots and Deeishis. A shoe was thrown and Saphryi, Bootz and Buckwild were thrown out.

Cocktial calling out Ray-J for being a "playa" (For The Love Of Ray-J 2 Reunion)
At the For The Love Love Of Ray-J 2 reunion Ray-J was surprised when Cocktial showed up and she began to call him out saying he is a playa which caused a lot of drama.

Suzie pouring water at Sandra (Basketball Wives Reunion)
At the Basketball Wives Reunion Suzie was fed up with Sandra's bullshit and she pour a bucket of water at her which caused her to be thrown out and to spend a day in jail.

Heather VS Daisy (Rock Of Love 2 Reunion)

At the Rock Of Love 2 reunion when they said there won't be "no fights" Heather and Daisy went at it with each other. Heather pulled Daisy's hair. It was very intense.

Natasha beating up Kelsey (Rock Of Love Bus Reunion)
One of the mist intense fights in VH1 reunion history was on Rock Of Love Bus reunion when Kelsey called Natasha out for being a porn star, she got up and pucked Kelsey which led her to the hospital.

Sharon Osbourne attacks Megan (Rock Of Love: Charm school Reunion)
I think this has got to be the most memorable moment. At the Rock Of Love: Charm School reunion when Megan dissed Ozzy Osbourne in front of Sharon. Sharon poured a drink at her and started to attack by pulling her. Sharon later got sued by Megan.

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Poll Results: Best VH1 Dad

Bret Michaels Wins!

You guys have been voting for the best VH1 dad and you guys agree that Bret Michaels is the best VH1 dad with 55% of your votes. Hulk Hogan came second with 40%.

Bret Michaels in talks with American Idol Producers

Rumors have been going on that Bret Michaels might be replacing Simon Cowell as a judge on American Idol. Well according to Bret Michaels is in talks with the American Idol producers about possibly becoming the next judge.

"He tells, "We have a meeting in L.A. in a couple weeks and we're going to sit down and talk. They did a poll and I think it wasMadonna, P. Diddy, Howard Stern and myself, and I took 50 percent or 60 percent of the vote and that's tremendous. 

"I would love to be a judge on 'American Idol'. I think I would bring a lot to the table.

"I'm not built exactly like Simon Cowell, but, at the same time, I respect what he did. I would have to bring my own personality. I think if they have someone in there to try to imitate Simon, it would be a mistake; he's an original."

The OCD Project - Episode 6 Recap


The OCD Project - Episode 6 Recap

Episode 6 aired last night on VH1. Here is what happened on this episode. It was one of the best episodes of the season.

Okay, so last week's episode ended with a cliffhanger when David told Kevin that was a lot more going on with than just OCD. David thinks that Kevin might have Asperger's Syndrome. So at the beginning of this epsiode David told Kevin that he should seek help someone else because he thinks this is not the right treatment for him. Kevin was REALLY pissed off about that and I kinds felt bad for him. So he told everyone that he was leaving all the other patients were shocked. He then left.

At the group meeting David did some quick exposures with each of the patients. Couple of weeks ago Jerry hold a knife on David's wrist this time he put the knife on his neck. Hid level was really low which was a good thing and said "I am not afraid anymore" He did a good job on that. He also did an exposure for Kristin. He made  everyone to touch her face since she is afraid of people of touching her face because of contamination. She freaked out when everyone touched her face and David his hands on her face for a couple of minutes, her level went down afterwards.

Kristin was not done yet. Her main exposure for the day was. She had to go a gas station and touch the gas pump which freaked her out she says that she never wants to touch the gas pump. David made her touch the gas pump, rub the gas pump all over her body and then she had to kiss it. Which to me was bizarre but she did it! Which I was surprised she normally throws tantrums on something that she doesn't want to do.

Nest were Cody and Jerry, this one was intense. Since Jerry has urges becoming a killer and Cody fearing that he will become someone else. David took them to jail! The police arrested them, they took mug shots and they had to spend the whole day inside a small cell. Both of them were freaking out but they stuck it out and did it and then went home. at the house Kristin wanted to go to the jacuzzi. David said she could bt with one catch. She had to the jacuzzi with urine in it which I thought was gross. So he poured in a quarter cup of someones urine poured it in the jacuzzi. Kristin along with Cody and Jerry went took a dip into the jacuzzi.

