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Monday, July 19, 2010

Starry Magazine interviews Jessica Cimato

Jessica Cimato from You're Cut Off did an interview with . She talsk about her time on the show.  she also campaigning to get for a You're Cut Of reunion show.

Q.  You were just featured on the show "You're Cut Off," how did you get involved with it?
A.   I knew I was signing up for a reality show but I didn't know which reality show I was signing up for.  I thought I was signing up for "The Good Life" and it turns out when I was flown out to LA and brought to The Beverly Center I realized it was actually a different show. 

Q.  Was there ever an indication that things might not be what they seem?
A.   I flew out to LA and I was treated wonderfully, I can't even explain it, they did everything as if I was on "The Good Life," as if I was out there filming that show.  Even up to the second I went to the mall and they said take your credit card, go shopping, and have a great time.  I was like okay, they're filming now and I am shopping at the mall.  It wasn't until they declined my credit card and brought me into a back room that I had any inkling of a major problem.
Q.  When you did realize what was going on, what made you want to stay and stick it out?
A.  What made me want to stay and stick this out was the fact that they said nobody thinks any of you can do it, nobody thinks you have the willpower and none of your benefactors believe that you are capable of changing.  That was just like, alright, now I have to do it! 

Q.  Was there any of the other girls who you really gravitated towards in the beginning?
A. I gravitated towards Gia and Chrissy from the start.  I can't really explain why, I think I was able to cope with Gia because she was rough around the edges and she seemed more my speed.  The other girls were so ditzy, air-headed and obnoxious, it was just not me, I couldn't do it.  The same thing with Chrissy, she was rough around the edges and exactly someone I would choose to be friends with.

Q.  Do you keep in touch with any of the girls at all?
A.  Actually I don't even talk to Gia and Chrissy I do talk to from time to time.

Q.  Is there a reason why you don't keep in touch with Gia anymore?
A.  I guess I saw Gia's true colors, I guess I saw what everybody in America sees, I just saw it a little late though.  She started to piss me off when we were at the house but maybe it was the pressure of being in the house.  I was stark mad too, but I gave her the benefit of the doubt.

Q.  Were there some girls that you didn't want anything to do with?
A.  It's pretty much clear to say that I didn't get along with Erica from the start.  I tried giving Erica many chances and there were a lot of arguments with Erica and other girls in the house.  Including Courtney, sweet Courtney, she would flip out on Erica.  There was a lot that wasn't shown and Erica's personality is an acquired taste, it takes a lot of time to get used to.  She comes out with a little off the wall stuff and a lot of us couldn't handle it because she was just very obnoxious and very snooty, and we were like, you don't have the right to be snooty.

Q.  What was the hardest task or challenge for you?
A.  By far without a doubt the camping trip was the hardest thing for me.  I didn't have my bathroom, I didn't have a bed to sleep in, even in that house I was covered in mosquito bites anyway.  It was horrible, I hated every second of it.

Q.  What have you learned from your experience being on the show?
A.  I definitely learned to stop taking people for granted and to appreciate everything that I have in my life.  I have learned to appreciate my family and what they have done for me.  I can see that there is a change in me as far as that.  Other things it's very hard to change in eight weeks, but being more appreciative, that has changed.  My temper has changed too somewhat. 

Q.  You're a part of Twitter, what makes you want to connect with fans that way?
A.  I get a huge response on Twitter.  I love Twitter, it's a great way for me to connect with my fans, they love to ask me questions.  I love to answer their questions, I love to say what really happened on that episode that night.  Of course I have my nonbelievers who have constant negative comments but you have to have the good and the bad with it.

Q.  You've been campaigning to get a reunion show for "You're Cut Off," is there anything fans can do to help?
A.  There is a "You're Cut Off" reunion petition out now that somebody made and they're trying to get so many signatures on that.  Also making "You're Cut Off" reunion as a trending topic would just show VH1 that there are a lot of viewers.  I know they get the ratings but they probably want to see how devoted people are to the show. 

Celebrity Rehab 4 Cast- Revealed

Over the weekend, revealed the cast of the 4th season of Celebrity Rehab which was almost canceled because they could not find enough celebrities. Well now I guess it paid off. Celebrity rehab 4 will premiere before the year ends.

Here is the cast:

Leif Garret
He was a musician former teen hearthrob in  the 70's. 

Jason Wahler
MTV Reality star. He is best known for appearing on The Hills.

Rachel Uchitel
She is best known for being one of Tiger Woods mistresses.