Arine was next with her exposure. She revealed that she was more afraid of driving at night during the day. So that is what she did. David made her drive at night. She was driving solo with David on the phone talking to her. She had pass people behind her without fearing she hit them with the car. She did a pretty good job on that.

Last but not least Traci's exposure was a funeral for her son, since she was afraid of death and losing her son. She had to pick a coffin and write a eulogy for her son. She was freaking out. Then she went to the church and saw the rest of the patients sitting and the coffin with her son's picture. She was crying and thought that she could not do it. She got there read the eulogy about how it her fault why her son died because she did not do her rituals correctly once she read it her level sunk low.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Did New York got a face lift?

Do you see it? posted this picture of New York. She looks like she has some work done, possibly a face lift. It also looks like she bleached her skin. It might be the lighting though.

Work It Out- Pilot Episode Screen Shots

Now for the past couple of months I have been blogging about the show Work It Out. It stars Tool Academy season 1 winners Josh and Ashley. Their show got picked up by a major network. I was sent screen shots of the pilot episode. Based on the pics it looks really good.

New VH1 Message Board

There is a new VH1 message that just opened. Graphics were done by my blog partner Clay. Since the VH1 message board went down on members from were looking to go to another forrum. There was Reality Skanks which is now shut down. So now there is a new message board its called Famekingdom. It has a chat box, you can talk about VH1 reality shows and other reality shows as well. You can also talk about music as well.

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Bridal Bootcamp- Episode 5 Recap


Bridal Bootcamp- Episode 5 Recap

Episode of 5 of Bridal Bootcamp aired last night. Here is what happened. Both teams had an early workout as usual. 

This weeks challenge was Wedding Cake wrestling. Its like mud wrestling, but with wedding cake. However Tara, got a phone call from home her grandmother was REALLY sick. So she had to drop out to go home to be with her family. 

So now there were three memebers on each team. At the challenge Kacey had the opportunity to answer a question from her husband back home. If she answered the question she decideds the matchups. She got the question correctly and she paired up Amberly against Melissna, Jamie against herself and Tesha against Courtney.

So each of them wrestled  but the thing that pissed me off is that blue team were calling out nasty naes to the green team, so they can win. They were calling them bitch, fat ect which is stupid because why are you going to call them fat when you on a weight loss show?

Anyway blue team won all three rounds an they won a flower arrangement. The green team was pissed off especially Melissa who did not like the way they talked to them. So Melissa confronted them and she was pissed.  She said "don't call me a rich bitch" to Amberly. The blue team (of course) thought that they were just jealous because they lost.

the green team went to the fitting room for the third time. Melissa lost 4 lbs and she was safe from elimination. However Kacey lost only 1 lb and Courtney lost 3 lbs. Kacey and Courtney were up for elimination. Turns out Courtney got eliminated and Kacey stayed.  Even though Kacey lost the least amount of weight she is showing her dedication to the ream unlike Courtney.

Scream Queens 2- Meet The Girls

New Airdate: August 2nd

The cast is finally revealed! has posted the head shot photos of the new girls from Scream Queens 2. Now premiering August 2nd.











What do you think? Post your comments

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch- Supertrailer

Finally what we all been waiting for! has finally posted the supertrailer you Chad Ochocino dating which is called Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch.

The girls already hating on eachother lol

Heat to be on "All My Children"

Heat from I Love New York, I Love Money and I Love Money is making his way to the soap opera scene. Heat, whose real is Jason Rosell announced on his twitter page that he will be appearing on the ABC soap.

He Tweets
"Just booked 2 more episodes on the soap opera "All My Children" as the male orderly following an under 5 role in next few weeks. Viola! JHR" interviews Jessica Cimato

Jessica Cimato from VH1's You're Cutt recently did an interview with about the show.

Jessica Cimato, one of the breakout stars of “You’re Cut Off,” cosmically connected with Astrochicks today for a fun one on one interview.  We wanted to get the inside scoop on the show and find out what our Sagittarius girl is all about.
Jessica a princess from the Jersey Shore just like Snooki, originally thought she had been selected to appear on the show “The Good Life.” After flying out to Hollywood, the producers took our Jersey girl shopping and as fans saw in the first episode, Jessica’s credit card was declined. At that moment, Jess found out that VH1 had flipped the script and she had been cut off.