Janice Dickinson
Best knwon for being the "worlds first supermodel" she also appeared on another VH1 Show The Surreal Life, with her enemy Omarosa. Celebrity Rehab 4 will be her 2nd VH1 show. She was also a judge on America's Next Top Model and had her own model show on Oxygen called "The Janice Dickinson Modeling Agency

Jermey London
He is best known appearing on shows Party Of Five and 7th Heaven

Jason Davis
Best known for being a socialite. He also appeared on Millionaire's Matchmaker

Frankie Lons
She is best known for being Keyshia Cole's mother. She along with her other daughter Neffie had a reality show on BET called "Frankie and Neffie"

as previously posted Tila Tequila was withdrawn from the show.

Hot Wings in custody for assault charge and locked up

Hot Wings (Brittany Marshall) who was the winner of Real Chance of love 2. Is in custody of an assault charge. is reporting that she is doing time jail in DC for an assault charge. I wonder if it had anything to do with the Kat Stacks fight?

Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch: Episode 2 Recap

Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch- Episode 2 Recap

Episode 2 of Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch aired last night on VH1. Two more girls gets eliminated here is what happened.

The girls wake up from their first nigh tat the mansion. Chad shows up and explains on how the bracket chart works. There is a red group and a blue group. Two of the pair girls will go on dates with him and whoever succeeds in the date advances to the next round, while the other will be eliminated. Chad talks the red group out for a swim. He gave them white bikini's and they play volleyball at the pool. Erika caught on his eye and he chose her for a date with Emma since she was her match up.

Emma and Erika both went a date with him. They took a helicopter  ride and had dinner. He first took Erka for an one on one time. She told him she has dated " a few football players" Chad questioned himeself is she was there for him or because he was an athlete. He then took Emma. She was more on the shy side. She did not really say much. Chad feels like she isn't opening up to him.

Meanwhile back at the mansion Lisa ( who looks like Doll from Real Chance of love 2)  reveals that she does not want to get pick for date because she does not want to get risk going home. Chad and the girls returned and took the blue group for a gathering outside to meet his fans. Chad's fans asked them questions. One guy asked Tara was was her favorite football  she said " I like every team" you can tell this was not her thing and that's what April said.

Chad asked Angela some questions and she acted like was little Ms Perfect. She said she has no baggage. Chad questioned if she could handle his baggage since he had kids. So he chose her for a date along with Jasmine since she was her match up. Jasmine was not ready for a date yet. Lisa wanted to help Jasmine out so she would not get eliminated then Angela overheard them and Lisa was pissed and tried to imitate her with her annoying voice lol  She called Angela a bitch.

Chad took Angela ( thinking that her looks will get her through the competition) and Jasmine on date not knowing that their date was live on Ustream which aired live last month on Angela revealed that she was independent and that she didn't need him, she just wants him...riiiiiiggght. Then Jasmine asked some questions to him about his past relationships. To me Jasmine was more real.  Although she denied it, Angela did tried to throw Jasmine under the bus.

At the elimination it was between Emma/Erika and Angela/Jasmine. He chose Erika over Emma. He felt like Emma was too shy around him. Based on the Ustream comments, Chad chose Jasmine over Angela.

I agree on the eliminations. Angela was too cocky and thought that her looks will get her through the competition. She also thought she was perfect. She got what it was coming to her. Like Jasmine said "she is a pretty woman... that's it"

Here is also the Ustream comments ( which was live last month)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

New York will give what the fans want... reality TV

Chris Trondsen of Pacific Rim Video talks to Tiffany Pollard aka New York about chillin at The Abbey in West Hollywood during July 4th weekend & why she is attending Kobe Bryant / Gina Alexander Charity to benefit underprivileged kids from the Philippines. 

She also says that she will return to reality TV and give what the fans want.

VH1 Star Pics: Katie (Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch) Photoshoot

So far she is one of my favorites on the show. Here a new photoshoot  she recently did.

Poll Results: Did Chrissy deserve to go home?


82% of you votes yes deserved to go home. By a landslide. only 3% of you guys said no, she should have had a second chance.

Cashmere auditioning for another show

Cashmere from For The Love Of Ray-J and I Love Money 3 tweeted that she will be auditioning for another show... and it is another 51 minds show. Cashmere recently appeared on Ochocinco: The Ultimate Catch along with Cali and Rabbit as one of the 85 girls.

Hmmm what could be? I'm going with Charm school? I doubt it is I Love Money and I doubt she is auditioning for another dating show. Whatever is it... good luck!

VH1 Star Pics: Deelishis with her baby

Here are beautiful pics of Flavor Of Love 2 winner and I Love Money 3 contestant Deelishis with her baby.