Like a trooper, she decided to move forward with the show and finish the eight weeks of shooting. Although Jess was shocked by the living conditions of the house and bunking with 8 girls she said,  “Really put me over the top.” No kidding, what a downer that pad was.

What about her BFF’s? Who did she bond with on the show? Jessica says, “Chrissy we laughed a lot, and I’m really close with Gia.” Who did she get along with the least? She replied, “Most definitely Jackie, Erica and Pam. ” Jess did add she gets along with the girls much better now, since they don’t have to live together anymore. Sharing a house with 8 spoiled girls has to be tough. Especially Sagittarius girls, they really need their space and freedom!

In episode three, Jessica came face to face with the “Queen of Mean,”  Perez Hilton and Astrochicks was dying to find out what he was like in person. Jessica says, “I was initially intimidated by Perez. He says what others are thinking. In person, he’s actually very down to earth and nice.”  Perez an Aries and Jess a Sag, naturally connected as fire signs. Nice to know that Perez is a cool guy.

Next question was is she a reality show junkie like us? Jessica says, “I love Real Housewives of New Jersey, Dina was my favorite up until she left.” What about Danielle Staub? She says, “I can’t stand her, we have a local neighbor is who just like her, we even call her Danielle Staub to her face.” Jess added she has a secret crush on Albie Manzo as well. He’s definitely a cutie.

What about boys, who is Jessica dating these days. She told us she’s single and ready to mingle. What astrological signs has she dated in the past? She says, “A Capricorn which was a mistake, Libra another mistake and Scorpio definitely a mistake.” Interesting combo? Does she follow Astrology?  Jessica says, “My best friend is a Leo and we are obsessed with Astrology. When we meet guys, we always ask his birth date.”

What about her Capricorn guy, why didn’t the love connection work? She says, ” My Capricorn guy was hard headed, set in his ways, and very argumentative. We fought on all the time.”   She went on to say although the Libra was charming and good looking, she thought he was too insecure. The Scorpio, way too intense and he loved to argue too much as well. Astrochicks thinks Jessica should give a Leo or an Aries a try, they would have passion, fun, and lots of laughs.

Now that the show is airing, what does Jessica’s family and friends think about “You’re Cut Off?”  Does she feel that VH1 has portrayed her accurately? Jessica told us every Monday night her friends come over to watch the show with her mom and her. They think it’s funny but like a good friend, they don’t hesitate to point out when they think Jessica was wrong. Also, she thinks the edit of her personality was 98% accurate, although some clips made her cringe.

Which brings us to the question everyone wants to know, does Jessica still live with her mom? The answer is yes. Sadly, Jessica and her mom lost her father in January 2010. Struggling with the loss of a man they love so much, the show has actually helped the two have a better understanding of each other. Jessica says, “After the show, I have a new appreciation of my mom. I love her even more, and I think she’s absolutely wonderful. She’s is the one person in my life I admire the most, her strength and her big heart.” Awww, that’s sweet!

In the end, what was Jessica’s best experience on the show and her worst?  Jessica reveals the best experience is yet to be aired. She says, “In the seventh episode VH1 will show my life changing moment.”

What about the worst experience?  Jessica says, ” In general, the different personalities that I had to deal with. “  She added the arguing between the girls took a toll on her. Also, she upset many of the girls with her directness. She says, “Would you rather have me lie to you or be honest? ” Sagittarius girls love to tell it to you straight.

What are Jessica’s plans for the future? Does she have any entertainment career aspirations? Jessica says, “I would love to do comedy. Stand up or Improv. I love SNL and would do anything to work for Lorne Michaels, I would even be the janitor, just to get my first big break.” Her favorite comedians are Vince Vaughn  and Molly Shannon . She thinks Molly has great comedic timing and loves the characters she created for SNL. Vince Vaughn, well he’s a hottie and totally funny.

Astrologically, Jessica Cimato definitely has the personality and passion to become a television personality. The next year should bring her new career opportunities and even a serious love interest. Just stay away from the Capricorn and Libra’s Jess! I wonder what sign Albie Manzo is?

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