VH1access Interview: Pamela (You're Cut Off)

Recently, I did an an interview with yet another You're Cut Girl girl , Pamela. She is the third girl from that show that I have interviewed. In this interview, she talks about how she had to choose her job as an Investment banker or doing this show. She also says her experience doing this show felt like a combination of a "woman's prison" and an "insane asylum" She also talks about Chrissy and that wants a You're Cut Off reunion. Follow her on  twitter visit her website

Hey Pamela, how are you doing today?

I am doing great ! It is absolutely beautiful out so I just went  for a run in central park!

How was your experience being on You're Cut Off?

Being on the show felt like a combination of being in a womans prision and an insane asylum! It was rediculious ! It was not so much the house that was terrible , but the unbeleivable personalities that occupied it ! A real prision would have been a holiday as compared to what I had to put up with lol . A lot of immaturity and a lot of bratty girls

What was like being cut off?

Begin cut off from not just my material things, but the important things like my friends, my family, my life was very hard. It was like being thrown in front of a moving train and being told to jump off the tracks before it hit you. How do you prepare for that situation ? You cant . You just have to react  as it comes towards you and hope for the best outcome . 

It really made me appreciate everything in my life so much more.

Some people do not believe that you are an Investment banker. Do you have any thoughts about that?

This whole thing with being an investment banker goes like this. I was brought in as the  Executive Assistant for a CEO . While there ,they noticed my hard work and dedication .  They asked if I had an interest in being transitioned  into the role of a banker which I accepted,  however, this was cut short due to me trying out for the show. I had to choose one or the other. Show or career. I chose to do the show. I felt it would be a good opportunity to get into entertainment . I don't regret any of it ! 

In the "inner beauty" episode you were fed up with Chrissy's attitude. Do you think she deserved to get kicked out of the program?

I was talking to one of our viewers earlier in the week about this . I think that yes, although it was really unfortunate that she was kicked off, she had it coming. You can't change someone if they aren’t willing to actively help themselves. It's all about recognizing that you have a material problem and possibly in her case a vanity problem. 

Chrissy is a good person deep at heart, but she need to come correct with herself for who she really is . Then I think she will be able to change. I do not blame Laura at all for making her leave the show.

Have you or any of the girls spoken to her since?

None of us have heard from her since she was removed from the show.

Which girls did you get along with the most?

Jackie. She was my closest friend on the show and we have since remained close. We recently went out to Tenjune NYC

Who was your favorite guest?

That fabulous guy in the very beginning of the dress for less episode. Two reasons : 1. His flamboyant style and mannerisms’ that just made me want to throw on a pair of stilettos and prance around yelling "I am fabulous!!" and 2. because he gave Chrissy a lot of crap about that damn compact which was so deserved.

What are your thoughts on Laura Baron?

I really liked Laura . She is a very sweet person with good intentions.

Do you think there will be a You're Cut Off Reunion? A Lot of the fans want to see one.

I would love to have a reunion!! It would probably be more intense then the whole season combined!  I would also like to see them do a spin on our show with all of us actually called “The Good Life! I think a lot of these girls faked about how rich they really were, so it would be interesting to see what would really happen if they did in fact give us "The Good Life" with luxury challenges to see who is full of it!  It would be comedic !

What have you been doing now since the show? Do you now get recognize by people?

Since the show I have learned to appreciate bottled wine once again and all of the "mandune" things in my life lol . I have also been enjoying my freedom  and practicing my favorite motto - Pamelicious is NOT cut off!

Yes , people do once and a while notice me . They are like " Hey aren’t you on that show'? , which is also followed by " I hated that girl Gia .  How did you live with those people?!?!"  , to which I simply replied back that " I am a chameleon and adapt to what ever environment I am placed in"

You also have a Birthday event coming up. where is it going to be at?

The big 28! I am having a birthday bash at The Mixx at the fabulous Borgata resort and spa  in Atlantic City. Everyone is welcome to come .

Thank Pam, for doing this interview. Do you want to give a shout out to anyone?

My pleasure!  Yes, I would like to shout out to all of the viewers and fans of the show. Also to the fans that have been interacting with me on my website and with me via twitter. I love all of your comments. The good and the bad! . My family for dealing with my fabulicious ways , to Mike for all of his support, Shayna for always being there for me since forever and to all of the amazing cut off staff for not killing us princesses while filming!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Terrell Owens on Lopez Tonight

Terrell Owens appeared on Lopez Tonight last night. Take a look at the video.

VH1access Interview: Melody (Frank The Entertainer.. A Basement Affair)

I finally got to do an interview with Frank The Entertainer's Melody. I've wanted to an interview ever since she was eliminated from the show. She has done a lot since the show. She is dating a cast member from the The Mole. Reality Mania will resume in September and she tells much more on what she has been up to. Follow Melody on Twitter

Vh1access : How have you been?  

Melody: My life has changed dramatically since the show.  It is absolutely wonderful right now.  I've had so much support from family, friends and fans!

Vh1access: How was your experience on Frank The Entertainer.. A Basement Affair? What made you decide to audition for the show?

Melody: I had a really good experience on the show actually.  Wouldn't change anything, even the drama was worth it.  I met some amazing people, from Frank and his family to the girls they casted and even the production team.  It has changed my life for the better.Luckily, I had a casting director who was a friend of Frank's from "I Love Money" come into my work and told me about the show.  She explained the concept and who it was I would be dating, and I thought I'd give it a shot. After the on camera audition, she called me and told me the producers loved it and I was casted for the show.  It was very exciting, but I was really nervous.  

VH1access: You were one of my favorites on the show. What do you have to say  to some people out there that saw the show and thought your nice image was "too fake"

Melody: Thank you, that is so sweet of you to say!  Well I'm lucky enough that I was able to be myself the entire show.  I never had anyone tell me to say anything or do anything that wasn't me.  If there are people out there that have a problem with a genuine girl that is always being herself no matter what the situation is, I feel sorry for them.  I was raised to always be yourself, and that person is a very happy and loving girl.  Being happy with myself allows me to wake up and go to bed being yes....happy 24/7 as Dana put it.  I'm me and never going to change for anything or anyone.  :)

VH1acces: Which girls did you got along with the most?

Melody: I didn't have a problem getting along with any of the girls, except Dana when she showed her true colors.  I've stayed in contact with everyone.  I spent time with Kerry, Cathy and Melissa at one of the charity events we did for Relay For Life and Special Needs Children in Virginia recently.  Melissa was sweet enough to let me come stay with her in Los Angeles after the event. 

VH1access: Do you still keep in touch with Frank?

Melody: Yes, as I said before I keep in touch with Frank and his brother Sal.  He is very supportive and a cool friend to have.  We still laugh about how I never yell or complain to him about anything, when we talk.  But there have been a few times, that I've vented about something that made me upset and he loved it.  Haha!! 

VH1access: Do you have anyone special in your life right now?

Melody: The most wonderful thing happened to me, thanks to the show!  While in Virginia at Spotswood High School for the Relay For Life charity event in April, I met a very special man.  His name is Alex Jacobs from "The Mole" Season 5.  I have to say that it was an instant connection.  I've since moved to Philadelphia, PA., and am lucky enough to share my life with him.  If you were to ask me before I met Alex if I thought I'd find the love of my life, I wouldn't know what to say.  But I can tell you now, that I've found the man of my dreams.  I'm the luckiest girl in the world.  

VH1access: You recently did Reality Mania, back in April. How was that?

Melody: Yes I did "Reality Mania" in Las Vegas in April.  Melissa and I are both involved with that.  We had some issues with the venue, but are in full force in September.  

You can catch "Reality Mania Reloaded" coming to you in San Antonio, Texas this September!!  It's going to be INSANE!!!  We have over a dozen VH1 Reality Girls fighting it out, and Celebrity Live Performances as well.  I will be posting the updates on my Facebook (VH1 Melody) and Twitter (VH1Melody) pages for everyone.  We have a lot coming to you guys, so be ready for some really cool events!

VH1access: You also have another upcoming event "Reality Rescue Fundraiser" in October. Can you tell us anything about that?

Melody: I'm so excited about this charity event!!  It's for Angel Dog Rescue, Inc. and there will be wine tasting, great food, a meet and greet with over 70 Reality Stars, book signings, silent auctions, live music, doggies on site to find their forever homes and much more!  If you love animals, please check out the website:

I am also involved in "Reality Rally in Temecula Valley", which is going to be April 15-17, 2011.  Please check out the website: There will be updates coming soon.

VH1access: What other projects are you planning to do? Will we see you back on TV?  

Melody: I'm fortunate enough to have an amazing Management, "Mics and Models", and Production Marketing and Media Company "Eleven11 Media Group" to keep me busy!  I also just signed with "Wilhelmina of PA, Modeling and Talent Agency" as well.  I will be doing "Reality Mania Reloaded" in San Antonio, so stay tuned!!  As well as working on my modeling and acting career, I plan on enjoying whatever life has to offer.

VH1access: Thank you so much for doing this interview? Do you want to give a shout out to anyone?

Melody: Thank you so much for allowing me to keep in touch with everyone.  This is a great opportunity to let people know what's going on in my world.  

I really want to thank all the fans that support me and the show.  It means so much that they take the time to show they care.  I hope that I can give back as much as possible.

I have been given the chance to help with different charities and I want to thank Colonel Terrific Tim, Coach Chris Dodson, April Mueller and Gillian Larson.  

Special thanks to my family, friends and loving boyfriend.  

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